ganache-core v2.13.2

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@ethersproject/abi • 5.0.0-beta.153Utilities and Classes for parsing, formatting and managing Ethereum ABIs.INDIRECT27
@ethersproject/abstract-provider • 5.7.0An Abstract Class for describing an Ethereum Provider for ethers.INDIRECT24
@ethersproject/abstract-signer • 5.7.0An Abstract Class for desribing an Ethereum Signer for ethers.INDIRECT25
@ethersproject/address • 5.7.0Utilities for handling Ethereum Addresses for ethers.INDIRECT7
@ethersproject/base64 • 5.7.0Base64 coder.INDIRECT2
@ethersproject/bignumber • 5.7.0BigNumber library used in ethers.js.INDIRECT3
@ethersproject/bytes • 5.7.0Bytes utility functions for ethers.INDIRECT1
@ethersproject/constants • 5.7.0Common Ethereum constants used for ethers.INDIRECT4
@ethersproject/hash • 5.7.0Hash utility functions for Ethereum.INDIRECT26
@ethersproject/keccak256 • 5.7.0The keccak256 hash function for ethers.INDIRECT3
@ethersproject/logger • 5.7.0Logger utility functions for ethers.INDIRECT0
@ethersproject/networks • 5.7.1Network definitions for ethers.INDIRECT1
@ethersproject/properties • 5.7.0Properties utility functions for ethers.INDIRECT1
@ethersproject/rlp • 5.7.0Recursive-Length Prefix (RLP) coder.INDIRECT2
@ethersproject/signing-key • 5.7.0Elliptic curve library functions for the secp256k1 curve.INDIRECT12
@ethersproject/strings • 5.7.0String utility functions.INDIRECT5
@ethersproject/transactions • 5.7.0Utilities for decoding and encoding Ethereum transaction for ethers.INDIRECT19
@ethersproject/web • 5.7.1Utility fucntions for managing web requests for ethers.INDIRECT8
@ljharb/resumer • 0.0.1a through stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tickINDIRECT16
@ljharb/through • 2.3.13simplified stream constructionINDIRECT15
@noble/hashes • 1.6.1Audited & minimal 0-dependency JS implementation of SHA, RIPEMD, BLAKE, HMAC, HKDF, PBKDF & ScryptINDIRECT0
@sindresorhus/is • 0.14.0Type check values: `is.string('🦄') //=> true`INDIRECT0
@sindresorhus/is • 4.6.0Type check valuesINDIRECT0
@szmarczak/http-timer • 1.1.2Timings for HTTP requestsINDIRECT1
@szmarczak/http-timer • 4.0.6Timings for HTTP requestsINDIRECT1
@types/bn.js • 4.11.6TypeScript definitions for bn.jsINDIRECT2
@types/bn.js • 5.1.6TypeScript definitions for bn.jsINDIRECT2
@types/cacheable-request • 6.0.3TypeScript definitions for cacheable-requestINDIRECT5
@types/http-cache-semantics • 4.0.4TypeScript definitions for http-cache-semanticsINDIRECT0
@types/keyv • 3.1.4TypeScript definitions for keyvINDIRECT2
@types/node • 12.20.55TypeScript definitions for Node.jsINDIRECT0
@types/node • 22.10.2TypeScript definitions for nodeINDIRECT1
@types/pbkdf2 • 3.1.2TypeScript definitions for pbkdf2INDIRECT2
@types/responselike • 1.0.3TypeScript definitions for responselikeINDIRECT2
@types/secp256k1 • 4.0.6TypeScript definitions for secp256k1INDIRECT2
abstract-leveldown • 2.6.3An abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN APIINDIRECT1
abstract-leveldown • 2.7.2An abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN APIINDIRECT1
abstract-leveldown • 3.0.0An abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN APIDIRECT1
abstract-leveldown • 5.0.0An abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN APIINDIRECT1
accepts • 1.3.8Higher-level content negotiationINDIRECT3
aes-js • 3.1.2A pure JavaScript implementation of the AES block cipher and all common modes of operation.INDIRECT0
ajv • 6.12.6Another JSON Schema ValidatorINDIRECT5
ansi-regex • 2.1.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 2.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 3.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT2
arr-diff • 4.0.0Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
arr-flatten • 1.1.0Recursively flatten an array or arrays.INDIRECT0
arr-union • 3.1.0Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
array-buffer-byte-length • 1.0.2Get the byte length of an ArrayBuffer, even in engines without a `.byteLength` method.INDIRECT17
array-flatten • 1.1.1Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat arrayINDIRECT0
array-unique • 0.3.2Remove duplicate values from an array. Fastest ES5 implementation.INDIRECT0
array.prototype.reduce • 1.0.7An ES5 spec-compliant `Array.prototype.reduce` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.INDIRECT82
arraybuffer.prototype.slice • 1.0.4ES spec-compliant shim for ArrayBuffer.prototype.sliceINDIRECT80
asn1.js • 4.10.1ASN.1 encoder and decoderINDIRECT3
asn1 • 0.2.6Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)INDIRECT1
assert-plus • 1.0.0Extra assertions on top of node's assert moduleINDIRECT0
assign-symbols • 1.0.0Assign the enumerable es6 Symbol properties from an object (or objects) to the first object passed on the arguments. Can be used as a supplement to other extend, assign or merge methods as a polyfill for the Symbols part of the es6 Object.assign method.INDIRECT0
async-eventemitter • 0.2.4Just like EventEmitter, but with support for callbacks and interuption of the listener-chainINDIRECT2
async-limiter • 1.0.1asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrencyINDIRECT0
async • 1.5.2Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous codeINDIRECT0
async • 2.6.2Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous codeDIRECT1
asynckit • 0.4.0Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams supportINDIRECT0
available-typed-arrays • 1.0.7Returns an array of Typed Array names that are available in the current environmentINDIRECT1
aws4 • 1.13.2Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4INDIRECT0
babel-code-frame • 6.26.0Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.INDIRECT9
babel-core • 6.26.3Babel compiler core.INDIRECT49
babel-generator • 6.26.1Turns an AST into code.INDIRECT14
babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor • 6.24.1Helper function to build binary assignment operator visitorsINDIRECT25
babel-helper-call-delegate • 6.24.1Helper function to call delegateINDIRECT25
babel-helper-define-map • 6.26.0Helper function to define a mapINDIRECT27
babel-helper-explode-assignable-expression • 6.24.1Helper function to explode an assignable expressionINDIRECT24
babel-helper-function-name • 6.24.1Helper function to change the property 'name' of every functionINDIRECT26
babel-helper-get-function-arity • 6.24.1Helper function to get function arityINDIRECT7
babel-helper-hoist-variables • 6.24.1Helper function to hoist variablesINDIRECT7
babel-helper-optimise-call-expression • 6.24.1Helper function to optimise call expressionINDIRECT7
babel-helper-regex • 6.26.0Helper function to check for literal RegExINDIRECT7
babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator • 6.24.1Helper function to remap async functions to generatorsINDIRECT27
babel-helper-replace-supers • 6.24.1Helper function to replace supersINDIRECT26
babel-helpers • 6.24.1Collection of helper functions used by Babel transforms.INDIRECT25
babel-messages • 6.23.0Collection of debug messages used by Babel.INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants • 6.22.0Compile ES2015 constants to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions • 6.13.0Allow parsing of async functionsINDIRECT0
babel-plugin-syntax-exponentiation-operator • 6.13.0Allow parsing of the exponentiation operatorINDIRECT0
babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas • 6.22.0Compile trailing function commas to ES5INDIRECT0
babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator • 6.24.1Turn async functions into ES2015 generatorsINDIRECT29
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions • 6.22.0Compile ES2015 arrow functions to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions • 6.22.0Babel plugin to ensure function declarations at the block level are block scopedINDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping • 6.26.0Compile ES2015 block scoping (const and let) to ES5INDIRECT25
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 classes to ES5INDIRECT30
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 computed properties to ES5INDIRECT25
