@atlaskit/activity-provider • 2.5.0 A provider to support recent activities in editor INDIRECT 18 1732186068 @atlaskit/adf-schema • 38.0.0 Shared package that contains the ADF-schema (json) and ProseMirror node/mark specs DIRECT 28 1719357510 @atlaskit/adf-schema • 39.0.3 Shared package that contains the ADF-schema (json) and ProseMirror node/mark specs INDIRECT 28 1719473569 @atlaskit/adf-schema • 40.10.0 Shared package that contains the ADF-schema (json) and ProseMirror node/mark specs INDIRECT 30 1728535480 @atlaskit/adf-schema • 47.7.0 Shared package that contains the ADF-schema (json) and ProseMirror node/mark specs INDIRECT 44 1741825981 @atlaskit/adf-utils • 19.19.0 Set of utilities to traverse, modify and create ADF documents. INDIRECT 33 1741103799 @atlaskit/analytics-gas-types • 5.1.7 Shared analytics functions/components for Fabric Elements INDIRECT 17 1740366066 @atlaskit/analytics-listeners • 8.15.0 Fabric analytics listeners to be used by the products INDIRECT 21 1739901556 @atlaskit/analytics-listeners • 9.0.0 Fabric analytics listeners to be used by the products INDIRECT 20 1740366072 @atlaskit/analytics-namespaced-context • 6.14.0 Provides a namespace for AnalyticsContext data (@atlaskit/analytics-next) INDIRECT 17 1739901555 @atlaskit/analytics-namespaced-context • 7.0.0 Provides a namespace for AnalyticsContext data (@atlaskit/analytics-next) INDIRECT 17 1740366068 @atlaskit/analytics-next-stable-react-context • 1.0.1 Single source of truth analytics-next React context. This package should NEVER be updated. INDIRECT 1 1598261591 @atlaskit/analytics-next • 10.3.1 React components, HOCs and hooks to assist with tracking user activity with React components INDIRECT 16 1738672703 @atlaskit/analytics-next • 11.0.0 React components, HOCs and hooks to assist with tracking user activity with React components INDIRECT 16 1740366069 @atlaskit/analytics-next • 9.3.4 React components, HOCs and hooks to assist with tracking user activity with React components INDIRECT 11 1722502812 @atlaskit/app-provider • 1.8.1 A top level provider for the Design System. INDIRECT 32 1738672705 @atlaskit/app-provider • 2.0.0 A top level provider for the Design System. INDIRECT 32 1740366074 @atlaskit/atlassian-context • 0.0.0 Provides FedRAMP-friendly URLs and helps to identify if product is running in FedRAMP environment. INDIRECT 2 1718192591 @atlaskit/atlassian-context • 0.0.1 Provides FedRAMP-friendly URLs and helps to identify if product is running in FedRAMP environment. INDIRECT 2 1724216383 @atlaskit/atlassian-context • 0.1.0 Provides FedRAMP-friendly URLs and helps to identify if product is running in FedRAMP environment. INDIRECT 2 1738335017 @atlaskit/atlassian-context • 0.2.0 Provides FedRAMP-friendly URLs and helps to identify if product is running in FedRAMP environment. INDIRECT 2 1740366173 @atlaskit/avatar-group • 11.2.0 An avatar group displays a number of avatars grouped together in a stack or grid. INDIRECT 126 1739977095 @atlaskit/avatar-group • 12.0.4 An avatar group displays a number of avatars grouped together in a stack or grid. INDIRECT 126 1741740513 @atlaskit/avatar-group • 9.11.5 An avatar group displays a number of avatars grouped together in a stack or grid. INDIRECT 130 1728276824 @atlaskit/avatar • 21.18.4 An avatar is a visual representation of a user or entity. INDIRECT 111 1739901562 @atlaskit/avatar • 25.0.1 An avatar is a visual representation of a user or entity. INDIRECT 111 1741835021 @atlaskit/badge • 16.4.4 A badge is a visual indicator for numeric values such as tallies and scores. INDIRECT 87 1736491179 @atlaskit/badge • 17.2.0 A badge is a visual indicator for numeric values such as tallies and scores. INDIRECT 86 1739977095 @atlaskit/badge • 18.1.0 A badge is a visual indicator for numeric values such as tallies and scores. INDIRECT 86 1741135288 @atlaskit/blanket • 14.2.0 A blanket covers the underlying UI for a layered component, such as a modal dialog or a tooltip. INDIRECT 44 1739977094 @atlaskit/blanket • 15.0.1 A blanket covers the underlying UI for a layered component, such as a modal dialog or a tooltip. INDIRECT 44 1741243924 @atlaskit/button • 18.4.1 A button triggers an event or action. They let users know what will happen next. INDIRECT 107 1721096052 @atlaskit/button • 20.5.3 A button triggers an event or action. They let users know what will happen next. INDIRECT 121 1739901567 @atlaskit/button • 21.1.4 A button triggers an event or action. They let users know what will happen next. INDIRECT 121 1741835022 @atlaskit/calendar • 15.1.3 An interactive calendar for date selection experiences. INDIRECT 143 1733202310 @atlaskit/calendar • 17.1.2 An interactive calendar for date selection experiences. INDIRECT 139 1741835021 @atlaskit/checkbox • 14.0.3 A checkbox is an input control that allows a user to select one or more options from a number of choices. INDIRECT 84 