@microflash/rehype-toc v1.0.1

rehype plugin to generate table of contents (TOC)

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Package Licenses


Dependency Licenses

@types/hast • 2.3.10TypeScript definitions for hastINDIRECT1
@types/unist • 2.0.11TypeScript definitions for unistINDIRECT0
comma-separated-tokens • 2.0.3Parse and stringify comma-separated tokensINDIRECT0
escape-string-regexp • 5.0.0Escape RegExp special charactersINDIRECT0
hast-util-find-and-replace • 4.1.3hast utility to find and replace text in a treeDIRECT6
hast-util-has-property • 2.0.1hast utility to check if a node has a propertyDIRECT0
hast-util-heading-rank • 2.1.1hast utility to get the rank (or depth, level) of headingsDIRECT2
hast-util-is-element • 2.1.3hast utility to check if a node is a (certain) elementINDIRECT2
hast-util-parse-selector • 3.1.1hast utility to create an element from a simple CSS selectorINDIRECT2
hast-util-to-string • 2.0.0hast utility to get the plain-text value of a nodeDIRECT2
hastscript • 7.2.0hast utility to create treesDIRECT6
property-information • 6.5.0Info on the properties and attributes of the web platformINDIRECT0
space-separated-tokens • 2.0.2Parse and stringify space separated tokensINDIRECT0
unist-util-is • 5.2.1unist utility to check if a node passes a testINDIRECT1
unist-util-visit-parents • 5.1.3unist utility to recursively walk over nodes, with ancestral informationINDIRECT2
unist-util-visit • 4.1.2unist utility to visit nodesDIRECT3
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