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring • 6.23.0Compile ES2015 destructuring to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys • 6.24.1Compile objects with duplicate keys to valid strict ES5INDIRECT7
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of • 6.23.0Compile ES2015 for...of to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-function-name • 6.24.1Apply ES2015 semantics to all functionsINDIRECT27
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals • 6.22.0Compile ES2015 unicode string and number literals to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-amd • 6.24.1This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to AMDINDIRECT27
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs • 6.26.2This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to CommonJSINDIRECT26
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-systemjs • 6.24.1This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to SystemJSINDIRECT26
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-umd • 6.24.1This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to UMDINDIRECT28
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 object super to ES5INDIRECT27
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 default and rest parameters to ES5INDIRECT28
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 shorthand properties to ES5INDIRECT7
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread • 6.22.0Compile ES2015 spread to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 sticky regex to an ES5 RegExp constructorINDIRECT8
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-template-literals • 6.22.0Compile ES2015 template literals to ES5INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol • 6.23.0This transformer wraps all typeof expressions with a method that replicates native behaviour. (ie. returning “symbol” for symbols)INDIRECT3
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-unicode-regex • 6.24.1Compile ES2015 Unicode regex to ES5INDIRECT13
babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator • 6.24.1Compile exponentiation operator to ES5INDIRECT27
babel-plugin-transform-regenerator • 6.26.0Explode async and generator functions into a state machine.INDIRECT9
babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode • 6.24.1This plugin places a 'use strict'; directive at the top of all files to enable strict modeINDIRECT7
babel-preset-env • 1.7.0A Babel preset for each environment.INDIRECT77
babel-register • 6.26.0babel require hookINDIRECT49
babel-runtime • 6.26.0babel selfContained runtimeINDIRECT2
babel-template • 6.26.0Generate an AST from a string template.INDIRECT24
babel-traverse • 6.26.0The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodesINDIRECT23
babel-types • 6.26.0Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodesINDIRECT6
babelify • 7.3.0Babel browserify transformINDIRECT51
babylon • 6.18.0A JavaScript parserINDIRECT0
backoff • 2.5.0Fibonacci and exponential backoffs.INDIRECT1
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
base-x • 3.0.10Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabetINDIRECT1
base • 0.11.2base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable node.js applications, starting with a handful of common methods, like `set`, `get`, `del` and `use`.INDIRECT44
base64-js • 1.5.1Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JSINDIRECT0
bignumber.js • 9.1.2A library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmeticINDIRECT0
blakejs • 1.2.1Pure Javascript implementation of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s hash functionsINDIRECT0
bluebird • 3.7.2Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performanceINDIRECT0
bn.js • 4.11.6Big number implementation in pure javascriptINDIRECT0
bn.js • 4.12.1Big number implementation in pure javascriptINDIRECT0
bn.js • 5.2.1Big number implementation in pure javascriptINDIRECT0
body-parser • 1.20.3Node.js body parsing middlewareINDIRECT39
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
braces • 2.3.2Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.INDIRECT70
brorand • 1.1.0Random number generator for browsers and node.jsINDIRECT0
browserify-aes • 1.2.0aes, for browserifyINDIRECT13
browserify-cipher • 1.0.1ciphers for the browserINDIRECT17
browserify-des • 1.0.2browserify-des ===INDIRECT5
browserify-rsa • 4.1.1RSA for browserifyINDIRECT3
browserslist • 3.2.8Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-presetINDIRECT2
bs58 • 4.0.1Base 58 encoding / decodingINDIRECT2
bs58check • 2.1.2A straightforward implementation of base58-check encodingINDIRECT13
buffer-from • 1.1.2A [ponyfill]( for `Buffer.from`, uses native implementation if available.INDIRECT0
buffer-to-arraybuffer • 0.0.5Convert Buffer to ArrayBufferINDIRECT0
buffer-xor • 1.0.3A simple module for bitwise-xor on buffersINDIRECT0
buffer-xor • 2.0.2A simple module for bitwise-xor on buffersINDIRECT1
buffer • 5.7.1Node.js Buffer API, for the browserINDIRECT2
bufferutil • 4.0.8WebSocket buffer utilsINDIRECT1
bytes • 3.1.2Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versaINDIRECT0
bytewise-core • 1.2.3Binary serialization of arbitrarily complex structures that sort element-wiseINDIRECT1
bytewise • 1.1.0Binary serialization which sorts bytewise for arbirarily complex data structuresINDIRECT3
cache-base • 1.0.1Basic object cache with `get`, `set`, `del`, and `has` methods for node.js/javascript projects.INDIRECT28
cacheable-lookup • 5.0.4A cacheable dns.lookup(…) that respects the TTLINDIRECT0
cacheable-request • 6.1.0Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache supportINDIRECT14
cacheable-request • 7.0.4Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache supportINDIRECT13
cachedown • 1.0.0leveldown implementation that proxies to underlying leveldown instance with lru cacheDIRECT4
call-bind-apply-helpers • 1.0.1Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind`INDIRECT2
call-bind • 1.0.8Robustly `.call.bind()` a functionINDIRECT14
call-bound • 1.0.3Robust call-bound JavaScript intrinsics, using `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`.INDIRECT11
chalk • 1.1.3Terminal string styling done right. Much color.INDIRECT6
chalk • 2.4.2Terminal string styling done rightINDIRECT6
ci-info • 2.0.0Get details about the current Continuous Integration environmentINDIRECT0
cids • 0.7.5CID Implementation in JavaScriptINDIRECT11
cipher-base • 1.0.6abstract base class for crypto-streamsINDIRECT2
class-is • 1.1.0Enhances a JavaScript class by adding an is<Class> property to compare types between realms.INDIRECT0
class-utils • 0.3.6Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods.INDIRECT13
clone-response • 1.0.3Clone a Node.js HTTP response streamINDIRECT1
clone • 2.1.2deep cloning of objects and arraysDIRECT0
collection-visit • 1.0.0Visit a method over the items in an object, or map visit over the objects in an array.INDIRECT3
color-convert • 1.9.3Plain color conversion functionsINDIRECT1
color-name • 1.1.3A list of color names and its valuesINDIRECT0
combined-stream • 1.0.8A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.INDIRECT1
component-emitter • 1.3.1Event emitterINDIRECT0
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
concat-stream • 1.6.2writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the resultINDIRECT10
content-disposition • 0.5.4Create and parse Content-Disposition headerINDIRECT1
content-type • 1.0.5Create and parse HTTP Content-Type headerINDIRECT0
convert-source-map • 1.9.0Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties.INDIRECT0
cookie-signature • 1.0.6Sign and unsign cookiesINDIRECT0
cookie • 0.7.1HTTP server cookie parsing and serializationINDIRECT0
cookiejar • 2.1.4simple persistent cookiejar systemINDIRECT0
copy-descriptor • 0.1.1Copy a descriptor from object A to object BINDIRECT0
core-js-pure • 3.39.0Standard libraryINDIRECT0
core-js • 2.6.12Standard libraryINDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.2The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.3The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
