@babel/code-frame • 7.26.2 Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations. INDIRECT 3 1730310371 @babel/compat-data • 7.26.8 The compat-data to determine required Babel plugins INDIRECT 0 1739008761 @babel/core • 7.26.10 Babel compiler core. INDIRECT 38 1741715716 @babel/generator • 7.26.10 Turns an AST into code. INDIRECT 10 1741715711 @babel/helper-compilation-targets • 7.26.5 Helper functions on Babel compilation targets INDIRECT 12 1736529110 @babel/helper-module-imports • 7.25.9 Babel helper functions for inserting module loads INDIRECT 19 1729610492 @babel/helper-module-transforms • 7.26.0 Babel helper functions for implementing ES6 module transformations INDIRECT 20 1729863006 @babel/helper-plugin-utils • 7.26.5 General utilities for plugins to use INDIRECT 0 1736529106 @babel/helper-string-parser • 7.25.9 A utility package to parse strings INDIRECT 0 1729610436 @babel/helper-validator-identifier • 7.25.9 Validate identifier/keywords name INDIRECT 0 1729610436 @babel/helper-validator-option • 7.25.9 Validate plugin/preset options INDIRECT 0 1729610439 @babel/helpers • 7.26.10 Collection of helper functions used by Babel transforms. INDIRECT 8 1741715710 @babel/parser • 7.26.10 A JavaScript parser INDIRECT 3 1741715709 @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread • 7.8.3 Allow parsing of object rest/spread INDIRECT 1 1578950053 @babel/template • 7.26.9 Generate an AST from a string template. INDIRECT 7 1739533687 @babel/traverse • 7.26.10 The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodes INDIRECT 18 1741715714 @babel/types • 7.26.10 Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes INDIRECT 2 1741715707 @jest/console • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 12 1565934954 @jest/fake-timers • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 110 1565934970 @jest/source-map • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 3 1565934946 @jest/test-result • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 19 1565934960 @jest/transform • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 332 1565936566 @jest/types • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 5 1565934946 @jridgewell/gen-mapping • 0.3.8 Generate source maps INDIRECT 4 1733944203 @jridgewell/resolve-uri • 3.1.2 Resolve a URI relative to an optional base URI INDIRECT 0 1707939158 @jridgewell/set-array • 1.2.1 Like a Set, but provides the index of the `key` in the backing array INDIRECT 0 1709186612 @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec • 1.5.0 Encode/decode sourcemap mappings INDIRECT 0 1720553292 @jridgewell/trace-mapping • 0.3.25 Trace the original position through a source map INDIRECT 2 1709362371 @moyuyc/visit-tree • 2.1.1 Visit tree by pre or post DFS INDIRECT 1 1585901291 @types/babel__core • 7.20.5 TypeScript definitions for @babel/core INDIRECT 7 1700523850 @types/babel__generator • 7.6.8 TypeScript definitions for @babel/generator INDIRECT 3 1702717607 @types/babel__template • 7.4.4 TypeScript definitions for @babel/template INDIRECT 4 1699314008 @types/babel__traverse • 7.20.6 TypeScript definitions for @babel/traverse INDIRECT 3 1716325633 @types/istanbul-lib-coverage • 2.0.6 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-lib-coverage INDIRECT 0 1699344649 @types/istanbul-lib-report • 3.0.3 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-lib-report INDIRECT 1 1699344668 @types/istanbul-reports • 1.1.2 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-reports INDIRECT 2 1589521422 @types/stack-utils • 1.0.1 TypeScript definitions for stack-utils INDIRECT 0 1510076996 @types/unist • 2.0.11 TypeScript definitions for unist INDIRECT 0 1723688364 @types/yargs-parser • 21.0.3 TypeScript definitions for yargs-parser INDIRECT 0 1699393025 @types/yargs • 13.0.12 TypeScript definitions for yargs INDIRECT 1 1625243707 ansi-styles • 3.2.1 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 2 1519983600 arr-diff • 4.0.0 Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons. INDIRECT 0 1492143089 arr-flatten • 1.1.0 Recursively flatten an array or arrays. INDIRECT 0 1499280631 arr-union • 3.1.0 Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using strict equality for comparisons. INDIRECT 0 1456232080 array-buffer-byte-length • 1.0.2 Get the byte length of an