@babel/code-frame • 7.26.2 Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations. INDIRECT 3 1730310371 @babel/helper-validator-identifier • 7.25.9 Validate identifier/keywords name INDIRECT 0 1729610436 @colors/colors • 1.6.0 get colors in your node.js console INDIRECT 0 1688966175 @dabh/diagnostics • 2.0.3 Tools for debugging your node.js modules and event loop INDIRECT 11 1644709301 @jest/console • 28.1.3 INDIRECT 38 1657721550 @jest/schemas • 28.1.3 Experimental and currently incomplete module for JSON schemas for [Jest's](https://jestjs.io/) configuration. INDIRECT 1 1657721546 @jest/test-result • 28.1.3 INDIRECT 40 1657721551 @jest/types • 28.1.3 This package contains shared types of Jest's packages. INDIRECT 15 1657721546 @sinclair/typebox • 0.24.51 JSONSchema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript INDIRECT 0 1666761669 @slack/logger • 3.0.0 Logging utility used by Node Slack SDK INDIRECT 2 1610481349 @slack/types • 2.14.0 Shared type definitions for the Node Slack SDK INDIRECT 0 1726602969 @slack/web-api • 6.13.0 Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API DIRECT 40 1727471480 @types/is-stream • 1.1.0 TypeScript definitions for is-stream INDIRECT 2 1500750278 @types/istanbul-lib-coverage • 2.0.6 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-lib-coverage INDIRECT 0 1699344649 @types/istanbul-lib-report • 3.0.3 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-lib-report INDIRECT 1 1699344668 @types/istanbul-reports • 3.0.4 TypeScript definitions for istanbul-reports INDIRECT 2 1699344686 @types/node • 22.13.10 TypeScript definitions for node INDIRECT 1 1741417388 @types/retry • 0.12.0 TypeScript definitions for retry INDIRECT 0 1546537575 @types/stack-utils • 2.0.3 TypeScript definitions for stack-utils INDIRECT 0 1699376438 @types/triple-beam • 1.3.5 TypeScript definitions for triple-beam INDIRECT 0 1699380511 @types/yargs-parser • 21.0.3 TypeScript definitions for yargs-parser INDIRECT 0 1699393025 @types/yargs • 17.0.33 TypeScript definitions for yargs INDIRECT 1 1722974860 @types/yauzl • 2.10.3 TypeScript definitions for yauzl INDIRECT 2 1699385947 agent-base • 6.0.2 Turn a function into an `http.Agent` instance INDIRECT 2 1603481595 ansi-regex • 5.0.1 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1631634919 ansi-styles • 4.3.0 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 2 1601839105 ansi-styles • 5.2.0 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 0 1617174934 async • 3.2.6 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code INDIRECT 0 1724109863 asynckit • 0.4.0 Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support INDIRECT 0 1465928945 axios • 1.8.3 Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js INDIRECT 22 1741764244 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 base64-js • 1.5.1 Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS INDIRECT 0 1605123228 bl • 4.1.0 Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too! INDIRECT 8 1612867055 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 braces • 3.0.3 Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed. INDIRECT 3 1716281951 buffer-crc32 • 0.2.13 A pure javascript CRC32 algorithm that plays nice with binary data INDIRECT 0 1479778108 buffer • 5.7.1 Node.js Buffer API, for the browser INDIRECT 2 1604526695 call-bind-apply-helpers • 1.0.2 Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind` INDIRECT 2 1739388296 chalk • 4.1.2 Terminal string styling done right INDIRECT 5 1627646572 ci-info • 3.9.0 Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment INDIRECT 0 1696395370 collect-v8-coverage • 1.0.2 Use this module to start and stop the V8 inspector manually and collect precise coverage. INDIRECT 0 1688565431 color-convert • 1.9.3 Plain color conversion functions INDIRECT 1 1535434359 color-convert • 2.0.1 Plain color conversion functions INDIRECT 1 1566248736 color-name • 1.1.3 A list of color names and its values INDIRECT 0 1500157028 color-name • 1.1.4 A list of color names and its values INDIRECT 0 1537526936 color-string • 1.9.1 Parser and generator for CSS color strings INDIRECT 3 1650650919 color • 3.2.1 Color conversion and manipulation with CSS string support INDIRECT 6 1626601230 colorspace • 1.1.4 Generate HEX colors for a given namespace. INDIRECT 8 1634765860 combined-stream • 1.0.8 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another. INDIRECT 1 1557683385 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 cross-fetch • 3.1.5 Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native INDIRECT 4 1642719215 debug • 4.3.4 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser INDIRECT 1 1647524327 delayed-stream • 1.0.0 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them. INDIRECT 0 1430431829 dunder-proto • 1.0.1 If available, the `Object.prototype.