1728276825 @atlaskit/checkbox • 15.4.0 A checkbox is an input control that allows a user to select one or more options from a number of choices. INDIRECT 105 1739977095 @atlaskit/checkbox • 17.0.2 A checkbox is an input control that allows a user to select one or more options from a number of choices. INDIRECT 105 1741835022 @atlaskit/chunkinator • 6.2.0 Upload large files from the browser with ease INDIRECT 4 1738334984 @atlaskit/chunkinator • 7.0.0 Upload large files from the browser with ease INDIRECT 4 1740366139 @atlaskit/code • 15.8.0 Code highlights short strings of code snippets inline with body text. DIRECT 111 1739977096 @atlaskit/code • 16.0.2 Code highlights short strings of code snippets inline with body text. INDIRECT 112 1741243933 @atlaskit/codemod-utils • 4.2.4 jscodeshift-compatible codemod utilities INDIRECT 2 1710917628 @atlaskit/css • 0.10.1 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 34 1741762108 @atlaskit/css • 0.3.0 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 29 1718853075 @atlaskit/css • 0.5.3 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 35 1728622711 @atlaskit/css • 0.6.2 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 35 1732163483 @atlaskit/css • 0.8.0 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 34 1738334929 @atlaskit/css • 0.9.0 Style components backed by Atlassian Design System design tokens powered by Compiled CSS-in-JS. INDIRECT 34 1739977095 @atlaskit/custom-steps • 0.10.1 Editor Custom Steps INDIRECT 43 1739464274 @atlaskit/custom-steps • 0.11.0 Editor Custom Steps INDIRECT 43 1741103796 @atlaskit/custom-steps • 0.4.1 Editor Custom Steps INDIRECT 49 1719816534 @atlaskit/datetime-picker • 14.1.2 A date time picker allows the user to select an associated date and time. INDIRECT 157 1727124945 @atlaskit/datetime-picker • 16.1.1 A date time picker allows the user to select an associated date and time. INDIRECT 140 1741835023 @atlaskit/drawer • 10.0.3 A drawer is a panel that slides in from the left side of the screen. INDIRECT 131 1741835023 @atlaskit/drawer • 9.5.0 A drawer is a panel that slides in from the left side of the screen. INDIRECT 131 1739977099 @atlaskit/dropdown-menu • 12.26.5 A dropdown menu displays a list of actions or options to a user. INDIRECT 127 1739932594 @atlaskit/dropdown-menu • 13.0.4 A dropdown menu displays a list of actions or options to a user. INDIRECT 127 1741835031 @atlaskit/ds-lib • 2.7.0 Reusable utilities and hooks specific to design system. INDIRECT 6 1728039368 @atlaskit/ds-lib • 3.5.1 Reusable utilities and hooks specific to design system. INDIRECT 11 1738672725 @atlaskit/ds-lib • 4.0.0 Reusable utilities and hooks specific to design system. INDIRECT 11 1740366079 @atlaskit/editor-common • 102.5.0 A package that contains common classes and components for editor and renderer INDIRECT 448 1741855827 @atlaskit/editor-common • 83.6.1 A package that contains common classes and components for editor and renderer DIRECT 523 1719967896 @atlaskit/editor-common • 99.19.0 A package that contains common classes and components for editor and renderer INDIRECT 508 1740134619 @atlaskit/editor-json-transformer • 8.24.0 JSON transformer INDIRECT 48 1741103799 @atlaskit/editor-palette • 1.6.0 The editor palette INDIRECT 27 1714632654 @atlaskit/editor-palette • 1.7.0 The editor palette INDIRECT 32 1738334941 @atlaskit/editor-palette • 2.0.0 The editor palette INDIRECT 32 1740366090 @atlaskit/editor-plugin-analytics • 1.12.1 Analytics plugin for @atlaskit/editor-core DIRECT 540 1739464276 @atlaskit/editor-plugin-composition • 1.3.3 Composition plugin for @atlaskit/editor-core DIRECT 449 1741359173 @atlaskit/editor-plugin-decorations • 1.5.0 Decorations plugin for @atlaskit/editor-core DIRECT 509 1739179176 @atlaskit/editor-plugin-editor-disabled • 1.5.0 Editor disabled plugin for @atlaskit/editor-core DIRECT 509 1739179164 @atlaskit/editor-prosemirror • 4.0.1 Package to group all prosemirror libraries in a single place DIRECT 22 1715061966 @atlaskit/editor-prosemirror • 5.0.1 Package to group all prosemirror libraries in a single place INDIRECT 25 1721261873 @atlaskit/editor-prosemirror • 7.0.0 Package to group all prosemirror libraries in a single place INDIRECT 29 1737502252 @atlaskit/editor-shared-styles • 2.13.5 Style values used in the editor/renderer INDIRECT 77 1727144747 @atlaskit/editor-shared-styles • 3.4.1 Style values used in the editor/renderer INDIRECT 73 1740969718 @atlaskit/editor-tables • 2.9.1 A package that contains common classes and utility functions for editor tables INDIRECT 37 1740448309 @atlaskit/emoji • 67.14.4 Fabric emoji React components INDIRECT 189 1740120539 @atlaskit/emoji • 68.0.4 Fabric emoji React components INDIRECT 187 1741835037 @atlaskit/empty-state • 7.12.3 An empty state appears when there is no data to display and describes what the user can do next. INDIRECT 127 1732163486 @atlaskit/empty-state • 8.3.0 An empty state appears when there is no data to display and describes what the user can do next. INDIRECT 123 1739977098 @atlaskit/empty-state • 9.0.1 An empty state appears when there is no data to display and describes what the user can do next. INDIRECT 123 1741243921 @atlaskit/feature-gate-js-client • 4.26.5 Atlassians wrapper for the Statsig js-lite client. INDIRECT 6 1741841473 @atlaskit/flag • 15.9.4 A flag is used for confirmations, alerts, and acknowledgments that require minimal user interaction, often displayed using a flag group. INDIRECT 123 1739901569 @atlaskit/flag • 16.2.1 A flag is used for confirmations, alerts, and acknowledgments that require minimal user interaction, often displayed using a flag group. INDIRECT 123 1741835023 @atlaskit/focus-ring • 1.7.0 A focus ring clearly indicates which item has keyboard focus. INDIRECT 74 1730449913 @atlaskit/focus-ring • 2.1.0 A focus ring clearly indicates which item has keyboard focus. INDIRECT 72 1738334932 @atlaskit/focus-ring • 3.0.0 A focus ring clearly indicates which item has keyboard focus. INDIRECT 72 1740366079 @atlaskit/form • 10.6.3 A form allows users to input information. INDIRECT 116 1734316280 @atlaskit/form • 11.2.0 A form allows users to input information. INDIRECT 114 1739977096 @atlaskit/form • 12.0.2 A form allows users to input information. INDIRECT 114 1741835027 @atlaskit/frontend-utilities • 2.9.0 Collecton of small useful frontend utilities INDIRECT 2 1738334973 @atlaskit/frontend-utilities • 3.0.0 Collecton of small useful frontend utilities INDIRECT 2 1740366128 @atlaskit/give-kudos • 2.3.2 Give Kudos experience INDIRECT 150 1736491249 @atlaskit/give-kudos • 3.2.2 Give Kudos experience INDIRECT 150 1739977121 @atlaskit/give-kudos • 4.0.2 Give Kudos experience INDIRECT 150 1741835068 @atlaskit/heading • 2.4.7 A heading is a typography component used to display text in different sizes and formats. INDIRECT 87 1730271954 @atlaskit/heading • 3.1.0 A heading is a typography component used to display text in different sizes and formats. INDIRECT 87 1732120570 @atlaskit/heading • 4.3.1 A heading is a typography component used to display text in different sizes and formats. INDIRECT 85 1740026523 @atlaskit/heading • 5.1.0 A heading is a typography component used to display text in different sizes and formats. INDIRECT 85 1740462002 @atlaskit/icon-file-type • 6.9.0 A file type icon is used to represent specific types of content used across Atlassian products. INDIRECT 95 1738334993 @atlaskit/icon-file-type • 7.0.1 A file type icon is used to represent specific types of content used across Atlassian products. INDIRECT 95 1741835055 @atlaskit/icon-lab • 2.8.0 An icon package for public icon contributions INDIRECT 95 1740120531 @atlaskit/icon-lab • 4.0.0 An icon package for public icon contributions INDIRECT 95 1741835024 @atlaskit/icon-object • 6.11.1 An object icon is used to represent an Atlassian-specific content type. INDIRECT 96 1740005126 @atlaskit/icon-object • 7.0.1 An object icon is used to represent an Atlassian-specific content type. INDIRECT 96 1741835027 @atlaskit/icon-priority • 6.3.3 A priority icon is used in Jira to determine relative importance. INDIRECT 70 1660699241 @atlaskit/icon • 21.12.8 An icon is a visual representation of a command, device, directory, or common action. INDIRECT 69 1698275296 @atlaskit/icon • 22.28.0 An icon is a visual representation of a command, device, directory, or common action. DIRECT 73 1733107393 @atlaskit/icon • 23.11.0 An icon is a symbol representing a command, device, directory, or common action. INDIRECT 94 1740120542 @atlaskit/icon • 25.0.0 An icon is a symbol representing a command, device, directory, or common action. INDIRECT 94 1741835034 @atlaskit/image • 1.4.1 An image that changes in light or dark themes. INDIRECT 73 1738672732 @atlaskit/image • 2.0.0 An image that changes in light or dark themes. INDIRECT 73 1740366079 @atlaskit/inline-dialog • 15.3.1 An inline dialog is a pop-up container for small amounts of information. It can also contain controls. INDIRECT 90 1733869776 @atlaskit/inline-dialog • 17.0.1 An inline dialog is a pop-up container for small amounts of information. It can also contain controls. INDIRECT 52 1741243922 @atlaskit/inline-edit • 13.7.9 An inline edit displays a custom input component that switches between reading and editing on the same page. INDIRECT 133 1733202314 @atlaskit/inline-edit • 15.1.1 An inline edit displays a custom input component that switches between reading and editing on the same page. INDIRECT 130 1741835024 @atlaskit/interaction-context • 2.6.0 Interaction context for handling tracing INDIRECT 2 1738334996 @atlaskit/interaction-context • 3.0.0 Interaction context for handling tracing INDIRECT 2 1740366151 @atlaskit/intl-messages-provider • 1.1.0 IntlMessagesProvider is a Frontend Utility to