@sindresorhus/is • 0.7.0Type check values: `is.string('🦄') //=> true` | INDIRECT | 0 | |
builtins • 1.0.3List of node.js builtin modules | INDIRECT | 0 | |
cacheable-request • 2.1.4Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache support | INDIRECT | 17 | |
clone-response • 1.0.2Clone a Node.js HTTP response stream | INDIRECT | 1 | |
core-util-is • 1.0.3The `util.is*` functions introduced in Node v0.12. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
decode-uri-component • 0.2.2A better decodeURIComponent | INDIRECT | 0 | |
decompress-response • 3.3.0Decompress a HTTP response if needed | INDIRECT | 1 | |
deep-extend • 0.6.0Recursive object extending | INDIRECT | 0 | |
from2 • 2.3.0Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2" | INDIRECT | 8 | |
get-stream • 3.0.0Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array | INDIRECT | 0 | |
got • 8.3.2Simplified HTTP requests | INDIRECT | 45 | |
has-symbol-support-x • 1.4.2Tests if ES6 Symbol is supported. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
has-to-string-tag-x • 1.4.1Tests if ES6 @@toStringTag is supported. | INDIRECT | 1 | |
into-stream • 3.1.0Convert a buffer/string/array/object/iterable/promise into a stream | INDIRECT | 10 | |
is-object • 1.0.2Checks whether a value is an object | INDIRECT | 0 | |
is-plain-obj • 1.1.0Check if a value is a plain object | INDIRECT | 0 | |
is-retry-allowed • 1.2.0Is retry allowed for Error? | INDIRECT | 0 | |
is-scoped • 1.0.0Check if a string is a scoped npm package name | INDIRECT | 1 | |
isarray • 1.0.0Array#isArray for older browsers | INDIRECT | 0 | |
isurl • 1.0.0Checks whether a value is a WHATWG URL. | INDIRECT | 3 | |
json-buffer • 3.0.0JSON parse & stringify that supports binary via bops & base64 | INDIRECT | 0 | |
keyv • 3.0.0Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends | INDIRECT | 1 | |
lodash.zip • 4.2.0The lodash method `_.zip` exported as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lowercase-keys • 1.0.0Lowercase the keys of an object | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lowercase-keys • 1.0.1Lowercase the keys of an object | INDIRECT | 0 | |
mimic-response • 1.0.1Mimic a Node.js HTTP response stream | INDIRECT | 0 | |
minimist • 1.2.8parse argument options | INDIRECT | 0 | |
normalize-url • 2.0.1Normalize a URL | INDIRECT | 7 | |
npm-name • 3.2.0Check whether a package name is available on npm | DIRECT | 55 | |
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
p-cancelable • 0.4.1Create a promise that can be canceled | INDIRECT | 0 | |
p-finally • 1.0.0`Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome | INDIRECT | 0 | |
p-is-promise • 1.1.0Check if something is a promise | INDIRECT | 0 | |
p-timeout • 2.0.1Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time | INDIRECT | 1 | |
pify • 3.0.0Promisify a callback-style function | INDIRECT | 0 | |
prepend-http • 2.0.0Prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like todomvc.com and localhost | INDIRECT | 0 | |
process-nextick-args • 2.0.1process.nextTick but always with args | INDIRECT | 0 | |
query-string • 5.1.1Parse and stringify URL query strings | INDIRECT | 3 | |
readable-stream • 2.3.8Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js | INDIRECT | 7 | |
registry-url • 3.1.0Get the set npm registry URL | INDIRECT | 5 | |
responselike • 1.0.2A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response stream | INDIRECT | 1 | |
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer API | INDIRECT | 0 | |
safe-buffer • 5.2.1Safer Node.js Buffer API | INDIRECT | 0 | |
scoped-regex • 1.0.0Regular expression for matching scoped npm package names | INDIRECT | 0 | |
sort-keys • 2.0.0Sort the keys of an object | INDIRECT | 1 | |
strict-uri-encode • 1.1.0A stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986 | INDIRECT | 0 | |
string_decoder • 1.1.1The string_decoder module from Node core | INDIRECT | 1 | |
strip-json-comments • 2.0.1Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files! | INDIRECT | 0 | |
timed-out • 4.0.1Emit `ETIMEDOUT` or `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT` when ClientRequest is hanged | INDIRECT | 0 | |
upper-case-first • 1.1.2Upper case the first character of a string | DIRECT | 1 | |
upper-case • 1.1.3Upper case a string | INDIRECT | 0 | |
url-parse-lax • 3.0.0Lax url.parse() with support for protocol-less URLs & IPs | INDIRECT | 1 | |
url-to-options • 1.0.1Convert a WHATWG URL to an http(s).request options object. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
util-deprecate • 1.0.2The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support | INDIRECT | 0 | |