apollo-server v3.13.0

Production ready GraphQL Server

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Dependency Licenses

@apollo/usage-reporting-protobuf • 4.1.1Protobuf format for Apollo usage reportingINDIRECT13
@apollo/utils.dropunuseddefinitions • 1.1.0Drop unused definitions from a GraphQL documentINDIRECT0
@apollo/utils.keyvaluecache • 1.0.2Minimal key-value cache interfaceINDIRECT2
@apollo/utils.logger • 1.0.1Generic logger interfaceINDIRECT0
@apollo/utils.printwithreducedwhitespace • 1.1.0Print an AST with as little whitespace as possibleINDIRECT0
@apollo/utils.removealiases • 1.0.0Remove aliases from a GraphQL documentINDIRECT0
@apollo/utils.sortast • 1.1.0Sort AST nodes in a document alphabeticallyINDIRECT1
@apollo/utils.stripsensitiveliterals • 1.2.0Remove literals from an AST which might contain PII (strings and numbers, and optionally lists and objects)INDIRECT0
@apollo/utils.usagereporting • 1.0.1Generate a signature for Apollo usage reportingINDIRECT20
@apollographql/apollo-tools • 0.5.4INDIRECT0
@apollographql/graphql-playground-html • 1.6.29GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration).INDIRECT3
@graphql-tools/merge • 8.3.1A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL toolsINDIRECT2
@graphql-tools/merge • 8.4.2A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL toolsINDIRECT3
@graphql-tools/mock • 8.7.20A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL toolsINDIRECT7
@graphql-tools/schema • 8.5.1A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL toolsINDIRECT4
@graphql-tools/schema • 9.0.19A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL toolsINDIRECT5
@graphql-tools/utils • 8.9.0Common package containing utils and types for GraphQL toolsINDIRECT1
@graphql-tools/utils • 9.2.1Common package containing utils and types for GraphQL toolsINDIRECT2
@graphql-typed-document-node/core • 3.2.0INDIRECT0
@types/accepts • 1.3.7TypeScript definitions for acceptsINDIRECT2
@types/body-parser • 1.19.2TypeScript definitions for body-parserINDIRECT3
@types/body-parser • 1.19.5TypeScript definitions for body-parserINDIRECT3
@types/connect • 3.4.38TypeScript definitions for connectINDIRECT2
@types/cors • 2.8.12TypeScript definitions for corsINDIRECT0
@types/express-serve-static-core • 4.17.31TypeScript definitions for ExpressINDIRECT4
@types/express-serve-static-core • 4.19.5TypeScript definitions for express-serve-static-coreINDIRECT6
@types/express • 4.17.14TypeScript definitions for ExpressDIRECT11
@types/http-errors • 2.0.4TypeScript definitions for http-errorsINDIRECT0
@types/long • 4.0.2TypeScript definitions for long.jsINDIRECT0
@types/mime • 1.3.5TypeScript definitions for mimeINDIRECT0
@types/node • 10.17.60TypeScript definitions for Node.jsINDIRECT0
@types/node • 22.5.5TypeScript definitions for nodeINDIRECT1
@types/qs • 6.9.16TypeScript definitions for qsINDIRECT0
@types/range-parser • 1.2.7TypeScript definitions for range-parserINDIRECT0
@types/send • 0.17.4TypeScript definitions for sendINDIRECT3
@types/serve-static • 1.15.7TypeScript definitions for serve-staticINDIRECT5
accepts • 1.3.8Higher-level content negotiationINDIRECT3
apollo-datasource • 3.3.2INDIRECT8
apollo-reporting-protobuf • 3.4.0Protobuf format for Apollo usage reportingINDIRECT14
apollo-server-core • 3.13.0Core engine for Apollo GraphQL serverDIRECT66
apollo-server-env • 4.2.1This package is used internally by Apollo Server and not meant to be consumed directly.INDIRECT4
apollo-server-errors • 3.3.1INDIRECT0
apollo-server-express • 3.13.0Production-ready Node.js GraphQL server for ExpressDIRECT125
apollo-server-plugin-base • 3.7.2Apollo Server plugin base classesINDIRECT24
apollo-server-types • 3.8.0Apollo Server shared typesINDIRECT23
array-flatten • 1.1.1Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat arrayINDIRECT0
async-retry • 1.3.3Retrying made simple, easy and asyncINDIRECT1
body-parser • 1.20.3Node.js body parsing middlewareINDIRECT36
bytes • 3.1.2Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versaINDIRECT0
