@babel/code-frame • 7.26.2 Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations. INDIRECT 3 1730310371 @babel/compat-data • 7.26.8 The compat-data to determine required Babel plugins INDIRECT 0 1739008761 @babel/core • 7.26.10 Babel compiler core. DIRECT 38 1741715716 @babel/generator • 7.26.10 Turns an AST into code. INDIRECT 10 1741715711 @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure • 7.25.9 Helper function to annotate paths and nodes with #__PURE__ comment INDIRECT 3 1729610476 @babel/helper-compilation-targets • 7.26.5 Helper functions on Babel compilation targets INDIRECT 12 1736529110 @babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin • 7.26.9 Compile class public and private fields, private methods and decorators to ES6 INDIRECT 25 1739533691 @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin • 7.26.3 Compile ESNext Regular Expressions to ES5 INDIRECT 15 1733315734 @babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider • 0.6.3 Babel helper to create your own polyfill provider INDIRECT 23 1731351012 @babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions • 7.25.9 Helper function to replace certain member expressions with function calls INDIRECT 19 1729610492 @babel/helper-module-imports • 7.25.9 Babel helper functions for inserting module loads INDIRECT 19 1729610492 @babel/helper-module-transforms • 7.26.0 Babel helper functions for implementing ES6 module transformations INDIRECT 20 1729863006 @babel/helper-optimise-call-expression • 7.25.9 Helper function to optimise call expression INDIRECT 3 1729610477 @babel/helper-plugin-utils • 7.26.5 General utilities for plugins to use INDIRECT 0 1736529106 @babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator • 7.25.9 Helper function to remap async functions to generators INDIRECT 21 1729610497 @babel/helper-replace-supers • 7.26.5 Helper function to replace supers INDIRECT 21 1736529118 @babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers • 7.25.9 Helper which skips types and parentheses INDIRECT 19 1729610493 @babel/helper-string-parser • 7.25.9 A utility package to parse strings INDIRECT 0 1729610436 @babel/helper-validator-identifier • 7.25.9 Validate identifier/keywords name INDIRECT 0 1729610436 @babel/helper-validator-option • 7.25.9 Validate plugin/preset options INDIRECT 0 1729610439 @babel/helper-wrap-function • 7.25.9 Helper to wrap functions inside a function call. INDIRECT 19 1729610494 @babel/helpers • 7.26.10 Collection of helper functions used by Babel transforms. INDIRECT 8 1741715710 @babel/parser • 7.26.10 A JavaScript parser INDIRECT 3 1741715709 @babel/plugin-bugfix-firefox-class-in-computed-class-key • 7.25.9 Wraps classes defined in computed keys of other classes affected by https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1887677 INDIRECT 20 1729610493 @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-class-field-initializer-scope • 7.25.9 Wrap class field initializers with IIFE to workaround https://webkit.org/b/236843 INDIRECT 1 1729610443 @babel/plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression • 7.25.9 Rename destructuring parameter to workaround https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=220517 INDIRECT 1 1729610444 @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining • 7.25.9 Transform optional chaining operators to workaround https://crbug.com/v8/11558 INDIRECT 22 1729610503 @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly • 7.25.9 Transform static class fields assignments that are affected by https://crbug.com/v8/12421 INDIRECT 20 1729610495 @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties • 7.12.1 This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax DIRECT 27 1602801722 @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object • 7.21.0-placeholder-for-preset-env.2 This plugin transforms checks for a private property in an object INDIRECT 0 1686222840 @babel/plugin-syntax-flow • 7.26.0 Allow parsing of the flow syntax INDIRECT 1 1729863008 @babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions • 7.26.0 Allow parsing of the module assertion attributes in the import statement INDIRECT 1 1729863008 @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes • 7.26.0 Allow parsing of the module attributes in the import statement INDIRECT 1 1729863009 @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta • 7.10.4 Allow parsing of import.meta DIRECT 1 1593522706 @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx • 7.25.9 Allow parsing of jsx DIRECT 1 1729610454 @babel/plugin-syntax-unicode-sets-regex • 7.18.6 Parse regular expressions' unicodeSets (v) flag. INDIRECT 17 1656359425 @babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 arrow functions to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610457 @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions • 7.26.8 Turn async generator functions into ES2015 generators INDIRECT 23 1739008772 @babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator • 7.25.9 Turn async functions into ES2015 generators INDIRECT 24 1729610505 @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions • 7.26.5 Babel plugin to ensure function declarations at the block level are block scoped INDIRECT 1 1736529110 @babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 block scoping (const and let) to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610458 @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax INDIRECT 27 1729610510 @babel/plugin-transform-class-static-block • 7.26.0 Transform class static blocks INDIRECT 27 1729863009 @babel/plugin-transform-classes • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 