remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide v2.1.4

remark preset to configure remark-lint with rules that enforce the markdown style guide

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@types/unist • 2.0.11TypeScript definitions for unistINDIRECT0
co • 3.1.0generator async flow control goodnessINDIRECT0
irregular-plurals • 2.0.0Map of nouns to their irregular plural formINDIRECT0
mdast-comment-marker • 1.1.2mdast utility to parse a comment markerINDIRECT0
mdast-util-heading-style • 1.0.6mdast utility to get the style of a headingINDIRECT0
mdast-util-to-string • 1.1.0mdast utility to get the plain text content of a nodeINDIRECT0
plur • 3.1.1Pluralize a wordINDIRECT1
remark-lint-blockquote-indentation • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when block quotes are either indented too much or too littleDIRECT12
remark-lint-code-block-style • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when code blocks do not adhere to a given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-definition-case • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when definition labels are not lowercaseDIRECT9
remark-lint-definition-spacing • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when consecutive whitespace is used in a definitionDIRECT9
remark-lint-emphasis-marker • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when emphasis markers violate the given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-fenced-code-flag • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when fenced code blocks occur without language flagDIRECT9
remark-lint-fenced-code-marker • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when fenced code markers violate the given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-file-extension • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when the file’s extension violates the given styleDIRECT4
remark-lint-final-definition • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when definitions are not placed at the end of the fileDIRECT9
remark-lint-hard-break-spaces • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when too many spaces are used to create a hard breakDIRECT9
remark-lint-heading-increment • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when headings increment with more than 1 level at a timeDIRECT8
remark-lint-heading-style • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when heading style violates the given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-link-title-style • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when link and definition titles occur with incorrect quotesDIRECT10
remark-lint-list-item-content-indent • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when the content of a list item has mixed indentationDIRECT11
remark-lint-list-item-indent • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when the spacing between a list item’s bullet and its content violates a given styleDIRECT11
remark-lint-list-item-spacing • 1.1.4remark-lint rule to warn when list looseness is incorrectDIRECT9
remark-lint-maximum-heading-length • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when headings are too longDIRECT9
remark-lint-maximum-line-length • 1.2.2remark-lint rule to warn when lines are too longDIRECT9
remark-lint-no-auto-link-without-protocol • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn for angle bracketed links without protocolDIRECT10
remark-lint-no-blockquote-without-marker • 2.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when blank lines without markers (`>`) are found in a block quoteDIRECT10
remark-lint-no-consecutive-blank-lines • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn for too many consecutive blank linesDIRECT11
remark-lint-no-duplicate-headings • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn on duplicate headingsDIRECT12
remark-lint-no-emphasis-as-heading • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when emphasis or importance is used instead of a headingDIRECT8
remark-lint-no-file-name-articles • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when file name start with an articleDIRECT4
remark-lint-no-file-name-consecutive-dashes • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain consecutive dashesDIRECT4
remark-lint-no-file-name-irregular-characters • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain irregular charactersDIRECT4
remark-lint-no-file-name-mixed-case • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when file names use mixed caseDIRECT4
remark-lint-no-file-name-outer-dashes • 1.0.6remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain initial or final dashesDIRECT4
remark-lint-no-heading-punctuation • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when headings end in illegal charactersDIRECT9
remark-lint-no-inline-padding • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when inline nodes are padded with spacesDIRECT9
remark-lint-no-literal-urls • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when URLs without angle brackets are usedDIRECT10
remark-lint-no-multiple-toplevel-headings • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when multiple top level headings are usedDIRECT11
remark-lint-no-shell-dollars • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when shell code is prefixed by dollarsDIRECT8
remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-image • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when shortcut reference images are usedDIRECT8
remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-link • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when shortcut reference links are usedDIRECT8
remark-lint-no-table-indentation • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when tables are indentedDIRECT9
remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-style • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when the markers of ordered lists violate a given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-value • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when the marker value of ordered lists violates a given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-rule-style • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when horizontal rules violate a given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-strong-marker • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when importance (strong) markers violate the given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint-table-cell-padding • 1.0.5remark-lint rule to warn when table cells are incorrectly paddedDIRECT9
remark-lint-table-pipe-alignment • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when table pipes are not alignedDIRECT9
remark-lint-table-pipes • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when table rows are not fenced with pipesDIRECT9
remark-lint-unordered-list-marker-style • 1.0.4remark-lint rule to warn when markers of unordered lists violate a given styleDIRECT9
remark-lint • 6.0.6remark plugin to lint Markdown code styleDIRECT9
remark-message-control • 4.2.0remark plugin to enable, disable, and ignore messages with remarkINDIRECT8
sliced • 1.0.1A faster Node.js alternative to
trim • 0.0.1Trim string whitespaceINDIRECT0
unified-lint-rule • 1.0.6unified plugin to make it a bit easier to create linting rulesINDIRECT3
unified-message-control • 1.0.4Enable, disable, and ignore messages from unified processorsINDIRECT5
unist-util-generated • 1.1.6unist utility to check if a node is generatedINDIRECT0
unist-util-is • 3.0.0Utility to check if a node passes a testINDIRECT0
unist-util-position • 3.1.0unist utility to get the position of a nodeINDIRECT0
unist-util-stringify-position • 2.0.3unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable locationINDIRECT1
unist-util-visit-parents • 2.1.2Recursively walk over unist nodes, with ancestral informationINDIRECT1
unist-util-visit • 1.4.1Recursively walk over unist nodesINDIRECT2
vfile-location • 2.0.6Convert between positions (line and column-based) and offsets (range-based) locations in a virtual fileINDIRECT0
wrapped • 1.0.1consistent interface for INDIRECT2
xtend • 4.0.2extend like a bossINDIRECT0
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