@sindresorhus/is • 4.6.0 Type check values INDIRECT 0 1645952779 @szmarczak/http-timer • 4.0.6 Timings for HTTP requests INDIRECT 1 1626125968 @types/cacheable-request • 6.0.3 TypeScript definitions for cacheable-request INDIRECT 5 1668011575 @types/http-cache-semantics • 4.0.4 TypeScript definitions for http-cache-semantics INDIRECT 0 1699342474 @types/keyv • 3.1.4 TypeScript definitions for keyv INDIRECT 2 1647495108 @types/node • 22.10.2 TypeScript definitions for node INDIRECT 1 1733909716 @types/responselike • 1.0.3 TypeScript definitions for responselike INDIRECT 2 1699371027 acorn-walk • 8.2.0 ECMAScript (ESTree) AST walker DIRECT 0 1630916470 acorn • 8.7.0 ECMAScript parser DIRECT 0 1640601208 agent-base • 6.0.2 Turn a function into an `http.Agent` instance INDIRECT 2 1603481595 ajv • 8.10.0 Another JSON Schema Validator DIRECT 5 1643998946 append-field • 1.0.0 A [W3C HTML JSON forms spec](http://www.w3.org/TR/html-json-forms/) compliant field appender (for lack of a better name). Useful for people implementing `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/form-data` parsers. INDIRECT 0 1455461276 argparse • 1.0.10 Very powerful CLI arguments parser. Native port of argparse - python's options parsing library INDIRECT 1 1518704641 async • 0.1.22 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code INDIRECT 0 1338402404 asynckit • 0.4.0 Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support INDIRECT 0 1465928945 balanced-match • 1.0.2 Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}" INDIRECT 0 1617713469 base64-js • 1.5.1 Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS INDIRECT 0 1605123228 bl • 4.1.0 Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too! INDIRECT 8 1612867055 body-parser • 1.19.1 Node.js body parsing middleware DIRECT 21 1639165922 brace-expansion • 1.1.11 Brace expansion as known from sh/bash INDIRECT 2 1518248542 buffer-from • 1.1.2 A [ponyfill](https://ponyfill.com) for `Buffer.from`, uses native implementation if available. INDIRECT 0 1627578333 buffer • 5.7.1 Node.js Buffer API, for the browser INDIRECT 2 1604526695 bytes • 3.1.1 Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa INDIRECT 0 1637015004 bytes • 3.1.2 Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa INDIRECT 0 1643346157 cacheable-lookup • 5.0.4 A cacheable dns.lookup(…) that respects the TTL INDIRECT 0 1607451463 cacheable-request • 7.0.4 Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache support INDIRECT 13 1686181616 cheerio • 1.0.0-rc.10 Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server DIRECT 14 1623166975 clone-response • 1.0.3 Clone a Node.js HTTP response stream INDIRECT 1 1658070045 combined-stream • 1.0.8 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another. INDIRECT 1 1557683385 commist • 1.1.0 Build your commands on minimist! INDIRECT 2 1551349497 concat-map • 0.0.1 concatenative mapdashery INDIRECT 0 1391051195 concat-stream • 1.6.2 writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result INDIRECT 10 1521645450 concat-stream • 2.0.0 writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result INDIRECT 7 1545402135 content-type • 1.0.4 Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header DIRECT 0 1505166156 cookie-parser • 1.4.6 Parse HTTP request cookies DIRECT 2 1637083939 cookie-signature • 1.0.6 Sign and unsign cookies INDIRECT 0 1423002195 cookie • 0.4.1 HTTP server cookie parsing and serialization INDIRECT 0 1587525837 cookie • 0.4.2 HTTP server cookie parsing and serialization DIRECT 0 1643844570 core-util-is • 1.0.3 The `util.is*` functions introduced in Node v0.12. INDIRECT 0 1630420536 cors • 2.8.5 Node.js CORS middleware DIRECT 2 1541365213 debug • 2.6.9 small debugging utility INDIRECT 1 1506087155 debug • 4.4.0 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser INDIRECT 1 1733488366 decompress-response • 6.0.0 Decompress a HTTP response if needed INDIRECT 1 1589512108 defer-to-connect • 2.0.1 The safe way to handle the `connect` socket event INDIRECT 0 1614210982 delayed-stream • 1.0.0 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them. INDIRECT 