classes to ES5 INDIRECT 36 1729610506 @babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 computed properties to ES5 INDIRECT 9 1729610486 @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 destructuring to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610459 @babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex • 7.25.9 Compile regular expressions using the `s` (`dotAll`) flag to ES5. INDIRECT 17 1729610486 @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys • 7.25.9 Compile objects with duplicate keys to valid strict ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610459 @babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex • 7.25.9 Compile regular expressions using duplicate named groups to index-based groups. INDIRECT 17 1729610488 @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import • 7.25.9 Transform import() expressions INDIRECT 1 1729610460 @babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator • 7.26.3 Compile exponentiation operator to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1733315734 @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from • 7.25.9 Compile export namespace to ES2015 INDIRECT 1 1729610460 @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types • 7.26.5 Strip flow type annotations from your output code. DIRECT 2 1736529110 @babel/plugin-transform-for-of • 7.26.9 Compile ES2015 for...of to ES5 INDIRECT 21 1739533680 @babel/plugin-transform-function-name • 7.25.9 Apply ES2015 function.name semantics to all functions INDIRECT 32 1729610495 @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings • 7.25.9 Escape U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR and U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR in JS strings INDIRECT 1 1729610462 @babel/plugin-transform-literals • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 unicode string and number literals to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610462 @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators • 7.25.9 Transforms logical assignment operators into short-circuited assignments INDIRECT 1 1729610463 @babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals • 7.25.9 Ensure that reserved words are quoted in property accesses INDIRECT 1 1729610464 @babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to AMD INDIRECT 22 1729610506 @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs • 7.26.3 This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to CommonJS INDIRECT 22 1733315735 @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to SystemJS INDIRECT 22 1729610507 @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms ES2015 modules to UMD INDIRECT 22 1729610508 @babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex • 7.25.9 Compile regular expressions using named groups to ES5. INDIRECT 17 1729610487 @babel/plugin-transform-new-target • 7.25.9 Transforms new.target meta property INDIRECT 1 1729610464 @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator • 7.26.6 Remove nullish coalescing operator INDIRECT 1 1736790547 @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator • 7.25.9 Remove numeric separators from Decimal, Binary, Hex and Octal literals INDIRECT 1 1729610465 @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread • 7.25.9 Compile object rest and spread to ES5 INDIRECT 15 1729610480 @babel/plugin-transform-object-super • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 object super to ES5 INDIRECT 23 1729610508 @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding • 7.25.9 Compile optional catch bindings INDIRECT 1 1729610466 @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining • 7.25.9 Transform optional chaining operators into a series of nil checks INDIRECT 21 1729610501 @babel/plugin-transform-parameters • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 default and rest parameters to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610466 @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms private class methods INDIRECT 27 1729610511 @babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object • 7.25.9 This plugin transforms checks for a private property in an object INDIRECT 27 1729610512 @babel/plugin-transform-property-literals • 7.25.9 Ensure that reserved words are quoted in object property keys INDIRECT 1 1729610467 @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name • 7.25.9 Add displayName to React.createClass calls INDIRECT 1 1729610469 @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development • 7.25.9 Turn JSX into React function calls in development INDIRECT 24 1729610508 @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx • 7.25.9 Turn JSX into React function calls DIRECT 23 1729610501 @babel/plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations • 7.25.9 Mark top-level React method calls as pure for tree shaking INDIRECT 5 1729610482 @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator • 7.25.9 Explode async and generator functions into a state machine. DIRECT 4 1729610470 @babel/plugin-transform-regexp-modifiers • 7.26.0 Compile inline regular expression modifiers INDIRECT 17 1729863010 @babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words • 7.25.9 Ensure that no reserved words are used. INDIRECT 1 1729610471 @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 shorthand properties to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610471 @babel/plugin-transform-spread • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 spread to ES5 INDIRECT 21 1729610501 @babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 sticky