ansi-escapes • 7.0.0 ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal INDIRECT 1 1714683256 ansi-regex • 6.1.0 Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 0 1725890276 ansi-styles • 6.2.1 ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal INDIRECT 0 1665592446 braces • 3.0.3 Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed. INDIRECT 3 1716281951 chalk • 5.3.0 Terminal string styling done right DIRECT 0 1688036291 cli-cursor • 5.0.0 Toggle the CLI cursor INDIRECT 4 1722002546 cli-truncate • 4.0.0 Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal INDIRECT 8 1698512743 colorette • 2.0.20 🌈Easily set your terminal text color & styles. INDIRECT 0 1681659249 commander • 11.1.0 the complete solution for node.js command-line programs DIRECT 0 1697156974 cross-spawn • 7.0.6 Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync INDIRECT 5 1731938392 debug • 4.3.4 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser DIRECT 1 1647524327 emoji-regex • 10.4.0 A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard. INDIRECT 0 1724676067 environment • 1.1.0 Check which JavaScript environment your code is running in at runtime: browser, Node.js, Bun, etc INDIRECT 0 1715670140 eventemitter3 • 5.0.1 EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface. INDIRECT 0 1682884154 execa • 8.0.1 Process execution for humans DIRECT 16 1692459829 fill-range • 7.1.1 Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex` INDIRECT 2 1716281151 get-east-asian-width • 1.3.0 Determine the East Asian Width of a Unicode character INDIRECT 0 1728839439 get-stream • 8.0.1 Get a stream as a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer or array INDIRECT 0 1692286426 is-fullwidth-code-point • 4.0.0 Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth INDIRECT 0 1618552163 is-fullwidth-code-point • 5.0.0 Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth INDIRECT 1 1698499215 is-number • 7.0.0 Returns true if a number or string value is a finite number. Useful for regex matches, parsing, user input, etc. INDIRECT 0 1530716938 is-stream • 3.0.0 Check if something is a Node.js stream INDIRECT 0 1628592734 lilconfig • 3.0.0 A zero-dependency alternative to cosmiconfig DIRECT 0 1700350019 listr2 • 8.0.1 Terminal task list reborn! Create beautiful CLI interfaces via easy and logical to implement task lists that feel alive and interactive. DIRECT 23 1703089527 log-update • 6.1.0 Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc. INDIRECT 16 1722002673 merge-stream • 2.0.0 Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams INDIRECT 0 1558618605 micromatch • 4.0.5 Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. DIRECT 5 1648150307 mimic-fn • 4.0.0 Make a function mimic another one INDIRECT 0 1617823422 mimic-function • 5.0.1 Make a function mimic another one INDIRECT 0 1710405462 ms • 2.1.2 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1559842315 npm-run-path • 5.3.0 Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries INDIRECT 1 1708655887 onetime • 6.0.0 Ensure a function is only called once INDIRECT 1 1617889684 onetime • 7.0.0 Ensure a function is only called once INDIRECT 1 1699216923 path-key • 3.1.1 Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform INDIRECT 0 1574441238 path-key • 4.0.0 Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform INDIRECT 0 1617969891 picomatch • 2.3.1 Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions. INDIRECT 0 1641143904 pidtree • 0.6.0 Cross platform children list of a PID DIRECT 0 1654454144 restore-cursor • 5.1.0 Gracefully restore the CLI cursor on exit INDIRECT 3 1722002202 rfdc • 1.4.1 Really Fast Deep Clone INDIRECT 0 1718187509 shebang-command • 2.0.0 Get the command from a shebang INDIRECT 1 1567781605 shebang-regex • 3.0.0 Regular expression for matching a shebang line INDIRECT 0 1556361979 slice-ansi • 5.0.0 Slice a string with ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 2 1618554925 slice-ansi • 7.1.0 Slice a string with ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 3 1698608758 string-argv • 0.3.2 string-argv parses a string into an argument array to mimic process.argv. This is useful when testing Command Line Utilities that you want to pass arguments to. DIRECT 0 1682959976 string-width • 7.2.0 Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it INDIRECT 4 1719758896 strip-ansi • 7.1.0 Strip ANSI escape codes from a string INDIRECT 1 1685267704 strip-final-newline • 3.0.0 Strip the final newline character from a string/buffer INDIRECT 0 1620046271 to-regex-range • 5.0.1 Pass two numbers, get a regex-compatible source string for matching ranges. Validated against more than 2.78 million test assertions. INDIRECT 1 1554617077 wrap-ansi • 9.0.0 Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes INDIRECT 6 1698514834