gulp-coffee-react-transform v0.0.2

gulp coffee react transform

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ansi-gray • 0.1.1The color gray, in ansi.INDIRECT1
ansi-regex • 0.2.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-regex • 2.1.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 1.1.0ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 2.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT0
ansi-wrap • 0.1.0Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes.INDIRECT0
archy • 1.0.0render nested hierarchies `npm ls` style with unicode pipesINDIRECT0
arr-diff • 4.0.0Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
arr-flatten • 1.1.0Recursively flatten an array or arrays.INDIRECT0
arr-union • 3.1.0Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
array-differ • 1.0.0Create an array with values that are present in the first input array but not additional onesINDIRECT0
array-each • 1.0.1Loop over each item in an array and call the given function on every element.INDIRECT0
array-slice • 1.1.0Array-slice method. Slices `array` from the `start` index up to, but not including, the `end` index.INDIRECT0
array-uniq • 1.0.3Create an array without duplicatesINDIRECT0
array-unique • 0.3.2Remove duplicate values from an array. Fastest ES5 implementation.INDIRECT0
assign-symbols • 1.0.0Assign the enumerable es6 Symbol properties from an object (or objects) to the first object passed on the arguments. Can be used as a supplement to other extend, assign or merge methods as a polyfill for the Symbols part of the es6 Object.assign method.INDIRECT0
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
base • 0.11.2base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable node.js applications, starting with a handful of common methods, like `set`, `get`, `del` and `use`.INDIRECT44
beeper • 1.1.1Make your terminal beepINDIRECT0
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
braces • 2.3.2Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.INDIRECT70
cache-base • 1.0.1Basic object cache with `get`, `set`, `del`, and `has` methods for node.js/javascript projects.INDIRECT28
chalk • 0.5.1Terminal string styling done right. Created because the `colors` module does some really horrible things.INDIRECT6
chalk • 1.1.3Terminal string styling done right. Much color.INDIRECT6
class-utils • 0.3.6Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods.INDIRECT13
clone-stats • 0.0.1Safely clone node's fs.Stats instances without losing their class methodsINDIRECT0
clone • 0.2.0deep cloning of objects and arraysINDIRECT0
clone • 1.0.4deep cloning of objects and arraysINDIRECT0
collection-visit • 1.0.0Visit a method over the items in an object, or map visit over the objects in an array.INDIRECT3
component-emitter • 1.3.1Event emitterINDIRECT0
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
copy-descriptor • 0.1.1Copy a descriptor from object A to object BINDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.3The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
dateformat • 2.2.0A node.js package for Steven Levithan's excellent dateFormat() function.INDIRECT0
debug • 2.6.9small debugging utilityINDIRECT1
decode-uri-component • 0.2.2A better decodeURIComponentINDIRECT0
defaults • 1.0.4merge single level defaults over a config objectINDIRECT1
define-property • 0.2.5Define a non-enumerable property on an object.INDIRECT5
define-property • 1.0.0Define a non-enumerable property on an object.INDIRECT5
define-property • 2.0.2Define a non-enumerable property on an object. Uses Reflect.defineProperty when available, otherwise Object.defineProperty.INDIRECT6
detect-file • 1.0.0Detects if a file exists and returns the resolved filepath.INDIRECT0
end-of-stream • 0.1.5Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed.INDIRECT2
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
expand-brackets • 2.1.4Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.INDIRECT63
expand-tilde • 2.0.2Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js. Expands a leading tilde in a file path to the user home directory, or `~+` to the cwd.INDIRECT2
extend-shallow • 2.0.1Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.INDIRECT1
extend-shallow • 3.0.2Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.INDIRECT4
extend • 3.0.2Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browserINDIRECT0
extglob • 2.0.4Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.INDIRECT66
fancy-log • 1.3.3Log things, prefixed with a timestamp.INDIRECT5
fill-range • 4.0.0Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`INDIRECT7
find-index • 0.1.1finds an item in an array matching a predicate function, and returns its indexINDIRECT0
findup-sync • 2.0.0Find the first file matching a given pattern in the current directory or the nearest ancestor directory.INDIRECT93
fined • 1.2.0Find a file given a declaration of locations.INDIRECT20
