node-minify v1.3.9

Javascript / CSS minifier based on YUI Compressor / Google Closure Compiler / UglifyJS2 / Sqwish / Clean-css / CSSO

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Dependency Licenses

align-text • 0.1.4Align the text in a string.INDIRECT4
ansi-regex • 2.1.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 2.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT0
async • 0.2.10Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous codeINDIRECT0
balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
camelcase • 1.2.1Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBarINDIRECT0
center-align • 0.1.3Center-align the text in a string.INDIRECT6
chalk • 1.1.3Terminal string styling done right. Much color.INDIRECT6
clap • 1.2.3Command line argument parserINDIRECT7
clean-css • 3.4.8A well-tested CSS minifierDIRECT4
commander • 2.8.1the complete solution for node.js command-line programsINDIRECT1
concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
csso • 1.4.3CSSO — CSS optimizerDIRECT8
decamelize • 1.2.0Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator: unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbowINDIRECT0
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
graceful-readlink • 1.0.1graceful fs.readlinkINDIRECT0
has-ansi • 2.0.0Check if a string has ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
is-buffer • 1.1.6Determine if an object is a BufferINDIRECT0
kind-of • 3.2.2Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
lazy-cache • 1.0.4Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed.INDIRECT0
longest • 1.0.1Get the longest item in an array.INDIRECT0
minimist • 0.0.8parse argument optionsINDIRECT0
mkdirp • 0.5.1Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`DIRECT1
path-is-absolute • 1.0.1Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfillINDIRECT0
repeat-string • 1.6.1Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.INDIRECT0
right-align • 0.1.3Right-align the text in a string.INDIRECT5
strip-ansi • 3.0.1Strip ANSI escape codesINDIRECT1
supports-color • 2.0.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT0
uglify-to-browserify • 1.0.2A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify.INDIRECT0
window-size • 0.1.0Reliable way to to get the height and width of the terminal/console in a node.js environment.INDIRECT0
yargs • 3.10.0Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.INDIRECT13
cliui • 2.1.0easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfacesINDIRECT9
glob • 6.0.1a little globberDIRECT9
inflight • 1.0.6Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplicationINDIRECT2
inherits • 2.0.4Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()INDIRECT0
minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
once • 1.4.0Run a function exactly one timeINDIRECT1
wrappy • 1.0.2Callback wrapping utilityINDIRECT0
node-uuid • 1.4.7Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs.DIRECT0
sqwish • 0.2.2a tool for compressing CSSDIRECT0
source-map • 0.4.4Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT1
source-map • 0.5.7Generates and consumes source mapsINDIRECT0
uglify-js • 2.6.1JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkitDIRECT17
BSD-3-Clause OR MIT1
amdefine • 1.0.1Provide AMD's define() API for declaring modules in the AMD formatINDIRECT0
wordwrap • 0.0.2Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.INDIRECT0
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