cors • 2.8.5Node.js CORS middlewareINDIRECT2
create-ecdh • 4.0.4createECDH but browserifiableINDIRECT8
create-hash • 1.2.0create hashes for browserifyINDIRECT10
create-hmac • 1.1.7node style hmacs in the browserINDIRECT11
cross-fetch • 2.2.6Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React NativeINDIRECT5
cross-spawn • 6.0.6Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSyncINDIRECT7
crypto-browserify • 3.12.0implementation of crypto for the browserINDIRECT44
dashdash • 1.14.1A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library.INDIRECT1
data-view-buffer • 1.0.2Get the ArrayBuffer out of a DataView, robustly.INDIRECT24
data-view-byte-length • 1.0.2Get the byteLength out of a DataView, robustly.INDIRECT24
data-view-byte-offset • 1.0.1Get the byteOffset out of a DataView, robustly.INDIRECT24
debug • 2.6.9small debugging utilityINDIRECT1
debug • 3.2.6small debugging utilityDIRECT1
decode-uri-component • 0.2.2A better decodeURIComponentINDIRECT0
decompress-response • 3.3.0Decompress a HTTP response if neededINDIRECT1
decompress-response • 6.0.0Decompress a HTTP response if neededINDIRECT1
deep-equal • 1.1.2node's assert.deepEqual algorithmINDIRECT26
defer-to-connect • 1.1.3The safe way to handle the `connect` socket eventINDIRECT0
defer-to-connect • 2.0.1The safe way to handle the `connect` socket eventINDIRECT0
deferred-leveldown • 1.2.2For handling delayed-open on LevelDOWN compatible librariesINDIRECT2
deferred-leveldown • 4.0.2For handling delayed-open on LevelDOWN compatible librariesINDIRECT3
define-data-property • 1.1.4Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors.INDIRECT3
define-properties • 1.2.1Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once. Uses `Object.defineProperty` when available; falls back to standard assignment in older engines.INDIRECT6
define-property • 0.2.5Define a non-enumerable property on an object.INDIRECT5
define-property • 1.0.0Define a non-enumerable property on an object.INDIRECT5
define-property • 2.0.2Define a non-enumerable property on an object. Uses Reflect.defineProperty when available, otherwise Object.defineProperty.INDIRECT6
defined • 1.0.1return the first argument that is `!== undefined`INDIRECT0
delayed-stream • 1.0.0Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them.INDIRECT0
depd • 2.0.0Deprecate all the thingsINDIRECT0
des.js • 1.1.0DES implementationINDIRECT2
destroy • 1.2.0destroy a stream if possibleINDIRECT0
detect-indent • 4.0.0Detect the indentation of codeINDIRECT2
diffie-hellman • 5.0.3pure js diffie-hellmanINDIRECT5
dotignore • 0.1.2ignorefile/includefile matching .gitignore specINDIRECT4
dunder-proto • 1.0.1If available, the `Object.prototype.__proto__` accessor and mutator, call-boundINDIRECT4
ecc-jsbn • 0.1.2ECC JS code based on JSBNINDIRECT2
ee-first • 1.1.1return the first event in a set of ee/event pairsINDIRECT0
elliptic • 6.5.4EC cryptographyINDIRECT7
elliptic • 6.6.1EC cryptographyINDIRECT7
encodeurl • 1.0.2Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequencesINDIRECT0
encodeurl • 2.0.0Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequencesINDIRECT0
encoding-down • 5.0.4LevelDOWN wrapper supporting levelup@1 encodingsDIRECT10
encoding • 0.1.13Convert encodings, uses iconv-liteINDIRECT2
end-of-stream • 1.4.4Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed.INDIRECT2
errno • 0.1.8libuv errno details exposedINDIRECT1
es-abstract • 1.23.7ECMAScript spec abstract operations.INDIRECT80
es-array-method-boxes-properly • 1.0.0Utility package to determine if an `Array.prototype` method properly boxes the callback's receiver and third argument.INDIRECT0
es-define-property • 1.0.1`Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one.INDIRECT0
es-errors • 1.3.0A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors.INDIRECT0
es-object-atoms • 1.0.0ES Object-related atoms: Object, ToObject, RequireObjectCoercibleINDIRECT1
es-set-tostringtag • 2.0.3A helper to optimistically set Symbol.toStringTag, when possible.INDIRECT12
es-to-primitive • 1.3.0ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES2015 versions.INDIRECT18
es6-iterator • 2.0.3Iterator abstraction based on ES6 specificationINDIRECT8
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
etag • 1.8.1Create simple HTTP ETagsINDIRECT0
eth-block-tracker • 3.0.1This module walks the Ethereum blockchain, keeping track of the latest block. It uses a web3 provider as a data source and will continuously poll for the next block.INDIRECT266
eth-lib • 0.1.29Lightweight Ethereum librariesINDIRECT147
eth-lib • 0.2.8Lightweight Ethereum librariesINDIRECT31
ethereum-bloom-filters • 1.2.0Ability to test bloom filters for ethereum.INDIRECT1
ethereum-common • 0.0.18Resources common to all Ethereum implementationsINDIRECT0
ethereum-common • 0.2.0Resources common to all Ethereum implementationsINDIRECT0
ethereum-cryptography • 0.1.3All the cryptographic primitives used in EthereumINDIRECT39
ethereumjs-abi • 0.6.5Decoder and encoder for the Ethereum ABIINDIRECT43
ethereumjs-abi • 0.6.8Decoder and encoder for the Ethereum ABIDIRECT47
ethereumjs-common • 1.5.0Resources common to all Ethereum implementationsDIRECT0
ethereumjs-wallet • 0.6.5Utilities for handling Ethereum keysDIRECT51
ethjs-unit • 0.1.6A simple module for handling Ethereum units (e.g. 'ether', 'wei', etc...)INDIRECT4
ethjs-util • 0.1.6A simple set of Ethereum JS utilties.INDIRECT2
event-emitter • 0.3.5Environment agnostic event emitterINDIRECT8
eventemitter3 • 4.0.4EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface.INDIRECT0
events • 3.3.0Node's event emitter for all engines.INDIRECT0
evp_bytestokey • 1.0.3The insecure key derivation algorithm from OpenSSLINDIRECT7
expand-brackets • 2.1.4Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.INDIRECT63
express • 4.21.2Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web frameworkINDIRECT66
extend-shallow • 2.0.1Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.INDIRECT1
extend-shallow • 3.0.2Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.INDIRECT4
extend • 3.0.2Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browserINDIRECT0
extglob • 2.0.4Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.INDIRECT66
extsprintf • 1.3.0extended POSIX-style sprintfINDIRECT0
fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonifyINDIRECT0
fetch-ponyfill • 4.1.0A ponyfill (doesn't overwrite the native fetch) for the Fetch specification
fill-range • 4.0.0Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`INDIRECT7
finalhandler • 1.3.1Node.js final http responderINDIRECT8
for-each • 0.3.3A better forEachINDIRECT1
for-in • 1.0.2Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. JavaScript/Node.jsINDIRECT0
form-data • 2.3.3A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.INDIRECT5
forwarded • 0.2.0Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For headerINDIRECT0
fragment-cache • 0.2.1A cache for managing namespaced sub-cachesINDIRECT1
fresh • 0.5.2HTTP response freshness testingINDIRECT0
fs-extra • 4.0.3fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as mkdir -p, cp -r, and rm -rf.INDIRECT3
fs-extra • 7.0.1fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as mkdir -p, cp -r, and rm -rf.INDIRECT3
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0 • 1.1.8An ES2015 spec-compliant `` shimINDIRECT20
functional-red-black-tree • 1.0.1A fully persistent balanced binary search treeINDIRECT0
functions-have-names • 1.2.3Does this JS environment support the `name` property on functions?INDIRECT0
ganache-core>2.13.2>keccak • 3.0.1Keccak sponge function familyDIRECT2
ganache-core>2.13.2>node-addon-api • 2.0.2Node.js API (N-API)INDIRECT0
ganache-core>2.13.2>node-gyp-build • 4.2.3Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuildsINDIRECT0
get-intrinsic • 1.2.6Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require timeINDIRECT10
get-stream • 4.1.0Get a stream as a string, buffer, or arrayINDIRECT4
get-stream • 5.2.0Get a stream as a string, buffer, or arrayINDIRECT4
get-symbol-description • 1.1.0Gets the description of a Symbol. Handles `Symbol()` vs `Symbol('')` properly when possible.INDIRECT12