asynchronously load i18n translated messages and feed them to IntlProvider based on the locale in product. INDIRECT 2 1738334973 @atlaskit/intl-messages-provider • 2.0.0 IntlMessagesProvider is a Frontend Utility to asynchronously load i18n translated messages and feed them to IntlProvider based on the locale in product. INDIRECT 2 1740366128 @atlaskit/jql-ast • 3.3.1 JQL Abstract Syntax Tree INDIRECT 6 1730941688 @atlaskit/jql-autocomplete • 2.0.1 JQL autocomplete engine INDIRECT 41 1710917605 @atlaskit/jql-editor-autocomplete-rest • 2.2.0 Autocomplete REST API integration for the JQL Editor. INDIRECT 64 1738334978 @atlaskit/jql-editor-autocomplete-rest • 3.0.0 Autocomplete REST API integration for the JQL Editor. INDIRECT 64 1740366133 @atlaskit/jql-editor-common • 2.2.0 Common constants, types and utilities used by the JQL editor and its dependant packages. INDIRECT 59 1738334978 @atlaskit/jql-editor-common • 3.0.0 Common constants, types and utilities used by the JQL editor and its dependant packages. INDIRECT 59 1740366132 @atlaskit/jql-editor • 4.15.1 This package allows consumers to render an advanced JQL editor component to enable autocomplete-assisted authoring and validation of JQL queries. INDIRECT 223 1739901597 @atlaskit/jql-editor • 5.0.7 This package allows consumers to render an advanced JQL editor component to enable autocomplete-assisted authoring and validation of JQL queries. INDIRECT 222 1741835056 @atlaskit/jql-parser • 2.0.1 JQL lexer, parser, listener and visitor INDIRECT 3 1710917608 @atlaskit/layering • 0.4.1 Layering provides consistent and accessible layered experience INDIRECT 7 1724390231 @atlaskit/layering • 1.1.3 Layering provides consistent and accessible layered experience INDIRECT 13 1740091070 @atlaskit/layering • 2.0.1 Layering provides consistent and accessible layered experience INDIRECT 13 1740559049 @atlaskit/legacy-custom-icons • 0.20.3 A centralised place to store legacy custom icons. INDIRECT 97 1737073749 @atlaskit/legacy-custom-icons • 0.21.2 A centralised place to store legacy custom icons. INDIRECT 97 1739901573 @atlaskit/legacy-custom-icons • 0.22.3 A centralised place to store legacy custom icons. INDIRECT 97 1741835030 @atlaskit/link-analytics • 8.7.1 Contains analytics and utils to assist in instrumenting Linking Platform components. INDIRECT 57 1739901594 @atlaskit/link-analytics • 9.1.0 Contains analytics and utils to assist in instrumenting Linking Platform components. INDIRECT 57 1741582194 @atlaskit/link-client-extension • 2.4.2 Extension methods for linking platform client INDIRECT 96 1729047901 @atlaskit/link-client-extension • 3.1.2 Extension methods for linking platform client INDIRECT 55 1739901593 @atlaskit/link-client-extension • 4.0.0 Extension methods for linking platform client INDIRECT 55 1740366136 @atlaskit/link-datasource • 2.12.5 UI Components to support linking platform dataset feature INDIRECT 368 1725958223 @atlaskit/link-datasource • 3.22.6 UI Components to support linking platform dataset feature INDIRECT 318 1741835062 @atlaskit/link-extractors • 1.10.0 Functions for extracting props from JSON-LD INDIRECT 39 1738585843 @atlaskit/link-extractors • 2.0.0 Functions for extracting props from JSON-LD INDIRECT 39 1740366138 @atlaskit/link-picker • 1.50.0 Standalone link picker INDIRECT 165 1739977112 @atlaskit/link-picker • 3.0.4 Standalone link picker INDIRECT 164 1741835058 @atlaskit/link • 2.2.0 A link takes people to a new location in the product or another website. INDIRECT 85 1739977102 @atlaskit/link • 3.0.1 A link takes people to a new location in the product or another website. INDIRECT 85 1740710418 @atlaskit/linking-common • 5.12.0 Contains utils and interfaces shared across different LP components INDIRECT 105 1728665680 @atlaskit/linking-common • 6.3.1 Contains utils and interfaces shared across different LP components INDIRECT 92 1739155027 @atlaskit/linking-common • 7.1.0 Contains utils and interfaces shared across different LP components INDIRECT 52 1739977111 @atlaskit/linking-common • 8.0.1 Contains utils and interfaces shared across different LP components INDIRECT 52 1741243953 @atlaskit/linking-types • 9.6.0 Schema and Types for frontend and backend parts of linking platform INDIRECT 2 1738334981 @atlaskit/locale • 2.8.3 Utility functions for handling localization INDIRECT 130 1739255682 @atlaskit/locale • 3.0.1 Utility functions for handling localization INDIRECT 129 1740696041 @atlaskit/logo • 14.3.5 A logo is a visual representation of a brand or product. It can be a word or an image, or a combination of both. INDIRECT 76 1732163488 @atlaskit/logo • 15.4.0 A logo is a visual representation of a brand or product. It can be a word or an image, or a combination of both. INDIRECT 36 1739977100 @atlaskit/logo • 16.0.1 A logo is a visual representation of a brand or product. It can be a word or an image, or a combination of