anes • 0.1.6 ANSI Escape Sequences provider & parser INDIRECT 0 1575043666 anstyle • 1.0.10 ANSI text styling INDIRECT 0 1730469578 autocfg • 1.4.0 Automatic cfg for Rust compiler features INDIRECT 0 1727399128 cast • 0.3.0 Ergonomic, checked cast functions for primitive types INDIRECT 0 1630753653 cfg-if • 1.0.0 A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg]
parameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the
item that gets emitted.
INDIRECT 0 1602009852 clap_builder • 4.5.27 A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser INDIRECT 2 1737406293 clap_lex • 0.7.4 Minimal, flexible command line parser INDIRECT 0 1733433327 clap • 4.5.28 A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser INDIRECT 3 1738622380 criterion-plot • 0.5.0 Criterion's plotting library INDIRECT 3 1662832088 criterion • 0.5.1 Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking library DIRECT 61 1685091590 either • 1.13.0 The enum `Either` with variants `Left` and `Right` is a general purpose sum type with two cases.
INDIRECT 0 1719355194 getrandom • 0.2.15 A small cross-platform library for retrieving random data from system source INDIRECT 3 1714998581 half • 2.4.1 Half-precision floating point f16 and bf16 types for Rust implementing the IEEE 754-2008 standard binary16 and bfloat16 types. INDIRECT 2 1712434058 hermit-abi • 0.4.0 Hermit system calls definitions. INDIRECT 0 1717772506 itertools • 0.10.5 Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros. INDIRECT 1 1663684359 itoa • 1.0.14 Fast integer primitive to string conversion INDIRECT 0 1732562705 libc • 0.2.169 Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc.
INDIRECT 0 1734585492 num-traits • 0.2.19 Numeric traits for generic mathematics INDIRECT 1 1714771659 once_cell • 1.20.3 Single assignment cells and lazy values. INDIRECT 0 1738877197 ppv-lite86 • 0.2.20 Implementation of the crypto-simd API for x86 INDIRECT 61 1722654442 proc-macro2 • 1.0.93 A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case. INDIRECT 61 1736565704 quote • 1.0.38 Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...) INDIRECT 61 1735189401 rand_chacha • 0.3.1 ChaCha random number generator
INDIRECT 61 1623267998 rand_core • 0.6.4 Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation.
INDIRECT 4 1663248224 rand • 0.8.5 Random number generators and other randomness functionality.
DIRECT 61 1644827867 regex-syntax • 0.7.5 A regular expression parser. INDIRECT 0 1693057835 regex • 1.8.4 An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses
finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.
INDIRECT 1 1685970208 roaring • 0.10.10 A better compressed bitset - pure Rust implementation DIRECT 0 1736339331 serde_derive • 1.0.195 Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] INDIRECT 61 1704508420 serde_json • 1.0.138 A JSON serialization file format INDIRECT 61 1738085488 serde • 1.0.195 A generic serialization/deserialization framework INDIRECT 61 1704508430 syn • 2.0.98 Parser for Rust source code INDIRECT 61 1738458339 tinytemplate • 1.2.1 Simple, lightweight template engine INDIRECT 61 1614816308 ucd-trie • 0.1.7 A trie for storing Unicode codepoint sets and maps.
DIRECT 0 1727612250 unicode-xid • 0.2.6 Determine whether characters have the XID_Start
or XID_Continue properties according to
Unicode Standard Annex #31.
DIRECT 0 1726761324 windows_aarch64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035816 windows_aarch64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035820 windows_i686_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035826 windows_i686_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035830 windows_i686_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035834 windows_x86_64_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035838 windows_x86_64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035843 windows_x86_64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035847 windows-sys • 0.59.0 Rust for Windows INDIRECT 9 1722353177 windows-targets • 0.52.6 Import libs for Windows INDIRECT 8 1720035858