ArrayBuffer, even in engines without a `.byteLength` method. INDIRECT 18 1734657717 array-unique • 0.3.2 Remove duplicate values from an array. Fastest ES5 implementation. INDIRECT 0 1470012889 array.prototype.reduce • 1.0.7 An ES5 spec-compliant `Array.prototype.reduce` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3. INDIRECT 87 1710996858 arraybuffer.prototype.slice • 1.0.4 ES spec-compliant shim for ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice INDIRECT 85 1734299780 assign-symbols • 1.0.0 Assign the enumerable es6 Symbol properties from an object (or objects) to the first object passed on the arguments. Can be used as a supplement to other extend, assign or merge methods as a polyfill for the Symbols part of the es6 Object.assign method. INDIRECT 0 1513723534 async-function • 1.0.0 A function that returns the normally hidden `AsyncFunction` constructor INDIRECT 0 1737602154 available-typed-arrays • 1.0.7 Returns an array of Typed Array names that are available in the current environment INDIRECT 1 1708386870 babel-jest • 24.9.0 Jest plugin to use babel for transformation. DIRECT 340 1565936638 babel-plugin-jest-hoist • 24.9.0 Babel plugin to hoist `jest.disableAutomock`, `jest.enableAutomock`, `jest.unmock`, `jest.mock`, calls above `import` statements. This plugin is automatically included when using [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/master/packages/babel-jes INDIRECT 4 1565934946 babel-preset-jest • 24.9.0 > Babel preset for all Jest plugins. This preset is automatically included when using [babel-jest](https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/master/packages/babel-jest). INDIRECT 7 1565934953 bail • 1.0.5 Throw a given error INDIRECT 0 1579947505 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 base • 0.11.2 base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable node.js applications, starting with a handful of common methods, like `set`, `get`, `del` and `use`. INDIRECT 44 1504834552 big.js • 5.2.2 A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic INDIRECT 0 1539859966 bindings • 1.5.0 Helper module for loading your native module's .node file INDIRECT 1 1551308084 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 braces • 2.3.2 Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed. INDIRECT 70 1523197311 browserslist • 4.24.4 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset INDIRECT 6 1736336671 cache-base • 1.0.1 Basic object cache with `get`, `set`, `del`, and `has` methods for node.js/javascript projects. INDIRECT 28 1500744368 call-bind-apply-helpers • 1.0.2 Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind` INDIRECT 2 1739388296 call-bind • 1.0.8 Robustly `.call.bind()` a function INDIRECT 15 1733462354 call-bound • 1.0.4 Robust call-bound JavaScript intrinsics, using `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`. INDIRECT 12 1741024203 callsites • 3.1.0 Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API INDIRECT 0 1554551850 chalk • 2.4.2 Terminal string styling done right INDIRECT 6 1546703152 character-entities-legacy • 1.1.4 HTML legacy character entity information INDIRECT 0 1579857832 character-entities • 1.2.4 HTML character entity information INDIRECT 0 1579860892 character-reference-invalid • 1.1.4 HTML invalid numeric character reference information INDIRECT 0 1579857600 ci-info • 2.0.0 Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment INDIRECT 0 1544044708 class-utils • 0.3.6 Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods. INDIRECT 13 1515682163 collapse-white-space • 1.0.6 Replace multiple white-space characters with a single space INDIRECT 0 1579820346 collection-visit • 1.0.0 Visit a method over the items in an object, or map visit over the objects in an array. INDIRECT 3 1491775231 color-convert • 1.9.3 Plain color conversion functions INDIRECT 1 1535434359 color-name • 1.1.3 A list of color names and its values INDIRECT 0 1500157028 component-emitter • 1.3.1 Event emitter INDIRECT 0 1700168232 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 convert-source-map • 1.9.0 Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties. INDIRECT 0 1665435477 convert-source-map • 2.0.0 Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties. INDIRECT 0 1666044408 copy-descriptor • 0.1.1 Copy a descriptor