@rushstack/terminal v0.10.0

User interface primitives for console applications

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Package Licenses


Dependency Licenses

@rushstack/node-core-library • 4.0.2Core libraries that every NodeJS toolchain project should useDIRECT20
commander • 9.5.0the complete solution for node.js command-line programsINDIRECT0
fs-extra • 7.0.1fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as mkdir -p, cp -r, and rm -rf.INDIRECT3
function-bind • 1.1.2Implementation of Function.prototype.bindINDIRECT0
has-flag • 4.0.0Check if argv has a specific flagINDIRECT0
hasown • 2.0.2A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.INDIRECT1
import-lazy • 4.0.0Import a module lazilyINDIRECT0
is-core-module • 2.15.1Is this specifier a node.js core module?INDIRECT2
jju • 1.4.0a set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documentsINDIRECT0
jsonfile • 4.0.0Easily read/write JSON files.INDIRECT1
lodash.get • 4.4.2The lodash method `_.get` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
lodash.isequal • 4.5.0The Lodash method `_.isEqual` exported as a module.INDIRECT0
path-parse • 1.0.7Node.js path.parse() ponyfillINDIRECT0
resolve • 1.22.8resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously and synchronouslyINDIRECT5
supports-color • 8.1.1Detect whether a terminal supports colorDIRECT1
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag • 1.0.0Determine if the current node version supports the `--preserve-symlinks` flag.INDIRECT0
universalify • 0.1.2Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks.INDIRECT0
validator • 13.12.0String validation and sanitizationINDIRECT0
z-schema • 5.0.5JSON schema validatorINDIRECT4
graceful-fs • 4.2.11A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
lru-cache • 6.0.0A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT1
semver • 7.5.4The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT2
yallist • 4.0.0Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
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