schema-filter-form v1.0.6

schema antd3 form filter ProComponents

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Dependency Licenses

@ant-design/colors • 3.2.2Color palettes calculator of Ant DesignINDIRECT1
@ant-design/create-react-context • 0.2.6A fork of create-react-context in MIT licenseINDIRECT4
@ant-design/css-animation • 1.7.3css-animationINDIRECT0
@ant-design/icons-react • 2.0.1<h1 align="center"> Ant Design Icons for React </h1>INDIRECT5
@ant-design/icons • 2.1.1Ant Design IconsINDIRECT0
@types/prop-types • 15.7.12TypeScript definitions for prop-typesINDIRECT0
@types/react-slick • 0.23.13TypeScript definitions for react-slickINDIRECT3
@types/react • 18.3.5TypeScript definitions for reactINDIRECT2
add-dom-event-listener • 1.1.0add dom event listener. normalize ie and othersINDIRECT1
antd • 3.26.20An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementationDIRECT109
array-tree-filter • 2.1.0filter in array treeINDIRECT0
asap • 2.0.6High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsersINDIRECT0
async-validator • 1.11.5validate form asynchronousINDIRECT0
babel-runtime • 6.26.0babel selfContained runtimeINDIRECT2
classnames • 2.2.6A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames togetherINDIRECT0
component-classes • 1.2.6Cross-browser element class listINDIRECT1
copy-to-clipboard • 3.3.3Copy stuff into clipboard using JS with fallbacksINDIRECT1
core-js • 1.2.7Standard libraryINDIRECT0
core-js • 2.6.12Standard libraryINDIRECT0
create-react-class • 15.7.0Legacy API for creating React components.INDIRECT3
css-animation • 1.6.1css-animationINDIRECT5
csstype • 3.1.3Strict TypeScript and Flow types for style based on MDN dataINDIRECT0
dom-align • 1.12.4Align DOM Node Flexibly INDIRECT0
dom-closest • 0.2.0For a given DOM element, find the first ancestor that matches a given CSS selector.INDIRECT1
dom-matches • 2.0.0Check if a DOM element matches a given selectorINDIRECT0
dom-scroll-into-view • 1.2.1scroll dom node into view automaticallyINDIRECT0
encoding • 0.1.13Convert encodings, uses iconv-liteINDIRECT2
enquire.js • 2.1.6Awesome Media Queries in JavaScriptINDIRECT0
eventlistener • 0.0.1Super-simple wrapper around addEventListener and attachEvent (old IE). Does not handle different Event-objects.INDIRECT0
fbjs • 0.8.18A collection of utility libraries used by other Facebook JS projectsINDIRECT15
gud • 1.0.0Create a 'gud nuff' (not cryptographically secure) globally unique idINDIRECT0
hammerjs • 2.0.8A javascript library for multi-touch gesturesINDIRECT0
iconv-lite • 0.6.3Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
is-mobile • 2.2.2Check if mobile browser.INDIRECT0
is-stream • 1.1.0Check if something is a Node.js streamINDIRECT0
isomorphic-fetch • 2.2.1Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & BrowserifyINDIRECT6
js-tokens • 4.0.0A regex that tokenizes JavaScript.INDIRECT0
json2mq • 0.2.0Generate media query string from JSON or javascript objectINDIRECT1
lodash.debounce • 4.0.8The lodash method `_.debounce` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.throttle • 4.1.1The lodash method `_.throttle` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities.INDIRECT0
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an ASTINDIRECT1
mini-store • 2.0.0[![Travis](](
moment • 2.30.1Parse, validate, manipulate, and display datesINDIRECT0
mutationobserver-shim • 0.3.7MutationObserver shim for ES3 environmentsINDIRECT0
node-fetch • 1.7.3A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js and io.jsINDIRECT4
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
omit.js • 1.0.2Utility function to create a shallow copy of an object which had dropped some fields.INDIRECT3
performance-now • 2.1.0Implements (based on process.hrtime).INDIRECT0
promise • 7.3.1Bare bones Promises/A+ implementationINDIRECT1
prop-types • 15.8.1Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.INDIRECT4
raf • 3.4.1requestAnimationFrame polyfill for node and the browserINDIRECT1
rc-align • 2.4.5align ui component for reactINDIRECT13