regex to an ES5 RegExp constructor INDIRECT 1 1729610472 @babel/plugin-transform-template-literals • 7.26.8 Compile ES2015 template literals to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1739008763 @babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol • 7.26.7 This transformer wraps all typeof expressions with a method that replicates native behaviour. (ie. returning “symbol” for symbols) INDIRECT 1 1737731093 @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 Unicode escapes to ES5 INDIRECT 1 1729610474 @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex • 7.25.9 Compile Unicode property escapes in Unicode regular expressions to ES5. INDIRECT 17 1729610489 @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex • 7.25.9 Compile ES2015 Unicode regex to ES5 INDIRECT 17 1729610489 @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-sets-regex • 7.25.9 Compile regular expressions' unicodeSets (v) flag. INDIRECT 17 1729610489 @babel/preset-env • 7.26.9 A Babel preset for each environment. DIRECT 129 1739533685 @babel/preset-flow • 7.25.9 Babel preset for all Flow plugins. DIRECT 4 1729610483 @babel/preset-modules • 0.1.6-no-external-plugins A Babel preset that targets modern browsers by fixing engine bugs. INDIRECT 5 1689960984 @babel/preset-react • 7.26.3 Babel preset for all React plugins. DIRECT 28 1733315735 @babel/runtime • 7.26.10 babel's modular runtime helpers INDIRECT 1 1741715705 @babel/template • 7.26.9 Generate an AST from a string template. INDIRECT 7 1739533687 @babel/traverse • 7.26.10 The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodes INDIRECT 18 1741715714 @babel/types • 7.26.10 Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes INDIRECT 2 1741715707 @jridgewell/gen-mapping • 0.3.8 Generate source maps INDIRECT 4 1733944203 @jridgewell/resolve-uri • 3.1.2 Resolve a URI relative to an optional base URI INDIRECT 0 1707939158 @jridgewell/set-array • 1.2.1 Like a Set, but provides the index of the `key` in the backing array INDIRECT 0 1709186612 @jridgewell/source-map • 0.3.6 Packages @jridgewell/trace-mapping and @jridgewell/gen-mapping into the familiar source-map API INDIRECT 5 1710213851 @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec • 1.5.0 Encode/decode sourcemap mappings INDIRECT 0 1720553292 @jridgewell/trace-mapping • 0.3.25 Trace the original position through a source map INDIRECT 2 1709362371 @rollup/plugin-alias • 3.1.9 Define and resolve aliases for bundle dependencies DIRECT 1 1640919061 @rollup/plugin-babel • 5.3.1 Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel. DIRECT 24 1645569448 @rollup/plugin-commonjs • 17.1.0 Convert CommonJS modules to ES2015 DIRECT 26 1611930461 @rollup/plugin-json • 4.1.0 Convert .json files to ES6 modules DIRECT 4 1591365004 @rollup/plugin-node-resolve • 11.2.1 Locate and bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules DIRECT 16 1616784265 @rollup/pluginutils • 3.1.0 A set of utility functions commonly used by Rollup plugins INDIRECT 3 1591365104 @rollup/pluginutils • 4.2.1 A set of utility functions commonly used by Rollup plugins INDIRECT 2 1649875949 @types/estree • 0.0.39 TypeScript definitions for ESTree AST specification INDIRECT 0 1523996579 @types/node • 22.13.10 TypeScript definitions for node INDIRECT 1 1741417388 @types/parse-json • 4.0.2 TypeScript definitions for parse-json INDIRECT 0 1699360513 @types/resolve • 1.17.1 TypeScript definitions for resolve INDIRECT 2 1589327978 acorn • 8.14.1 ECMAScript parser INDIRECT 0 1741179202 ansi-regex • 2.1.1 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1484363379 ansi-regex • 5.0.1 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1631634919 ansi-styles • 2.2.1 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 0 1459197318 ansi-styles • 4.3.0 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 2 1601839105 array-buffer-byte-length • 1.0.2 Get the byte length of an ArrayBuffer, even in engines without a `.byteLength` method. INDIRECT 18 1734657717 arraybuffer.prototype.slice • 1.0.4 ES spec-compliant shim for ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice INDIRECT 85 1734299780 async-function • 1.0.0 A function that returns the normally hidden `AsyncFunction` constructor INDIRECT 0 1737602154 async • 3.2.6 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code INDIRECT 0 1724109863 asyncro • 3.0.0 Asynchronous Array Utilities (for await) DIRECT 0 1516660438 autoprefixer • 10.4.21 Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website DIRECT 10 1741526844 available-typed-arrays • 1.0.7 Returns an array of Typed Array names that are available in the current environment INDIRECT 1 1708386870 babel-plugin-macros • 3.1.0 Allows you to build compile-time libraries DIRECT 25 1620233379 babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 • 0.4.12 A Babel plugin to inject imports to core-js@2 polyfills INDIRECT 24 1731351013 babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 • 0.11.1 A Babel plugin to inject imports to core-js@3 polyfills INDIRECT 25 1737718711 babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator • 0.6.3 A Babel plugin to inject imports to regenerator-runtime INDIRECT 24 1731351014 babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises • 0.8.18 Transform async/await to promise chains DIRECT 0 1640789692 babel-plugin-transform-replace-expressions • 0.2.0 Replace JavaScript expressions with other expressions DIRECT 4 1552346631 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 brace-expansion • 2.0.1 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 1 1614010693 brotli-size • 4.0.0 Get the brotli compressed size of a string or buffer