ircv3 v0.14.3

Connect to and interact with IRC servers. IRCv3 compatible.

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Dependency Licenses

@d-fischer/logger • 0.1.1A simple logger for Node and the browser.DIRECT9
@types/clone • 0.1.30TypeScript definitions for clone 0.1.11DIRECT0
@types/escape-string-regexp • 0.0.30TypeScript definitions for escape-string-regexpDIRECT0
ansi-styles • 3.2.1ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminalINDIRECT2
async-limiter • 1.0.1asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrencyINDIRECT0
chalk • 2.4.2Terminal string styling done rightINDIRECT6
clone • 2.1.2deep cloning of objects and arraysDIRECT0
color-convert • 1.9.3Plain color conversion functionsINDIRECT1
color-name • 1.1.3A list of color names and its valuesINDIRECT0
detect-node • 2.1.0Detect Node.JS (as opposite to browser environment) (reliable)INDIRECT0
escape-string-regexp • 1.0.5Escape RegExp special charactersDIRECT0
has-flag • 3.0.0Check if argv has a specific flagINDIRECT0
safe-buffer • 5.1.2Safer Node.js Buffer APIINDIRECT0
supports-color • 5.5.0Detect whether a terminal supports colorINDIRECT1
ultron • 1.1.1Ultron is high-intelligence robot. It gathers intel so it can start improving upon his rudimentary designINDIRECT0
ws • 3.3.3Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.jsDIRECT3
universal-websocket-client • 1.0.2Use the same WebSocket client code in a browser or Node.js for isomorphic appsDIRECT4
tslib • 1.14.1Runtime library for TypeScript helper functionsINDIRECT0
Last updated on

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