0 1430431829 depd • 1.1.2 Deprecate all the things INDIRECT 0 1515736023 dom-serializer • 1.4.1 render domhandler DOM nodes to a string INDIRECT 3 1649524771 duplexify • 4.1.3 Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream with support for async initialization and streams1/streams2 input INDIRECT 9 1709760538 ee-first • 1.1.1 return the first event in a set of ee/event pairs INDIRECT 0 1432581508 end-of-stream • 1.4.4 Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed. INDIRECT 2 1569416251 fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3 Fast deep equal INDIRECT 0 1591601248 form-data • 4.0.0 A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. DIRECT 5 1613410734 fs-extra • 10.0.0 fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove. DIRECT 3 1620079535 fs.notify • 0.0.4 file change notification that doesn't suck hairy monkey balls and just works. DIRECT 2 1389121982 get-stream • 5.2.0 Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array INDIRECT 4 1597007197 got • 11.8.3 Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js DIRECT 30 1637211741 hash-sum • 2.0.0 Blazing fast unique hash generator DIRECT 0 1561757208 help-me • 3.0.0 Help command for node, partner of minimist and commist INDIRECT 15 1622413172 hpagent • 0.1.2 A ready to use http and https agent for working with proxies that keeps connections alive! DIRECT 0 1625041658 htmlparser2 • 6.1.0 Fast & forgiving HTML/XML parser INDIRECT 5 1617914818 http-errors • 1.8.1 Create HTTP error objects INDIRECT 5 1636932034 http2-wrapper • 1.0.3 HTTP2 client, just with the familiar `https` API INDIRECT 2 1614296277 https-proxy-agent • 5.0.0 An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS DIRECT 3 1581106518 iconv-lite • 0.4.24 Convert character encodings in pure javascript. INDIRECT 1 1534969392 iconv-lite • 0.6.3 Convert character encodings in pure javascript. DIRECT 1 1621825217 is-utf8 • 0.2.1 Detect if a buffer is utf8 encoded. DIRECT 0 1450497862 isarray • 0.0.1 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1369676435 isarray • 1.0.0 Array#isArray for older browsers INDIRECT 0 1449741907 js-sdsl • 4.3.0 javascript standard data structure library which benchmark against C++ STL INDIRECT 0 1674186474 js-yaml • 3.14.1 YAML 1.2 parser and serializer DIRECT 3 1607370310 json-buffer • 3.0.1 JSON parse & stringify that supports binary via bops & base64 INDIRECT 0 1536606136 json-schema-traverse • 1.0.0 Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback INDIRECT 0 1607857014 jsonfile • 6.1.0 Easily read/write JSON files. INDIRECT 2 1604163624 keyv • 4.5.4 Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends INDIRECT 1 1696697634 leven • 2.1.0 Measure the difference between two strings using the fastest JS implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm INDIRECT 0 1487405798 lowercase-keys • 2.0.0 Lowercase the keys of an object INDIRECT 0 1556596803 media-typer • 0.3.0 Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter INDIRECT 0 1410150744 media-typer • 1.1.0 Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter DIRECT 0 1556162165 mime-db • 1.52.0 Media Type Database INDIRECT 0 1645472511 mime-types • 2.1.35 The ultimate javascript content-type utility. INDIRECT 1 1647108283 mimic-response • 1.0.1 Mimic a Node.js HTTP response stream INDIRECT 0 1531308307 mimic-response • 3.1.0 Mimic a Node.js HTTP response stream INDIRECT 0 1589481062 minimist • 1.2.8 parse argument options INDIRECT 0 1675976389 mkdirp • 0.5.6 Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p` INDIRECT 1 1647992895 mqtt-packet • 6.10.0 Parse and generate MQTT packets like a breeze INDIRECT 12 1620977188 mqtt • 4.3.5 A library for the MQTT protocol DIRECT 43 1644250260 ms • 2.0.0 Tiny milisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1494937566 ms • 2.1.3 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1607435675 multer • 1.4.4 Middleware for handling `multipart/form-data`. DIRECT 28 1638877165 mustache • 4.2.0 Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript DIRECT 0 