get-value • 2.0.6Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object.INDIRECT0
getpass • 0.1.7getpass for node.jsINDIRECT1
global • 4.4.0Require global variablesINDIRECT3
globals • 9.18.0Global identifiers from different JavaScript environmentsINDIRECT0
globalthis • 1.0.4ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for `globalThis`INDIRECT7
gopd • 1.2.0`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation.INDIRECT0
got • 11.8.6Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.jsINDIRECT30
got • 9.6.0Simplified HTTP requestsINDIRECT25
har-validator • 5.1.5Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON SchemaINDIRECT7
has-ansi • 2.0.0Check if a string has ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
has-bigints • 1.1.0Determine if the JS environment has BigInt support.INDIRECT0
has-flag • 3.0.0Check if argv has a specific flagINDIRECT0
has-property-descriptors • 1.0.2Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD.INDIRECT1
has-proto • 1.2.0Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`?INDIRECT5
has-symbols • 1.1.0Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.INDIRECT0
has-tostringtag • 1.0.2Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams.INDIRECT1
has-value • 0.3.1Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.INDIRECT4
has-value • 1.0.0Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.INDIRECT7
has-values • 0.1.4Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT0
has-values • 1.0.0Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT4
has • shortcutINDIRECT0
hash-base • 3.0.5abstract base class for hash-streamsINDIRECT2
hash-base • 3.1.0abstract base class for hash-streamsINDIRECT5
hash.js • 1.1.7Various hash functions that could be run by both browser and nodeINDIRECT2
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
heap • 0.2.6binary heap (priority queue) algorithms (ported from Python's heapq module)DIRECT0
hmac-drbg • 1.0.1Deterministic random bit generator (hmac)INDIRECT4
home-or-tmp • 2.0.0Get the user home directory with fallback to the system temp directoryINDIRECT2
http-errors • 2.0.0Create HTTP error objectsINDIRECT5
http-signature • 1.2.0Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme.INDIRECT15
http2-wrapper • 1.0.3HTTP2 client, just with the familiar `https` APIINDIRECT2
iconv-lite • 0.4.24Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
iconv-lite • 0.6.3Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
idna-uts46-hx • 2.3.1A UTS #46 processing algorithm for IDNA2008 stringsINDIRECT1
immediate • 3.2.3A cross browser microtask libraryINDIRECT0
immediate • 3.3.0A cross browser microtask libraryINDIRECT0
internal-slot • 1.1.0ES spec-like internal slotsINDIRECT17
invariant • 2.2.4invariantINDIRECT2
ipaddr.js • 1.9.1A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript.INDIRECT0
is-accessor-descriptor • 1.0.1Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor.INDIRECT2
is-arguments • 1.2.0Is this an arguments object? It's a harder question than you think.INDIRECT13
is-array-buffer • 3.0.5Is this value a JS ArrayBuffer?INDIRECT16
is-async-function • 2.0.0Determine if a function is a native async function.INDIRECT2
is-bigint • 1.1.0Is this value an ES BigInt?INDIRECT1
is-boolean-object • 1.2.1Is this value a JS Boolean? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT13
is-buffer • 1.1.6Determine if an object is a BufferINDIRECT0
is-callable • 1.2.7Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT0
is-ci • 2.0.0Detect if the current environment is a CI serverINDIRECT1
is-core-module • 2.16.0Is this specifier a node.js core module?INDIRECT2
is-data-descriptor • 1.0.1Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor.INDIRECT2
is-data-view • 1.0.2Is this value a JS DataView? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.INDIRECT23
is-date-object • 1.1.0Is this value a JS Date object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT13
is-descriptor • 0.1.7Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.INDIRECT4
is-descriptor • 1.0.3Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.INDIRECT4
is-extendable • 0.1.1Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended, e.g. "can the value have keys?"INDIRECT0
is-extendable • 1.0.1Returns true if a value is a plain object, array or function.INDIRECT2
is-finalizationregistry • 1.1.1Is this value a JS FinalizationRegistry? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT12
is-finite • 1.1.0ES2015 Number.isFinite() ponyfillINDIRECT0
is-fn • 1.0.0Check if a value is a functionINDIRECT0
is-function • 1.0.2is that thing a function? Use this module to find outINDIRECT0
is-generator-function • 1.0.10Determine if a function is a native generator function.INDIRECT2
is-hex-prefixed • 1.0.0A simple method to check if a string is hex prefixed.INDIRECT0
is-map • 2.0.3Is this value a JS Map? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT0
is-number-object • 1.1.1Is this value a JS Number object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT13
is-number • 3.0.0Returns true if the value is a number. comprehensive tests.INDIRECT2
is-plain-object • 2.0.4Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor.INDIRECT1
is-regex • 1.1.4Is this value a JS regex? Works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTagINDIRECT16
is-regex • 1.2.1Is this value a JS regex? Works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTagINDIRECT13
is-set • 2.0.3Is this value a JS Set? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT0
is-shared-array-buffer • 1.0.4Is this value a JS SharedArrayBuffer?INDIRECT12
is-stream • 1.1.0Check if something is a Node.js streamINDIRECT0
is-string • 1.1.1Is this value a JS String object or primitive? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT13
is-symbol • 1.1.1Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not.INDIRECT15
is-typed-array • 1.1.15Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.INDIRECT22
is-typedarray • 1.0.0Detect whether or not an object is a Typed ArrayINDIRECT0
is-weakmap • 2.0.2Is this value a JS WeakMap? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT0
is-weakref • 1.1.0Is this value a JS WeakRef? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT12
is-weakset • 2.0.4Is this value a JS WeakSet? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.INDIRECT12
is-windows • 1.0.2Returns true if the platform is windows. UMD module, works with node.js, commonjs, browser, AMD, electron, etc.INDIRECT0
isarray • 0.0.1Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isarray • 1.0.0Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isarray • 2.0.5Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isobject • 2.1.0Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.INDIRECT1
isobject • 3.0.1Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.INDIRECT0
isstream • 0.1.2Determine if an object is a StreamINDIRECT0
js-sha3 • 0.5.7A simple SHA-3 / Keccak / Shake hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.INDIRECT0
js-sha3 • 0.8.0A simple SHA-3 / Keccak / Shake hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.INDIRECT0
js-tokens • 3.0.2A regex that tokenizes JavaScript.INDIRECT0
jsbn • 0.1.1The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers.INDIRECT0
jsesc • 0.5.0A JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings while generating the shortest possible valid output.INDIRECT0
jsesc • 1.3.0A JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings while generating the shortest possible valid output.INDIRECT0
json-buffer • 3.0.0JSON parse & stringify that supports binary via bops & base64INDIRECT0
json-buffer • 3.0.1JSON parse & stringify that supports binary via bops & base64INDIRECT0
json-rpc-error • 2.0.0JSON RPC 2.0 Errors.INDIRECT1
json-schema-traverse • 0.4.1Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callbackINDIRECT0
json-stable-stringify • 1.2.0deterministic JSON.stringify() with custom sorting to get deterministic hashes from stringified resultsINDIRECT19
