@babel/runtime • 7.26.0babel's modular runtime helpers | INDIRECT | 1 | |
babel-runtime • 6.26.0babel selfContained runtime | INDIRECT | 2 | |
balanced-match • 0.4.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" | INDIRECT | 0 | |
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" | INDIRECT | 0 | |
big.js • 5.2.2A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic | INDIRECT | 0 | |
classnames • 2.5.1A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together | INDIRECT | 0 | |
core-js • 2.6.12Standard library | INDIRECT | 0 | |
core-js • 3.39.0Standard library | INDIRECT | 0 | |
decimal.js-light • 2.5.1An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
decode-uri-component • 0.2.2A better decodeURIComponent | INDIRECT | 0 | |
dom-helpers • 3.4.0tiny modular DOM lib for ie8+ | INDIRECT | 2 | |
emojis-list • 3.0.0Complete list of standard emojis. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
fast-levenshtein • 2.0.6Efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm with locale-specific collator support. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
filter-obj • 1.1.0Filter object keys and values into a new object | INDIRECT | 0 | |
global • 4.4.0Require global variables | INDIRECT | 3 | |
history • 4.10.1Manage session history with JavaScript | INDIRECT | 8 | |
invariant • 2.2.4invariant | INDIRECT | 2 | |
isarray • 0.0.1Array#isArray for older browsers | INDIRECT | 0 | |
js-tokens • 4.0.0A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
json5 • 2.2.3JSON for Humans | INDIRECT | 0 | |
loader-utils • 2.0.4utils for webpack loaders | INDIRECT | 3 | |
lodash.debounce • 4.0.8The lodash method `_.debounce` exported as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash.throttle • 4.1.1The lodash method `_.throttle` exported as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an AST | INDIRECT | 1 | |
math-expression-evaluator • 1.4.0A flexible math expression evaluator | INDIRECT | 0 | |
object-assign • 3.0.0ES6 Object.assign() ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
path-to-regexp • 1.9.0Express style path to RegExp utility | INDIRECT | 1 | |
performance-now • 2.1.0Implements performance.now (based on process.hrtime). | INDIRECT | 0 | |
process • 0.11.10process information for node.js and browsers | INDIRECT | 0 | |
prop-types • 15.8.1Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects. | INDIRECT | 4 | |
query-string • 6.14.1Parse and stringify URL query strings | DIRECT | 4 | |
raf • 3.4.1requestAnimationFrame polyfill for node and the browser | INDIRECT | 1 | |
rc-pagination • 1.21.1pagination ui component for react | DIRECT | 10 | |
react-autosuggest • 9.4.3WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component | INDIRECT | 10 | |
react-autowhatever • 10.2.1Accessible rendering layer for Autosuggest and Autocomplete components | INDIRECT | 8 | |
react-dom • 16.14.0React package for working with the DOM. | DIRECT | 6 | |
react-hot-loader • 4.13.1Tweak React components in real time. | INDIRECT | 18 | |
react-is • 16.13.1Brand checking of React Elements. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
react-lifecycles-compat • 3.0.4Backwards compatibility polyfill for React class components | INDIRECT | 0 | |
react-resize-detector • 2.3.0React resize detector | INDIRECT | 8 | |
react-router-dom • 4.3.1DOM bindings for React Router | DIRECT | 18 | |
react-router • 4.3.1Declarative routing for React | INDIRECT | 17 | |
react-smooth • 1.0.6react animation library | INDIRECT | 13 | |
react-themeable • 1.1.0Utility for making React components easily themeable | INDIRECT | 1 | |
react • 16.14.0React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. | DIRECT | 5 | |
recharts-scale • 0.4.5Scale of Cartesian Coordinates | INDIRECT | 1 | |
recharts • 1.8.6React charts | DIRECT | 37 | |
reduce-css-calc • 1.3.0Reduce CSS calc() function to the maximum | INDIRECT | 4 | |
reduce-function-call • 1.0.3Reduce function calls in a string, using a callback | INDIRECT | 1 | |
regenerator-runtime • 0.11.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
regenerator-runtime • 0.14.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
resize-observer-polyfill • 1.5.1A polyfill for the Resize Observer API | INDIRECT | 0 | |
resolve-pathname • 3.0.0Resolve URL pathnames using JavaScript | INDIRECT | 0 | |
scheduler • 0.19.1Cooperative scheduler for the browser environment. | INDIRECT | 3 | |
section-iterator • 2.0.0Simple iterator for flat and multi section lists | INDIRECT | 0 | |
shallow-equal • 1.2.1Minimalistic shallow equality check for arrays/objects | INDIRECT | 0 | |
shallowequal • 1.1.0Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
split-on-first • 1.1.0Split a string on the first occurance of a given separator | INDIRECT | 0 | |
strict-uri-encode • 2.0.0A stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986 | INDIRECT | 0 | |
tiny-invariant • 1.3.3A tiny invariant function | INDIRECT | 0 | |
tiny-warning • 1.0.3A tiny warning function | INDIRECT | 0 | |
value-equal • 1.0.1Are these two JavaScript values equal? | INDIRECT | 0 | |
warning • 4.0.3A mirror of Facebook's Warning | INDIRECT | 2 | |