1616959679 normalize-url • 6.1.0 Normalize a URL INDIRECT 0 1624353875 number-allocator • 1.0.14 A library for the unique number allocator INDIRECT 3 1674466820 object-assign • 4.1.1 ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1484580915 on-finished • 2.3.0 Execute a callback when a request closes, finishes, or errors INDIRECT 1 1432691894 on-headers • 1.0.2 Execute a listener when a response is about to write headers DIRECT 0 1550807334 p-cancelable • 2.1.1 Create a promise that can be canceled INDIRECT 0 1619950872 parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter • 6.0.1 htmlparser2 tree adapter for parse5. INDIRECT 1 1595603876 parse5 • 6.0.1 HTML parser and serializer. INDIRECT 0 1595603871 path-is-absolute • 1.0.1 Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill INDIRECT 0 1475210523 process-nextick-args • 2.0.1 process.nextTick but always with args INDIRECT 0 1560976479 psl • 1.15.0 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List INDIRECT 1 1733134564 pump • 3.0.2 pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes INDIRECT 3 1726041514 punycode • 2.3.1 A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. INDIRECT 0 1698690512 quick-lru • 5.1.1 Simple “Least Recently Used” (LRU) cache INDIRECT 0 1591017090 raw-body • 2.4.2 Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream. INDIRECT 10 1637116758 raw-body • 2.4.3 Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream. DIRECT 10 1644895049 readable-stream • 1.1.14 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.11.x INDIRECT 4 1460563294 readable-stream • 2.3.8 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js INDIRECT 7 1677146646 readable-stream • 3.6.2 Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js INDIRECT 4 1678438954 reinterval • 1.1.0 reschedulable setInterval for node.js INDIRECT 0 1466441869 require-from-string • 2.0.2 Require module from string INDIRECT 0 1523267387 resolve-alpn • 1.2.1 Detects the ALPN protocol INDIRECT 0 1630311156 responselike • 2.0.1 A response-like object for mocking a Node.js HTTP response stream INDIRECT 1 1658156809 retry • 0.6.1 Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations. INDIRECT 0 1403784056 rfdc • 1.4.1 Really Fast Deep Clone INDIRECT 0 1718187509 safe-buffer • 5.1.2 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1524687024 safe-buffer • 5.2.1 Safer Node.js Buffer API INDIRECT 0 1589128650 safer-buffer • 2.1.2 Modern Buffer API polyfill without footguns INDIRECT 0 1523184162 statuses • 1.5.0 HTTP status utility INDIRECT 0 1522201397 stream-shift • 1.0.3 Returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue INDIRECT 0 1705518913 string_decoder • 0.10.31 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 0 1408767919 string_decoder • 1.1.1 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 1 1522397655 string_decoder • 1.3.0 The string_decoder module from Node core INDIRECT 1 1565169636 toidentifier • 1.0.1 Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier INDIRECT 0 1636928349 type-is • 1.6.18 Infer the content-type of a request. INDIRECT 3 1556287189 typedarray • 0.0.6 TypedArray polyfill for old browsers INDIRECT 0 1400295169 undici-types • 6.20.0 A stand-alone types package for Undici INDIRECT 0 1728460238 universalify • 0.1.2 Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks. INDIRECT 0 1529493431 universalify • 2.0.1 Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks. INDIRECT 0 1698858765 unpipe • 1.0.0 Unpipe a stream from all destinations INDIRECT 0 1434313819 util-deprecate • 1.0.2 The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support INDIRECT 0 1444243060 uuid • 8.3.2 RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs DIRECT 0 1607459916 vary • 1.1.2 Manipulate the HTTP Vary header INDIRECT 0 1506217631 ws • 7.5.6 Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js DIRECT 0 1637696742 xml2js • 0.4.23 Simple XML to JavaScript object converter. DIRECT 2 1576775722 xmlbuilder • 11.0.1 An XML builder for node.js INDIRECT 0 1553287553 xtend • 4.0.2 extend like a boss INDIRECT 0 1562592945