json5 • 0.5.1JSON for the ES5 era.INDIRECT0
jsonfile • 4.0.0Easily read/write JSON files.INDIRECT1
jsprim • 1.4.2utilities for primitive JavaScript typesINDIRECT5
keyv • 3.1.0Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backendsINDIRECT1
keyv • 4.5.4Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backendsINDIRECT1
kind-of • 3.2.2Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
kind-of • 4.0.0Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
kind-of • 6.0.3Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT0
klaw-sync • 6.0.0Recursive, synchronous, and fast file system walkerINDIRECT1
level-codec • 7.0.1Levelup's encoding logicINDIRECT0
level-codec • 9.0.2Encode keys, values and range options, with built-in or custom encodingsINDIRECT3
level-errors • 1.0.5Error types for LevelUPINDIRECT2
level-errors • 1.1.2Error types for LevelUPINDIRECT2
level-errors • 2.0.1Error types for levelupINDIRECT2
level-iterator-stream • 1.3.1Turn a leveldown iterator into a readable streamINDIRECT9
level-iterator-stream • 2.0.3Turn a leveldown iterator into a readable streamINDIRECT9
level-iterator-stream • 3.0.1Turn a leveldown iterator into a readable streamINDIRECT9
level-mem • 3.0.1A convenience package bundling LevelUP & MemDOWNINDIRECT26
level-packager • 4.0.1LevelUP package helper for distributing with a LevelDOWN-compatible back-endINDIRECT21
level-post • 1.0.7get consistent post hooks for leveldb.INDIRECT1
level-sublevel • 6.6.4partition levelup databasesDIRECT35
level-ws • 0.0.0A basic WriteStream implementation for LevelUPINDIRECT7
level-ws • 1.0.0A basic WriteStream implementation for LevelUPINDIRECT9
levelup • 1.3.9Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapperINDIRECT15
levelup • 3.1.1Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapperDIRECT15
lodash • 4.17.20Lodash modular utilities.DIRECT0
looper • 2.0.0async loops that never RangeErrorINDIRECT0
looper • 3.0.0async loops that never RangeErrorINDIRECT0
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an ASTINDIRECT1
lowercase-keys • 1.0.1Lowercase the keys of an objectINDIRECT0
lowercase-keys • 2.0.0Lowercase the keys of an objectINDIRECT0
ltgt • 2.1.3implement correct ranges for level-*INDIRECT0
ltgt • 2.2.1implement correct ranges for level-*INDIRECT0
map-cache • 0.2.2Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs.INDIRECT0
map-visit • 1.0.0Map `visit` over an array of objects.INDIRECT2
math-intrinsics • 1.1.0ES Math-related intrinsics and helpers, robustly cached.INDIRECT0
md5.js • 1.3.5node style md5 on pure JavaScriptINDIRECT6
media-typer • 0.3.0Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatterINDIRECT0
memdown • 1.4.1An drop-in replacement for LevelDOWN that works in memory onlyINDIRECT7
memdown • 3.0.0An drop-in replacement for LevelDOWN that works in memory onlyINDIRECT7
merge-descriptors • 1.0.3Merge objects using descriptorsINDIRECT0
methods • 1.1.2HTTP methods that node supportsINDIRECT0
micromatch • 3.1.10Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch.INDIRECT80
miller-rabin • 4.0.1Miller Rabin algorithm for primality testINDIRECT2
mime-db • 1.52.0Media Type DatabaseINDIRECT0
mime-types • 2.1.35The ultimate javascript content-type utility.INDIRECT1
mime • 1.6.0A comprehensive library for mime-type mappingINDIRECT0
mimic-response • 1.0.1Mimic a Node.js HTTP response streamINDIRECT0
mimic-response • 3.1.0Mimic a Node.js HTTP response streamINDIRECT0
minimalistic-crypto-utils • 1.0.1Minimalistic tools for JS crypto modulesINDIRECT0
minimist • 1.2.8parse argument optionsINDIRECT0
minizlib • 1.3.3A small fast zlib stream built on [minipass]( and Node.js's zlib binding.INDIRECT3
mixin-deep • 1.3.2Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object. Like merge-deep, but doesn't clone.INDIRECT4
mkdirp • 0.5.6Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`INDIRECT1
mkdirp • 3.0.1Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`INDIRECT0
mock-fs • 4.14.0A configurable mock file system. You know, for testing.INDIRECT0
mock-property • 1.0.3Given an object and a property, replaces a property descriptor (or deletes it), and returns a thunk to restore it.INDIRECT9
ms • 2.0.0Tiny milisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
ms • 2.1.3Tiny millisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
multibase • 0.6.1JavaScript implementation of the multibase specificationINDIRECT5
multibase • 0.7.0JavaScript implementation of the multibase specificationINDIRECT5
multicodec • 0.5.7JavaScript implementation of the multicodec specificationINDIRECT1
multicodec • 1.0.4JavaScript implementation of the multicodec specificationINDIRECT4
multihashes • 0.4.21multihash implementationINDIRECT7
nano-json-stream-parser • 0.1.2Lightweight, streamed JSON parser in 748 bytesINDIRECT0
nanomatch • 1.2.13Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)INDIRECT68
negotiator • 0.6.3HTTP content negotiationINDIRECT0
nice-try • 1.0.5Tries to execute a function and discards any error that occursINDIRECT0
node-addon-api • 5.1.0Node.js API (Node-API)INDIRECT0
node-fetch • 1.7.3A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js and io.jsINDIRECT4
node-fetch • 2.7.0A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.jsINDIRECT3
node-gyp-build • 4.8.4Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuildsINDIRECT0
normalize-url • 4.5.1Normalize a URLINDIRECT0
normalize-url • 6.1.0Normalize a URLINDIRECT0
number-to-bn • 1.7.0A simple method that will convert numbers, hex, BN or bignumber.js object into a BN.js object.INDIRECT3
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
object-copy • 0.1.0Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another.INDIRECT9
object-inspect • 1.12.3string representations of objects in node and the browserINDIRECT0
object-inspect • 1.13.3string representations of objects in node and the browserINDIRECT0
object-is • 1.1.6ES2015-compliant shim for - differentiates between -0 and +0INDIRECT17
object-keys • 0.4.0An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available. From
object-keys • 1.1.1An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available. From
object-visit • 1.0.1Call a specified method on each value in the given object.INDIRECT1
object.assign • 4.1.7ES6 spec-compliant Object.assign shim. From
object.getownpropertydescriptors • 2.1.8ES2017 spec-compliant shim for `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors` that works in ES5.INDIRECT83
object.pick • 1.3.0Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys, similar to `_.pick` from lodash / underscore.INDIRECT1
on-finished • 2.4.1Execute a callback when a request closes, finishes, or errorsINDIRECT1
os-homedir • 1.0.2Node.js 4 `os.homedir()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
os-tmpdir • 1.0.2Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfillINDIRECT0
p-cancelable • 1.1.0Create a promise that can be canceledINDIRECT0
p-cancelable • 2.1.1Create a promise that can be canceledINDIRECT0
parse-headers • 2.0.5Parse http headers, works with browserify/xhrINDIRECT0
parseurl • 1.3.3parse a url with memoizationINDIRECT0
pascalcase • 0.1.1Convert a string to pascal-case.INDIRECT0
patch-package • 6.2.2Fix broken node modules with no fussDIRECT122
path-is-absolute • 1.0.1Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfillINDIRECT0
path-key • 2.0.1Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platformINDIRECT0
path-parse • 1.0.7Node.js path.parse() ponyfillINDIRECT0
path-to-regexp • 0.1.12Express style path to RegExp utilityINDIRECT0
pbkdf2 • 3.1.2This library provides the functionality of PBKDF2 with the ability to use any supported hashing algorithm returned from crypto.getHashes()INDIRECT12
performance-now • 2.1.0Implements (based on process.hrtime).INDIRECT0
pify • 2.3.0Promisify a callback-style functionINDIRECT0
posix-character-classes • 0.1.1POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions.INDIRECT0
possible-typed-array-names • 1.0.0A simple list of possible Typed Array names.INDIRECT0
prepend-http • 2.0.0Prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like and localhostINDIRECT0