DIRECT 1 1565304051 browserslist • 4.24.4 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset INDIRECT 6 1736336671 buffer-from • 1.1.2 A [ponyfill](https://ponyfill.com) for `Buffer.from`, uses native implementation if available. INDIRECT 0 1627578333 builtin-modules • 3.3.0 List of the Node.js builtin modules DIRECT 0 1652341713 call-bind-apply-helpers • 1.0.2 Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind` INDIRECT 2 1739388296 call-bind • 1.0.8 Robustly `.call.bind()` a function INDIRECT 15 1733462354 call-bound • 1.0.4 Robust call-bound JavaScript intrinsics, using `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`. INDIRECT 12 1741024203 callsites • 3.1.0 Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API INDIRECT 0 1554551850 camelcase • 6.3.0 Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar` DIRECT 0 1641068974 caniuse-api • 3.0.0 request the caniuse data to check browsers compatibilities INDIRECT 9 1531236253 chalk • 1.1.3 Terminal string styling done right. Much color. INDIRECT 6 1459210604 chalk • 4.1.2 Terminal string styling done right INDIRECT 5 1627646572 color-convert • 2.0.1 Plain color conversion functions INDIRECT 1 1566248736 color-name • 1.1.4 A list of color names and its values INDIRECT 0 1537526936 colord • 2.9.3 👑 A tiny yet powerful tool for high-performance color manipulations and conversions INDIRECT 0 1660139532 commander • 2.20.3 the complete solution for node.js command-line programs INDIRECT 0 1570772424 commander • 7.2.0 the complete solution for node.js command-line programs INDIRECT 0 1616363776 commondir • 1.0.1 compute the closest common parent for file paths INDIRECT 0 1426292101 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 convert-source-map • 2.0.0 Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties. INDIRECT 0 1666044408 core-js-compat • 3.41.0 core-js compat INDIRECT 7 1740848181 cosmiconfig • 7.1.0 Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, or CommonJS module INDIRECT 16 1668262710 css-tree • 1.1.3 A tool set for CSS: fast detailed parser (CSS → AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST → CSS) and lexer (validation and matching) based on specs and browser implementations INDIRECT 2 1617191588 cssesc • 3.0.0 A JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers while generating the shortest possible ASCII-only output. INDIRECT 0 1549298060 cssnano-preset-default • 5.2.14 Safe defaults for cssnano which require minimal configuration. INDIRECT 63 1676496318 cssnano-utils • 3.1.0 Utility methods and plugin for cssnano projects INDIRECT 0 1646160894 cssnano • 5.1.15 A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem. INDIRECT 66 1676496319 csso • 4.2.0 CSS minifier with structural optimisations INDIRECT 3 1606410612 data-view-buffer • 1.0.2 Get the ArrayBuffer out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734670393 data-view-byte-length • 1.0.2 Get the byteLength out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734670655 data-view-byte-offset • 1.0.1 Get the byteOffset out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734587960 debug • 4.4.0 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser INDIRECT 1 1733488366 deepmerge • 4.3.1 A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects INDIRECT 0 1679007536 define-data-property • 1.1.4 Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors. INDIRECT 3 1707843362 define-lazy-prop • 2.0.0 Define a lazily evaluated property on an object INDIRECT 0 1554885465 define-properties • 1.2.1 Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once. Uses `Object.defineProperty` when available; falls back to standard assignment in older engines. INDIRECT 6 1694585113 dom-serializer • 1.4.1 render domhandler DOM nodes to a string INDIRECT 3 1649524771 dunder-proto • 1.0.1 If available, the `Object.prototype.__proto__` accessor and mutator, call-bound INDIRECT 4 1734401567 duplexer • 0.1.1 Creates a duplex stream INDIRECT 0 1366997971 duplexer • 0.1.2 Creates a duplex stream INDIRECT 0 1597220839 emoji-regex • 8.0.0 A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard. INDIRECT 0 1551812303 error-ex • 1.3.2 Easy error subclassing and stack customization INDIRECT 1 1529389232 es-abstract • 1.23.9 ECMAScript spec abstract operations. INDIRECT 85 1735840596 es-define-property • 1.0.1 `Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one. INDIRECT 0 1733508962 es-errors • 1.3.0 A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors. INDIRECT 0 1707120351 es-object-atoms • 1.1.1 ES Object-related atoms: Object, ToObject, RequireObjectCoercible INDIRECT 1 1736901763 es-set-tostringtag • 2.1.0 A helper to optimistically set Symbol.toStringTag, when possible. INDIRECT 13 1735793054 es-to-primitive • 1.3.0 ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES2015 versions. INDIRECT 19 1732646187 escalade • 3.2.0 A tiny (183B to 210B) and fast utility to ascend parent directories INDIRECT 0 1724972376 escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1456059317 escape-string-regexp • 4.0.0 Escape RegExp special characters DIRECT 0 1587627085 estree-walker • 0.6.1 Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST INDIRECT 0 1558981254 estree-walker • 1.0.1 Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST INDIRECT 0 1578335662 estree-walker • 2.0.2 Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST INDIRECT 0 1607447262 eventemitter3 • 4.0.7 EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface. INDIRECT 0 1598519444 figures • 1.7.0 Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks INDIRECT 2 1463504380 find-cache-dir • 3.3.2 Finds the common standard