from object A to object B INDIRECT 0 1465497125 cross-spawn • 6.0.6 Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync INDIRECT 7 1731939694 data-view-buffer • 1.0.2 Get the ArrayBuffer out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734670393 data-view-byte-length • 1.0.2 Get the byteLength out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734670655 data-view-byte-offset • 1.0.1 Get the byteOffset out of a DataView, robustly. INDIRECT 25 1734587960 debug • 2.6.9 small debugging utility INDIRECT 1 1506087155 debug • 4.4.0 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser INDIRECT 1 1733488366 decode-uri-component • 0.2.2 A better decodeURIComponent INDIRECT 0 1669918979 define-data-property • 1.1.4 Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors. INDIRECT 3 1707843362 define-properties • 1.2.1 Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once. Uses `Object.defineProperty` when available; falls back to standard assignment in older engines. INDIRECT 6 1694585113 define-property • 0.2.5 Define a non-enumerable property on an object. INDIRECT 5 1441002670 define-property • 1.0.0 Define a non-enumerable property on an object. INDIRECT 5 1492669183 define-property • 2.0.2 Define a non-enumerable property on an object. Uses Reflect.defineProperty when available, otherwise Object.defineProperty. INDIRECT 6 1516998262 dunder-proto • 1.0.1 If available, the `Object.prototype.__proto__` accessor and mutator, call-bound INDIRECT 4 1734401567 emojis-list • 3.0.0 Complete list of standard emojis. INDIRECT 0 1557658385 end-of-stream • 1.4.4 Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. INDIRECT 2 1569416251 error-ex • 1.3.2 Easy error subclassing and stack customization INDIRECT 1 1529389232 es-abstract • 1.23.9 ECMAScript spec abstract operations. INDIRECT 85 1735840596 es-array-method-boxes-properly • 1.0.0 Utility package to determine if an `Array.prototype` method properly boxes the callback's receiver and third argument. INDIRECT 0 1569654677 es-define-property • 1.0.1 `Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one. INDIRECT 0 1733508962 es-errors • 1.3.0 A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors. INDIRECT 0 1707120351 es-object-atoms • 1.1.1 ES Object-related atoms: Object, ToObject, RequireObjectCoercible INDIRECT 1 1736901763 es-set-tostringtag • 2.1.0 A helper to optimistically set Symbol.toStringTag, when possible. INDIRECT 13 1735793054 es-to-primitive • 1.3.0 ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES2015 versions. INDIRECT 19 1732646187 escalade • 3.2.0 A tiny (183B to 210B) and fast utility to ascend parent directories INDIRECT 0 1724972376 escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1456059317 escape-string-regexp • 2.0.0 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1555487349 exec-sh • 0.3.6 Execute shell command forwarding all stdio. INDIRECT 0 1616571538 execa • 1.0.0 A better `child_process` INDIRECT 18 1535305424 expand-brackets • 2.1.4 Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. INDIRECT 63 1481570590 extend-shallow • 2.0.1 Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util. INDIRECT 1 1437089316 extend-shallow • 3.0.2 Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util. INDIRECT 4 1513797098 extend • 3.0.2 Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser INDIRECT 0 1532032091 extglob • 2.0.4 Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns. INDIRECT 66 1515795087 fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0 deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonify INDIRECT 0 1576340277 file-uri-to-path • 1.0.0 Convert a file: URI to a file path INDIRECT 0 1499377911 fill-range • 4.0.0 Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex` INDIRECT 7 1492928235 find-up • 3.0.0 Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories INDIRECT 5 1529313561 for-each • 0.3.5 A better forEach INDIRECT 1 1739256963 for-in • 1.0.2 Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. JavaScript/Node.js INDIRECT 0 1488298376 fragment-cache • 0.2.1 A cache for managing namespaced sub-caches INDIRECT 1 1489523818 fsevents • 1.2.13 Native Access to Mac OS-X FSEvents INDIRECT 3 1588712790 function-bind • 1.1.2 Implementation of Function.prototype.bind INDIRECT 0 1697137699 function.prototype.name • 1.1.8 An ES2015 spec-compliant `Function.prototype.name` shim INDIRECT 21 1734673661 functions-have-names • 1.2.3 Does this JS environment support the `name` property on functions? INDIRECT 0 1650390293 gensync • 1.0.0-beta.2 Allows users to use generators in order to write common functions that can be both sync or async. INDIRECT 0 1603831420 get-intrinsic • 1.3.0 Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require time INDIRECT 11 1740257660 get-proto • 1.0.1 Robustly get the [[Prototype]] of an object INDIRECT 6 1735848482 get-stream • 4.1.0 Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array INDIRECT 4 1538471503 get-symbol-description • 1.1.0 Gets the description of a Symbol. Handles `Symbol()` vs `Symbol('')` properly when possible. INDIRECT 13 1734454273 get-value • 2.0.6 Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object. INDIRECT 0 1466238469 globals • 11.12.0 Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments INDIRECT 0 1556626185 globalthis • 1.0.4 ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for `globalThis` INDIRECT 7 1714444559 gopd • 1.2.0 `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation. INDIRECT 0 1733329312 has-bigints • 1.1.0 Determine if the JS environment has BigInt support. INDIRECT 0 1734543453 has-flag • 3.0.0 Check if argv has a specific flag INDIRECT 0 1514920916 has-property-descriptors • 1.0.2 Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD. INDIRECT 1 1707801707 has-proto • 1.2.0 Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`? INDIRECT 5 1733508877 has-symbols • 1.1.0 Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 0 1733157257 has-tostringtag • 1.0.2 Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 1 1706823840 has-value • 0.3.1 Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths. INDIRECT 4 1459091936 has-value • 1.0.0 Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths. INDIRECT 7 1495221084 has-values • 0.1.4 Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT 0 1459080712 has-values • 1.0.0 Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT 4 1495219419 hasown • 2.0.2 A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate. INDIRECT 1 1710092305 imurmurhash • 0.1.4 An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 INDIRECT 0 1377377123 internal-slot • 1.1.0 ES spec-like internal slots INDIRECT 18 1734105749 invariant • 2.2.4 invariant INDIRECT 2 1520966170 is-accessor-descriptor • 1.0.1 Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor. INDIRECT 2 1698341900 is-alphabetical • 1.0.4 Check if a character is alphabetical INDIRECT 0 1579950312 is-alphanumerical • 1.0.4 Check if a character is alphanumerical INDIRECT 2 1579950064 is-array-buffer • 3.0.5 Is this value a JS ArrayBuffer? INDIRECT 17 1734367607 is-arrayish • 0.2.1 Determines if an object can be used as an array INDIRECT 0 1441062170 is-async-function • 2.1.1 Determine if a function is a native async function. INDIRECT 17 1737613713 is-bigint • 1.1.0 Is this value an ES BigInt? INDIRECT 1 1733164978 is-boolean-object • 1.2.2 Is this value a JS Boolean? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1738723692 is-buffer • 1.1.6 Determine if an object is a Buffer INDIRECT 0 1508967388 is-buffer • 2.0.5 Determine if an object is a Buffer INDIRECT 0 1604431173 is-callable • 1.2.7 Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1663973379 is-ci • 2.0.0 Detect if the current environment is a CI server INDIRECT 1 1544046590 is-core-module • 2.16.1 Is this specifier a node.js core module? INDIRECT 2 1734816207 is-data-descriptor • 1.0.1 Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor. INDIRECT 2 1698341839 is-data-view • 1.0.2 Is this value a JS DataView? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 24 1733982234 is-date-object • 1.1.0 Is this value a JS Date object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734048248 is-decimal • 1.0.4 Check if a character is decimal INDIRECT 0 1579950687 is-descriptor • 0.1.7 Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors. INDIRECT 4 1698382146 is-descriptor • 1.0.3 Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors. INDIRECT 4 1698369740 is-extendable • 0.1.1 Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended, e.g. "can the value have keys?" INDIRECT 0 1436050211 is-extendable • 1.0.1 Returns true if a value is a plain object, array or function. INDIRECT 2 1505162306 is-finalizationregistry • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS FinalizationRegistry? