drone-stm32-map-pieces-12 v0.13.0

STM32 peripheral mappings for Drone, an Embedded Operating System.

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Package Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

Dependency Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT38
anyhow • 1.0.97Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::ErrorINDIRECT0
autocfg • 1.4.0Automatic cfg for Rust compiler featuresINDIRECT0
drone-config • 0.13.2Configuration for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. INDIRECT8
drone-core-macros • 0.13.0Procedural macros for drone-core. INDIRECT18
drone-core • 0.13.0The core crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. DIRECT31
drone-cortexm-macros • 0.13.1Procedural macros for drone-cortexm. INDIRECT11
drone-cortexm • 0.13.1ARM® Cortex®-M platform crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. DIRECT33
drone-ctypes • 0.13.0Platform-specific C types for Drone apps. INDIRECT0
drone-macros-core • 0.13.0Procedural macros base for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. INDIRECT9
drone-stm32-map-svd • 0.13.0STM32 SVD to bindings for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. DIRECT16
drone-svd • 0.13.0CMSIS-SVD parser for Drone, an Embedded Operating System. INDIRECT15
futures-channel • 0.3.31Channels for asynchronous communication using futures-rs. INDIRECT2
futures-core • 0.3.31The core traits and types in for the `futures` library. INDIRECT0
futures-io • 0.3.31The `AsyncRead`, `AsyncWrite`, `AsyncSeek`, and `AsyncBufRead` traits for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT0
futures-macro • 0.3.31The futures-rs procedural macro implementations. INDIRECT4
futures-sink • 0.3.31The asynchronous `Sink` trait for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT0
futures-task • 0.3.31Tools for working with tasks. INDIRECT0
futures-util • 0.3.31Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT10
futures • 0.3.31An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. INDIRECT13
hashbrown • 0.12.3A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash mapINDIRECT0
if_chain • 1.0.2Macro for writing nested `if let` expressions.INDIRECT0
indexmap • 1.9.3A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration.INDIRECT2
lazy_static • 1.5.0A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.INDIRECT0
log • 0.4.26A lightweight logging facade for Rust INDIRECT0
pin-project-lite • 0.2.16A lightweight version of pin-project written with declarative macros. INDIRECT0
pin-utils • 0.1.0Utilities for pinning INDIRECT0
proc-macro2 • 1.0.94A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case.INDIRECT1
quote • 1.0.39Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)INDIRECT2
regex-syntax • 0.6.29A regular expression parser.INDIRECT0
regex • 1.7.3An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs. INDIRECT3
serde_derive • 1.0.195Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]INDIRECT4
serde • 1.0.195A generic serialization/deserialization frameworkINDIRECT5
syn • 1.0.109Parser for Rust source codeINDIRECT3
syn • 2.0.100Parser for Rust source codeINDIRECT2
thiserror-impl • 1.0.69Implementation detail of the `thiserror` crateINDIRECT4
thiserror • 1.0.69derive(Error)INDIRECT5
toml • 0.5.11A native Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams. Provides implementations of the standard Serialize/Deserialize traits for TOML data to facilitate deserializing and serializing Rust structures. INDIRECT6
typenum • 1.18.0Typenum is a Rust library for type-level numbers evaluated at compile time. It currently supports bits, unsigned integers, and signed integers. It also provides a type-level array of type-level numbers, but its implementation is incomplete.INDIRECT0
serde-xml-rs • 0.4.1xml-rs based deserializer for Serde (compatible with 0.9+)INDIRECT10
xml-rs • 0.8.25An XML library in pure RustINDIRECT0
MIT OR Unlicense2
aho-corasick • 0.7.20Fast multiple substring searching.INDIRECT1
memchr • 2.7.4Provides extremely fast (uses SIMD on x86_64, aarch64 and wasm32) routines for 1, 2 or 3 byte search and single substring search. INDIRECT0
Inflector • 0.11.4Adds String based inflections for Rust. Snake, kebab, camel, sentence, class, title and table cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, foreign key, and pluralize/singularize are supported as both traits and pure functions acting on String types. INDIRECT5
Unicode-3.0 AND (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)1
unicode-ident • 1.0.18Determine whether characters have the XID_Start or XID_Continue properties according to Unicode Standard Annex #31INDIRECT0
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