change-case v3.1.0

Convert a string between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case and more.

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camel-case • 3.0.0Camel case a stringDIRECT3
constant-case • 2.0.0Constant case a stringDIRECT4
dot-case • 2.1.1Dot case a stringDIRECT2
header-case • 1.0.1Header case a stringDIRECT3
is-lower-case • 1.1.3Check if a string is lower casedDIRECT1
is-upper-case • 1.1.2Check if a string is upper casedDIRECT1
lower-case-first • 1.0.2Lower case the first character of a stringDIRECT1
lower-case • 1.1.4Lowercase a stringDIRECT0
no-case • 2.3.2Remove case from a stringDIRECT1
param-case • 2.1.1Param case a stringDIRECT2
pascal-case • 2.0.1Pascal case a stringDIRECT5
path-case • 2.1.1Path case a stringDIRECT2
sentence-case • 2.1.1Sentence case a stringDIRECT4
snake-case • 2.1.0Snake case a stringDIRECT2
swap-case • 1.1.2Swap the case of a stringDIRECT2
title-case • 2.1.1Title case a stringDIRECT3
upper-case-first • 1.1.2Upper case the first character of a stringDIRECT1
upper-case • 1.1.3Upper case a stringDIRECT0
Last updated on

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