fst v0.2.3

Use finite state transducers to compactly represents sets or maps of many strings (> 1 billion is possible).

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Package Licenses

MIT OR Unlicense

Dependency Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT13
fnv • 1.0.7Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functionDIRECT0
fs2 • 0.2.5Cross-platform file locks and file duplication.INDIRECT4
lazy_static • 0.2.11A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.DIRECT0
libc • 0.2.169Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc. INDIRECT0
memmap • 0.4.0Cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped file IODIRECT5
rand_core • 0.3.1Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation. INDIRECT1
rand_core • 0.4.2Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation. INDIRECT0
rand • 0.3.23Random number generators and other randomness functionality. DIRECT9
rand • 0.4.6Random number generators and other randomness functionality. INDIRECT8
regex-syntax • 0.3.9A regular expression parser.INDIRECT0
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the i686-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi • 0.3.9Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.INDIRECT2
MIT OR Unlicense5
byteorder • 1.5.0Library for reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian.DIRECT0
fst-levenshtein • 0.1.0DEPRECATED. Use 'fst' crate with 'levenshtein' feature instead. DIRECT23
fst-regex • 0.1.0DEPRECATED. Use 'regex-automata' crate with 'transducer' feature instead. DIRECT23
quickcheck • 0.4.1Automatic property based testing with shrinking.DIRECT10
utf8-ranges • 0.1.3DEPRECATED. Use regex-syntax::utf8 submodule instead.INDIRECT0
kernel32-sys • 0.2.2Contains function definitions for the Windows API library kernel32. See winapi for types and constants.INDIRECT2
winapi-build • 0.1.1Common code for in WinAPI -sys crates.INDIRECT0
winapi • 0.2.8Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.INDIRECT0
fuchsia-cprng • 0.1.1Rust crate for the Fuchsia cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generatorINDIRECT0
rdrand • 0.4.0An implementation of random number generator based on rdrand and rdseed instructionsINDIRECT2
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