cache directory INDIRECT 10 1630259855 find-up • 4.1.0 Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories INDIRECT 5 1560752434 for-each • 0.3.5 A better forEach INDIRECT 1 1739256963 fraction.js • 4.3.7 A rational number library INDIRECT 0 1697128642 fs-extra • 10.1.0 fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove. INDIRECT 3 1650135094 fsevents • 2.3.3 Native Access to MacOS FSEvents INDIRECT 0 1692635062 function-bind • 1.1.2 Implementation of Function.prototype.bind INDIRECT 0 1697137699 function.prototype.name • 1.1.8 An ES2015 spec-compliant `Function.prototype.name` shim INDIRECT 21 1734673661 functions-have-names • 1.2.3 Does this JS environment support the `name` property on functions? INDIRECT 0 1650390293 generic-names • 4.0.0 Helper for building generic names, similar to webpack INDIRECT 1 1640172296 gensync • 1.0.0-beta.2 Allows users to use generators in order to write common functions that can be both sync or async. INDIRECT 0 1603831420 get-intrinsic • 1.3.0 Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require time INDIRECT 11 1740257660 get-proto • 1.0.1 Robustly get the [[Prototype]] of an object INDIRECT 6 1735848482 get-symbol-description • 1.1.0 Gets the description of a Symbol. Handles `Symbol()` vs `Symbol('')` properly when possible. INDIRECT 13 1734454273 globals • 11.12.0 Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments INDIRECT 0 1556626185 globalthis • 1.0.4 ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for `globalThis` INDIRECT 7 1714444559 globalyzer • 0.1.0 Detects and extract the glob part of a string INDIRECT 0 1523774525 globrex • 0.1.2 Glob to regular expression with support for extended globs INDIRECT 0 1544974492 gopd • 1.2.0 `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation. INDIRECT 0 1733329312 gzip-size • 3.0.0 Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer INDIRECT 1 1439826389 gzip-size • 6.0.0 Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer DIRECT 1 1605524956 has-ansi • 2.0.0 Check if a string has ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 1 1435681054 has-bigints • 1.1.0 Determine if the JS environment has BigInt support. INDIRECT 0 1734543453 has-flag • 4.0.0 Check if argv has a specific flag INDIRECT 0 1554565761 has-property-descriptors • 1.0.2 Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD. INDIRECT 1 1707801707 has-proto • 1.2.0 Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`? INDIRECT 5 1733508877 has-symbols • 1.1.0 Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 0 1733157257 has-tostringtag • 1.0.2 Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 1 1706823840 hasown • 2.0.2 A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate. INDIRECT 1 1710092305 import-cwd • 3.0.0 Import a module like with `require()` but from the current working directory INDIRECT 2 1556380453 import-fresh • 3.3.1 Import a module while bypassing the cache INDIRECT 3 1738489541 import-from • 3.0.0 Import a module like with `require()` but from a given path INDIRECT 1 1556361033 internal-slot • 1.1.0 ES spec-like internal slots INDIRECT 18 1734105749 is-array-buffer • 3.0.5 Is this value a JS ArrayBuffer? INDIRECT 17 1734367607 is-arrayish • 0.2.1 Determines if an object can be used as an array INDIRECT 0 1441062170 is-async-function • 2.1.1 Determine if a function is a native async function. INDIRECT 17 1737613713 is-bigint • 1.1.0 Is this value an ES BigInt? INDIRECT 1 1733164978 is-boolean-object • 1.2.2 Is this value a JS Boolean? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1738723692 is-callable • 1.2.7 Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1663973379 is-core-module • 2.16.1 Is this specifier a node.js core module? INDIRECT 2 1734816207 is-data-view • 1.0.2 Is this value a JS DataView? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 24 1733982234 is-date-object • 1.1.0 Is this value a JS Date object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734048248 is-docker • 2.2.1 Check if the process is running inside a Docker container INDIRECT 0 1617958751 is-finalizationregistry • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS FinalizationRegistry? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1734413839 is-fullwidth-code-point • 3.0.0 Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth INDIRECT 0 1552896545 is-generator-function • 1.1.0 Determine if a function is a native generator function. INDIRECT 16 1735841949 is-map • 2.0.3 Is this value a JS Map? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709916547 is-module • 1.0.0 check if a source string is an es6 module INDIRECT 0 1396313909 is-number-object • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS Number object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734317956 is-reference • 1.2.1 Determine whether an AST node is a reference INDIRECT 1 1593205355 is-regex • 1.2.1 Is this value a JS regex? Works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag INDIRECT 14 1733982247 is-set • 2.0.3 Is this value a JS Set? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709929103 is-shared-array-buffer • 1.0.4 Is this value a JS SharedArrayBuffer? INDIRECT 13 1734539276 is-string • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS String object or primitive? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734317940 is-symbol • 1.1.1 Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not. INDIRECT 16 1734075461 is-typed-array • 1.1.15 Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 23 1734542407 is-weakmap • 2.0.2 Is this value a JS WeakMap? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709929112 is-weakref • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS WeakRef? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1738625866 is-weakset • 2.0.4 Is this value a JS WeakSet? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1734413863 is-wsl • 2.2.0 Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (Bash on Windows) INDIRECT 1 1588492633 isarray • 2.0.5 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1562592082 jest-worker • 26.6.2 Module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel, by providing a `Promise` based interface, minimum overhead, and bound workers. INDIRECT 5 1604321473 js-tokens • 4.0.0 A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. INDIRECT 0 1517140738 jsesc • 3.0.2 Given some data, jsesc returns the shortest possible stringified & ASCII-safe representation of that data. INDIRECT 0 1603892950 jsesc • 3.1.0 Given some data, jsesc returns the shortest possible stringified & ASCII-safe representation of that data. INDIRECT 0 1733905474 json-parse-even-better-errors • 2.3.1 JSON.parse with context information on error INDIRECT 0 1599064678 json5 • 2.2.3 JSON for Humans INDIRECT 0 1672506692 jsonfile • 6.1.0 Easily read/write JSON files. INDIRECT 2 1604163624 kleur • 4.1.5 The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! DIRECT 0 1656269412 lilconfig • 2.1.0 A zero-dependency alternative to cosmiconfig INDIRECT 0 1677785943 lines-and-columns • 1.2.4 Maps lines and columns to character offsets and back. INDIRECT 0 1637465467 loader-utils • 3.3.1 utils for webpack loaders INDIRECT 0 1717600443 locate-path • 5.0.0 Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths INDIRECT 3 1556974807 lodash.camelcase • 4.3.0 The lodash method `_.camelCase` exported as a module. INDIRECT 0 1471109823 lodash.debounce • 4.0.8 The lodash method `_.debounce` exported as a module. INDIRECT 0 1471109869 lodash.memoize • 4.1.2 The lodash method `_.memoize` exported as a module. INDIRECT 0 1471110128 lodash.merge • 4.6.2 The Lodash method `_.merge` exported as a module. DIRECT 0 1562717981 lodash.uniq • 4.5.0 The lodash method `_.uniq` exported as a module. INDIRECT 0 1471110401 magic-string • 0.25.9 Modify strings, generate sourcemaps INDIRECT 1 1646293912 make-dir • 3.1.0 Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think `mkdir -p` INDIRECT 1 1587567554 math-intrinsics • 1.1.0 ES Math-related intrinsics and helpers, robustly cached. INDIRECT 0 1734587889 maxmin • 2.1.0 Get a pretty output of the original, minified, gzipped size of a string or buffer: 130 B → 91 B → 53 B (gzip) INDIRECT 13 1450906172 merge-stream • 2.0.0 Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams INDIRECT 0 1558618605 mri • 1.2.0 Quickly scan for CLI flags and arguments INDIRECT 0 1631486152 ms • 2.1.3 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1607435675 nanoid • 3.3.9 A tiny (116 bytes), secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator INDIRECT 0 1741346779 node-releases • 2.0.19 Node.js releases data INDIRECT 0 1733801321 normalize-range • 0.1.2 Utility for normalizing a numeric range, with a wrapping function useful for polar coordinates INDIRECT 0 1442121604 normalize-url • 6.1.0 Normalize a URL INDIRECT 0 1624353875 number-is-nan • 1.0.1 ES2015 Number.isNaN() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475212313 object-assign • 4.1.1 ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1484580915 object-inspect • 1.13.4 string representations of objects in node and the browser INDIRECT 0 1738718770 object-keys • 1.1.1 An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available. From https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim INDIRECT 0 1554604218 object.assign • 4.1.7 ES6 spec-compliant Object.assign shim. From https://github.com/es-shims/es6-shim INDIRECT 19 1734555262 open • 8.4.2 Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform. INDIRECT 3 1676897013 own-keys • 1.0.1 Robustly get an object's own property keys (strings and symbols), including non-enumerables when possible INDIRECT 15 1735514306 p-finally • 1.0.0 `Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome INDIRECT 0 1477029729 p-limit • 2.3.0 Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency INDIRECT 1 1586101245 p-locate • 4.1.0 Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function INDIRECT 2 1554354166 p-queue • 6.6.2 Promise queue with concurrency control INDIRECT 3 1602443385 p-timeout • 3.2.0 Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time INDIRECT 1 1568733047 p-try • 2.2.0 `Start a promise chain INDIRECT 0 1554035675 parent-module • 1.0.1 Get the path of the parent module INDIRECT 1 1553772832 parse-json • 5.2.0 Parse JSON with more helpful errors INDIRECT 8 1610968513 path-exists • 4.0.0 Check if a path exists INDIRECT 0 1554348556 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 path-parse • 1.0.7 Node.js path.parse() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1621947457 path-type • 4.0.0 Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink INDIRECT 0 1552382718 picomatch • 2.3.1 Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions. INDIRECT 0 1641143904 picomatch • 4.0.2 Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions. INDIRECT 0 1711596191 pify • 5.0.0 Promisify a callback-style function INDIRECT 0 1581697595 pkg-dir • 4.2.0 Find the root directory of a Node.js project or npm package INDIRECT 6 1558431348 possible-typed-array-names • 1.1.0 A simple list of possible Typed Array names. INDIRECT 0 1738904655 postcss-calc • 8.2.4 PostCSS plugin to reduce calc() INDIRECT 4 1644166979 postcss-colormin • 5.3.1 Minify colors in your CSS files with PostCSS. INDIRECT 12 