@sw-tsdk/turbine v2.21.1

Helper module for Turbine

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@cspotcode/source-map-support • 0.8.1Fixes stack traces for files with source mapsINDIRECT3
@ctrl/url-join • 1.0.4Join strings together and normalize the resulting urlDIRECT0
@jridgewell/resolve-uri • 3.1.2Resolve a URI relative to an optional base URIINDIRECT0
@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec • 1.5.0Encode/decode sourcemap mappingsINDIRECT0
@jridgewell/trace-mapping • 0.3.9Trace the original position through a source mapINDIRECT2
@nodelib/fs.scandir • 2.1.5List files and directories inside the specified directoryINDIRECT3
@nodelib/fs.stat • 2.0.5Get the status of a file with some featuresINDIRECT0
@nodelib/fs.walk • 1.2.8A library for efficiently walking a directory recursivelyINDIRECT6
@oclif/core • 2.8.5base library for oclif CLIsDIRECT105
@tsconfig/node10 • 1.0.11A base TSConfig for working with Node 10.INDIRECT0
@tsconfig/node12 • 1.0.11A base TSConfig for working with Node 12.INDIRECT0
@tsconfig/node14 • 1.0.3A base TSConfig for working with Node 14.INDIRECT0
@tsconfig/node16 • 1.0.4A base TSConfig for working with Node 16.INDIRECT0
@types/cli-progress • 3.11.6TypeScript definitions for cli-progressINDIRECT2
@types/node • 22.5.5TypeScript definitions for nodeINDIRECT1
acorn-walk • 8.3.4ECMAScript (ESTree) AST walkerINDIRECT1
acorn • 8.12.1ECMAScript parserINDIRECT0
ajv • 6.12.6Another JSON Schema ValidatorINDIRECT5
ansi-escapes • 4.3.2ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminalINDIRECT1
ansi-regex • 5.0.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 4.3.0ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT2
ansicolors • 0.3.2Functions that surround a string with ansicolor codes so it prints in color.INDIRECT0
arg • 4.1.3Another simple argument parserINDIRECT0
argparse • 1.0.10Very powerful CLI arguments parser. Native port of argparse - python's options parsing libraryINDIRECT1
array-union • 2.1.0Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arraysINDIRECT0
asn1 • 0.2.6Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)INDIRECT1
assert-plus • 1.0.0Extra assertions on top of node's assert moduleINDIRECT0
async • 3.2.6Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous codeINDIRECT0
asynckit • 0.4.0Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams supportINDIRECT0
aws4 • 1.13.2Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4INDIRECT0
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
base64-js • 1.5.1Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JSINDIRECT0
bl • 4.1.0Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too!INDIRECT8
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
brace-expansion • 2.0.1Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT1
braces • 3.0.3Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.INDIRECT3
buffer • 5.7.1Node.js Buffer API, for the browserINDIRECT2
cardinal • 2.1.1Syntax highlights JavaScript code with ANSI colors to be printed to the terminal.INDIRECT3
chalk • 4.1.2Terminal string styling done rightINDIRECT5
chardet • 0.7.0Character detectorINDIRECT0
clean-stack • 3.0.1Clean up error stack tracesINDIRECT1
cli-cursor • 3.1.0Toggle the CLI cursorINDIRECT4
cli-progress • 3.12.0easy to use progress-bar for command-line/terminal applicationsINDIRECT5
cli-spinners • 2.9.2Spinners for use in the terminalINDIRECT0
clone • 1.0.4deep cloning of objects and arraysINDIRECT0
color-convert • 2.0.1Plain color conversion functionsINDIRECT1
color-name • 1.1.4A list of color names and its valuesINDIRECT0
combined-stream • 1.0.8A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.INDIRECT1
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.2The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
create-require • 1.1.1Polyfill for Node.js module.createRequire (<= v12.2.0)INDIRECT0
cross-spawn • 5.1.0Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSyncINDIRECT7
cross-spawn • 6.0.5Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSyncINDIRECT7
cross-spawn • 7.0.3Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSyncINDIRECT5
dashdash • 1.14.1A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library.INDIRECT1
debug • 3.2.7small debugging utilityINDIRECT1
debug • 4.3.7Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browserINDIRECT1
defaults • 1.0.4merge single level defaults over a config objectINDIRECT1
