gulp-ll-next v2.1.0

Run CPU-consuming Gulp tasks in the separate processes to achieve faster builds.

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Package Licenses


Dependency Licenses

ansi-colors • 1.1.0Collection of ansi colors and styles.INDIRECT1
ansi-wrap • 0.1.0Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes.INDIRECT0
arr-diff • 4.0.0Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
arr-union • 3.1.0Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using strict equality for comparisons.INDIRECT0
assign-symbols • 1.0.0Assign the enumerable es6 Symbol properties from an object (or objects) to the first object passed on the arguments. Can be used as a supplement to other extend, assign or merge methods as a polyfill for the Symbols part of the es6 Object.assign method.INDIRECT0
extend-shallow • 3.0.2Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.INDIRECT4
is-extendable • 1.0.1Returns true if a value is a plain object, array or function.INDIRECT2
is-plain-object • 2.0.4Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor.INDIRECT1
isobject • 3.0.1Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.INDIRECT0
pinkie-promise • 1.0.0ES6 Promise ponyfillDIRECT1
pinkie • 1.0.0Itty bitty little wittle twinkie pinkie ES6 Promise implementationINDIRECT0
plugin-error • 1.0.1Error handling for Vinyl plugins.DIRECT9
Last updated on

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