wix-ui-core v1.0.632


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Dependency Licenses

@babel/runtime • 7.25.6babel's modular runtime helpersINDIRECT1
@unidriver/core • 1.3.0UniDriver coreINDIRECT0
@unidriver/jsdom-react • 1.7.0JSDom React adapter for UniDriverINDIRECT1
@unidriver/protractor • 1.1.7INDIRECT31
@unidriver/puppeteer • 2.2.7INDIRECT1
acorn-globals • 4.3.4Detect global variables in JavaScript using acornINDIRECT2
acorn-walk • 6.2.0ECMAScript (ESTree) AST walkerINDIRECT0
acorn • 5.7.4ECMAScript parserINDIRECT0
acorn • 6.4.2ECMAScript parserINDIRECT0
ajv • 6.12.6Another JSON Schema ValidatorINDIRECT5
array-equal • 1.0.2Check if two arrays are equalINDIRECT0
array-from • 2.1.1A ponyfill for the ES 2015 (ES6) `Array.from()`.INDIRECT0
asn1 • 0.2.6Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)INDIRECT1
assert-plus • 1.0.0Extra assertions on top of node's assert moduleINDIRECT0
async-limiter • 1.0.1asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrencyINDIRECT0
asynckit • 0.4.0Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams supportINDIRECT0
aws4 • 1.13.2Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4INDIRECT0
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
camelcase-css • 2.0.1Convert a kebab-cased CSS property into a camelCased DOM property.INDIRECT0
classnames • 2.5.1A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames togetherDIRECT0
clean-css • 4.2.4A well-tested CSS minifierINDIRECT1
codem-isoboxer • 0.3.6A lightweight JavaScript MP4 (MPEG-4, ISOBMFF) file/box parser.INDIRECT0
combined-stream • 1.0.8A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.INDIRECT1
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.2The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.3The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
css-selector-tokenizer • 0.7.3Parses and stringifies CSS selectorsINDIRECT2
css-vendor • 0.3.8CSS vendor prefix detection and property feature testing.INDIRECT1
cssesc • 3.0.0A JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers while generating the shortest possible ASCII-only output.INDIRECT0
cssom • 0.3.8CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parserINDIRECT0
cssstyle • 1.4.0CSSStyleDeclaration Object Model implementationINDIRECT1
dashdash • 1.14.1A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library.INDIRECT1
data-urls • 1.1.0Parses data: URLsINDIRECT7
deep-is • 0.1.4node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaNINDIRECT0
deindent • 0.1.0ES6 template string helper for deindentationINDIRECT0
delayed-stream • 1.0.0Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them.INDIRECT0
dom-helpers • 3.4.0tiny modular DOM lib for ie8+INDIRECT2
domexception • 1.0.1An implementation of the DOMException class from browsersINDIRECT1
ecc-jsbn • 0.1.2ECC JS code based on JSBNINDIRECT2
enhanced-resolve • 4.5.0Offers a async require.resolve function. It's highly configurable.INDIRECT13
errno • 0.1.8libuv errno details exposedINDIRECT1
eventemitter3 • 3.1.2EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface.INDIRECT0
extend • 3.0.2Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browserINDIRECT0
extsprintf • 1.3.0extended POSIX-style sprintfINDIRECT0
fast-deep-equal • 2.0.1Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonifyINDIRECT0
fast-levenshtein • 2.0.6Efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm with locale-specific collator support.INDIRECT0
fastparse • 1.1.2A very simple and stupid parser, based on a statemachine and regular expressions.INDIRECT0
form-data • 2.3.3A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.INDIRECT5
getpass • 0.1.7getpass for node.jsINDIRECT1
har-validator • 5.1.5Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON SchemaINDIRECT7
has-flag • 3.0.0Check if argv has a specific flagINDIRECT0
hoist-non-react-methods • 1.1.0Copies non-react specific methods from a child component to a parent componentDIRECT21
html-encoding-sniffer • 1.0.2Sniff the encoding from a HTML byte streamINDIRECT3
http-signature • 1.2.0Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme.INDIRECT15
iconv-lite • 0.4.24Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
immediate • 3.0.6A cross browser microtask libraryINDIRECT0
ip-regex • 1.0.3Regular expression for matching IP addressesINDIRECT0
is-in-browser • 1.1.3Simple check to see if current app is running in browserINDIRECT0
is-typedarray • 1.0.0Detect whether or not an object is a Typed ArrayINDIRECT0