first-chunk-stream • 1.0.0Transform the first chunk in a streamINDIRECT0
flagged-respawn • 1.0.1A tool for respawning node binaries when special flags are present.INDIRECT0
for-in • 1.0.2Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. JavaScript/Node.jsINDIRECT0
for-own • 1.0.0Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. JavaScript/Node.js.INDIRECT1
fragment-cache • 0.2.1A cache for managing namespaced sub-cachesINDIRECT1
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0
gaze • 0.5.2A globbing wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.INDIRECT8
get-value • 2.0.6Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object.INDIRECT0
glob-stream • 3.1.18File system globs as a streamINDIRECT19
glob-watcher • 0.0.6Watch globsINDIRECT9
global-modules • 1.0.0The directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules.INDIRECT9
global-prefix • 1.0.2Get the npm global path prefix.INDIRECT7
globule • 0.1.0An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library.INDIRECT7
glogg • 1.0.2Global logging utilityINDIRECT1
gulp-util • 3.0.8Utility functions for gulp pluginsDIRECT58
gulp • 3.8.11The streaming build systemDIRECT228
gulplog • 1.0.0Logger for gulp and gulp pluginsINDIRECT2
has-ansi • 0.1.0Check if a string has ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
has-ansi • 2.0.0Check if a string has ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
has-gulplog • 0.1.0Check if gulplog is available before attempting to use itINDIRECT1
has-value • 0.3.1Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.INDIRECT4
has-value • 1.0.0Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.INDIRECT7
has-values • 0.1.4Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT0
has-values • 1.0.0Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. INDIRECT4
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
homedir-polyfill • 1.0.3Node.js os.homedir polyfill for older versions of node.js.INDIRECT1
interpret • 0.3.10A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders.INDIRECT0
is-absolute • 1.0.0Returns true if a file path is absolute. Does not rely on the path module and can be used as a polyfill for node.js native `path.isAbolute`.INDIRECT4
is-accessor-descriptor • 1.0.1Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor.INDIRECT2
is-buffer • 1.1.6Determine if an object is a BufferINDIRECT0
is-core-module • 2.16.1Is this specifier a node.js core module?INDIRECT2
is-data-descriptor • 1.0.1Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor.INDIRECT2
is-descriptor • 0.1.7Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.INDIRECT4
is-descriptor • 1.0.3Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.INDIRECT4
is-extendable • 0.1.1Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended, e.g. "can the value have keys?"INDIRECT0
is-extendable • 1.0.1Returns true if a value is a plain object, array or function.INDIRECT2
is-extglob • 2.1.1Returns true if a string has an extglob.INDIRECT0
is-glob • 3.1.0Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a betINDIRECT1
is-number • 3.0.0Returns true if the value is a number. comprehensive tests.INDIRECT2
is-plain-object • 2.0.4Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor.INDIRECT1
is-relative • 1.0.0Returns `true` if the path appears to be relative.INDIRECT2
is-unc-path • 1.0.0Returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path.INDIRECT1
is-utf8 • 0.2.1Detect if a buffer is utf8 encoded.INDIRECT0
is-windows • 1.0.2Returns true if the platform is windows. UMD module, works with node.js, commonjs, browser, AMD, electron, etc.INDIRECT0
isarray • 0.0.1Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isarray • 1.0.0Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isobject • 2.1.0Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.INDIRECT1
isobject • 3.0.1Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.INDIRECT0
kind-of • 3.2.2Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
kind-of • 4.0.0Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
kind-of • 6.0.3Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT0
liftoff • 2.5.0Launch your command line tool with ease.INDIRECT115
lodash._basecopy • 3.0.1The modern build of lodash’s internal `baseCopy` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._basetostring • 3.0.1The modern build of lodash’s internal `baseToString` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._basevalues • 3.0.0The modern build of lodash’s internal `baseValues` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._getnative • 3.9.1The modern build of lodash’s internal `getNative` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._isiterateecall • 3.0.9The modern build of lodash’s internal `isIterateeCall` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._reescape • 3.0.0The modern build of lodash’s internal `reEscape` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._reevaluate • 3.0.0The modern build of lodash’s internal `reEvaluate` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._reinterpolate • 3.0.0The modern build of lodash’s internal `reInterpolate` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash._root • 3.0.1The internal lodash function `root` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.escape • 3.2.0The lodash method `_.escape` exported as a module.INDIRECT1
