wtraverser v0.3.290

Collection of cross-platform routines to traverse data structures, no matter how compex and cycled them are. Traverser may be used to inspect data, make some transformation or duplication. Traverser relies on class relations definition for traversing. Use

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wblueprint • 0.3.321Classes defining tool on steroids. Make possible multiple inheritances, removing fields in descendants, defining the schema of structure, typeless objects, generating optimal code for definition, and many cool things alternatives cant do.INDIRECT1
wProto • 0.4.411Relations module. Collection of cross-platform routines to define classes and relations between them. Proto leverages multiple inheritances, mixins, accessors, fields groups defining, introspection and more. Use it as a skeleton of the application.DIRECT2
wTools • 0.8.1253Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind.DIRECT0
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