both. INDIRECT 36 1741243925 @atlaskit/lozenge • 11.14.0 A lozenge is a visual indicator used to highlight an item's status for quick recognition. INDIRECT 87 1739977100 @atlaskit/lozenge • 12.2.0 A lozenge is a visual indicator used to highlight an item's status for quick recognition. INDIRECT 87 1741243928 @atlaskit/media-card • 78.19.7 Includes all media card related components, CardView, CardViewSmall, Card... INDIRECT 260 1739940230 @atlaskit/media-card • 79.0.9 Includes all media card related components, CardView, CardViewSmall, Card... INDIRECT 256 1741849525 @atlaskit/media-client-react • 2.7.0 🖼️ Media Client for React INDIRECT 168 1738334985 @atlaskit/media-client-react • 3.0.1 🖼️ Media Client for React INDIRECT 168 1739255691 @atlaskit/media-client-react • 4.0.0 🖼️ Media Client for React INDIRECT 167 1740366140 @atlaskit/media-client • 27.6.1 Media API Web Client Library INDIRECT 166 1726124706 @atlaskit/media-client • 28.6.0 Media API Web Client Library INDIRECT 166 1734330462 @atlaskit/media-client • 31.1.2 Media API Web Client Library INDIRECT 165 1739901598 @atlaskit/media-client • 32.0.1 Media API Web Client Library INDIRECT 164 1741673978 @atlaskit/media-common • 11.8.1 Includes common utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 129 1740120541 @atlaskit/media-common • 12.0.0 Includes common utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 128 1740366141 @atlaskit/media-file-preview • 0.10.1 A React Hook to fetch and render file previews. It's overloaded with fancy features like SSR, lazy loading, memory cache and local preview. INDIRECT 223 1738672737 @atlaskit/media-file-preview • 0.11.0 A React Hook to fetch and render file previews. It's overloaded with fancy features like SSR, lazy loading, memory cache and local preview. INDIRECT 221 1740366140 @atlaskit/media-file-preview • 0.5.2 A React Hook to fetch and render file previews. It's overloaded with fancy features like SSR, lazy loading, memory cache and local preview. INDIRECT 228 1715316546 @atlaskit/media-picker • 66.7.5 Library for handling file uploads INDIRECT 230 1730090135 @atlaskit/media-picker • 67.1.3 Library for handling file uploads INDIRECT 226 1739901598 @atlaskit/media-picker • 68.0.2 Library for handling file uploads INDIRECT 224 1741835054 @atlaskit/media-svg • 0.1.10 For fetching and rendering SVGs secure and responsively INDIRECT 174 1719967894 @atlaskit/media-svg • 1.3.0 For fetching and rendering SVGs secure and responsively INDIRECT 170 1739977110 @atlaskit/media-svg • 2.0.0 For fetching and rendering SVGs secure and responsively INDIRECT 169 1740366140 @atlaskit/media-ui • 25.16.1 Includes common components and utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 187 1729474943 @atlaskit/media-ui • 26.2.6 Includes common components and utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 186 1732710685 @atlaskit/media-ui • 27.5.0 Includes common components and utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 183 1739977114 @atlaskit/media-ui • 28.0.4 Includes common components and utilities used by other media packages INDIRECT 181 1741835059 @atlaskit/media-viewer • 48.6.10 MediaViewer is Atlassian's powerful solution for viewing files on the web. It's both powerful and extendable yet easy-to-integrate INDIRECT 262 1719816554 @atlaskit/media-viewer • 50.1.8 MediaViewer is Atlassian's powerful solution for viewing files on the web. It's both powerful and extendable yet easy-to-integrate INDIRECT 246 1739940231 @atlaskit/media-viewer • 52.0.2 MediaViewer is Atlassian's powerful solution for viewing files on the web. It's both powerful and extendable yet easy-to-integrate INDIRECT 244 1741835062 @atlaskit/mention • 23.11.4 A React component used to display user profiles in a list for 'Mention' functionality INDIRECT 136 1739901579 @atlaskit/mention • 24.1.3 A React component used to display user profiles in a list for 'Mention' functionality INDIRECT 135 1741835036 @atlaskit/menu • 2.14.4 A list of options to help users navigate, or perform actions. INDIRECT 88 1739901567 @atlaskit/menu • 3.1.1 A list of options to help users navigate, or perform actions. INDIRECT 88 1741243924 @atlaskit/modal-dialog • 12.20.8 A modal dialog displays content that requires user interaction, in a layer above the page. INDIRECT 125 1740091071 @atlaskit/modal-dialog • 13.0.4 A modal dialog displays content that requires user interaction, in a layer above the page. INDIRECT 125 1741835028 @atlaskit/motion • 1.10.0 A set of utilities to apply motion in your application. INDIRECT 71 1738334935 @atlaskit/motion • 3.1.0 A set of utilities to apply motion in your application. INDIRECT 71 1739977104 @atlaskit/motion • 5.1.1 A set of utilities to apply motion in your application. INDIRECT 35 1741673965 @atlaskit/onboarding • 12.3.6 An onboarding spotlight introduces new features to users through focused messages or