ansi-escapes • 3.2.0ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ansi-regex • 3.0.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ansi-styles • 3.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal | INDIRECT | 2 | |
chalk • 2.4.2Terminal string styling done right | DIRECT | 6 | |
chardet • 0.4.2Character detector | INDIRECT | 0 | |
cli-cursor • 2.1.0Toggle the CLI cursor | INDIRECT | 4 | |
color-convert • 1.9.3Plain color conversion functions | INDIRECT | 1 | |
color-name • 1.1.3A list of color names and its values | INDIRECT | 0 | |
commander • 2.20.3the complete solution for node.js command-line programs | DIRECT | 0 | |
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special characters | INDIRECT | 0 | |
external-editor • 2.2.0Edit a string with the users preferred text editor using $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENT | INDIRECT | 5 | |
figures • 2.0.0Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks | INDIRECT | 1 | |
fs-extra • 6.0.1fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as mkdir -p, cp -r, and rm -rf. | DIRECT | 3 | |
has-flag • 3.0.0Check if argv has a specific flag | INDIRECT | 0 | |
iconv-lite • 0.4.24Convert character encodings in pure javascript. | INDIRECT | 1 | |
inquirer • 5.2.0A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. | DIRECT | 31 | |
is-fullwidth-code-point • 2.0.0Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth | INDIRECT | 0 | |
jsonfile • 4.0.0Easily read/write JSON files. | INDIRECT | 1 | |
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities. | DIRECT | 0 | |
mimic-fn • 1.2.0Make a function mimic another one | INDIRECT | 0 | |
onetime • 2.0.1Ensure a function is only called once | INDIRECT | 1 | |
os-tmpdir • 1.0.2Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
restore-cursor • 2.0.0Gracefully restore the CLI cursor on exit | INDIRECT | 3 | |
run-async • 2.4.1Utility method to run function either synchronously or asynchronously using the common `this.async()` style. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footguns | INDIRECT | 0 | |
string-width • 2.1.1Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it | INDIRECT | 3 | |
strip-ansi • 4.0.0Strip ANSI escape codes | INDIRECT | 1 | |
supports-color • 5.5.0Detect whether a terminal supports color | INDIRECT | 1 | |
symbol-observable • 1.0.1Symbol.observable ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
through • 2.3.8simplified stream construction | INDIRECT | 0 | |
tmp • 0.0.33Temporary file and directory creator | INDIRECT | 1 | |
universalify • 0.1.2Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks. | INDIRECT | 0 | |