lodash.isarguments • 3.1.0The lodash method `_.isArguments` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.isarray • 3.0.4The modern build of lodash’s `_.isArray` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.keys • 3.1.2The modern build of lodash’s `_.keys` as a module.INDIRECT3
lodash.restparam • 3.6.1The modern build of lodash’s `_.restParam` as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.template • 3.6.2The modern build of lodash’s `_.template` as a module.INDIRECT13
lodash.templatesettings • 3.1.1The lodash method `_.templateSettings` exported as a module.INDIRECT3
lodash • 1.0.2A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, and extras.INDIRECT0
make-iterator • 1.0.1Convert an argument into a valid iterator. Based on the `.makeIterator()` implementation in mout
map-cache • 0.2.2Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs.INDIRECT0
map-visit • 1.0.0Map `visit` over an array of objects.INDIRECT2
micromatch • 3.1.10Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch.INDIRECT80
minimatch • 0.2.14a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT2
minimist • 1.2.8parse argument optionsINDIRECT0
mixin-deep • 1.3.2Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object. Like merge-deep, but doesn't clone.INDIRECT4
mkdirp • 0.5.6Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`INDIRECT1
ms • 2.0.0Tiny milisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
multipipe • 0.1.2pipe streams with centralized error handlingINDIRECT6
nanomatch • 1.2.13Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)INDIRECT68
object-assign • 3.0.0ES6 Object.assign() ponyfillINDIRECT0
object-copy • 0.1.0Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another.INDIRECT9
object-visit • 1.0.1Call a specified method on each value in the given object.INDIRECT1
object.defaults • 1.1.0Like `extend` but only copies missing properties/values to the target object.INDIRECT5 • 1.0.1Similar to map for arrays, this creates a new object by calling the callback on each property of the original object.INDIRECT4
object.pick • 1.3.0Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys, similar to `_.pick` from lodash / underscore.INDIRECT1
orchestrator • 0.3.8A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies in maximum concurrencyINDIRECT5
ordered-read-streams • 0.1.0Combines array of streams into one read stream in strict orderINDIRECT0
os-homedir • 1.0.2Node.js 4 `os.homedir()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
parse-filepath • 1.0.2Pollyfill for node.js `path.parse`, parses a filepath into an object.INDIRECT8
parse-node-version • 1.0.1Turn node's process.version into something useful.INDIRECT0
parse-passwd • 1.0.0Parse a passwd file into a list of users.INDIRECT0
pascalcase • 0.1.1Convert a string to pascal-case.INDIRECT0
path-parse • 1.0.7Node.js path.parse() ponyfillINDIRECT0
path-root-regex • 0.1.2Regular expression for getting the root of a posix or windows filepath.INDIRECT0
path-root • 0.1.1Get the root of a posix or windows filepath.INDIRECT1
posix-character-classes • 0.1.1POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions.INDIRECT0
pretty-hrtime • 0.2.2process.hrtime() to wordsINDIRECT0
process-nextick-args • 2.0.1process.nextTick but always with argsINDIRECT0
readable-stream • 1.0.34Streams2, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.10.xINDIRECT4
readable-stream • 1.1.14Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.11.xINDIRECT4
readable-stream • 2.3.8Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT7
rechoir • 0.6.2Require any supported file as a node module.INDIRECT6
regex-not • 1.0.2Create a javascript regular expression for matching everything except for the given string.INDIRECT7
repeat-element • 1.1.4Create an array by repeating the given value n times.INDIRECT0
repeat-string • 1.6.1Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.INDIRECT0
replace-ext • 0.0.1Replaces a file extension with another oneINDIRECT0
resolve-dir • 1.0.1Resolve a directory that is either local, global or in the user's home directory.INDIRECT9
resolve-url • 0.2.1Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser.INDIRECT0
resolve • 1.22.10resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronouslyINDIRECT5
ret • 0.1.15Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.INDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safe-regex • 1.1.0detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressionsINDIRECT1
set-value • 2.0.1Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.INDIRECT8
