@types/q • 0.0.32 TypeScript definitions for Q DIRECT 0 1475701267 @types/selenium-webdriver • 3.0.26 TypeScript definitions for selenium-webdriver DIRECT 0 1699389767 adm-zip • 0.5.16 Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs with support for electron original-fs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk INDIRECT 0 1725003650 agent-base • 4.3.0 Turn a function into an `http.Agent` instance INDIRECT 2 1559765836 ajv • 6.12.6 Another JSON Schema Validator INDIRECT 5 1602349300 ansi-regex • 2.1.1 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1484363379 ansi-regex • 3.0.1 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1648387784 ansi-styles • 2.2.1 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 0 1459197318 array-union • 1.0.2 Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays INDIRECT 1 1466079412 array-uniq • 1.0.3 Create an array without duplicates INDIRECT 0 1466079719 arrify • 1.0.1 Convert a value to an array INDIRECT 0 1449683318 asn1 • 0.2.6 Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only) INDIRECT 1 1635986788 assert-plus • 1.0.0 Extra assertions on top of node's assert module INDIRECT 0 1453921418 asynckit • 0.4.0 Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support INDIRECT 0 1465928945 aws4 • 1.13.2 Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4 INDIRECT 0 1724831030 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 blocking-proxy • 1.0.1 WebDriver Proxy for testing rich clients. It block certain calls until Angular is done updating the page under test. DIRECT 1 1508362705 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 browserstack • 1.6.1 A client for working with the BrowserStack APIs. DIRECT 6 1607802128 camelcase • 5.3.1 Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar` INDIRECT 0 1554298472 chalk • 1.1.3 Terminal string styling done right. Much color. DIRECT 6 1459210604 code-point-at • 1.1.0 ES2015 `String#codePointAt()` ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1478169780 combined-stream • 1.0.8 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another. INDIRECT 1 1557683385 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 core-util-is • 1.0.2 The `util.is*` functions introduced in Node v0.12. INDIRECT 0 1447979853 core-util-is • 1.0.3 The `util.is*` functions introduced in Node v0.12. INDIRECT 0 1630420536 cross-spawn • 6.0.6 Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync INDIRECT 7 1731939694 dashdash • 1.14.1 A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library. INDIRECT 1 1479854020 debug • 3.2.7 small debugging utility INDIRECT 1 1605790637 decamelize • 1.2.0 Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator: unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbow INDIRECT 0 1457167750 del • 2.2.2 Delete files and folders INDIRECT 24 1471046737 delayed-stream • 1.0.0 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them. INDIRECT 0 1430431829 ecc-jsbn • 0.1.2 ECC JS code based on JSBN INDIRECT 2 1532879660 end-of-stream • 1.4.4 Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. INDIRECT 2 1569416251 es6-promise • 4.2.8 A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code INDIRECT 0 1559843963 es6-promisify • 5.0.0 Converts callback-based functions to ES6 Promises INDIRECT 1 1475062711 escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1456059317 execa • 1.0.0 A better `child_process` INDIRECT 18 1535305424 extend • 3.0.2 Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser INDIRECT 0 1532032091 extsprintf • 1.3.0 extended POSIX-style sprintf INDIRECT 0 1425687180 fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3 Fast deep equal INDIRECT 0 1591601248 fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0 deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonify INDIRECT 0 1576340277 find-up • 3.0.0 Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories INDIRECT 5 1529313561 form-data • 2.3.3 A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. INDIRECT 5 1539761182 get-stream • 4.1.0 Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array INDIRECT 4 1538471503 getpass • 0.1.7 getpass for node.js INDIRECT 1 1493163658 globby • 5.0.0 Extends `glob` with support for multiple patterns and exposes a Promise API INDIRECT 18 1465626598 har-validator • 5.1.5 Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema INDIRECT 7 1596084153 has-ansi • 2.0.0 Check if a string has ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 1 1435681054 http-signature • 1.2.0 Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme. INDIRECT 15 1503689523 https-proxy-agent • 2.2.4 An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS INDIRECT 5 1572034368 immediate • 3.0.6 A cross browser microtask library INDIRECT 0 1469708721 invert-kv • 2.0.0 Invert the key/value of an object. Example: `{foo: 'bar'}` → `{bar: 'foo'}` INDIRECT 0 1515768649 is-fullwidth-code-point • 1.0.0 Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth INDIRECT 1 1437084018 is-fullwidth-code-point • 2.0.0 Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth INDIRECT 0 1474526569 is-path-cwd • 1.0.0 Check if a path is CWD INDIRECT 0 1408009657 is-path-in-cwd • 1.0.1 Check if a path is in the current working directory INDIRECT 2 1521732435 is-path-inside • 1.0.1 Check if a path is inside another path INDIRECT 1 1512038092 is-stream • 1.1.0 Check if something is a Node.js stream INDIRECT 0 1460446915 is-typedarray • 1.0.0 Detect whether or not an object is a Typed Array INDIRECT 0 1431824619 isarray • 1.0.0 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1449741907 isstream • 0.1.2 Determine if an object is a Stream INDIRECT 0 1425687315 jasmine-core • 2.8.0 Official packaging of Jasmine's core files for use by Node.js projects. INDIRECT 0 1503600883 