multi-step tours. INDIRECT 141 1739901567 @atlaskit/onboarding • 13.0.3 An onboarding spotlight introduces new features to users through focused messages or multi-step tours. INDIRECT 141 1741567864 @atlaskit/outbound-auth-flow-client • 3.4.6 Front-end library for starting outbound auth flows INDIRECT 2 1710917657 @atlaskit/people-teams-ui-public • 2.1.0 UI components for public packages INDIRECT 133 1738334998 @atlaskit/people-teams-ui-public • 3.0.1 UI components for public packages INDIRECT 133 1741835061 @atlaskit/platform-feature-flags-react • 0.1.1 utility library for working with feature flags in react INDIRECT 87 1740366157 @atlaskit/platform-feature-flags • 0.2.6 Platform Feature Flags DIRECT 2 1719581746 @atlaskit/platform-feature-flags • 0.3.0 Platform Feature Flags INDIRECT 2 1719622133 @atlaskit/platform-feature-flags • 1.1.0 Platform Feature Flags INDIRECT 7 1739901606 @atlaskit/popper • 6.4.0 A wrapper for React Popper for situations which require a bespoke popup where other ADS components are deemed unsuitable INDIRECT 8 1738334937 @atlaskit/popper • 7.0.1 A wrapper for React Popper for situations which require a bespoke popup where other ADS components are deemed unsuitable INDIRECT 8 1740624148 @atlaskit/popup • 1.32.0 A popup displays brief content in an overlay. INDIRECT 98 1739977108 @atlaskit/popup • 2.0.3 A popup displays brief content in an overlay. INDIRECT 98 1741243928 @atlaskit/portal • 4.11.3 A wrapper for rendering components in React portals. INDIRECT 34 1739901567 @atlaskit/portal • 5.1.0 A wrapper for rendering components in React portals. INDIRECT 34 1741673965 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-hitbox • 1.0.3 An optional package for Pragmatic drag and drop that enables the attaching of interaction information to a drop target INDIRECT 5 1711406374 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-react-beautiful-dnd-autoscroll • 1.2.1 An optional package for Pragmatic drag and drop that enables automatic scrolling during a drag operation. This package is a port of the react-beautiful-dnd auto scroller INDIRECT 7 1722221776 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-react-beautiful-dnd-autoscroll • 2.0.0 An optional package for Pragmatic drag and drop that enables automatic scrolling during a drag operation. This package is a port of the react-beautiful-dnd auto scroller INDIRECT 7 1740366160 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-react-drop-indicator • 1.2.0 An optional Pragmatic drag and drop package containing react components that provide a visual indication about what the user will achieve when the drop (eg lines) INDIRECT 75 1738335004 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-react-drop-indicator • 3.0.0 An optional Pragmatic drag and drop package containing react components that provide a visual indication about what the user will achieve when the drop (eg lines) INDIRECT 37 1741762115 @atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop • 1.5.1 The core package for Pragmatic drag and drop - enabling fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack INDIRECT 4 1741762116 @atlaskit/primitives • 10.1.0 Primitives are token-backed low-level building blocks. INDIRECT 87 1720399707 @atlaskit/primitives • 11.1.2 Primitives are token-backed low-level building blocks. INDIRECT 87 1722955464 @atlaskit/primitives • 12.2.7 Primitives are token-backed low-level building blocks. INDIRECT 86 1729701184 @atlaskit/primitives • 13.6.0 Primitives are token-backed low-level building blocks. INDIRECT 84 1739977101 @atlaskit/primitives • 14.1.4 Primitives are token-backed low-level building blocks. INDIRECT 84 1741762110 @atlaskit/profilecard • 19.28.1 A React component to display a card with user information. INDIRECT 187 1727165827 @atlaskit/profilecard • 22.2.4 A React component to display a card with user information. INDIRECT 178 1740134605 @atlaskit/profilecard • 23.2.6 A React component to display a card with user information. INDIRECT 177 1741835064 @atlaskit/prosemirror-input-rules • 3.3.0 A package that contains helpers to create autoformatting rules for ProseMirror DIRECT 30 1739179161 @atlaskit/range • 7.4.5 A range lets users choose an approximate value on a slider. INDIRECT 76 1732163491 @atlaskit/range • 8.2.0 A range lets users choose an approximate value on a slider. INDIRECT 37 1739977112 @atlaskit/range • 9.0.2 A range lets users choose an approximate value on a slider. INDIRECT 37 1741243925 @atlaskit/react-select • 1.7.5 A forked version of react-select to only be used in atlaskit/select INDIRECT 116 1739901569 @atlaskit/react-select • 2.0.5 A forked version of react-select to only be used in atlaskit/select INDIRECT 116 1741835027 @atlaskit/react-ufo • 2.16.1 Parts of React UFO that are publicly available INDIRECT 15 1739977122 @atlaskit/react-ufo • 3.4.1 Parts of React UFO that are publicly