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1734413839 is-generator-function • 1.1.0 Determine if a function is a native generator function. INDIRECT 16 1735841949 is-hexadecimal • 1.0.4 Check if a character is hexadecimal INDIRECT 0 1579950526 is-iterable • 1.1.1 Checks if a given object is iterable INDIRECT 0 1513573051 is-map • 2.0.3 Is this value a JS Map? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709916547 is-number-object • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS Number object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734317956 is-number • 3.0.0 Returns true if the value is a number. comprehensive tests. INDIRECT 2 1473555090 is-plain-obj • 2.1.0 Check if a value is a plain object INDIRECT 0 1579602874 is-plain-object • 2.0.4 Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor. INDIRECT 1 1499812870 is-regex • 1.2.1 Is this value a JS regex? Works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag INDIRECT 14 1733982247 is-set • 2.0.3 Is this value a JS Set? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709929103 is-shared-array-buffer • 1.0.4 Is this value a JS SharedArrayBuffer? INDIRECT 13 1734539276 is-stream • 1.1.0 Check if something is a Node.js stream INDIRECT 0 1460446915 is-string • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS String object or primitive? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 14 1734317940 is-symbol • 1.1.1 Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not. INDIRECT 16 1734075461 is-typed-array • 1.1.15 Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 23 1734542407 is-weakmap • 2.0.2 Is this value a JS WeakMap? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 0 1709929112 is-weakref • 1.1.1 Is this value a JS WeakRef? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1738625866 is-weakset • 2.0.4 Is this value a JS WeakSet? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag. INDIRECT 13 1734413863 is-whitespace-character • 1.0.4 Check if a character is a whitespace character INDIRECT 0 1579949631 is-windows • 1.0.2 Returns true if the platform is windows. UMD module, works with node.js, commonjs, browser, AMD, electron, etc. INDIRECT 0 1518593803 is-word-character • 1.0.4 Check if a character is a word character INDIRECT 0 1579949828 isarray • 1.0.0 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1449741907 isarray • 2.0.5 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1562592082 isobject • 2.1.0 Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null. INDIRECT 1 1461618427 isobject • 3.0.1 Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null. INDIRECT 0 1498846770 jest-haste-map • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 159 1565934978 jest-message-util • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 108 1565934966 jest-mock • 24.9.0 ## API INDIRECT 6 1565934954 jest-regex-util • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 0 1565934947 jest-serializer • 24.9.0 Module for serializing and deserializing object into memory and disk. By default, the `v8` implementations are used, but if not present, it defaults to `JSON` implementation. Both serializers have the advantage of being able to serialize `Map`, `Set`, `un INDIRECT 0 1565934946 jest-util • 24.9.0 INDIRECT 115 1565934973 jest-worker • 24.9.0 Module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel, by providing a `Promise` based interface, minimum overhead, and bound workers. INDIRECT 3 1565934946 js-tokens • 4.0.0 A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. INDIRECT 0 1517140738 jsdoc-regex • 1.0.1 Regular expression for matching JSDoc comment blocks and the code below them. INDIRECT 0 1482876837 jsesc • 3.1.0 Given some data, jsesc returns the shortest possible stringified & ASCII-safe representation of that data. INDIRECT 0 1733905474 json-parse-better-errors • 1.0.2 JSON.parse with context information on error INDIRECT 0 1522422483 json5 • 1.0.2 JSON for humans. INDIRECT 1 1672420182 json5 • 2.2.3 JSON for Humans INDIRECT 0 1672506692 kind-of • 3.2.2 Get the native type of a value. INDIRECT 