delayed-stream • 1.0.0Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them.INDIRECT0
dir-glob • 3.0.1Convert directories to glob compatible stringsINDIRECT1
ecc-jsbn • 0.1.2ECC JS code based on JSBNINDIRECT2
emoji-regex • 8.0.0A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.INDIRECT0
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
escape-string-regexp • 4.0.0Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
execa • 0.10.0A better `child_process`INDIRECT14
execa • 0.6.3A better `child_process`INDIRECT15
extend • 3.0.2Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browserINDIRECT0
external-editor • 3.1.0Edit a string with the users preferred text editor using $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENTINDIRECT5
extsprintf • 1.3.0extended POSIX-style sprintfINDIRECT0
fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-glob • 3.3.2It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.jsINDIRECT17
fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonifyINDIRECT0
figures • 3.2.0Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacksINDIRECT1
fill-range • 7.1.1Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`INDIRECT2
form-data • 2.3.3A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.INDIRECT5
fs-extra • 11.1.1fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.DIRECT3
fs-extra • 9.1.0fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.INDIRECT4
get-package-type • 0.1.0Determine the `package.json#type` which applies to a locationINDIRECT0
get-stream • 3.0.0Get a stream as a string, buffer, or arrayINDIRECT0
getpass • 0.1.7getpass for node.jsINDIRECT1
git-credential-node • 1.1.0Thin wrapper around `git credential` commandINDIRECT16
globby • 11.1.0User-friendly glob matchingINDIRECT23
har-validator • 5.1.5Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON SchemaINDIRECT7
has-flag • 4.0.0Check if argv has a specific flagINDIRECT0
http-signature • 1.2.0Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme.INDIRECT15
hyperlinker • 1.0.0Write hyperlinks in the terminal.INDIRECT0
iconv-lite • 0.4.24Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
ignore • 5.3.2Ignore is a manager and filter for .gitignore rules, the one used by eslint, gitbook and many others.INDIRECT0
indent-string • 4.0.0Indent each line in a stringINDIRECT0
inquirer • 8.2.2A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.DIRECT50
is-docker • 2.2.1Check if the process is running inside a Docker containerINDIRECT0
is-extglob • 2.1.1Returns true if a string has an extglob.INDIRECT0
is-fullwidth-code-point • 3.0.0Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidthINDIRECT0
is-glob • 4.0.3Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a betINDIRECT1
is-interactive • 1.0.0Check if stdout or stderr is interactiveINDIRECT0
is-number • 7.0.0Returns true if a number or string value is a finite number. Useful for regex matches, parsing, user input, etc.INDIRECT0
is-stream • 1.1.0Check if something is a Node.js streamINDIRECT0
is-typedarray • 1.0.0Detect whether or not an object is a Typed ArrayINDIRECT0
is-unicode-supported • 0.1.0Detect whether the terminal supports UnicodeINDIRECT0
is-wsl • 2.2.0Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (Bash on Windows)INDIRECT1
isstream • 0.1.2Determine if an object is a StreamINDIRECT0
js-yaml • 3.14.1YAML 1.2 parser and serializerINDIRECT3
jsbn • 0.1.1The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers.INDIRECT0
json-schema-traverse • 0.4.1Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callbackINDIRECT0
jsonfile • 6.1.0Easily read/write JSON files.INDIRECT2
jsprim • 1.4.2utilities for primitive JavaScript typesINDIRECT5
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities.INDIRECT0
log-symbols • 4.1.0Colored symbols for various log levels. Example: `✔︎ Success`INDIRECT7
merge2 • 1.4.1Merge multiple streams into one stream in sequence or parallel.INDIRECT0
micromatch • 4.0.8Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch.INDIRECT5
mime-db • 1.52.0Media Type DatabaseINDIRECT0
mime-types • 2.1.35The ultimate javascript content-type utility.INDIRECT1
mimic-fn • 2.1.0Make a function mimic another oneINDIRECT0
ms • 2.1.3Tiny millisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
natural-orderby • 2.0.3Lightweight and performant natural sorting of arrays and collections by differentiating between unicode characters, numbers, dates, etc.INDIRECT0
