archiver-utils • 1.3.0 utility functions for archiver DIRECT 23 1472323340 async • 2.6.4 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code DIRECT 1 1649891255 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 base64-js • 1.5.1 Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS INDIRECT 0 1605123228 bl • 1.2.3 Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too! INDIRECT 8 1599126736 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 buffer-alloc-unsafe • 1.1.0 A [ponyfill]( for `Buffer.allocUnsafe`. INDIRECT 0 1527635920 buffer-alloc • 1.2.0 A [ponyfill]( for `Buffer.alloc`. INDIRECT 2 1527637266 buffer-crc32 • 0.2.13 A pure javascript CRC32 algorithm that plays nice with binary data DIRECT 0 1479778108 buffer-fill • 1.0.0 A [ponyfill]( for `Buffer.fill`. INDIRECT 0 1527636952 buffer • 5.7.1 Node.js Buffer API, for the browser INDIRECT 2 1604526695 compress-commons • 1.2.2 a library that defines a common interface for working with archive formats within node INDIRECT 16 1507661532 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 core-util-is • 1.0.3 The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12. INDIRECT 0 1630420536 crc • 3.8.0 Module for calculating Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for Node.js and the Browser. INDIRECT 3 1532567395 crc32-stream • 2.0.0 a streaming CRC32 checksumer INDIRECT 12 1487027752 end-of-stream • 1.4.4 Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. INDIRECT 2 1569416251 fs-constants • 1.0.0 Require constants across node and the browser INDIRECT 0 1524753752 isarray • 1.0.0 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1449741907 lazystream • 1.0.1 Open Node Streams on demand. INDIRECT 8 1634979855 lodash • 4.17.21 Lodash modular utilities. DIRECT 0 1613835736 normalize-path • 2.1.1 Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes. Also condenses repeat slashes to a single slash and removes and trailing slashes unless disabled. INDIRECT 1 1490811685 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 process-nextick-args • 2.0.1 process.nextTick but always with args INDIRECT 0 1560976479 readable-stream • 2.3.8 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js DIRECT 7 1677146646 safe-buffer • 5.1.2 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1524687024 string_decoder • 1.1.1 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 1 1522397655 tar-stream • 1.6.2 tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator and nothing else. It is streams2 and operates purely using streams which means you can easily extract/parse tarballs without ever hitting the file system. DIRECT 18 1537619777 to-buffer • 1.1.1 Pass in a string, get a buffer back. Pass in a buffer, get the same buffer back INDIRECT 0 1524754584 util-deprecate • 1.0.2 The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support INDIRECT 0 1444243060 xtend • 4.0.2 extend like a boss INDIRECT 0 1562592945 zip-stream • 1.2.0 a streaming zip archive generator. DIRECT 31 1497655253