__proto__` accessor and mutator, call-bound INDIRECT 4 1734401567 enabled • 2.0.0 Check if a certain debug flag is enabled. INDIRECT 0 1540768637 end-of-stream • 1.4.4 Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. INDIRECT 2 1569416251 es-define-property • 1.0.1 `Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one. INDIRECT 0 1733508962 es-errors • 1.3.0 A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors. INDIRECT 0 1707120351 es-object-atoms • 1.1.1 ES Object-related atoms: Object, ToObject, RequireObjectCoercible INDIRECT 1 1736901763 es-set-tostringtag • 2.1.0 A helper to optimistically set Symbol.toStringTag, when possible. INDIRECT 13 1735793054 escape-string-regexp • 2.0.0 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1555487349 eventemitter3 • 3.1.2 EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface. INDIRECT 0 1556600623 eventemitter3 • 4.0.7 EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface. INDIRECT 0 1598519444 fd-slicer • 1.1.0 safely create multiple ReadStream or WriteStream objects from the same file descriptor INDIRECT 1 1528068502 fecha • 4.2.3 Date formatting and parsing INDIRECT 0 1650060518 fill-range • 7.1.1 Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex` INDIRECT 2 1716281151 find-up • 4.1.0 Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories INDIRECT 5 1560752434 fn.name • 1.1.0 Extract names from functions INDIRECT 0 1529020587 follow-redirects • 1.15.9 HTTP and HTTPS modules that follow redirects. INDIRECT 0 1725612994 form-data • 2.5.3 A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. INDIRECT 20 1739570176 form-data • 4.0.2 A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. INDIRECT 19 1739575437 fs-constants • 1.0.0 Require constants across node and the browser INDIRECT 0 1524753752 function-bind • 1.1.2 Implementation of Function.prototype.bind INDIRECT 0 1697137699 get-intrinsic • 1.3.0 Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require time INDIRECT 11 1740257660 get-proto • 1.0.1 Robustly get the [[Prototype]] of an object INDIRECT 6 1735848482 get-stream • 5.2.0 Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array INDIRECT 4 1597007197 gopd • 1.2.0 `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation. INDIRECT 0 1733329312 has-flag • 4.0.0 Check if argv has a specific flag INDIRECT 0 1554565761 has-symbols • 1.1.0 Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 0 1733157257 has-tostringtag • 1.0.2 Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams. INDIRECT 1 1706823840 hasown • 2.0.2 A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate. INDIRECT 1 1710092305 https-proxy-agent • 5.0.1 An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS INDIRECT 3 1649961720 is-arrayish • 0.3.2 Determines if an object can be used as an array INDIRECT 0 1529395785 is-electron • 2.2.2 Detect if running in Electron. INDIRECT 0 1676982205 is-number • 7.0.0 Returns true if a number or string value is a finite number. Useful for regex matches, parsing, user input, etc. INDIRECT 0 1530716938 is-stream • 1.1.0 Check if something is a Node.js stream INDIRECT 0 1460446915 is-stream • 2.0.1 Check if something is a Node.js stream INDIRECT 0 1627296664 jest-message-util • 28.1.3 INDIRECT 35 1657721548 jest-util • 28.1.3 INDIRECT 19 1657721548 js-tokens • 4.0.0 A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. INDIRECT 0 1517140738 kuler • 2.0.0 Color your terminal using CSS/hex color codes INDIRECT 0 1559853482 locate-path • 5.0.0 Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths INDIRECT 3 1556974807 logform • 2.7.0 An mutable object-based log format designed for chaining & objectMode streams. INDIRECT 6 1731203756 math-intrinsics • 1.1.0 ES Math-related intrinsics and helpers, robustly cached. INDIRECT 0 1734587889 micromatch • 4.0.8 Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. INDIRECT 5 1724430678 mime-db • 1.52.0 Media Type Database INDIRECT 0 1645472511 mime-types • 2.1.35 The ultimate javascript content-type