nice-try • 1.0.5Tries to execute a function and discards any error that occursINDIRECT0
npm-run-path • 2.0.2Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binariesINDIRECT1
object-treeify • 1.1.33Stringify Object as tree structureINDIRECT0
onetime • 5.1.2Ensure a function is only called onceINDIRECT1
ora • 5.4.1Elegant terminal spinnerINDIRECT29
os-tmpdir • 1.0.2Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfillINDIRECT0
p-finally • 1.0.0`Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcomeINDIRECT0
path-key • 2.0.1Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platformINDIRECT0
path-key • 3.1.1Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platformINDIRECT0
path-type • 4.0.0Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlinkINDIRECT0
performance-now • 2.1.0Implements (based on process.hrtime).INDIRECT0
picomatch • 2.3.1Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions.INDIRECT0
psl • 1.9.0Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix ListINDIRECT0
punycode • 2.3.1A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.INDIRECT0
queue-microtask • 1.2.3fast, tiny `queueMicrotask` shim for modern enginesINDIRECT0
readable-stream • 3.6.2Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT4
redeyed • 2.1.1Takes JavaScript code, along with a config and returns the original code with tokens wrapped as configured.INDIRECT1
restore-cursor • 3.1.0Gracefully restore the CLI cursor on exitINDIRECT3
reusify • 1.0.4Reuse objects and functions with styleINDIRECT0
run-async • 2.4.1Utility method to run function either synchronously or asynchronously using the common `this.async()` style.INDIRECT0
run-parallel • 1.2.0Run an array of functions in parallelINDIRECT1
safe-buffer • 5.2.1Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
shebang-command • 1.2.0Get the command from a shebangINDIRECT1
shebang-command • 2.0.0Get the command from a shebangINDIRECT1
shebang-regex • 1.0.0Regular expression for matching a shebangINDIRECT0
shebang-regex • 3.0.0Regular expression for matching a shebang lineINDIRECT0
slash • 3.0.0Convert Windows backslash paths to slash pathsINDIRECT0
sshpk • 1.18.0A library for finding and using SSH public keysINDIRECT9
string_decoder • 1.3.0The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
string-width • 4.2.3Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display itINDIRECT4
strip-ansi • 6.0.1Strip ANSI escape codes from a stringINDIRECT1
strip-eof • 1.0.0Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/bufferINDIRECT0
supports-color • 7.2.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT1
supports-color • 8.1.1Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT1
supports-hyperlinks • 2.3.0Detect if your terminal emulator supports hyperlinksINDIRECT2
through • 2.3.8simplified stream constructionINDIRECT0
tmp • 0.0.33Temporary file and directory creatorINDIRECT1
to-regex-range • 5.0.1Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions.INDIRECT1
ts-node • 10.9.2TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map supportINDIRECT16
undici-types • 6.19.8A stand-alone types package for UndiciINDIRECT0
universalify • 2.0.1Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks.INDIRECT0
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser supportINDIRECT0
uuid • 3.4.0RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsINDIRECT0
v8-compile-cache-lib • 3.0.1Require hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistenceINDIRECT0
verror • 1.10.0richer JavaScript errorsINDIRECT3
wcwidth • 1.0.1Port of C's wcwidth() and wcswidth()INDIRECT2
widest-line • 3.1.0Get the visual width of the widest line in a string - the number of columns required to display itINDIRECT5
wordwrap • 1.0.0Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.INDIRECT0
wrap-ansi • 7.0.0Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codesINDIRECT8
yn • 3.1.1Parse yes/no like valuesINDIRECT0
@sw-tsdk/core • 2.21.1Core library for sw-tsdkDIRECT139
aproba • 2.0.0A ridiculously light-weight argument validator (now browser friendly)INDIRECT0
are-we-there-yet • 4.0.2Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processesINDIRECT0
at-least-node • 1.0.0Lightweight Node.js version sniffing/comparisonINDIRECT0
cli-width • 3.0.0Get stdout window width, with two fallbacks, tty and then a default.INDIRECT0
