arbitrary • 1.4.1 The trait for generating structured data from unstructured data DIRECT 5 1730826594 derive_arbitrary • 1.4.1 Derives arbitrary traits INDIRECT 4 1730845210 glob • 0.3.2 Support for matching file paths against Unix shell style patterns.
INDIRECT 0 1735431124 itoa • 1.0.14 Fast integer primitive to string conversion INDIRECT 0 1732562705 proc-macro2 • 1.0.93 A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case. INDIRECT 1 1736565704 quote • 1.0.38 Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...) INDIRECT 2 1735189401 rustc-std-workspace-core • 1.0.1 crate for integration of crates into rust-lang/rust standard library workspace
DIRECT 0 1730753723 rustversion • 1.0.19 Conditional compilation according to rustc compiler version DIRECT 0 1735247504 serde_derive • 1.0.195 Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] DIRECT 4 1704508420 serde_json • 1.0.138 A JSON serialization file format DIRECT 9 1738085488 serde_spanned • 0.6.8 Serde-compatible spanned Value INDIRECT 6 1727291241 serde_test • 1.0.177 Token De/Serializer for testing De/Serialize implementations DIRECT 6 1722842084 serde • 1.0.195 A generic serialization/deserialization framework DIRECT 5 1704508430 syn • 2.0.98 Parser for Rust source code INDIRECT 2 1738458339 target-triple • 0.1.3 TARGET and HOST triples INDIRECT 0 1715722744 toml_datetime • 0.6.8 A TOML-compatible datetime type INDIRECT 6 1722347811 toml • 0.8.20 A native Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams. Provides
implementations of the standard Serialize/Deserialize traits for TOML data to
facilitate deserializing and serializing Rust structures.
INDIRECT 8 1738768648 trybuild • 1.0.103 Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics DIRECT 27 1737600854 windows_aarch64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035816 windows_aarch64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035820 windows_i686_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035826 windows_i686_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035830 windows_i686_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035834 windows_x86_64_gnu • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035838 windows_x86_64_gnullvm • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035843 windows_x86_64_msvc • 0.52.6 Import lib for Windows INDIRECT 0 1720035847 windows-sys • 0.59.0 Rust for Windows INDIRECT 9 1722353177 windows-targets • 0.52.6 Import libs for Windows INDIRECT 8 1720035858