jasmine • 2.8.0 Command line jasmine DIRECT 13 1503601512 jasminewd2 • 2.2.0 WebDriverJS adapter for Jasmine2. DIRECT 0 1507244698 jsbn • 0.1.1 The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers. INDIRECT 0 1486886596 json-schema-traverse • 0.4.1 Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback INDIRECT 0 1528620125 jsprim • 1.4.2 utilities for primitive JavaScript types INDIRECT 5 1638199465 lcid • 2.0.0 Mapping between standard locale identifiers and Windows locale identifiers (LCID) INDIRECT 1 1533575422 lie • 3.3.0 A basic but performant promise implementation INDIRECT 1 1520348048 locate-path • 3.0.0 Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths INDIRECT 4 1529269166 map-age-cleaner • 0.1.3 Automatically cleanup expired items in a Map INDIRECT 1 1542128600 mem • 4.3.0 Memoize functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input INDIRECT 4 1554059343 mime-db • 1.52.0 Media Type Database INDIRECT 0 1645472511 mime-types • 2.1.35 The ultimate javascript content-type utility. INDIRECT 1 1647108283 mimic-fn • 2.1.0 Make a function mimic another one INDIRECT 0 1554054814 minimist • 1.2.8 parse argument options INDIRECT 0 1675976389 ms • 2.1.3 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1607435675 nice-try • 1.0.5 Tries to execute a function and discards any error that occurs INDIRECT 0 1535223789 npm-run-path • 2.0.2 Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries INDIRECT 1 1475136639 number-is-nan • 1.0.1 ES2015 Number.isNaN() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475212313 object-assign • 4.1.1 ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1484580915 os-locale • 3.1.0 Get the system locale INDIRECT 26 1545854172 os-tmpdir • 1.0.2 Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475211274 p-defer • 1.0.0 Create a deferred promise INDIRECT 0 1477026871 p-finally • 1.0.0 `Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome INDIRECT 0 1477029729 p-is-promise • 2.1.0 Check if something is a promise INDIRECT 0 1554551868 p-limit • 2.3.0 Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency INDIRECT 1 1586101245 p-locate • 3.0.0 Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function INDIRECT 2 1529066877 p-try • 2.2.0 `Start a promise chain INDIRECT 0 1554035675 path-exists • 3.0.0 Check if a path exists INDIRECT 0 1462103093 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 path-key • 2.0.1 Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform INDIRECT 0 1474887353 performance-now • 2.1.0 Implements performance.now (based on process.hrtime). INDIRECT 0 1487514529 pify • 2.3.0 Promisify a callback-style function INDIRECT 0 1445865378 pinkie-promise • 2.0.1 ES2015 Promise ponyfill INDIRECT 1 1460309840 pinkie • 2.0.4 Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES2015 Promise implementation INDIRECT 0 1454324926 process-nextick-args • 2.0.1 process.nextTick but always with args INDIRECT 0 1560976479 psl • 1.15.0 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List INDIRECT 1 1733134564 pump • 3.0.2 pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes INDIRECT 3 1726041514 punycode • 2.3.1 A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. INDIRECT 0 1698690512 q • 1.4.1 A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D) DIRECT 0 1431836707 readable-stream • 2.3.8 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js INDIRECT 7 1677146646 require-directory • 2.1.1 Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file, and returning a nested hash structure containing those modules. INDIRECT 0 1432801864 safe-buffer • 5.1.2 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1524687024 safer-buffer • 2.1.2 Modern Buffer API polyfill without footguns INDIRECT 0 1523184162 setimmediate • 1.0.5 A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API INDIRECT 0 1473641996 shebang-command • 1.2.0 Get the command from a shebang INDIRECT 1 1474530106 shebang-regex • 1.0.0 Regular expression for matching a shebang INDIRECT 0 1424150698 source-map-support • 0.4.18 Fixes stack traces for files with source maps DIRECT 1 1505036648 sshpk • 1.18.0 A library for finding and using SSH public keys INDIRECT 9 1697736191 string_decoder • 1.1.1 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 1 1522397655 string-width • 1.0.2 Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it INDIRECT 5 1471188234 string-width • 2.1.1 Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it INDIRECT 3 1500376155 strip-ansi • 3.0.1 Strip ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 1 1456057282 strip-ansi • 4.0.0 Strip ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 1 1497986906 strip-eof • 1.0.0 Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/buffer INDIRECT 0 1449316193 supports-color • 2.0.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 0 1435705114 tmp • 0.0.30 Temporary file and directory creator INDIRECT 1 1478036266 util-deprecate • 1.0.2 The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support INDIRECT 0 1444243060 uuid • 3.4.0 RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs INDIRECT 0 1579208738 verror • 1.10.0 richer JavaScript errors INDIRECT 3 1493743247 webdriver-js-extender • 2.1.0 A plugin which adds additional commands to selenium's javascript implementation of the webdriver client side API DIRECT 31 1533670845 webdriver-manager • 12.1.9 A selenium server and browser driver manager for your end to end tests. DIRECT 87 1675901498 wrap-ansi • 2.1.0 Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 6 1480440084 xml2js • 0.4.23 Simple XML to JavaScript object converter. INDIRECT 2 1576775722 xmlbuilder • 11.0.1 An XML builder for node.js INDIRECT 0 1553287553 yargs • 12.0.5 yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist. DIRECT 54 1542670748