is-vendor-prefixed • 1.0.0Check whether a property is vendor prefixedINDIRECT1
isarray • 0.0.1Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isarray • 1.0.0Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
isstream • 0.1.2Determine if an object is a StreamINDIRECT0
js-tokens • 4.0.0A regex that tokenizes JavaScript.INDIRECT0
jsbn • 0.1.1The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers.INDIRECT0
jsdom • 11.12.0A JavaScript implementation of many web standardsDIRECT93
json-schema-traverse • 0.4.1Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callbackINDIRECT0
jsprim • 1.4.2utilities for primitive JavaScript typesINDIRECT5
jss-camel-case • 6.1.0JSS plugin that allows to write camel cased rule propertiesINDIRECT1
jss-compose • 5.0.0JSS plugin for classes compositionINDIRECT3
jss-default-unit • 8.0.2JSS plugin that adds default custom unit to numeric values where neededINDIRECT0
jss-expand • 5.3.0JSS plugin that gives you a better syntax than CSS.INDIRECT0
jss-extend • 6.2.0JSS plugin that enables mixing in styles.INDIRECT3
jss-global • 3.0.0Global styles for JSSINDIRECT0
jss-nested • 6.0.1JSS plugin that enables support for nested selectorsINDIRECT3
jss-preset-default • 4.5.0Default preset for JSS with selected plugins.INDIRECT16
jss-props-sort • 6.0.0JSS plugin that ensures style properties extend each other instead of overrideINDIRECT0
jss-template • 1.0.1JSS plugin enables string templatesINDIRECT3
jss-vendor-prefixer • 7.0.0JSS plugin that handles vendor prefixes in the browserINDIRECT2
jss • 9.8.7A lib for generating Style Sheets with JavaScript.INDIRECT5
just-extend • 4.2.1extend an objectINDIRECT0
levn • 0.3.0Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation - human written, concise, typed, flexibleINDIRECT2
lie • 3.3.0A basic but performant promise implementationINDIRECT1
lodash.clonedeep • 4.5.0The lodash method `_.cloneDeep` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.get • 4.4.2The lodash method `_.get` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.sortby • 4.7.0The lodash method `_.sortBy` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities.DIRECT0
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an ASTINDIRECT1
memory-fs • 0.5.0A simple in-memory filesystem. Holds data in a javascript object.INDIRECT10
mime-db • 1.52.0Media Type DatabaseINDIRECT0
mime-types • 2.1.35The ultimate javascript content-type utility.INDIRECT1
murmurhash • 0.0.2A Node.js module for the optimized JavaScript implementation of the MurmurHash algorithms.INDIRECT0
nwsapi • 2.2.12Fast CSS Selectors API EngineINDIRECT0
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
optionator • 0.8.3option parsing and help generationINDIRECT6
os-tmpdir • 1.0.2Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfillINDIRECT0
parse5 • 4.0.0HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.js. WHATWG HTML Living Standard (aka HTML5)-compliant.INDIRECT0
path-is-absolute • 1.0.1Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfillINDIRECT0
path-to-regexp • 1.8.0Express style path to RegExp utilityINDIRECT1
performance-now • 2.1.0Implements (based on process.hrtime).INDIRECT0
playable • 1.13.0Video player based on HTML5VideoDIRECT12
pn • 1.1.0Promisify the node standard library.INDIRECT0
popper.js • 1.16.1A kickass library to manage your poppersDIRECT0
postcss-js • 2.0.3PostCSS for React Inline Styles, Radium, Free Style and other CSS-in-JSINDIRECT4
postcss-nested • 4.2.3PostCSS plugin to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does itINDIRECT6
postcss-safe-parser • 4.0.2Fault-tolerant CSS parser for PostCSSINDIRECT3
postcss-selector-matches • 4.0.0PostCSS plugin to transform :matches() W3C CSS pseudo class to more compatible CSS selectorsINDIRECT4
postcss-selector-parser • 6.1.2> Selector parser with built in methods for working with selector strings.INDIRECT2
postcss-value-parser • 3.3.1Transforms css values and at-rule params into the treeINDIRECT0
postcss • 7.0.39Tool for transforming styles with JS pluginsINDIRECT2
prelude-ls • is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is the recommended base library for, LiveScript.INDIRECT0
process-nextick-args • 2.0.1process.nextTick but always with argsINDIRECT0
prop-types • 15.8.1Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.INDIRECT4
prr • 1.0.1A better Object.defineProperty()INDIRECT0
psl • 1.9.0Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix ListINDIRECT0
punycode • 2.3.1A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.INDIRECT0