1 1494958901 kind-of • 4.0.0 Get the native type of a value. INDIRECT 1 1495218192 kind-of • 6.0.3 Get the native type of a value. INDIRECT 0 1579193959 load-json-file • 4.0.0 Read and parse a JSON file INDIRECT 7 1509782229 loader-utils • 1.4.2 utils for webpack loaders INDIRECT 4 1668126910 locate-path • 3.0.0 Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths INDIRECT 4 1529269166 loose-envify • 1.4.0 Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an AST INDIRECT 1 1531220985 map-cache • 0.2.2 Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs. INDIRECT 0 1462877476 map-visit • 1.0.0 Map `visit` over an array of objects. INDIRECT 2 1491774215 markdown-escapes • 1.0.4 List of escapable characters in markdown INDIRECT 0 1579858706 math-intrinsics • 1.1.0 ES Math-related intrinsics and helpers, robustly cached. INDIRECT 0 1734587889 merge-stream • 2.0.0 Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams INDIRECT 0 1558618605 micromatch • 3.1.10 Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. INDIRECT 80 1521747889 minimist • 1.2.8 parse argument options INDIRECT 0 1675976389 mixin-deep • 1.3.2 Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object. Like merge-deep, but doesn't clone. INDIRECT 4 1561408427 mkdirp • 0.5.6 Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p` INDIRECT 1 1647992895 ms • 2.0.0 Tiny milisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1494937566 ms • 2.1.3 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1607435675 nan • 2.22.2 Native Abstractions for Node.js: C++ header for Node 0.8 -> 22 compatibility INDIRECT 0 1740587779 nanomatch • 1.2.13 Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces) INDIRECT 68 1530104561 nice-try • 1.0.5 Tries to execute a function and discards any error that occurs INDIRECT 0 1535223789 node-int64 • 0.4.0 Support for representing 64-bit integers in JavaScript INDIRECT 0 1428115936 node-releases • 2.0.19 Node.js releases data INDIRECT 0 1733801321 normalize-path • 2.1.1 Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes. Also condenses repeat slashes to a single slash and removes and trailing slashes unless disabled. INDIRECT 1 1490811685 npm-run-path • 2.0.2 Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries INDIRECT 1 1475136639 object-copy • 0.1.0 Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another. INDIRECT 9 1465495670 object-inspect • 1.13.4 string representations of objects in node and the browser INDIRECT 0 1738718770 object-keys • 1.1.1 An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available. From https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim INDIRECT 0 1554604218 object-visit • 1.0.1 Call a specified method on each value in the given object. INDIRECT 1 1496118321 object.assign • 4.1.7 ES6 spec-compliant Object.assign shim. From https://github.com/es-shims/es6-shim INDIRECT 19 1734555262 object.getownpropertydescriptors • 2.1.8 ES2017 spec-compliant shim for `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors` that works in ES5. INDIRECT 88 1710913319 object.pick • 1.3.0 Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys, similar to `_.pick` from lodash / underscore. INDIRECT 1 1503110074 own-keys • 1.0.1 Robustly get an object's own property keys (strings and symbols), including non-enumerables when possible INDIRECT 15 1735514306 p-finally • 1.0.0 `Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome INDIRECT 0 1477029729 p-limit • 2.3.0 Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency INDIRECT 1 1586101245 p-locate • 3.0.0 Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function INDIRECT 2 1529066877 p-try • 2.2.0 `Start a promise chain INDIRECT 0 1554035675 parse-entities • 1.2.2 Parse HTML character references: fast, spec-compliant, positional information INDIRECT 7 1557912912 parse-json • 4.0.0 Parse JSON with more helpful errors INDIRECT 3 1509782030 pascalcase • 0.1.1 Convert a string to pascal-case. INDIRECT 0 1449267152 path-exists • 3.0.0 Check if a path exists INDIRECT 0 1462103093 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 path-key • 2.0.1 Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform INDIRECT 0 1474887353 path-parse • 1.0.7 Node.js path.parse() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1621947457 path-type • 