rc-animate • 2.11.1css-transition ui component for reactINDIRECT18
rc-animate • 3.1.1css-transition ui component for reactINDIRECT13
rc-cascader • 0.17.5cascade select ui component for reactINDIRECT25
rc-checkbox • 2.1.8checkbox ui component for reactINDIRECT10
rc-collapse • 1.11.8rc-collapse ui component for reactINDIRECT19
rc-dialog • 7.6.1dialog ui component for reactINDIRECT19
rc-drawer • 3.1.3drawer component for reactINDIRECT10
rc-dropdown • 2.4.1dropdown ui component for reactINDIRECT22
rc-form • 2.4.12React High Order Form ComponentINDIRECT18
rc-hammerjs • 0.6.10ReactJS / HammerJS integration. Support touch events in your React app.INDIRECT9
rc-input-number • 4.5.9React input-number componentINDIRECT14
rc-mentions • 0.4.2React MentionsINDIRECT31
rc-menu • 7.5.5menu ui component for reactINDIRECT27
rc-notification • 3.3.1notification ui component for reactINDIRECT19
rc-pagination • 1.20.15pagination ui component for reactINDIRECT10
rc-progress • 2.5.3progress ui component for reactINDIRECT8
rc-rate • 2.5.1React Star Rate ComponentINDIRECT10
rc-resize-observer • 0.1.3Resize observer for ReactINDIRECT11
rc-select • 9.2.3React SelectINDIRECT29
rc-slider • 8.7.1Slider UI component for ReactINDIRECT24
rc-steps • 3.5.0steps ui component for reactINDIRECT10
rc-switch • 1.9.2switch ui component for reactINDIRECT7
rc-table • 6.10.15table ui component for reactINDIRECT15
rc-tabs • 9.7.0tabs ui component for reactINDIRECT22
rc-tooltip • 3.7.3React TooltipINDIRECT22
rc-tree-select • 2.9.4tree-select ui component for reactINDIRECT29
rc-tree • 2.1.4tree ui component for reactINDIRECT22
rc-trigger • 2.6.5base abstract trigger component for reactINDIRECT21
rc-trigger • 3.0.0base abstract trigger component for reactINDIRECT19
rc-upload • 2.9.4upload ui component for reactINDIRECT10
rc-util • 4.21.1Common Utils For React ComponentINDIRECT8
react-dom • 16.14.0React package for working with the DOM.DIRECT6
react-is • 16.13.1Brand checking of React Elements.INDIRECT0
react-lazy-load • 3.1.14Simple lazy loading component built with reactINDIRECT8
react-lifecycles-compat • 3.0.4Backwards compatibility polyfill for React class componentsINDIRECT0
react-slick • 0.25.2 React port of slick carouselINDIRECT6
react • 16.14.0React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.DIRECT5
regenerator-runtime • 0.11.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.INDIRECT0
resize-observer-polyfill • 1.5.1A polyfill for the Resize Observer APIINDIRECT0
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
scheduler • 0.19.1Cooperative scheduler for the browser environment.INDIRECT3
setimmediate • 1.0.5A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding APIINDIRECT0
shallow-equal • 1.2.1Minimalistic shallow equality check for arrays/objectsINDIRECT0
shallowequal • 1.1.0Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.INDIRECT0
string-convert • 0.2.1String convertionsINDIRECT0
tinycolor2 • 1.6.0Fast Color Parsing and ManipulationINDIRECT0
toggle-selection • 1.0.6Toggle current selected content in browserINDIRECT0
ua-parser-js • 0.7.38Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environmentINDIRECT0
warning • 4.0.3A mirror of Facebook's WarningINDIRECT2
whatwg-fetch • 3.6.20A window.fetch polyfill.INDIRECT0
component-indexof • 0.0.3Microsoft sucksINDIRECT0
rc-calendar • 9.15.11React CalendarINDIRECT23
rc-editor-core • 0.8.10editor-core ui component for reactINDIRECT25
rc-editor-mention • 1.1.13mention ui component for reactINDIRECT37
rc-time-picker • 3.7.3React TimePickerINDIRECT23
rmc-feedback • 2.0.0:active pseudo-class with react for mobileINDIRECT4
draft-js • 0.10.5A React framework for building text editors.INDIRECT17
hoist-non-react-statics • 2.5.5Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent componentINDIRECT0
hoist-non-react-statics • 3.3.2Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent componentINDIRECT1
immutable • 3.7.6Immutable Data CollectionsINDIRECT0
Last updated on

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