pipeviewer v1.0.0

Educational version of the pv utility

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Package Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

Dependency Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT28
autocfg • 1.4.0Automatic cfg for Rust compiler featuresINDIRECT0
bitflags • 1.3.2A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags. INDIRECT0
cfg-if • 0.1.10A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg] parameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the item that gets emitted. INDIRECT0
crossbeam-channel • 0.4.4Multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passingINDIRECT5
crossbeam-deque • 0.7.4Concurrent work-stealing dequeINDIRECT8
crossbeam-epoch • 0.8.2Epoch-based garbage collectionINDIRECT7
crossbeam-utils • 0.7.2Utilities for concurrent programmingINDIRECT3
crossbeam • 0.7.3Tools for concurrent programmingDIRECT11
hermit-abi • 0.1.19Hermit system calls definitions.INDIRECT1
iovec • 0.1.4Portable buffer type for scatter/gather I/O operations INDIRECT1
lazy_static • 1.5.0A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.INDIRECT0
libc • 0.2.169Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc. INDIRECT0
lock_api • 0.3.4Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types. Compatible with no_std.INDIRECT1
log • 0.4.22A lightweight logging facade for Rust INDIRECT0
maybe-uninit • 2.0.0MaybeUninit for friends of backwards compatibilityINDIRECT0
miow • 0.2.2A zero overhead I/O library for Windows, focusing on IOCP and async I/O abstractions. INDIRECT10
net2 • 0.2.39Extensions to the standard library's networking types as proposed in RFC 1158. INDIRECT5
parking_lot_core • 0.7.3An advanced API for creating custom synchronization primitives.INDIRECT9
parking_lot • 0.10.2More compact and efficient implementations of the standard synchronization primitives.INDIRECT12
scopeguard • 1.2.0A RAII scope guard that will run a given closure when it goes out of scope, even if the code between panics (assuming unwinding panic). Defines the macros `defer!`, `defer_on_unwind!`, `defer_on_success!` as shorthands for guards with one of the implemented strategies. INDIRECT0
signal-hook-registry • 1.4.2Backend crate for signal-hookINDIRECT1
signal-hook • 0.1.17Unix signal handlingINDIRECT20
smallvec • 1.13.2'Small vector' optimization: store up to a small number of items on the stackINDIRECT0
unicode-width • 0.1.14Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules. INDIRECT0
vec_map • 0.8.2A simple map based on a vector for small integer keysINDIRECT0
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the i686-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi • 0.3.9Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.INDIRECT2
ansi_term • 0.12.1Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)INDIRECT3
atty • 0.2.14A simple interface for querying attyINDIRECT5
clap • 2.34.0A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument ParserDIRECT12
crossterm_winapi • 0.5.1WinAPI wrapper that provides some basic simple abstractions around common WinAPI callsINDIRECT3
crossterm • 0.14.2A crossplatform terminal library for manipulating terminals.DIRECT30
kernel32-sys • 0.2.2Contains function definitions for the Windows API library kernel32. See winapi for types and constants.INDIRECT2
memoffset • 0.5.6offset_of functionality for Rust structs.INDIRECT1
mio • 0.6.23Lightweight non-blocking I/O.INDIRECT18
redox_syscall • 0.1.57A Rust library to access raw Redox system callsINDIRECT0
slab • 0.4.9Pre-allocated storage for a uniform data typeINDIRECT1
strsim • 0.8.0Implementations of string similarity metrics. Includes Hamming, Levenshtein, OSA, Damerau-Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, and Sørensen-Dice. INDIRECT0
textwrap • 0.11.0Powerful library for word wrapping, indenting, and dedenting stringsINDIRECT1
winapi-build • 0.1.1Common code for in WinAPI -sys crates.INDIRECT0
winapi • 0.2.8Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.INDIRECT0
ws2_32-sys • 0.2.1Contains function definitions for the Windows API library ws2_32. See winapi for types and constants.INDIRECT2
fuchsia-zircon-sys • 0.3.3Low-level Rust bindings for the Zircon kernelINDIRECT0
fuchsia-zircon • 0.3.3Rust bindings for the Zircon kernelINDIRECT2
MIT OR (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause)1
crossbeam-queue • 0.2.3Concurrent queuesINDIRECT5
cloudabi • 0.0.3Low level interface to CloudABI. Contains all syscalls and related types.INDIRECT1
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