autocfg • 1.4.0 Automatic cfg for Rust compiler features INDIRECT 0 1727399128 cfg-if • 0.1.10 A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg]
parameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the
item that gets emitted.
INDIRECT 0 1569338841 crossbeam-utils • 0.6.6 Utilities for concurrent programming INDIRECT 2 1564008027 fnv • 1.0.7 Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function INDIRECT 0 1589472389 futures-channel-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 Channels for asynchronous communication using futures-rs.
DIRECT 2 1569533382 futures-core-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 The core traits and types in for the `futures` library.
INDIRECT 0 1569533256 futures-executor-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library.
INDIRECT 19 1569533407 futures-io-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 The `AsyncRead` and `AsyncWrite` traits for the futures-rs library.
INDIRECT 0 1569533264 futures-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations,
composability, and iterator-like interfaces.
DIRECT 20 1569533441 futures-select-macro-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 The `select!` macro for waiting on multiple different `Future`s at once and handling the first one to complete.
INDIRECT 5 1569533319 futures-sink-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 The asynchronous `Sink` trait for the futures-rs library.
INDIRECT 0 1569533272 futures-util-preview • 0.3.0-alpha.19 Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library.
DIRECT 15 1569533393 hermit-abi • 0.3.9 Hermit system calls definitions. INDIRECT 0 1709156122 lazy_static • 1.5.0 A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust. INDIRECT 0 1719010122 libc • 0.2.169 Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc.
INDIRECT 0 1734585492 log • 0.4.22 A lightweight logging facade for Rust
DIRECT 0 1719534494 num_cpus • 1.16.0 Get the number of CPUs on a machine. INDIRECT 2 1688043479 pin-project-lite • 0.1.12 A lightweight version of pin-project written with declarative macros.
INDIRECT 0 1614687749 pin-utils • 0.1.0 Utilities for pinning
DIRECT 0 1587572007 proc-macro-hack • 0.5.20+deprecated Procedural macros in expression position INDIRECT 0 1671474214 proc-macro-nested • 0.1.7 Support for nested proc-macro-hack invocations INDIRECT 0 1610578657 proc-macro2 • 1.0.92 A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case. INDIRECT 1 1732217587 quote • 1.0.37 Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...) INDIRECT 2 1724366547 syn • 1.0.109 Parser for Rust source code INDIRECT 3 1677232723