restify v7.2.0

REST framework

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asn1 • 0.2.6Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)INDIRECT1
assert-plus • 1.0.0Extra assertions on top of node's assert moduleDIRECT0
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
bunyan • 1.8.15a JSON logging library for node.js servicesDIRECT19
call-bind • 1.0.7Robustly `.call.bind()` a functionINDIRECT11
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
core-util-is • 1.0.2The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.INDIRECT0
dashdash • 1.14.1A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library.INDIRECT1
debug • 2.6.9small debugging utilityINDIRECT1
define-data-property • 1.1.4Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors.INDIRECT8
detect-node • 2.1.0Detect Node.JS (as opposite to browser environment) (reliable)INDIRECT0
ecc-jsbn • 0.1.2ECC JS code based on JSBNINDIRECT2
es-define-property • 1.0.0`Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one.INDIRECT6
es-errors • 1.3.0A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors.INDIRECT0
ewma • 2.0.1Exponentially Weighted Moving AverageDIRECT1
extsprintf • 1.2.0extended POSIX-style sprintfINDIRECT0
extsprintf • 1.3.0extended POSIX-style sprintfINDIRECT0
fast-decode-uri-component • 1.0.1Fast and safe decodeURIComponentINDIRECT0
find-my-way • 1.18.1Crazy fast http radix based routerDIRECT4
formidable • 1.2.6(DEPRECATED! Install formidable@v2) A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.DIRECT0
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0
get-intrinsic • 1.2.4Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require timeINDIRECT5
getpass • 0.1.7getpass for node.jsINDIRECT1
gopd • 1.0.1`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation.INDIRECT6
handle-thing • 1.2.5Wrap Streams2 instance into a HandleWrapINDIRECT0
has-property-descriptors • 1.0.2Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD.INDIRECT7
has-proto • 1.0.3Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`?INDIRECT0
has-symbols • 1.0.3Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.INDIRECT0
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
hpack.js • 2.1.6HPACK implementationINDIRECT11
http-deceiver • 1.2.7Deceive HTTP parserINDIRECT0
http-signature • 1.4.0Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme.DIRECT15
isarray • 1.0.0Array#isArray for older browsersINDIRECT0
jsbn • 0.1.1The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers.INDIRECT0
jsprim • 2.0.2utilities for primitive JavaScript typesINDIRECT5
lodash.get • 4.4.2The lodash method `_.get` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities.DIRECT0
mime • 1.6.0A comprehensive library for mime-type mappingDIRECT0
minimist • 1.2.8parse argument optionsINDIRECT0
mkdirp • 0.5.6Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`INDIRECT1
moment • 2.30.1Parse, validate, manipulate, and display datesINDIRECT0
ms • 2.0.0Tiny milisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
mv • 2.1.1fs.rename but works across devices. same as the unix utility 'mv'INDIRECT14
nan • 2.20.0Native Abstractions for Node.js: C++ header for Node 0.8 -> 22 compatibilityINDIRECT0
ncp • 2.0.0Asynchronous recursive file copy utility.INDIRECT0
negotiator • 0.6.3HTTP content negotiationDIRECT0
object-inspect • 1.13.2string representations of objects in node and the browserINDIRECT0
obuf • 1.1.2Byte buffer specialized for data in chunks with special cases for dropping bytes in the front, merging bytes in to various integer types and abandoning buffer without penalty for previous chunk merges.INDIRECT0
path-is-absolute • 1.0.1Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfillINDIRECT0
pidusage • 1.2.0Cross-platform process cpu % and memory usage of a PID — EditDIRECT0
process-nextick-args • 2.0.1process.nextTick but always with argsINDIRECT0
readable-stream • 2.3.8Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.jsINDIRECT7
restify-errors • 5.0.0Collection of Error objects shared across restify components.DIRECT6
ret • 0.1.15Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.INDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.2.1Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safe-json-stringify • 1.2.0Prevent defined property getters from throwing errorsINDIRECT0
safe-regex • 1.1.0detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressionsINDIRECT1
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
select-hose • 2.0.0Select protocol using first bytes of incoming data and hose stuff to the handlerINDIRECT0
semver-store • 0.3.0An extremely fast semver based storeINDIRECT0
set-function-length • 1.2.2Set a function's length propertyINDIRECT10
side-channel • 1.0.6Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.INDIRECT13
spdy-transport • 2.1.1SPDY v2, v3, v3.1 and HTTP2 transportINDIRECT16
spdy • 3.4.7Implementation of the SPDY protocol on node.js.DIRECT20
sshpk • 1.18.0A library for finding and using SSH public keysINDIRECT9
string_decoder • 1.1.1The string_decoder module from Node coreINDIRECT1
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser supportINDIRECT0
uuid • 3.4.0RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsDIRECT0
vasync • 1.6.4utilities for observable asynchronous control flowDIRECT2
verror • 1.10.0richer JavaScript errorsINDIRECT3
verror • 1.10.1richer JavaScript errorsDIRECT3
verror • 1.6.0richer JavaScript errorsINDIRECT1
wbuf • 1.7.3Write bufferINDIRECT1
glob • 6.0.4a little globberINDIRECT9
inflight • 1.0.6Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplicationINDIRECT2
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 4.1.5A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.DIRECT2
minimalistic-assert • 1.0.1minimalistic-assert ===INDIRECT0
minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
once • 1.4.0Run a function exactly one timeDIRECT1
pseudomap • 1.0.2A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators, for use in environments where `for..of` syntax and `Map` are not available.INDIRECT0
rimraf • 2.4.5A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)INDIRECT10
semver • 5.7.2The semantic version parser used by npm.DIRECT0
wrappy • 1.0.2Callback wrapping utilityINDIRECT0
yallist • 2.1.2Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
bcrypt-pbkdf • 1.0.2Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JSINDIRECT1
csv-generate • 1.1.2CSV and object generation implementing the Node.js `stream.Readable` APIINDIRECT0
csv-parse • 1.3.3CSV parsing implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` APIINDIRECT0
csv-stringify • 1.1.2CSV stringifier implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` APIINDIRECT1
csv • 1.2.1CSV parser with simple api, full of options and tested against large datasets.DIRECT5
qs • 6.13.0A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitDIRECT14
stream-transform • 0.2.2Object transformations implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` APIINDIRECT0
dtrace-provider • 0.8.8Native DTrace providers for node.js applicationsDIRECT1
escape-regexp-component • 1.0.2Escape regular expression special charactersDIRECT0
AFL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause1
json-schema • 0.4.0JSON Schema validation and specificationsINDIRECT0
tweetnacl • 0.14.5Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScriptINDIRECT0
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