stylable-integration v6.1.3

Integration utils for stylable

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Dependency Licenses

ajv-keywords • 3.5.2Custom JSON-Schema keywords for Ajv validatorINDIRECT0
ajv • 5.5.2Another JSON Schema ValidatorINDIRECT4
ajv • 6.12.6Another JSON Schema ValidatorINDIRECT5
ansi-regex • 2.1.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-regex • 3.0.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
big.js • 5.2.2A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmeticINDIRECT0
camelcase • 4.1.0Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBarINDIRECT0
co • 4.6.0generator async control flow goodnessINDIRECT0
code-point-at • 1.1.0ES2015 `String#codePointAt()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
cross-spawn • 5.1.0Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSyncINDIRECT7
decamelize • 1.2.0Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator: unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbowINDIRECT0
deindent • 0.1.0ES6 template string helper for deindentationDIRECT0
emojis-list • 3.0.0Complete list of standard emojis.INDIRECT0
error-ex • 1.3.2Easy error subclassing and stack customizationINDIRECT1
execa • 0.7.0A better `child_process`INDIRECT15
fast-deep-equal • 1.1.0Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3Fast deep equalINDIRECT0
fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonifyINDIRECT0
file-loader • 1.1.11file loader module for webpackDIRECT13
find-config • 1.0.0Find the first config file matching a given name in the current directory or the nearest ancestor directory.DIRECT2
find-up • 2.1.0Find a file by walking up parent directoriesINDIRECT5
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0
get-stream • 3.0.0Get a stream as a string, buffer, or arrayINDIRECT0
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
invert-kv • 1.0.0Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}INDIRECT0
is-arrayish • 0.2.1Determines if an object can be used as an arrayINDIRECT0
is-core-module • 2.15.1Is this specifier a node.js core module?INDIRECT2
is-fullwidth-code-point • 1.0.0Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidthINDIRECT1
is-fullwidth-code-point • 2.0.0Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidthINDIRECT0
is-stream • 1.1.0Check if something is a Node.js streamINDIRECT0
json-schema-traverse • 0.3.1Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callbackINDIRECT0
json-schema-traverse • 0.4.1Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callbackINDIRECT0
json5 • 1.0.2JSON for humans.INDIRECT1
lcid • 1.0.0Mapping between standard locale identifiers and Windows locale identifiers (LCID)INDIRECT1
load-json-file • 2.0.0Read and parse a JSON fileINDIRECT6
loader-utils • 1.4.2utils for webpack loadersDIRECT4
locate-path • 2.0.0Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple pathsINDIRECT4
mem • 1.1.0Memoize functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical inputINDIRECT1
mime • 1.6.0A comprehensive library for mime-type mappingINDIRECT0
mimic-fn • 1.2.0Make a function mimic another oneINDIRECT0
minimist • 1.2.8parse argument optionsINDIRECT0
murmurhash • 0.0.2A Node.js module for the optimized JavaScript implementation of the MurmurHash algorithms.DIRECT0
npm-run-path • 2.0.2Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binariesINDIRECT1
number-is-nan • 1.0.1ES2015 Number.isNaN() ponyfillINDIRECT0
os-homedir • 1.0.2Node.js 4 `os.homedir()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
os-locale • 2.1.0Get the system localeINDIRECT20
p-finally • 1.0.0`Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcomeINDIRECT0
p-limit • 1.3.0Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrencyINDIRECT1
p-locate • 2.0.0Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing functionINDIRECT2
p-try • 1.0.0`Promise#try()` ponyfill - Starts a promise chainINDIRECT0
parse-json • 2.2.0Parse JSON with more helpful errorsINDIRECT2
path-exists • 3.0.0Check if a path existsINDIRECT0
path-key • 2.0.1Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platformINDIRECT0
path-parse • 1.0.7Node.js path.parse() ponyfillINDIRECT0
path-type • 2.0.0Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlinkINDIRECT1
pify • 2.3.0Promisify a callback-style functionINDIRECT0
punycode • 2.3.1A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.INDIRECT0
read-pkg-up • 2.0.0Read the closest package.json fileINDIRECT29
read-pkg • 2.0.0Read a package.json fileINDIRECT22
require-directory • 2.1.1Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file, and returning a nested hash structure containing those modules.INDIRECT0
resolve • 1.22.8resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronouslyINDIRECT5
schema-utils • 0.3.0Webpack Schema Validation UtilitiesINDIRECT5
schema-utils • 0.4.7webpack Validation UtilsINDIRECT7
shebang-command • 1.2.0Get the command from a shebangINDIRECT1
shebang-regex • 1.0.0Regular expression for matching a shebangINDIRECT0
source-list-map • 2.0.1Fast line to line SourceMap generator.INDIRECT0
spdx-expression-parse • 3.0.1parse SPDX license expressionsINDIRECT2
string-width • 1.0.2Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display itINDIRECT5
string-width • 2.1.1Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display itINDIRECT3
strip-ansi • 3.0.1Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
strip-ansi • 4.0.0Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
strip-bom • 3.0.0Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a stringINDIRECT0
strip-eof • 1.0.0Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/bufferINDIRECT0
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag.INDIRECT0
url-loader • 0.6.2url loader module for webpackDIRECT12
user-home • 2.0.0Get the path to the user home directoryINDIRECT1
webpack-sources • 1.4.3Source code handling classes for webpackDIRECT2
wrap-ansi • 2.1.0Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codesINDIRECT6
yargs • 9.0.1yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.DIRECT72
cliui • 3.2.0easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfacesINDIRECT7
get-caller-file • 1.0.3[![Build Status](]( [![Build status](](https://ci.aINDIRECT0
graceful-fs • 4.2.11A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
hosted-git-info • 2.8.9Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for Github, Bitbucket and GitlabINDIRECT0
isexe • 2.0.0Minimal module to check if a file is executable.INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 4.1.5A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT2
pseudomap • 1.0.2A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators, for use in environments where `for..of` syntax and `Map` are not available.INDIRECT0
require-main-filename • 1.0.1shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possibleINDIRECT0
semver • 5.7.2The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT0
set-blocking • 2.0.0set blocking stdio and stderr ensuring that terminal output does not truncateINDIRECT0
signal-exit • 3.0.7when you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.INDIRECT0
which-module • 2.0.1Find the module object for something that was require()dINDIRECT0
which • 1.3.1Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.INDIRECT1
y18n • 3.2.2the bare-bones internationalization library used by yargsINDIRECT0
yallist • 2.1.2Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
yargs-parser • 7.0.0the mighty option parser used by yargsINDIRECT1
normalize-package-data • 2.5.0Normalizes data that can be found in package.json files.INDIRECT13
uri-js • 4.4.1An RFC 3986/3987 compliant, scheme extendable URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript.INDIRECT1
spdx-correct • 3.2.0correct invalid SPDX expressionsINDIRECT3
validate-npm-package-license • 3.0.4Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package license stringINDIRECT4
source-map • 0.6.1Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
spdx-exceptions • 2.5.0list of SPDX standard license exceptionsINDIRECT0
spdx-license-ids • 3.0.20A list of SPDX license identifiersINDIRECT0
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