available INDIRECT 15 1741769263 @atlaskit/rovo-agent-components • 1.19.0 This package host public components related to rovo agents, the components here are needed for other public atlaskit packages INDIRECT 147 1740120530 @atlaskit/rovo-agent-components • 2.2.2 This package host public components related to rovo agents, the components here are needed for other public atlaskit packages INDIRECT 147 1741835016 @atlaskit/rovo-triggers • 1.6.0 Provides various trigger events to drive Rovo Chat functionality, such as a publish-subscribe and URL parameter hooks INDIRECT 3 1740011904 @atlaskit/rovo-triggers • 2.3.0 Provides various trigger events to drive Rovo Chat functionality, such as a publish-subscribe and URL parameter hooks INDIRECT 3 1741747624 @atlaskit/section-message • 6.9.4 A section message is used to alert users to a particular section of the screen. INDIRECT 123 1739977115 @atlaskit/section-message • 7.0.0 A section message is used to alert users to a particular section of the screen. INDIRECT 123 1740120531 @atlaskit/section-message • 8.1.1 A section message is used to alert users to a particular section of the screen. INDIRECT 123 1741835038 @atlaskit/select • 17.19.3 Select allows users to make a single selection or multiple selections from a list of options. INDIRECT 113 1727850292 @atlaskit/select • 18.10.6 Select allows users to make a single selection or multiple selections from a list of options. INDIRECT 129 1739901569 @atlaskit/select • 20.0.4 Select allows users to make a single selection or multiple selections from a list of options. INDIRECT 128 1741835026 @atlaskit/side-navigation • 3.6.8 A highly composable side navigation component that supports nested views. INDIRECT 115 1736491186 @atlaskit/side-navigation • 4.2.5 A highly composable side navigation component that supports nested views. INDIRECT 113 1739901568 @atlaskit/side-navigation • 6.0.3 A highly composable side navigation component that supports nested views. INDIRECT 113 1741835026 @atlaskit/skeleton • 1.2.0 A skeleton acts as a placeholder for content, usually while the content loads. INDIRECT 34 1739977100 @atlaskit/skeleton • 2.0.1 A skeleton acts as a placeholder for content, usually while the content loads. INDIRECT 34 1741673974 @atlaskit/smart-card • 27.21.0 Smart card component INDIRECT 239 1725641983 @atlaskit/smart-card • 28.4.0 Smart card component INDIRECT 239 1727761089 @atlaskit/smart-card • 34.11.1 Smart card component INDIRECT 206 1740120564 @atlaskit/smart-card • 35.2.8 Smart card component INDIRECT 204 1741835077 @atlaskit/smart-user-picker • 6.10.2 Pick users from a ranked user list based on provided context INDIRECT 159 1723431481 @atlaskit/smart-user-picker • 6.11.2 Pick users from a ranked user list based on provided context INDIRECT 159 1732120577 @atlaskit/smart-user-picker • 7.0.1 Pick users from a ranked user list based on provided context INDIRECT 159 1739932595 @atlaskit/smart-user-picker • 8.0.0 Pick users from a ranked user list based on provided context INDIRECT 158 1740366169 @atlaskit/spinner • 16.3.6 A spinner is an animated spinning icon that lets users know content is being loaded. INDIRECT 75 1737073740 @atlaskit/spinner • 17.2.0 A spinner is an animated spinning icon that lets users know content is being loaded. INDIRECT 37 1739977118 @atlaskit/spinner • 18.0.2 A spinner is an animated spinning icon that lets users know content is being loaded. INDIRECT 37 1741812346 @atlaskit/tabs • 17.3.0 Tabs are used to organize content by grouping similar information on the same page. INDIRECT 88 1739977105 @atlaskit/tabs • 18.0.1 Tabs are used to organize content by grouping similar information on the same page. INDIRECT 88 1741243933 @atlaskit/tag • 12.7.1 A tag labels UI objects for quick recognition and navigation. INDIRECT 111 1738672729 @atlaskit/tag • 14.0.3 A tag labels UI objects for quick recognition and navigation. INDIRECT 111 1741835026 @atlaskit/task-decision • 17.12.2 Tasks and decisions react components INDIRECT 111 1739901577 @atlaskit/task-decision • 18.0.0 Tasks and decisions react components INDIRECT 123 1740040575 @atlaskit/task-decision • 19.1.0 Tasks and decisions react components INDIRECT 120 1741870291 @atlaskit/teams-avatar • 1.4.0 A team avatar is a visual representation of a team. INDIRECT 112 1740306951 @atlaskit/teams-avatar • 2.1.4 A team avatar is a visual representation of a team. INDIRECT 112 1741835064 @atlaskit/textarea • 5.8.2 A text area lets users enter long form text which spans over multiple lines. INDIRECT 87 1739155005 @atlaskit/textarea • 7.1.0 A text area lets users enter long form text which spans over multiple lines. INDIRECT 87 1739977116 @atlaskit/textarea • 8.0.1 A text area lets users enter long form text which spans over multiple lines. INDIRECT 87 1741243925 @atlaskit/textfield • 6.5.1 A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text. INDIRECT 83 1723532053 @atlaskit/textfield • 6.8.3 A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text. INDIRECT 87 1739901569 @atlaskit/textfield • 7.0.0 A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text. INDIRECT 43 1739926500 @atlaskit/textfield • 8.0.1 A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text. INDIRECT 43 1741243932 @atlaskit/theme • 12.12.