snapdragon-node • 2.1.1Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code, such as plugins.INDIRECT10
snapdragon-util • 3.0.1Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler.INDIRECT2
snapdragon • 0.8.2Fast, pluggable and easy-to-use parser-renderer factory.INDIRECT56
source-map-resolve • 0.5.3Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file.INDIRECT5
source-map-url • 0.4.1Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments.INDIRECT0
sparkles • 1.0.1Namespaced global event emitterINDIRECT0
split-string • 3.1.0Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped.INDIRECT5
static-extend • 0.1.2Adds a static `extend` method to a class, to simplify inheritance. Extends the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from a `Parent` constructor onto `Child` constructors.INDIRECT10
stream-consume • 0.1.1Consume a stream to ensure it keeps flowingINDIRECT0
string_decoder • 0.10.31The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT0
string_decoder • 1.1.1The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
strip-ansi • 0.3.0Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
strip-ansi • 3.0.1Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
strip-bom • 1.0.0Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string/buffer/streamINDIRECT2
supports-color • 0.2.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT0
supports-color • 2.0.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT0
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag.INDIRECT0
through2 • 0.6.5A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noiseDIRECT6
through2 • 2.0.5A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noiseINDIRECT9
tildify • 1.2.0Convert an absolute path to a tilde path: `/Users/sindresorhus/dev` → `~/dev`INDIRECT1
time-stamp • 1.1.0Get a formatted timestamp.INDIRECT0
to-object-path • 0.3.0Create an object path from a list or array of strings.INDIRECT2
to-regex-range • 2.1.1Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions.INDIRECT4
to-regex • 3.0.2Generate a regex from a string or array of strings.INDIRECT14
unc-path-regex • 0.1.2Regular expression for testing if a file path is a windows UNC file path. Can also be used as a component of another regexp via the `.source` property.INDIRECT0
union-value • 1.0.1Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation.INDIRECT11
unset-value • 1.0.0Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation.INDIRECT6
urix • 0.1.0Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly.INDIRECT0
use • 3.1.1Easily add plugin support to your node.js application.INDIRECT0
user-home • 1.1.1Get the path to the user home directoryINDIRECT0
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser supportINDIRECT0
v8flags • 2.1.1Get available v8 flags.INDIRECT1
vinyl-fs • 0.3.14Vinyl adapter for the file systemINDIRECT42
vinyl • 0.4.6A virtual file formatINDIRECT2
vinyl • 0.5.3A virtual file formatINDIRECT3
xtend • 4.0.2extend like a bossINDIRECT0
color-support • 1.1.3A module which will endeavor to guess your terminal's level of color support.INDIRECT0
glob • 4.5.3a little globberINDIRECT8
graceful-fs • 3.0.12A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT1
inflight • 1.0.6Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplicationINDIRECT2
inherits • 1.0.2A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in jsINDIRECT0
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
ini • 1.3.8An ini encoder/decoder for nodeINDIRECT0
isexe • 2.0.0Minimal module to check if a file is executable.INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 2.7.3A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT0
minimatch • 2.0.10a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
natives • 1.1.6Do stuff with Node.js's native JavaScript modulesINDIRECT0
once • 1.3.3Run a function exactly one timeINDIRECT1
semver • 4.3.6The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
sigmund • 1.0.1Quick and dirty signatures for Objects.INDIRECT0
which • 1.3.1Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.INDIRECT1
wrappy • 1.0.2Callback wrapping utilityINDIRECT0
coffee-react-transform • 1.0.4React JSX support for CoffeescriptDIRECT0
deprecated • 0.0.1Tool for deprecating thingsINDIRECT0
glob2base • 0.0.12Extracts a base path from a node-glob instanceINDIRECT1
sequencify • 0.0.7A module for sequencing tasks and dependenciesINDIRECT0
duplexer2 • 0.0.2Like duplexer ( but using streams2INDIRECT5
glob • 3.1.21a little globberINDIRECT5
graceful-fs • 1.2.3A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
unique-stream • 1.0.0node.js through stream that emits a unique stream of objects based on criteriaINDIRECT0
source-map • 0.5.7Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR MIT1
atob • 2.1.2atob for Node.JS and Linux / Mac / Windows CLI (it's a one-liner)INDIRECT0
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