helmet v3.23.3

help secure Express/Connect apps with various HTTP headers

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Package Licenses


Dependency Licenses

bowser • 2.9.0Lightweight browser detectorINDIRECT0
camelize • 1.0.0recursively transform key strings to camel-caseINDIRECT0
content-security-policy-builder • 2.1.0Build Content Security Policy directives.INDIRECT0
dasherize • 2.0.0recursively transform key strings to dash-caseINDIRECT0
depd • 2.0.0Deprecate all the thingsDIRECT0
dont-sniff-mimetype • 1.1.0Middleware to prevent mimetype from being sniffedDIRECT0
feature-policy • 0.3.0Middleware to set the Feature-Policy HTTP headerDIRECT0
helmet-crossdomain • 0.4.0Set the X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header in Express appsDIRECT0
helmet-csp • 2.10.0Content Security Policy middleware.DIRECT4
hide-powered-by • 1.1.0Middleware to remove the X-Powered-By headerDIRECT0
hpkp • 2.0.0HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) middlewareDIRECT0
hsts • 2.2.0HTTP Strict Transport Security middleware.DIRECT1
nocache • 2.1.0Middleware to destroy cachingDIRECT0
referrer-policy • 1.2.0Middleware to set the Referrer-Policy HTTP headerDIRECT0
x-xss-protection • 1.3.0Middleware to set the X-XSS-Protection headerDIRECT0
Last updated on

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