3.0.0 Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink INDIRECT 1 1499554858 pify • 3.0.0 Promisify a callback-style function INDIRECT 0 1495952728 pirates • 4.0.6 Properly hijack require, i.e., properly define require hooks and customizations INDIRECT 0 1687251749 posix-character-classes • 0.1.1 POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions. INDIRECT 0 1492663376 possible-typed-array-names • 1.1.0 A simple list of possible Typed Array names. INDIRECT 0 1738904655 pump • 3.0.2 pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes INDIRECT 3 1726041514 read-pkg-up • 4.0.0 Read the closest package.json file INDIRECT 30 1529322348 read-pkg • 3.0.0 Read a package.json file INDIRECT 23 1509782852 realpath-native • 1.1.0 Use the system's native `realpath` INDIRECT 90 1549978335 reflect.getprototypeof • 1.0.10 An ES2015 mostly-spec-compliant `Reflect.getPrototypeOf` sham/polyfill/replacement that works in as many engines as possible INDIRECT 85 1735852994 regex-not • 1.0.2 Create a javascript regular expression for matching everything except for the given string. INDIRECT 7 1519093874 regexp.prototype.flags • 1.5.4 ES6 spec-compliant RegExp.prototype.flags shim. INDIRECT 20 1735864833 remark-parse • 7.0.2 remark plugin to parse Markdown INDIRECT 24 1573328862 repeat-element • 1.1.4 Create an array by repeating the given value n times. INDIRECT 0 1617837181 repeat-string • 1.6.1 Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string. INDIRECT 0 1477241640 resolve-url • 0.2.1 Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser. INDIRECT 0 1393354130 resolve • 1.22.10 resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronously INDIRECT 5 1734629351 ret • 0.1.15 Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression. INDIRECT 0 1502337232 rsvp • 4.8.5 A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code INDIRECT 0 1559843747 safe-array-concat • 1.1.3 `Array.prototype.concat`, but made safe by ignoring Symbol.isConcatSpreadable INDIRECT 18 1733974114 safe-push-apply • 1.0.0 Push an array of items into an array, while being robust against prototype modification INDIRECT 2 1735444318 safe-regex-test • 1.1.0 Give a regex, get a robust predicate function that tests it against a string. INDIRECT 15 1734029347 safe-regex • 1.1.0 detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions INDIRECT 1 1426725021 sane • 4.1.0 Sane aims to be fast, small, and reliable file system watcher. INDIRECT 114 1552615689 set-function-length • 1.2.2 Set a function's length property INDIRECT 14 1710006059 set-function-name • 2.0.2 Set a function's name property INDIRECT 6 1708407265 set-proto • 1.0.0 Robustly set the [[Prototype]] of an object INDIRECT 6 1735601407 set-value • 2.0.1 Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths. INDIRECT 8 1561410377 shebang-command • 1.2.0 Get the command from a shebang INDIRECT 1 1474530106 shebang-regex • 1.0.0 Regular expression for matching a shebang INDIRECT 0 1424150698 side-channel-list • 1.0.0 Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a linked list INDIRECT 2 1733862025 side-channel-map • 1.0.1 Store information about any JS value in a side channel, using a Map INDIRECT 14 1733892798 side-channel-weakmap • 1.0.2 Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available. INDIRECT 15 1733895551 side-channel • 1.1.0 Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available. INDIRECT 17 1733936433 slash • 2.0.0 Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths INDIRECT 0 1521792101 snapdragon-node • 2.1.1 Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code, such as plugins. INDIRECT 10 1498392257 snapdragon-util • 3.0.1 Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler. INDIRECT 2 1498384000 snapdragon • 0.8.2 Fast, pluggable and easy-to-use parser-renderer factory. INDIRECT 56 1520776598 source-map-resolve • 0.5.3 Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file. INDIRECT 5 1577561795 source-map-url • 0.4.1 Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments. INDIRECT 0 1612210494 spdx-expression-parse • 3.0.1 parse SPDX license expressions INDIRECT 2 1589386366 split-string • 3.1.0 Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped. INDIRECT 5 1511106895 stack-utils • 1.0.5 Captures and cleans stack traces INDIRECT 1 