aligned • 0.1.2 A newtype with alignment of at least `A` bytes INDIRECT 0 1524635338 android_system_properties • 0.1.5 Minimal Android system properties wrapper INDIRECT 1 1661856148 android-tzdata • 0.1.1 Parser for the Android-specific tzdata file INDIRECT 0 1678008318 autocfg • 1.4.0 Automatic cfg for Rust compiler features INDIRECT 0 1727399128 bare-metal • 0.1.3 Abstractions common to bare metal systems DIRECT 0 1535110242 bumpalo • 3.17.0 A fast bump allocation arena for Rust. INDIRECT 0 1738085853 cc • 1.2.16 A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native
C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust
INDIRECT 1 1740737069 cfg-if • 1.0.0 A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg]
parameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the
item that gets emitted.
INDIRECT 0 1602009852 chrono • 0.4.40 Date and time library for Rust INDIRECT 36 1740558737 core-foundation-sys • 0.8.7 Bindings to Core Foundation for macOS INDIRECT 0 1723337307 cortex-m-rt • 0.3.16 Minimal runtime / startup for Cortex-M microcontrollers DIRECT 46 1535119823 cortex-m • 0.3.1 Low level access to Cortex-M processors DIRECT 4 1500585089 iana-time-zone-haiku • 0.1.2 iana-time-zone support crate for Haiku OS INDIRECT 2 1683881025 iana-time-zone • 0.1.61 get the IANA time zone for the current system INDIRECT 31 1726496614 js-sys • 0.3.77 Bindings for all JS global objects and functions in all JS environments like
Node.js and browsers, built on `#[wasm_bindgen]` using the `wasm-bindgen` crate.
INDIRECT 14 1736723896 libc • 0.2.170 Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc.
INDIRECT 0 1740288693 log • 0.4.26 A lightweight logging facade for Rust
INDIRECT 0 1740115320 num-traits • 0.2.19 Numeric traits for generic mathematics INDIRECT 1 1714771659 once_cell • 1.21.0 Single assignment cells and lazy values. INDIRECT 0 1741624501 proc-macro2 • 1.0.94 A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case. INDIRECT 1 1740978874 quote • 1.0.39 Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...) INDIRECT 2 1740987348 r0 • 0.2.2 Initialization code ('crt0') written in Rust INDIRECT 0 1500680449 rustc_version • 0.2.3 A library for querying the version of a installed rustc compiler INDIRECT 2 1533311376 rustversion • 1.0.20 Conditional compilation according to rustc compiler version INDIRECT 0 1741047192 semver-parser • 0.7.0 Parsing of the semver spec.
INDIRECT 0 1486057853 semver • 0.9.0 Parser and evaluator for Cargo's flavor of Semantic Versioning INDIRECT 1 1508422584 shlex • 1.3.0 Split a string into shell words, like Python's shlex. INDIRECT 0 1705900515 syn • 2.0.100 Parser for Rust source code INDIRECT 2 1741555428 vcell • 0.1.3 `Cell` with volatile read / write operations DIRECT 0 1609502956 volatile-register • 0.2.2 Volatile access to memory mapped hardware registers INDIRECT 1 1697845870 wasm-bindgen-backend • 0.2.100 Backend code generation of the wasm-bindgen tool
INDIRECT 7 1736723588 wasm-bindgen-macro-support • 0.2.100 The part of the implementation of the `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute that is not in the shared backend crate
INDIRECT 8 1736723591 wasm-bindgen-macro • 0.2.100 Definition of the `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute, an internal dependency
INDIRECT 9 1736723831 wasm-bindgen-shared • 0.2.100 Shared support between wasm-bindgen and wasm-bindgen cli, an internal
INDIRECT 1 1736723583 wasm-bindgen • 0.2.100 Easy support for interacting between JS and Rust.
INDIRECT 13 1736723884 windows_aarch64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035816 windows_aarch64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035820 windows_i686_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035826 windows_i686_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035830 windows_i686_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035834 windows_x86_64_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035838 windows_x86_64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035843 windows_x86_64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035847 windows-core • 0.52.0 Rust for Windows INDIRECT 9 1700074482 windows-link • 0.1.0 Linking for Windows INDIRECT 0 1740155348 windows-targets • 0.52.6 Import libs for Windows INDIRECT 8 1720035858