1676496318 postcss-convert-values • 5.1.3 Convert values with PostCSS (e.g. ms -> s) INDIRECT 8 1666965013 postcss-discard-comments • 5.1.2 Discard comments in your CSS files with PostCSS. INDIRECT 0 1653847494 postcss-discard-duplicates • 5.1.0 Discard duplicate rules in your CSS files with PostCSS. INDIRECT 0 1646160894 postcss-discard-empty • 5.1.1 Discard empty rules and values with PostCSS. INDIRECT 0 1646935212 postcss-discard-overridden • 5.1.0 PostCSS plugin to discard overridden @keyframes or @counter-style. INDIRECT 0 1646160896 postcss-load-config • 3.1.4 Autoload Config for PostCSS INDIRECT 2 1648550993 postcss-merge-longhand • 5.1.7 Merge longhand properties into shorthand with PostCSS. INDIRECT 12 1666965013 postcss-merge-rules • 5.1.4 Merge CSS rules with PostCSS. INDIRECT 14 1676496318 postcss-minify-font-values • 5.1.0 Minify font declarations with PostCSS INDIRECT 1 1646160897 postcss-minify-gradients • 5.1.1 Minify gradient parameters with PostCSS. INDIRECT 3 1647889220 postcss-minify-params • 5.1.4 Minify at-rule params with PostCSS INDIRECT 9 1666965013 postcss-minify-selectors • 5.2.1 Minify selectors with PostCSS. INDIRECT 3 1653847494 postcss-modules-local-by-default • 4.2.0 A CSS Modules transform to make local scope the default INDIRECT 5 1733928467 postcss-modules • 4.3.1 PostCSS plugin to use CSS Modules everywhere INDIRECT 14 1645605829 postcss-normalize-charset • 5.1.0 Add necessary or remove extra charset with PostCSS INDIRECT 0 1646160897 postcss-normalize-display-values • 5.1.0 Normalize multiple value display syntaxes into single values. INDIRECT 1 1646160899 postcss-normalize-positions • 5.1.1 Normalize keyword values for position into length values. INDIRECT 1 1655546067 postcss-normalize-repeat-style • 5.1.1 Convert two value syntax for repeat-style into one value. INDIRECT 1 1655546067 postcss-normalize-string • 5.1.0 Normalize wrapping quotes for CSS string literals. INDIRECT 1 1646160900 postcss-normalize-timing-functions • 5.1.0 Normalize CSS animation/transition timing functions. INDIRECT 1 1646160900 postcss-normalize-unicode • 5.1.1 Normalize unicode-range descriptors, and can convert to wildcard ranges. INDIRECT 8 1666965013 postcss-normalize-url • 5.1.0 Normalize URLs with PostCSS INDIRECT 2 1646160900 postcss-normalize-whitespace • 5.1.1 Trim whitespace inside and around CSS rules & declarations. INDIRECT 1 1646935212 postcss-ordered-values • 5.1.3 Ensure values are ordered consistently in your CSS. INDIRECT 2 1655546067 postcss-reduce-initial • 5.1.2 Reduce initial definitions to the actual initial value, where possible. INDIRECT 10 1676496319 postcss-reduce-transforms • 5.1.0 Reduce transform functions with PostCSS. INDIRECT 1 1646160902 postcss-selector-parser • 6.1.2 > Selector parser with built in methods for working with selector strings. INDIRECT 2 1723459423 postcss-selector-parser • 7.1.0 > Selector parser with built in methods for working with selector strings. INDIRECT 2 1738939731 postcss-svgo • 5.1.0 Optimise inline SVG with PostCSS. INDIRECT 19 1646160902 postcss-unique-selectors • 5.1.1 Ensure CSS selectors are unique. INDIRECT 3 1646762864 postcss-value-parser • 4.2.0 Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree INDIRECT 0 1638185576 postcss • 8.5.3 Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins DIRECT 3 1739972744 pretty-bytes • 3.0.1 Convert bytes to a human readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB INDIRECT 1 1454638726 pretty-bytes • 5.6.0 Convert bytes to a human readable string: 1337 → 1.34 kB DIRECT 0 1613916275 promise.series • 0.2.0 Run Promise in series. INDIRECT 0 1495397166 randombytes • 2.1.0 random bytes from browserify stand alone INDIRECT 1 1550584119 reflect.getprototypeof • 1.0.10 An ES2015 mostly-spec-compliant `Reflect.getPrototypeOf` sham/polyfill/replacement that works in as many engines as possible INDIRECT 85 1735852994 regenerate-unicode-properties • 10.2.0 Regenerate sets for Unicode properties and values. INDIRECT 1 1726132062 regenerate • 1.4.2 Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions based on a given set of Unicode symbols or code points. INDIRECT 0 1604220132 regenerator-runtime • 0.14.1 Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions. INDIRECT 0 1702673522 regenerator-transform • 0.15.2 Explode async and generator functions into a state machine. INDIRECT 2 1691169947 regexp.prototype.flags • 1.5.4 ES6 spec-compliant RegExp.prototype.flags shim. INDIRECT 20 1735864833 regexpu-core • 6.2.0 regexpu’s core functionality (i.e. `rewritePattern(pattern, flag)`), capable of translating ES6 Unicode regular expressions to ES5. INDIRECT 9 1732220053 regjsgen • 0.8.0 Generate regular expressions from regjsparser’s AST. INDIRECT 0 1686069841 require-directory • 2.1.1 Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file, and returning a nested hash structure containing those modules. INDIRECT 0 1432801864 resolve-from • 4.0.0 Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from a given path INDIRECT 0 1506160096 resolve-from • 5.0.0 Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from a given path INDIRECT 0 1555301185 resolve • 1.22.10 resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronously INDIRECT 5 1734629351 rollup-plugin-bundle-size • 1.0.3 Output the size of your bundle DIRECT 14 1547736367 rollup-plugin-postcss • 4.0.2 Seamless integration between Rollup and PostCSS DIRECT 106 1637585434 rollup-plugin-terser • 7.0.2 Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle DIRECT 25 1599244757 rollup-plugin-typescript2 • 0.32.1 Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript. Now with errors. DIRECT 