call-bind • 1.0.7Robustly `.call.bind()` a functionINDIRECT11
commander • 2.20.3the complete solution for node.js command-line programsINDIRECT0
content-disposition • 0.5.4Create and parse Content-Disposition headerINDIRECT1
content-type • 1.0.5Create and parse HTTP Content-Type headerINDIRECT0
cookie-signature • 1.0.6Sign and unsign cookiesINDIRECT0
cookie • 0.6.0HTTP server cookie parsing and serializationINDIRECT0
cors • 2.8.5Node.js CORS middlewareINDIRECT2
cssfilter • 0.0.10Sanitize untrusted CSS with a configuration specified by a Whitelist. 根据白名单过滤CSSINDIRECT0
debug • 2.6.9small debugging utilityINDIRECT1
define-data-property • 1.1.4Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors.INDIRECT8
depd • 2.0.0Deprecate all the thingsINDIRECT0
destroy • 1.2.0destroy a stream if possibleINDIRECT0
ee-first • 1.1.1return the first event in a set of ee/event pairsINDIRECT0
encodeurl • 1.0.2Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequencesINDIRECT0
encodeurl • 2.0.0Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequencesINDIRECT0
es-define-property • 1.0.0`Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one.INDIRECT6
es-errors • 1.3.0A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors.INDIRECT0
escape-html • 1.0.3Escape string for use in HTMLINDIRECT0
etag • 1.8.1Create simple HTTP ETagsINDIRECT0
express • 4.21.0Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web frameworkDIRECT64
fast-json-stable-stringify • 2.1.0deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonifyINDIRECT0
finalhandler • 1.3.1Node.js final http responderINDIRECT9
forwarded • 0.2.0Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For headerINDIRECT0
fresh • 0.5.2HTTP response freshness testingINDIRECT0
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0
get-intrinsic • 1.2.4Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require timeINDIRECT5
gopd • 1.0.1`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation.INDIRECT6
graphql-tag • 2.12.6A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queriesINDIRECT1
has-property-descriptors • 1.0.2Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD.INDIRECT7
has-proto • 1.0.3Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`?INDIRECT0
has-symbols • 1.0.3Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.INDIRECT0
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
http-errors • 2.0.0Create HTTP error objectsINDIRECT5
iconv-lite • 0.4.24Convert character encodings in pure javascript.INDIRECT1
ipaddr.js • 1.9.1A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript.INDIRECT0
lodash.sortby • 4.7.0The lodash method `_.sortBy` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
loglevel • 1.9.2Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to any available console.log methodsINDIRECT0
media-typer • 0.3.0Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatterINDIRECT0
merge-descriptors • 1.0.3Merge objects using descriptorsINDIRECT0
methods • 1.1.2HTTP methods that node supportsINDIRECT0
mime-db • 1.52.0Media Type DatabaseINDIRECT0
mime-types • 2.1.35The ultimate javascript content-type utility.INDIRECT1
mime • 1.6.0A comprehensive library for mime-type mappingINDIRECT0
ms • 2.0.0Tiny milisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
ms • 2.1.3Tiny millisecond conversion utilityINDIRECT0
negotiator • 0.6.3HTTP content negotiationINDIRECT0
node-abort-controller • 3.1.1AbortController for Node based on EventEmitterINDIRECT0
node-fetch • 2.7.0A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.jsINDIRECT3
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
object-inspect • 1.13.2string representations of objects in node and the browserINDIRECT0
on-finished • 2.4.1Execute a callback when a request closes, finishes, or errorsINDIRECT1
parseurl • 1.3.3parse a url with memoizationINDIRECT0
path-to-regexp • 0.1.10Express style path to RegExp utilityINDIRECT0
proxy-addr • 2.0.7Determine address of proxied requestINDIRECT2