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, typography and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 28 1723431430 @atlaskit/theme • 13.1.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, typography and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 34 1728910929 @atlaskit/theme • 14.1.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, typography and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 33 1738334938 @atlaskit/theme • 15.0.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 33 1739155006 @atlaskit/theme • 16.0.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 33 1739901572 @atlaskit/theme • 18.0.0 Theme contains solutions for global theming, colors, and other useful mixins. INDIRECT 33 1741243934 @atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig • 2.47.0 Temp plugin to ease use of statsig feature flags until platform feature flags are available INDIRECT 7 1739940239 @atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig • 3.6.0 Temp plugin to ease use of statsig feature flags until platform feature flags are available INDIRECT 7 1741835035 @atlaskit/tokens • 1.61.0 Design tokens are the single source of truth to name and store design decisions. INDIRECT 26 1727060979 @atlaskit/tokens • 2.5.1 Design tokens are the single source of truth to name and store design decisions. INDIRECT 32 1736320726 @atlaskit/tokens • 3.3.2 Design tokens are the single source of truth to name and store design decisions. INDIRECT 31 1739926504 @atlaskit/tokens • 4.4.1 Design tokens are the single source of truth to name and store design decisions. INDIRECT 31 1741762118 @atlaskit/tooltip • 18.9.4 A tooltip is a floating, non-actionable label used to explain a user interface element or feature. INDIRECT 92 1733869782 @atlaskit/tooltip • 19.2.0 A tooltip is a floating, non-actionable label used to explain a user interface element or feature. INDIRECT 90 1739977107 @atlaskit/tooltip • 20.0.2 A tooltip is a floating, non-actionable label used to explain a user interface element or feature. INDIRECT 91 1741243929 @atlaskit/ufo • 0.2.7 UFO external part INDIRECT 3 1721227590 @atlaskit/ufo • 0.3.1 UFO external part INDIRECT 3 1726628273 @atlaskit/ufo • 0.4.0 UFO external part INDIRECT 3 1740366075 @atlaskit/user-picker • 10.31.4 Fabric component for display a dropdown to select a user from INDIRECT 158 1739901579 @atlaskit/user-picker • 11.0.7 Fabric component for display a dropdown to select a user from INDIRECT 157 1741835037 @atlaskit/util-service-support • 6.3.0 A library of support classes for integrating React components with REST HTTP services INDIRECT 17 1741673974 @atlaskit/visually-hidden • 1.6.0 A utility that hides content from the screen while retaining readability by screen readers for accessibility. INDIRECT 61 1738334938 @atlaskit/visually-hidden • 3.0.0 A utility that hides content from the screen while retaining readability by screen readers for accessibility. INDIRECT 4 1741135297 @atlaskit/width-detector • 4.4.0 Wrapper for components that need to respond to width changes INDIRECT 3 1738334939 @atlaskit/width-detector • 5.0.0 Wrapper for components that need to respond to width changes INDIRECT 3 1740366087 @compiled/react • 0.17.3 A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. INDIRECT 1 1721611905 @compiled/react • 0.18.3 A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. INDIRECT 1 1741580548 @react-loosely-lazy/manifest • 1.2.0 react-loosely-lazy manifest types and utilities INDIRECT 0 1697772617 crc-32 • 0.3.0 Pure-JS CRC-32 INDIRECT 0 1431063277 fuse.js • 6.6.2 Lightweight fuzzy-search INDIRECT 0 1652234511 json-ld-types • 4.1.3 A set of types for the Atlassian Object Vocabulary defined at [Atlassian Object Vocabulary](https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SL/pages/460753040/Atlassian+Object+Vocabulary+JSON-LD). INDIRECT 1 1737680366 localforage • 1.10.0 Offline storage, improved. INDIRECT 2 1629321728 pdfjs-dist • 2.16.105 Generic build of Mozilla's PDF.js library. INDIRECT 2 1661686091 prosemirror-utils • 1.2.1-0 Utils library for ProseMirror INDIRECT 0 1689382428 prosemirror-utils • 1.2.2 Utils library for ProseMirror INDIRECT 0 1715572765 react-loosely-lazy • 1.2.1 Suspense enable and SSR compatible async components with priorities INDIRECT 0 1724388682 rxjs • 5.5.12 Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript INDIRECT 1 1535641299 schema-dts • 0.5.3 A TypeScript package with latest Schema.org Schema Typings INDIRECT 0 1588647960