color-support • 1.1.3A module which will endeavor to guess your terminal's level of color support.INDIRECT0
console-control-strings • 1.1.0A library of cross-platform tested terminal/console command strings for doing things like color and cursor positioning. This is a subset of both ansi and vt100. All control codes included work on both Windows & Unix-like OSes, except where noted.INDIRECT0
fastq • 1.17.1Fast, in memory work queueINDIRECT1
gauge • 5.0.2A terminal based horizontal gaugeINDIRECT11
glob-parent • 5.1.2Extract the non-magic parent path from a glob string.INDIRECT2
graceful-fs • 4.2.11A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
har-schema • 2.0.0JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR)INDIRECT0
has-unicode • 2.0.1Try to guess if your terminal supports unicodeINDIRECT0
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
isexe • 2.0.0Minimal module to check if a file is executable.INDIRECT0
json-stringify-safe • 5.0.1Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 4.1.5A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT2
make-error • 1.3.6Make your own error types!INDIRECT0
minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
minimatch • 5.1.6a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT2
mute-stream • 0.0.8Bytes go in, but they don't come out (when muted).INDIRECT0
netrc-parser • 3.1.6netrc parserINDIRECT17
npmlog • 7.0.1logger for npmDIRECT14
pseudomap • 1.0.2A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators, for use in environments where `for..of` syntax and `Map` are not available.INDIRECT0
semver • 5.7.2The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
semver • 7.6.3The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
set-blocking • 2.0.0set blocking stdio and stderr ensuring that terminal output does not truncateINDIRECT0
signal-exit • 3.0.7when you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.INDIRECT0
signal-exit • 4.1.0when you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.INDIRECT0
which • 1.3.1Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.INDIRECT1
which • 2.0.2Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.INDIRECT1
wide-align • 1.1.5A wide-character aware text alignment function for use on the console or with fixed width fonts.INDIRECT5
yallist • 2.1.2Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
aws-sign2 • 0.7.0AWS signing. Originally pulled from LearnBoost/knox, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
caseless • 0.12.0Caseless object set/get/has, very useful when working with HTTP headers.INDIRECT0
ejs • 3.1.10Embedded JavaScript templatesINDIRECT15
filelist • 1.0.4Lazy-evaluating list of files, based on globs or regex patternsINDIRECT3
forever-agent • 0.6.1HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
jake • 10.9.2JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or RakeINDIRECT14
oauth-sign • 0.9.0OAuth 1 signing. Formerly a vendor lib in mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT0
request • 2.88.2Simplified HTTP request client.DIRECT46
rxjs • 7.8.1Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScriptINDIRECT1
tunnel-agent • 0.6.0HTTP proxy tunneling agent. Formerly part of mikeal/request, now a standalone module.INDIRECT1
bcrypt-pbkdf • 1.0.2Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JSINDIRECT1
diff • 4.0.2A javascript text diff implementation.INDIRECT0
ieee754 • 1.2.1Read/write IEEE754 floating point numbers from/to a Buffer or array-like objectINDIRECT0
qs • 6.5.3A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitINDIRECT0
sprintf-js • 1.0.3JavaScript sprintf implementationINDIRECT0
tough-cookie • 2.5.0RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for node.jsINDIRECT2
password-prompt • 1.1.3cross-platform masked or hidden promptINDIRECT8
tslib • 2.7.0Runtime library for TypeScript helper functionsINDIRECT0
esprima • 4.0.1ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysisINDIRECT0
uri-js • 4.4.1An RFC 3986/3987 compliant, scheme extendable URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript.INDIRECT1
CC0-1.0 OR MIT1
type-fest • 0.21.3A collection of essential TypeScript typesINDIRECT0
AFL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause1
json-schema • 0.4.0JSON Schema validation and specificationsINDIRECT0
tweetnacl • 0.14.5Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScriptINDIRECT0
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