expand-tilde • 1.2.2Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js. Expands a leading tilde in a file path to the user home directory, or `~+` to the cwd.
extend-shallow • 2.0.1Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.
fs-exists-sync • 0.1.0Drop-in replacement for `fs.existsSync` with zero dependencies. Other libs I found either have crucial differences from fs.existsSync, or unnecessary dependencies. See README.md for more info.
is-extendable • 0.1.1Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended, e.g. "can the value have keys?"
is-glob • 2.0.1Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and initialization time, and a bet