react-is • 16.13.1Brand checking of React Elements.INDIRECT0
react-lifecycles-compat • 3.0.4Backwards compatibility polyfill for React class componentsINDIRECT0
react-onclickoutside • 6.13.1An onClickOutside wrapper for React componentsDIRECT0
react-popper • 0.10.1React wrapper around PopperJS.DIRECT6
react-portal • 4.2.2To make your life with React Portals easier.DIRECT5
readable-stream • 2.3.8Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT7
regenerator-runtime • 0.14.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.INDIRECT0
resize-observer-polyfill • 1.5.1A polyfill for the Resize Observer APIINDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
setimmediate • 1.0.5A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding APIINDIRECT0
shallowequal • 1.1.0Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.DIRECT0
sshpk • 1.18.0A library for finding and using SSH public keysINDIRECT9
string_decoder • 1.1.1The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
string.prototype.endswith • 0.2.0A robust & optimized `String.prototype.endsWith` polyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification.INDIRECT0
supports-color • 5.5.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT1
symbol-observable • 1.2.0Symbol.observable ponyfillINDIRECT0
symbol-tree • 3.2.4Turn any collection of objects into its own efficient tree or linked list using SymbolINDIRECT0
tapable • 1.1.3Just a little module for plugins.INDIRECT0
tlds • 1.254.0A list of TLDs.INDIRECT0
tmp • 0.0.30Temporary file and directory creatorINDIRECT1
tr46 • 1.0.1An implementation of the Unicode TR46 specINDIRECT1
trier-promise • 1.0.1A promise based trierINDIRECT0
type-check • 0.3.2type-check allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a Haskell like type syntax.INDIRECT1
type-detect • 4.0.8Improved typeof detection for node.js and the browser.INDIRECT0
type-detect • 4.1.0Improved typeof detection for node.js and the browser.INDIRECT0
type-zoo • 3.1.1A menagerie of useful type operators for TypeScriptDIRECT0
unidriver • 1.0.0-alpha.2Universal component drivers that can be reused in all test levels, from component to e2e.DIRECT0
url-regex • 4.1.1Regular expression for matching URLsINDIRECT2
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser supportINDIRECT0
uuid • 3.4.0RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsINDIRECT0
vendor-prefixes • 1.0.0List of the current CSS vendor prefixes.INDIRECT0
verror • 1.10.0richer JavaScript errorsINDIRECT3
w3c-hr-time • 1.0.2An implementation of the W3C High Resolution Time Level 2 specification.INDIRECT1
whatwg-encoding • 1.0.5Decode strings according to the WHATWG Encoding StandardINDIRECT2
whatwg-mimetype • 2.3.0Parses, serializes, and manipulates MIME types, according to the WHATWG MIME Sniffing StandardINDIRECT0
whatwg-url • 6.5.0An implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard's URL API and parsing machineryINDIRECT4
whatwg-url • 7.1.0An implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard's URL API and parsing machineryINDIRECT4
wix-ui-jss • 1.0.40Render style tags to the Dom and provide the relevant classes to the wix-ui-core components, using jssDIRECT41
wix-ui-test-utils • 1.0.191> A common test utils used within the different `wix-ui` packagesDIRECT35
word-wrap • 1.2.5Wrap words to a specified length.INDIRECT0
ws • 5.2.4Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.jsINDIRECT1
xml2js • 0.4.23Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.INDIRECT2
xmlbuilder • 11.0.1An XML builder for node.jsINDIRECT0
@sinonjs/commons • 1.8.6Simple functions shared among the sinon end user librariesINDIRECT1
@sinonjs/formatio • 2.0.0Human-readable object formattingINDIRECT1
@sinonjs/formatio • 3.2.2Human-readable object formattingINDIRECT5
@sinonjs/samsam • 3.3.3Value identification and comparison functionsINDIRECT4
@stylable/core • 0.1.19CSS for ComponentsINDIRECT37
@stylable/dom-test-kit • 0.1.12Stylable DOM testing utilitiesDIRECT39
@stylable/runtime • 0.2.0-alpha.0Stylable runtime DOM integrationINDIRECT0
@stylable/uni-driver • 2.5.3Stylable UniDriver testing utilitiesINDIRECT0
abab • 2.0.6WHATWG spec-compliant implementations of window.atob and window.btoa.INDIRECT0
bcrypt-pbkdf • 1.0.2Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JSINDIRECT1
dashjs • 2.9.3A reference client implementation for the playback of MPEG DASH via Javascript and compliant browsers.INDIRECT4
diff • 3.5.0A javascript text diff implementation.INDIRECT0