1617646430 state-toggle • 1.0.3 Enter/exit a state INDIRECT 0 1580043001 static-extend • 0.1.2 Adds a static `extend` method to a class, to simplify inheritance. Extends the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from a `Parent` constructor onto `Child` constructors. INDIRECT 10 1465497937 string.prototype.trim • 1.2.10 ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trim INDIRECT 85 1733945055 string.prototype.trimend • 1.0.9 ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimEnd shim. INDIRECT 19 1733941246 string.prototype.trimstart • 1.0.8 ES2019 spec-compliant String.prototype.trimStart shim. INDIRECT 18 1711036881 strip-bom • 3.0.0 Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string INDIRECT 0 1462032164 strip-eof • 1.0.0 Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/buffer INDIRECT 0 1449316193 supports-color • 5.5.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 1 1534739857 supports-color • 6.1.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 1 1547190573 supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0 Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag. INDIRECT 0 1641194576 to-object-path • 0.3.0 Create an object path from a list or array of strings. INDIRECT 2 1454259578 to-regex-range • 2.1.1 Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions. INDIRECT 4 1493300070 to-regex • 3.0.2 Generate a regex from a string or array of strings. INDIRECT 14 1519460972 trim-trailing-lines • 1.1.4 Remove final line feeds from a string INDIRECT 0 1603876303 trim • 0.0.1 Trim string whitespace INDIRECT 0 1363111162 trough • 1.0.5 Middleware: a channel used to convey a liquid INDIRECT 0 1579945204 typed-array-buffer • 1.0.3 Get the ArrayBuffer out of a TypedArray, robustly. INDIRECT 24 1734539188 typed-array-byte-length • 1.0.3 Robustly get the byte length of a Typed Array INDIRECT 25 1734474793 typed-array-byte-offset • 1.0.4 Robustly get the byte offset of a Typed Array INDIRECT 85 1734587913 typed-array-length • 1.0.7 Robustly get the length of a Typed Array INDIRECT 85 1732328819 unbox-primitive • 1.1.0 Unbox a boxed JS primitive value. INDIRECT 23 1734331503 unherit • 1.1.3 Clone a constructor without affecting the super-class INDIRECT 2 1580041659 unified • 8.4.2 Interface for processing text using syntax trees INDIRECT 9 1573330770 union-value • 1.0.1 Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation. INDIRECT 11 1561410587 unist-util-is • 3.0.0 Utility to check if a node passes a test INDIRECT 0 1559285218 unist-util-remove-position • 1.1.4 Remove `position`s from a unist tree INDIRECT 3 1573375535 unist-util-stringify-position • 2.0.3 unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location INDIRECT 1 1582885923 unist-util-visit-parents • 2.1.2 Recursively walk over unist nodes, with ancestral information INDIRECT 1 1559288957 unist-util-visit • 1.4.1 Recursively walk over unist nodes INDIRECT 2 1558439331 unset-value • 1.0.0 Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation. INDIRECT 6 1488061635 update-browserslist-db • 1.1.3 CLI tool to update caniuse-lite to refresh target browsers from Browserslist config INDIRECT 2 1740591163 urix • 0.1.0 Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly. INDIRECT 0 1393707752 use • 3.1.1 Easily add plugin support to your node.js application. INDIRECT 0 1531415621 util.promisify • 1.1.3 Polyfill/shim for util.promisify in node versions < v8 INDIRECT 89 1734544183 vfile-location • 2.0.6 Convert between positions (line and column-based) and offsets (range-based) locations in a virtual file INDIRECT 0 1573375330 vfile-message • 2.0.4 vfile utility to create a virtual message INDIRECT 2 1585508601 vfile • 4.2.1 Virtual file format for text processing INDIRECT 4 1607257589 which-boxed-primitive • 1.1.1 Which kind of boxed JS primitive is this? INDIRECT 22 1734328124 which-builtin-type • 1.2.1 What is the type of this builtin JS value? INDIRECT 48 1734075671 which-collection • 1.0.2 Which kind of Collection (Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet) is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 17 1709938384 which-typed-array • 1.1.19 Which kind of Typed Array is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag. INDIRECT 22 1741483626 xtend • 4.0.2 extend like a boss INDIRECT 0 1562592945