25 1654559845 rollup-plugin-visualizer • 5.14.0 [](https://npmjs.org/package/rollup-plugin-visualizer) [](https://github.com/btd DIRECT 22 1736171213 rollup-pluginutils • 2.8.2 Functionality commonly needed by Rollup plugins INDIRECT 1 1568404890 rollup • 2.79.2 Next-generation ES module bundler DIRECT 1 1727376296 sade • 1.8.1 Smooth (CLI) operator 🎶 DIRECT 1 1641488973 safe-array-concat • 1.1.3 `Array.prototype.concat`, but made safe by ignoring Symbol.isConcatSpreadable INDIRECT 18 1733974114 safe-buffer • 5.2.1 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1589128650 safe-push-apply • 1.0.0 Push an array of items into an array, while being robust against prototype modification INDIRECT 2 1735444318 safe-regex-test • 1.1.0 Give a regex, get a robust predicate function that tests it against a string. INDIRECT 15 1734029347 set-function-length • 1.2.2 Set a function's length property INDIRECT 14 1710006059 set-function-name • 2.0.2 Set a function's name property INDIRECT 6 1708407265 set-proto • 1.0.0 Robustly set the [[Prototype]] of an object INDIRECT 6 1735601407 side-channel-list • 1.0.0 Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a linked list INDIRECT 2 1733862025 side-channel-map • 1.0.1 Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a Map INDIRECT 14 1733892798 side-channel-weakmap • 1.0.2 Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available. INDIRECT 15 1733895551 side-channel • 1.1.0 Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available. INDIRECT 17 1733936433 slash • 3.0.0 Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths INDIRECT 0 1556425560 source-map-support • 0.5.21 Fixes stack traces for files with source maps INDIRECT 2 1637319777 sourcemap-codec • 1.4.8 Encode/decode sourcemap mappings INDIRECT 0 1579200826 stable • 0.1.8 A stable array sort for JavaScript INDIRECT 0 1524667299 string-width • 4.2.3 Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it INDIRECT 4 1632417441 string.prototype.matchall • 4.0.12 Spec-compliant polyfill for String.prototype.matchAll INDIRECT 86 1734678109 string.prototype.trim • 1.2.10 ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trim INDIRECT 85 1733945055 string.prototype.trimend • 1.0.9 ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimEnd shim. INDIRECT 19 1733941246 string.prototype.trimstart • 1.0.8 ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimStart shim. INDIRECT 18 1711036881 strip-ansi • 3.0.1 Strip ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 1 1456057282 strip-ansi • 6.0.1 Strip ANSI escape codes from a string INDIRECT 1 1632414881 style-inject • 0.3.0 Inject style tag to document head. INDIRECT 0 1517388118 stylehacks • 5.1.1 Detect/remove browser hacks from CSS files. INDIRECT 10 1666965013 supports-color • 2.0.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 0 1435705114 supports-color • 7.2.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 1 1598613454 supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0 Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag. INDIRECT 0 1641194576 svgo • 2.8.0 Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files INDIRECT 17 1635839718 tiny-glob • 0.2.9 Tiny and extremely fast globbing DIRECT 2 1621014826 typed-array-buffer • 1.0.3 Get the ArrayBuffer out of a TypedArray, robustly. INDIRECT 24 1734539188 typed-array-byte-length • 1.0.3 Robustly get the byte length of a Typed Array INDIRECT 25 1734474793 typed-array-byte-offset • 1.0.4 Robustly get the byte offset of a Typed Array INDIRECT 85 1734587913 typed-array-length • 1.0.7 Robustly get the length of a Typed Array INDIRECT 85 1732328819 unbox-primitive • 1.1.0 Unbox a boxed JS primitive value. INDIRECT 23 1734331503 undici-types • 6.20.0 A stand-alone types package for Undici INDIRECT 0 1728460238 unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript • 2.0.1 The set of canonical Unicode property names supported in ECMAScript RegExp property escapes. INDIRECT 0 1726129249 unicode-match-property-ecmascript • 2.0.0 Match a Unicode property or property alias to its canonical property name per the algorithm used for RegExp Unicode property escapes in ECMAScript. INDIRECT 2 1631618585 unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript • 2.2.0 Match a Unicode property or property alias to its canonical property name per the algorithm used for RegExp Unicode property escapes in ECMAScript. INDIRECT 0 1726132494 unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript • 2.1.0 Unicode property alias mappings in JavaScript format for property names that are supported in ECMAScript RegExp property escapes. INDIRECT 0 1663157048 universalify • 2.0.1 Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks. INDIRECT 0 1698858765 update-browserslist-db • 1.1.3 CLI tool to update caniuse-lite to refresh target browsers from Browserslist config INDIRECT 2 1740591163 util-deprecate • 1.0.2 The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support INDIRECT 0 1444243060 which-boxed-primitive • 1.1.1 Which kind of boxed JS primitive is this? INDIRECT 22 1734328124 which-builtin-type • 1.2.1 What is the type of this builtin JS value? INDIRECT 48 1734075671 which-collection • 1.0.2 Which kind of Collection (Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet) is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 17 1709938384 which-typed-array • 1.1.19 Which kind of Typed Array is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 22 1741483626 wrap-ansi • 7.0.0 Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 8 1587574403 yargs • 17.7.2 yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist. INDIRECT 15 1682625542