hyphenate-style-name • 1.1.0Hyphenates a camelcased CSS property nameINDIRECT0
lolex • 2.7.5Fake JavaScript timersINDIRECT0
lolex • 5.1.2Fake JavaScript timersINDIRECT2
nise • 1.5.3Fake XHR and serverINDIRECT11
qs • 6.5.3A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitINDIRECT0
react-transition-group • 2.9.0A react component toolset for managing animationsDIRECT9
samsam • 1.3.0Value identification and comparison functionsINDIRECT0
sinon • 4.5.0JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.INDIRECT20
source-map • 0.6.1Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
tough-cookie • 2.5.0RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for node.jsINDIRECT2
warning • 3.0.0A mirror of Facebook's WarningINDIRECT2
fs.realpath • 1.0.0Use node's fs.realpath, but fall back to the JS implementation if the native one failsINDIRECT0
glob • 7.2.3a little globberINDIRECT10
graceful-fs • 4.2.11A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
har-schema • 2.0.0JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR)INDIRECT0
inflight • 1.0.6Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplicationINDIRECT2
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
json-stringify-safe • 5.0.1Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.INDIRECT0
minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
once • 1.4.0Run a function exactly one timeINDIRECT1
picocolors • 0.2.1The tiniest and the fastest coloring library everINDIRECT0
request-promise-core • 1.1.4Core Promise support implementation for the simplified HTTP request client 'request'.INDIRECT1
request-promise-native • 1.0.9The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by native ES6 promises.INDIRECT6
rimraf • 2.7.1A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)INDIRECT11
sax • 1.2.1An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScriptINDIRECT0
sax • 1.4.1An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScriptINDIRECT0
stealthy-require • 1.1.1The closest you can get to require something with bypassing the require cacheINDIRECT0
wix-eventually • 2.3.0retrying execution of function for testsDIRECT1
wrappy • 1.0.2Callback wrapping utilityINDIRECT0
aws-sign2 • 0.7.0AWS signing. Originally pulled from LearnBoost/knox, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
caseless • 0.12.0Caseless object set/get/has, very useful when working with HTTP headers.INDIRECT0
forever-agent • 0.6.1HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
hls.js • 0.9.1JavaScript HLS client using MediaSourceExtensionINDIRECT2
oauth-sign • 0.9.0OAuth 1 signing. Formerly a vendor lib in mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
request • 2.88.2Simplified HTTP request client.INDIRECT46
selenium-webdriver • 3.6.0The official WebDriver JavaScript bindings from the Selenium projectINDIRECT29
tunnel-agent • 0.6.0HTTP proxy tunneling agent. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT1
url-toolkit • 2.2.5Build an absolute URL from a base URL and a relative URL (RFC 1808). No dependencies!INDIRECT0
xml-name-validator • 3.0.0Validates whether a string matches the production for an XML name or qualified nameINDIRECT0
browser-process-hrtime • 1.0.0Shim for process.hrtime in the browserINDIRECT0
escodegen • 1.14.3ECMAScript code generatorINDIRECT11
esprima • 4.0.1ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysisINDIRECT0
estraverse • 4.3.0ECMAScript JS AST traversal functionsINDIRECT0
esutils • 2.0.3utility box for ECMAScript language toolsINDIRECT0
imsc • 1.1.5Renders IMSC documents to HTML5 fragmentsINDIRECT1
uri-js • 4.4.1An RFC 3986/3987 compliant, scheme extendable URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript.INDIRECT1
webidl-conversions • 4.0.2Implements the WebIDL algorithms for converting to and from JavaScript valuesINDIRECT0
tslib • 1.14.1Runtime library for TypeScript helper functionsDIRECT0
left-pad • 1.3.0String left padINDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR Unlicense1
@sinonjs/text-encoding • 0.7.3Polyfill for the Encoding Living Standard's API.INDIRECT0
GPL-3.0-or-later OR MIT1
jszip • 3.10.1Create, read and edit .zip files with JavaScript
AFL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause1
json-schema • 0.4.0JSON Schema validation and specificationsINDIRECT0
pako • 1.0.11zlib port to javascript - fast, modularized, with browser supportINDIRECT0
tweetnacl • 0.14.5Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScriptINDIRECT0
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