private • 0.1.8Utility for associating truly private state with any JavaScript objectINDIRECT0
process-nextick-args • 2.0.1process.nextTick but always with argsINDIRECT0
process • 0.11.10process information for node.js and browsersINDIRECT0
promise-to-callback • 1.0.0Convert promise to callback interfaceINDIRECT2
proxy-addr • 2.0.7Determine address of proxied requestINDIRECT2
prr • 1.0.1A better Object.defineProperty()INDIRECT0
psl • 1.15.0Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix ListINDIRECT1
public-encrypt • 4.0.3browserify version of publicEncrypt & privateDecryptINDIRECT24
pull-cat • 1.1.11concatenate pull-streamsINDIRECT0
pull-defer • 0.2.3a deferred source, sink or through pull-streamINDIRECT0
pull-level • 2.0.4pull-stream interface to levelupINDIRECT10
pull-live • 1.0.1construct a pull-stream for reading from a writable source, can read old records, new (live) records, or both.INDIRECT2
pull-pushable • 2.2.0pull-stream with a push interfaceINDIRECT0
pull-stream • 3.7.0minimal pull streamINDIRECT0
pull-window • 2.1.4Aggregate a pull-stream into windows.INDIRECT1
pump • 3.0.2pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closesINDIRECT3
punycode • 2.1.0A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.INDIRECT0
punycode • 2.3.1A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.INDIRECT0
query-string • 5.1.1Parse and stringify URL query stringsINDIRECT3
quick-lru • 5.1.1Simple “Least Recently Used” (LRU) cacheINDIRECT0
randombytes • 2.1.0random bytes from browserify stand aloneINDIRECT1
randomfill • 1.0.4random fill from browserify stand aloneINDIRECT2
range-parser • 1.2.1Range header field string parserINDIRECT0
raw-body • 2.5.2Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream.INDIRECT10
readable-stream • 1.0.34Streams2, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.10.xINDIRECT4
readable-stream • 1.1.14Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.11.xINDIRECT4
readable-stream • 2.3.8Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT7
readable-stream • 3.6.2Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT4
reflect.getprototypeof • 1.0.9An ES2015 mostly-spec-compliant `Reflect.getPrototypeOf` sham/polyfill/replacement that works in as many engines as possibleINDIRECT80
regenerate • 1.4.2Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions based on a given set of Unicode symbols or code points.INDIRECT0
regenerator-runtime • 0.11.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.INDIRECT0
regex-not • 1.0.2Create a javascript regular expression for matching everything except for the given string.INDIRECT7
regexp.prototype.flags • 1.5.3ES6 spec-compliant RegExp.prototype.flags shim.INDIRECT19
regexpu-core • 2.0.0regexpu’s core functionality (i.e. `rewritePattern(pattern, flag)`), capable of translating ES6 Unicode regular expressions to ES5.INDIRECT4
regjsgen • 0.2.0Generate `RegExp`s from RegJSParser’s ASTINDIRECT0
repeat-element • 1.1.4Create an array by repeating the given value n times.INDIRECT0
repeat-string • 1.6.1Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.INDIRECT0
repeating • 2.0.1Repeat a string - fastINDIRECT1
resolve-alpn • 1.2.1Detects the ALPN protocolINDIRECT0
resolve-url • 0.2.1Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser.INDIRECT0
resolve • 1.22.10resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronouslyINDIRECT5
responselike • 1.0.2A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response streamINDIRECT1
responselike • 2.0.1A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response streamINDIRECT1
ret • 0.1.15Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.INDIRECT0
ripemd160 • 2.0.2Compute ripemd160 of bytes or strings.INDIRECT6
safe-array-concat • 1.1.3`Array.prototype.concat`, but made safe by ignoring Symbol.isConcatSpreadableINDIRECT17
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.2.1Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safe-regex-test • 1.1.0Give a regex, get a robust predicate function that tests it against a string.INDIRECT14
safe-regex • 1.1.0detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressionsINDIRECT1
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
scrypt-js • 3.0.1The scrypt password-based key derivation function with sync and cancellable async.INDIRECT0
scryptsy • 1.2.1Pure JavaScript implementation of the scrypt key deriviation function that is fully compatible with Node.js and the browser.INDIRECT13
secp256k1 • 4.0.4This module provides native bindings to ecdsa secp256k1 functionsINDIRECT10
seedrandom • 3.0.1Seeded random number generator for Javascript.DIRECT0
send • 0.19.0Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET supportINDIRECT17
serve-static • 1.16.2Serve static filesINDIRECT20
servify • 0.1.12Microservices the simplest way conceivable.INDIRECT120
set-function-length • 1.2.2Set a function's length propertyINDIRECT13
set-function-name • 2.0.2Set a function's name propertyINDIRECT6
set-immediate-shim • 1.0.1Simple setImmediate shimINDIRECT0
set-value • 2.0.1Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.INDIRECT8
setimmediate • 1.0.5A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding APIINDIRECT0
shebang-command • 1.2.0Get the command from a shebangINDIRECT1
shebang-regex • 1.0.0Regular expression for matching a shebangINDIRECT0
side-channel-list • 1.0.0Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a linked listINDIRECT2
side-channel-map • 1.0.1Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a MapINDIRECT13
side-channel-weakmap • 1.0.2Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.INDIRECT14
side-channel • 1.1.0Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.INDIRECT16
simple-concat • 1.0.1Super-minimalist version of `concat-stream`. Less than 15 lines!INDIRECT0
simple-get • 2.8.2Simplest way to make http get requests. Supports HTTPS, redirects, gzip/deflate, streams in < 100 lines.INDIRECT5
slash • 1.0.0Convert Windows backslash paths to slash pathsINDIRECT0
slash • 2.0.0Convert Windows backslash paths to slash pathsINDIRECT0
snapdragon-node • 2.1.1Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code, such as plugins.INDIRECT10
snapdragon-util • 3.0.1Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler.INDIRECT2
snapdragon • 0.8.2Fast, pluggable and easy-to-use parser-renderer factory.INDIRECT56
source-map-resolve • 0.5.3Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file.INDIRECT5
source-map-support • 0.4.18Fixes stack traces for files with source mapsINDIRECT1
source-map-support • 0.5.12Fixes stack traces for files with source mapsDIRECT2
source-map-url • 0.4.1Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments.INDIRECT0
split-string • 3.1.0Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped.INDIRECT5
sshpk • 1.18.0A library for finding and using SSH public keysINDIRECT9
static-extend • 0.1.2Adds a static `extend` method to a class, to simplify inheritance. Extends the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from a `Parent` constructor onto `Child` constructors.INDIRECT10
statuses • 2.0.1HTTP status utilityINDIRECT0
stream-to-pull-stream • 1.7.3convert a stream1 or streams2 stream into a pull-streamINDIRECT2
strict-uri-encode • 1.1.0A stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986INDIRECT0
string_decoder • 0.10.31The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT0
string_decoder • 1.1.1The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
string_decoder • 1.3.0The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
string.prototype.trim • 1.2.10ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trimINDIRECT80
string.prototype.trimend • 1.0.9ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimEnd shim.INDIRECT18
string.prototype.trimstart • 1.0.8ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimStart shim.INDIRECT17
strip-ansi • 3.0.1Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
strip-hex-prefix • 1.0.0A simple method that will strip a valid hex prefix off a string, if present.INDIRECT1
supports-color • 2.0.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT0
