mastodon-get-token v0.0.1

Do the oauth dance to get a user's access token, knowing the password.

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ansi-parser • 3.2.10Parse strings containing ANSI style characters.INDIRECT0
ansi-regex • 4.1.1Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codesINDIRECT0
arrs-to-obj • 1.0.12Converts two arrays into an object.INDIRECT0
auto-parse • 1.8.0auto-parse any value you happen to send in (String, Number, Boolean,Array, Object, Function, undefined and null). You send it we will try to find a way to parse sending in a string of what type (e.g. boolean) or constructor (e.g. Boolean)INDIRECT3
axios • 0.16.2Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.jsDIRECT2
barbe • 3.0.16Like mustache, but simple, tiny and fast.INDIRECT5
camelo • 1.2.1Convert a string into camel case style by providing the separators.INDIRECT3
cli-box • 6.0.10A library to generate ASCII boxes via NodeJSINDIRECT8
clp • 4.0.12A tiny and fast command line arguments parser.INDIRECT5
debug-mode • 2.0.2Detect if a Node.js process is in the debug mode.INDIRECT0
deffy • 2.2.4Small and fast library to set default values.INDIRECT3
err • 2.1.12A tiny library to create custom errors in JavaScript.INDIRECT6
follow-redirects • 1.15.9HTTP and HTTPS modules that follow redirects.INDIRECT0 • 1.0.13Function name shim (especially for supporting function names in Internet Explorer).INDIRECT1
indento • 1.1.13Indent strings.INDIRECT0
is-buffer • 1.1.6Determine if an object is a BufferINDIRECT0
is-empty-obj • 1.0.13Check if an object is empty or not.INDIRECT0
is-number • 2.1.0Returns true if the value is a number. comprehensive tests.INDIRECT2
is-undefined • 1.0.11Check if a value is undefined or not.INDIRECT0
is-win • 1.0.10Check if the machine is running Windows or not.INDIRECT0
iterate-object • 1.3.4A convenient way to iterate objects.INDIRECT0
kind-of • 3.2.2Get the native type of a value.INDIRECT1
last-char • 1.3.11Get the last character in a provided string.INDIRECT0
le-table • 6.1.10Another NodeJS module for creating ASCII tables.INDIRECT18
match-it • 1.0.9A safer regex match.INDIRECT0
noop6 • 1.0.9No operation as a module using an arrow function.INDIRECT0
overlap • 2.2.10Overlap two strings that contain new lines. Useful for ASCII drawings.INDIRECT8
prompt-sync • 4.2.0a synchronous prompt for node.jsINDIRECT2
promptify • 2.0.1An easy-to-use prompt for Node.js.INDIRECT6
r-json • 1.3.0A small module to read JSON files.INDIRECT1
regex-escape • 3.4.10Escapes input characters to be used in regular expressions.INDIRECT0
remove-blank-lines • 1.4.1Remove blank lines from a string.INDIRECT0
strip-ansi • 5.2.0Strip ANSI escape codes from a stringINDIRECT1
tilda • 4.4.16Tiny module for building command line tools.DIRECT46
typpy • 2.3.11A better typeof for JavaScript.INDIRECT2
typpy • 2.3.13A better typeof for JavaScript.INDIRECT2
uc-first-array • 1.1.10Uppercase first character of each element in arrays of strings.INDIRECT1
ucfirst • 1.0.0uppercase first character of a stringINDIRECT0
ul • 5.2.15A minimalist utility library.INDIRECT4
w-json • 1.3.10A small module to write JSON files.INDIRECT0
wrap-text • 1.0.9Wrap text by a given width.INDIRECT0
x256 • 0.0.2find the nearest xterm 256 color index for an rgbINDIRECT0
ansi-parser • 3.0.0Parse strings containing ANSI style characters.INDIRECT0
cli-box • 5.0.0A library to generate ASCII boxes via NodeJSINDIRECT4
couleurs • 5.0.0Add some color and styles to your Node.JS strings.INDIRECT3
deffy • 2.0.0Small and fast library to set default values.INDIRECT1
flat-colors • 3.0.0Find the nearest flat color for a RGB/Hex input.INDIRECT0
typpy • 2.0.0A better typeof for JavaScript.INDIRECT0
ul • 5.0.0A minimalist utility library.INDIRECT2
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