asap • 2.0.6High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers | INDIRECT | 0 | |
core-js • 1.2.7Standard library | INDIRECT | 0 | |
encoding • 0.1.13Convert encodings, uses iconv-lite | INDIRECT | 2 | |
es6-promise • 3.1.2A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code | INDIRECT | 0 | |
fbjs • 0.8.18A collection of utility libraries used by other Facebook JS projects | INDIRECT | 15 | |
flux-standard-action • 0.6.1A human-friendly standard for Flux action objects | INDIRECT | 5 | |
iconv-lite • 0.6.3Convert character encodings in pure javascript. | INDIRECT | 1 | |
invariant • 2.2.4invariant | INDIRECT | 2 | |
is-stream • 1.1.0Check if something is a Node.js stream | INDIRECT | 0 | |
isomorphic-fetch • 2.2.1Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify | INDIRECT | 6 | |
js-tokens • 4.0.0A regex that tokenizes JavaScript. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash-es • 4.17.21Lodash exported as ES modules. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash._basefor • 3.0.3The internal lodash function `baseFor` exported as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash.isarguments • 3.1.0The lodash method `_.isArguments` exported as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash.isarray • 3.0.4The modern build of lodash’s `_.isArray` as a module. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
lodash.isplainobject • 3.2.0The modern build of lodash’s `_.isPlainObject` as a module. | INDIRECT | 4 | |
lodash.keysin • 3.0.8The modern build of lodash’s `_.keysIn` as a module. | INDIRECT | 2 | |
lodash • 4.17.21Lodash modular utilities. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an AST | INDIRECT | 1 | |
node-fetch • 1.7.3A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js and io.js | INDIRECT | 4 | |
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
promise • 7.3.1Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation | INDIRECT | 1 | |
react-redux • 4.4.5Official React bindings for Redux | DIRECT | 5 | |
reduce-reducers • 0.1.5Reduce multiple reducers into a single reducer | INDIRECT | 0 | |
redux-actions • 0.9.1Flux Standard Action utlities for Redux | DIRECT | 7 | |
redux-logger • 2.6.1Logger for redux | DIRECT | 0 | |
redux-thunk • 2.0.1Thunk middleware for Redux. | DIRECT | 0 | |
redux • 3.5.2Predictable state container for JavaScript apps | DIRECT | 5 | |
safer-buffer • 2.1.2Modern Buffer API polyfill without footguns | INDIRECT | 0 | |
sdmxmllib • 0.7.3Javascript library for converting SDMX-ML structure messages | DIRECT | 1 | |
setimmediate • 1.0.5A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API | INDIRECT | 0 | |
symbol-observable • 0.2.4Symbol.observable ponyfill | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ua-parser-js • 0.7.40Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment | INDIRECT | 0 | |
whatwg-fetch • 3.6.20A window.fetch polyfill. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
xmldom • 0.1.22A W3C Standard XML DOM(Level2 CORE) implementation and parser(DOMParser/XMLSerializer). | INDIRECT | 0 | |