supports-color • 5.5.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT1
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag.INDIRECT0
swarm-js • 0.1.42Swarm tools for JavaScript.INDIRECT196
tape • 4.17.0tap-producing test harness for node and browsersINDIRECT108
through2 • 2.0.5A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noiseINDIRECT9
timed-out • 4.0.1Emit `ETIMEDOUT` or `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT` when ClientRequest is hangedINDIRECT0
tmp • 0.0.33Temporary file and directory creatorINDIRECT1
tmp • 0.1.0Temporary file and directory creatorDIRECT12
to-fast-properties • 1.0.3Force V8 to use fast properties for an objectINDIRECT0
to-object-path • 0.3.0Create an object path from a list or array of strings.INDIRECT2
to-readable-stream • 1.0.0Convert a string/Buffer/Uint8Array to a readable streamINDIRECT0
to-regex-range • 2.1.1Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions.INDIRECT4
to-regex • 3.0.2Generate a regex from a string or array of strings.INDIRECT14
toidentifier • 1.0.1Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifierINDIRECT0
tr46 • 0.0.3An implementation of the Unicode TR46 specINDIRECT0
trim-right • 1.0.1Similar to String#trim() but removes only whitespace on the rightINDIRECT0
type-is • 1.6.18Infer the content-type of a request.INDIRECT3
typed-array-buffer • 1.0.3Get the ArrayBuffer out of a TypedArray, robustly.INDIRECT23
typed-array-byte-length • 1.0.3Robustly get the byte length of a Typed ArrayINDIRECT24
typed-array-byte-offset • 1.0.4Robustly get the byte offset of a Typed ArrayINDIRECT80
typed-array-length • 1.0.7Robustly get the length of a Typed ArrayINDIRECT80
typedarray-to-buffer • 3.1.5Convert a typed array to a Buffer without a copyINDIRECT1
typedarray • 0.0.6TypedArray polyfill for old browsersINDIRECT0
typewise-core • 1.2.0Core typewise type system functionalityINDIRECT0
typewise • 1.0.3Typewise-structured sorting for arbitrarily complex data structuresINDIRECT1
typewiselite • 1.0.0comparison for sensible javascript objectsINDIRECT0
ultron • 1.1.1Ultron is high-intelligence robot. It gathers intel so it can start improving upon his rudimentary designINDIRECT0
unbox-primitive • 1.1.0Unbox a boxed JS primitive value.INDIRECT22
underscore • 1.9.1JavaScript's functional programming helper library.INDIRECT0
undici-types • 6.20.0A stand-alone types package for UndiciINDIRECT0
union-value • 1.0.1Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation.INDIRECT11
universalify • 0.1.2Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks.INDIRECT0
unpipe • 1.0.0Unpipe a stream from all destinationsINDIRECT0
unset-value • 1.0.0Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation.INDIRECT6
urix • 0.1.0Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly.INDIRECT0
url-parse-lax • 3.0.0Lax url.parse() with support for protocol-less URLs & IPsINDIRECT1
url-set-query • 1.0.0small function to append a query string to a URLINDIRECT0
use • 3.1.1Easily add plugin support to your node.js application.INDIRECT0
utf-8-validate • 5.0.10Check if a buffer contains valid UTF-8INDIRECT1
utf8 • 3.0.0A well-tested UTF-8 encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.INDIRECT0
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser supportINDIRECT0
util.promisify • 1.1.3Polyfill/shim for util.promisify in node versions < v8INDIRECT84
utils-merge • 1.0.1merge() utility functionINDIRECT0
uuid • 3.3.2RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsINDIRECT0
uuid • 3.4.0RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsINDIRECT0
varint • 5.0.2protobuf-style varint bytes - use msb to create integer values of varying sizesINDIRECT0
vary • 1.1.2Manipulate the HTTP Vary headerINDIRECT0
verror • 1.10.0richer JavaScript errorsINDIRECT3
web3-provider-engine • 14.2.1[![Greenkeeper badge](](
whatwg-fetch • 2.0.4A window.fetch polyfill.INDIRECT0
whatwg-url • 5.0.0An implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard's URL API and parsing machineryINDIRECT2
which-boxed-primitive • 1.1.1Which kind of boxed JS primitive is this?INDIRECT21
which-builtin-type • 1.2.1What is the type of this builtin JS value?INDIRECT46
which-collection • 1.0.2Which kind of Collection (Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet) is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag.INDIRECT16
which-typed-array • 1.1.18Which kind of Typed Array is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag.INDIRECT21
ws • 3.3.3Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.jsINDIRECT3
ws • 5.2.4Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.jsINDIRECT1
xhr-request-promise • 0.1.3Thin wrapper on top of [this]( to use Promise instead of callbacks.INDIRECT22
xhr-request • 1.1.0tiny http client for Node and the browserINDIRECT21
xhr • 2.6.0small xhr abstractionINDIRECT7
xhr2-cookies • 1.1.0XMLHttpRequest polyfill for node.jsINDIRECT1
xtend • 2.1.2extend like a bossINDIRECT1
xtend • 4.0.2extend like a bossINDIRECT0
yaeti • 0.0.6Yet Another EventTarget ImplementationINDIRECT0
bip39 • 2.5.0Bitcoin BIP39: Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keysDIRECT15
browserify-sign • 4.2.3adds node crypto signing for browsersINDIRECT35
checkpoint-store • 1.1.0In-memory key-value store with history! Keys are strings, values are any type.INDIRECT1
chownr • 1.1.4like `chown -R`INDIRECT0
content-hash • 2.5.2simple tool to encode/decode content hash for EIP 1577 compliant ENS ResolversINDIRECT13
d • 1.0.2Property descriptor factoryINDIRECT8
electron-to-chromium • 1.5.75Provides a list of electron-to-chromium version mappingsINDIRECT0
es5-ext • 0.10.64ECMAScript extensions and shimsINDIRECT8
es6-symbol • 3.1.4ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfillINDIRECT8
esniff • 2.0.1Low footprint ECMAScript source code parserINDIRECT8
eth-ens-namehash • 2.0.8A simple module for generating ENS namehashes per spec
eth-json-rpc-infura • 3.2.1`json-rpc-engine` middleware for infura's REST endpoints.INDIRECT330
eth-json-rpc-middleware • 1.6.0INDIRECT323
eth-query • 2.1.2like web3 but for minimalistsINDIRECT2
eth-sig-util • 1.4.2A few useful functions for signing ethereum dataINDIRECT46
eth-sig-util • 3.0.0A few useful functions for signing ethereum dataDIRECT53
eth-tx-summary • 3.2.4replay a historical tx using a web3 provider as a data sourceINDIRECT105
ext • 1.7.0JavaScript utilities with respect to emerging standardINDIRECT1
fake-merkle-patricia-tree • 1.0.1You want Ethereum's [merkle-patricia tree](, but you don't care about the stateRoot. Fake it! And reap the optimization benefits.INDIRECT2
flow-stoplight • 1.0.0A simple flow control mechanism.INDIRECT0
fs-minipass • 1.2.7fs read and write streams based on minipassINDIRECT3
fs.realpath • 1.0.0Use node's fs.realpath, but fall back to the JS implementation if the native one failsINDIRECT0
glob • 7.2.3a little globberINDIRECT10
graceful-fs • 4.2.11A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
har-schema • 2.0.0JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR)INDIRECT0
http-https • 1.0.0A wrapper that chooses http or https for requestsINDIRECT0
inflight • 1.0.6Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplicationINDIRECT2
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
isexe • 2.0.0Minimal module to check if a file is executable.INDIRECT0
json-rpc-engine • 3.8.0a tool for processing JSON RPCINDIRECT112
json-rpc-random-id • 1.0.1Generates an id useable in json rpc payloads.INDIRECT0
json-stringify-safe • 5.0.1Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 3.2.0A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT1
lru-cache • 5.1.1A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.DIRECT1
minimalistic-assert • 1.0.1minimalistic-assert ===INDIRECT0
minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
minipass • 2.9.0minimal implementation of a PassThrough streamINDIRECT2
mkdirp-promise • 5.0.1Promise version of mkdirpINDIRECT1
next-tick • 1.1.0Environment agnostic nextTick polyfillINDIRECT0
once • 1.4.0Run a function exactly one timeINDIRECT1