range-parser • 1.2.1Range header field string parserINDIRECT0
raw-body • 2.5.2Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream.INDIRECT10
retry • 0.13.1Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations.INDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.2.1Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footgunsINDIRECT0
send • 0.19.0Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET supportINDIRECT18
serve-static • 1.16.2Serve static filesINDIRECT21
set-function-length • 1.2.2Set a function's length propertyINDIRECT10
side-channel • 1.0.6Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.INDIRECT13
statuses • 2.0.1HTTP status utilityINDIRECT0
toidentifier • 1.0.1Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifierINDIRECT0
tr46 • 0.0.3An implementation of the Unicode TR46 specINDIRECT0
type-is • 1.6.18Infer the content-type of a request.INDIRECT3
undici-types • 6.19.8A stand-alone types package for UndiciINDIRECT0
unpipe • 1.0.0Unpipe a stream from all destinationsINDIRECT0
utils-merge • 1.0.1merge() utility functionINDIRECT0
uuid • 9.0.1RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDsINDIRECT0
value-or-promise • 1.0.11A thenable to streamline a possibly sync / possibly async workflow.INDIRECT0
value-or-promise • 1.0.12A thenable to streamline a possibly sync / possibly async workflow.INDIRECT0
vary • 1.1.2Manipulate the HTTP Vary headerINDIRECT0
whatwg-mimetype • 3.0.0Parses, serializes, and manipulates MIME types, according to the WHATWG MIME Sniffing StandardINDIRECT0
whatwg-url • 5.0.0An implementation of the WHATWG URL Standard's URL API and parsing machineryINDIRECT2
xss • 1.0.15Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a WhitelistINDIRECT2
@apollo/protobufjs • 1.2.6Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).INDIRECT13
@apollo/protobufjs • 1.2.7Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).INDIRECT12
@protobufjs/aspromise • 1.1.2Returns a promise from a node-style callback function.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/base64 • 1.1.2A minimal base64 implementation for number arrays.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/codegen • 2.0.4A minimalistic code generation utility.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/eventemitter • 1.1.0A minimal event emitter.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/fetch • 1.1.0Fetches the contents of a file accross node and browsers.INDIRECT2
@protobufjs/float • 1.0.2Reads / writes floats / doubles from / to buffers in both modern and ancient browsers.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/inquire • 1.1.0Requires a module only if available and hides the require call from bundlers.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/path • 1.1.2A minimal path module to resolve Unix, Windows and URL paths alike.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/pool • 1.1.0A general purpose buffer pool.INDIRECT0
@protobufjs/utf8 • 1.1.0A minimal UTF8 implementation for number arrays.INDIRECT0
qs • 6.13.0A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limitINDIRECT14
@josephg/resolvable • 1.0.1Promise with .resolve() and .reject() methodsINDIRECT0
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 6.0.0A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT1
lru-cache • 7.13.1A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT0
setprototypeof • 1.2.0A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeofINDIRECT0
yallist • 4.0.0Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
BSD-3-Clause AND MIT1
sha.js • 2.4.11Streamable SHA hashes in pure javascriptINDIRECT2
tslib • 2.7.0Runtime library for TypeScript helper functionsINDIRECT0
long • 4.0.0A Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement integer value.INDIRECT0
webidl-conversions • 3.0.1Implements the WebIDL algorithms for converting to and from JavaScript valuesINDIRECT0
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