utility. INDIRECT 1 1647108283 mkdirp-classic • 0.5.3 Mirror of mkdirp 0.5.2 INDIRECT 0 1588586163 ms • 2.1.2 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1559842315 node-fetch • 2.6.7 A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js INDIRECT 3 1642335518 one-time • 1.0.0 Run the supplied function exactly one time (once) INDIRECT 1 1557098998 p-finally • 1.0.0 `Promise#finally()` ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome INDIRECT 0 1477029729 p-limit • 2.3.0 Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency INDIRECT 1 1586101245 p-locate • 4.1.0 Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function INDIRECT 2 1554354166 p-queue • 6.6.2 Promise queue with concurrency control INDIRECT 3 1602443385 p-retry • 4.6.2 Retry a promise-returning or async function INDIRECT 2 1651037055 p-timeout • 3.2.0 Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time INDIRECT 1 1568733047 p-try • 2.2.0 `Start a promise chain INDIRECT 0 1554035675 path-exists • 4.0.0 Check if a path exists INDIRECT 0 1554348556 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 pend • 1.2.0 dead-simple optimistic async helper INDIRECT 0 1416779572 picomatch • 2.3.1 Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions. INDIRECT 0 1641143904 pkg-dir • 4.2.0 Find the root directory of a Node.js project or npm package INDIRECT 6 1558431348 pretty-format • 28.1.3 Stringify any JavaScript value. INDIRECT 5 1657721547 progress • 2.0.3 Flexible ascii progress bar INDIRECT 0 1544029078 proxy-from-env • 1.1.0 Offers getProxyForUrl to get the proxy URL for a URL, respecting the *_PROXY (e.g. HTTP_PROXY) and NO_PROXY environment variables. INDIRECT 0 1583292919 pump • 3.0.2 pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes INDIRECT 3 1726041514 react-is • 18.3.1 Brand checking of React Elements. INDIRECT 0 1714149785 readable-stream • 3.6.2 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js INDIRECT 4 1678438954 retry • 0.13.1 Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations. INDIRECT 0 1624261532 safe-buffer • 5.2.1 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1589128650 safe-stable-stringify • 2.5.0 Deterministic and safely JSON.stringify to quickly serialize JavaScript objects INDIRECT 0 1724535077 simple-swizzle • 0.2.2 Simply swizzle your arguments INDIRECT 1 1479263541 slash • 3.0.0 Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths INDIRECT 0 1556425560 stack-trace • 0.0.10 Get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects. INDIRECT 0 1494918433 stack-utils • 2.0.6 Captures and cleans stack traces INDIRECT 1 1667921994 string_decoder • 1.3.0 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 1 1565169636 supports-color • 7.2.0 Detect whether a terminal supports color INDIRECT 1 1598613454 tapable • 2.2.1 Just a little module for plugins. INDIRECT 0 1631526953 tar-fs • 2.1.1 filesystem bindings for tar-stream INDIRECT 17 1604688225 tar-stream • 2.2.0 tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator and nothing else. It is streams2 and operates purely using streams which means you can easily extract/parse tarballs without ever hitting the file system. INDIRECT 13 1609237377 text-hex • 1.0.0 Generate a hex color from the given text INDIRECT 0 1531822161 through • 2.3.8 simplified stream construction INDIRECT 0 1435930719 to-regex-range • 5.0.1 Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions. INDIRECT 1 1554617077 tr46 • 0.0.3 An implementation of the Unicode TR46 spec INDIRECT 0 1453255734 triple-beam • 1.4.1 Definitions of levels for logging purposes & shareable Symbol constants. INDIRECT 0 1689003108 unbzip2-stream • 1.4.3 streaming unbzip2 implementation in pure javascript for node and browsers INDIRECT 4 1590563045 undici-types • 6.20.0 A stand-alone types package for Undici INDIRECT 0 1728460238 util-deprecate • 1.0.2 The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support INDIRECT 0 1444243060 whatwg-url • 5.0.0 An implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard's URL API and parsing machinery INDIRECT 2 1495832201 winston-transport • 4.9.0 Base stream implementations for winston@3 and up. INDIRECT 12 1731206319 winston • 3.17.0 A logger for just about everything. INDIRECT 30 1731207575 ws • 8.7.0 Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js INDIRECT 0 1653586226 yauzl • 2.10.0 yet another unzip library for node INDIRECT 3 1530590433