parse-asn1 • 5.1.7utility library for parsing asn1 files for use with browserify-sign.INDIRECT20
pseudomap • 1.0.2A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators, for use in environments where `for..of` syntax and `Map` are not available.INDIRECT0
rimraf • 2.7.1A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)INDIRECT11
safe-event-emitter • 1.0.1An `EventEmitter` that isolates the emitter from errors in handlers. If an error is thrown in a handler it is caught and re-thrown inside of a `setTimeout` so as to not interupt the emitter's code flow.INDIRECT1
semver • 5.4.1The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
semver • 5.7.2The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
setprototypeof • 1.2.0A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeofINDIRECT0
tar • 4.4.19tar for nodeINDIRECT8
type • 2.7.3Runtime validation and processing of JavaScript typesINDIRECT0
which • 1.3.1Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.INDIRECT1
wrappy • 1.0.2Callback wrapping utilityINDIRECT0
yallist • 3.1.1Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
web3-bzz • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with the Swarm network.INDIRECT215
web3-core-helpers • 1.2.11Web3 core tools helper for sub packages. This is an internal package.INDIRECT45
web3-core-method • 1.2.11Creates the methods on the web3 modules. This is an internal package.INDIRECT62
web3-core-promievent • 1.2.11This package extends the EventEmitter with the Promise class to allow chaining as well as multiple final states of a function.INDIRECT1
web3-core-requestmanager • 1.2.11Web3 module to handle requests to external providers.INDIRECT72
web3-core-subscriptions • 1.2.11Manages web3 subscriptions. This is an internal package.INDIRECT47
web3-core • 1.2.11Web3 core tools for sub-packages. This is an internal package.INDIRECT94
web3-eth-abi • 1.2.11Web3 module encode and decode EVM in/output.INDIRECT65
web3-eth-accounts • 1.2.11Web3 module to generate Ethereum accounts and sign data and transactions.INDIRECT149
web3-eth-contract • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with Ethereum smart contracts.INDIRECT104
web3-eth-ens • 1.2.11ENS support for web3.INDIRECT122
web3-eth-iban • 1.2.11This package converts Ethereum addresses to IBAN addresses a vice versa.INDIRECT44
web3-eth-personal • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain accounts stored in the node.INDIRECT96
web3-eth • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.INDIRECT179
web3-net • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum nodes networking properties.INDIRECT95
web3-providers-http • 1.2.11Module to handle web3 RPC connections over HTTP.INDIRECT48
web3-providers-ipc • 1.2.11Module to handle web3 RPC connections over IPC sockets.INDIRECT48
web3-providers-ws • 1.2.11Module to handle web3 RPC connections over WebSockets.INDIRECT65
web3-shh • 1.2.11Web3 module to interact with the Whisper messaging protocol.INDIRECT96
web3-utils • 1.2.11Collection of utility functions used in web3.js.INDIRECT43
web3 • 1.2.11Ethereum JavaScript APIDIRECT353
ethashjs • 0.0.8an ethash implementation in JSINDIRECT48
ethereumjs-account • 2.0.5Encoding, decoding and validation of Ethereum's Account schemaINDIRECT46
ethereumjs-account • 3.0.0Encoding, decoding and validation of Ethereum's Account schemaDIRECT47
ethereumjs-block • 1.7.1Provides Block serialization and help functionsINDIRECT83
ethereumjs-block • 2.2.2Provides Block serialization and help functionsDIRECT84
ethereumjs-blockchain • 4.0.4A module to store and interact with blocksINDIRECT107
ethereumjs-tx • 1.3.7An simple module for creating, manipulating and signing ethereum transactionsINDIRECT47
ethereumjs-tx • 2.1.2A simple module for creating, manipulating and signing Ethereum transactionsDIRECT48
ethereumjs-util • 4.5.1a collection of utility functions for EthereumINDIRECT42
ethereumjs-util • 5.2.1a collection of utility functions for EthereumINDIRECT45
ethereumjs-util • 6.2.1a collection of utility functions for EthereumDIRECT46
ethereumjs-util • 7.1.5A collection of utility functions for EthereumINDIRECT43
ethereumjs-vm • 2.6.0An Ethereum VM implementationINDIRECT90
ethereumjs-vm • 4.2.0An Ethereum VM implementationDIRECT199
merkle-patricia-tree • 2.3.2This is an implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as speficed in the Ethereum's yellow paper.INDIRECT77
merkle-patricia-tree • 3.0.0This is an implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as specified in the Ethereum's yellow paper.DIRECT75
rlp • 2.2.7Recursive Length Prefix Encoding ModuleINDIRECT1
aws-sign2 • 0.7.0AWS signing. Originally pulled from LearnBoost/knox, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
caseless • 0.12.0Caseless object set/get/has, very useful when working with HTTP headers.INDIRECT0
find-yarn-workspace-root • 1.2.1Algorithm for finding the root of a yarn workspace, extracted from yarnpkg.comINDIRECT85
forever-agent • 0.6.1HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
oauth-sign • 0.9.0OAuth 1 signing. Formerly a vendor lib in mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
request • 2.88.2Simplified HTTP request client.INDIRECT46
tunnel-agent • 0.6.0HTTP proxy tunneling agent. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT1
websocket • 1.0.32Websocket Client & Server Library implementing the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.DIRECT17
bcrypt-pbkdf • 1.0.2Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JSINDIRECT1
duplexer3 • 0.1.5Like duplexer but using streams3INDIRECT0
ieee754 • 1.2.1Read/write IEEE754 floating point numbers from/to a Buffer or array-like objectINDIRECT0
qs • 6.13.0A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitINDIRECT17
qs • 6.5.3A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitINDIRECT0
source-map • 0.5.7Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
source-map • 0.6.1Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
tough-cookie • 2.5.0RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for node.jsINDIRECT2
@yarnpkg/lockfile • 1.1.0The parser/stringifier for Yarn lockfiles.INDIRECT0
esutils • 2.0.3utility box for ECMAScript language toolsINDIRECT0
http-cache-semantics • 4.1.1Parses Cache-Control and other headers. Helps building correct HTTP caches and proxiesINDIRECT0
uri-js • 4.4.1An RFC 3986/3987 compliant, scheme extendable URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript.INDIRECT1
webidl-conversions • 3.0.1Implements the WebIDL algorithms for converting to and from JavaScript valuesINDIRECT0
jsonify • 0.0.1JSON without touching any globalsINDIRECT0
oboe • 2.1.4Oboe.js reads json, giving you the objects as they are found without waiting for the stream to finishINDIRECT1
regenerator-transform • 0.10.1Explode async and generator functions into a state machine.INDIRECT8
regjsparser • 0.1.5Parsing the JavaScript's RegExp in JavaScript.INDIRECT1
unorm • 1.6.0JavaScript Unicode 8.0 Normalization - NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD. Read <> UAX #15 Unicode Normalization Forms.INDIRECT0
dom-walk • 0.1.2iteratively walk a DOM nodeINDIRECT0
min-document • 2.19.0A minimal DOM implementationINDIRECT1
precond • 0.2.3Precondition checking utilities.INDIRECT0
semaphore • 1.1.0semaphore for nodeINDIRECT0
tweetnacl-util • 0.15.1String encoding utilitlies extracted from TweetNaCl.jsINDIRECT0
tweetnacl • 0.14.5Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScriptINDIRECT0
tweetnacl • 1.0.3Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScriptINDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR MIT2
atob • 2.1.2atob for Node.JS and Linux / Mac / Windows CLI (it's a one-liner)INDIRECT0
rustbn.js • 0.2.0Javascript bindings for (using asm.js)INDIRECT0
BSD-3-Clause AND MIT1
sha.js • 2.4.11Streamable SHA hashes in pure javascriptINDIRECT2
AFL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause1
json-schema • 0.4.0JSON Schema validation and specificationsINDIRECT0
caniuse-lite • 1.0.30001690A smaller version of caniuse-db, with only the essentials!INDIRECT0
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