@kubernetes-models/base • 5.0.1Base model for Kubernetes models. | DIRECT | 27 | |
@kubernetes-models/validate • 4.0.0Validation library for Kubernetes models. | DIRECT | 25 | |
ajv-formats-draft2019 • 1.6.1Plugin for AJV that adds support for some of string formats adding in the draft2019 JSON Schema. | INDIRECT | 12 | |
ajv-formats • 2.1.1Format validation for Ajv v7+ | INDIRECT | 5 | |
ajv-i18n • 4.2.0Internationalised error messages for Ajv JSON validator | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ajv • 8.17.1Another JSON Schema Validator | INDIRECT | 4 | |
commander • 2.20.3the complete solution for node.js command-line programs | INDIRECT | 0 | |
discontinuous-range • 1.0.0for adding, subtracting, and indexing discontinuous ranges of numbers | INDIRECT | 0 | |
extend • 3.0.2Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser | INDIRECT | 0 | |
fast-deep-equal • 3.1.3Fast deep equal | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ip-regex • 4.3.0Regular expression for matching IP addresses (IPv4 & IPv6) | INDIRECT | 0 | |
is-plain-object • 5.0.0Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor, or Object.create(null). | INDIRECT | 0 | |
json-schema-traverse • 1.0.0Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback | INDIRECT | 0 | |
nearley • 2.20.1Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript. | INDIRECT | 6 | |
punycode • 2.3.1A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
randexp • 0.4.6Create random strings that match a given regular expression. | INDIRECT | 2 | |
require-from-string • 2.0.2Require module from string | INDIRECT | 0 | |
ret • 0.1.15Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression. | INDIRECT | 0 | |
schemes • 1.4.0IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes list, including crowd sourced unofficial ones | INDIRECT | 1 | |
smtp-address-parser • 1.1.0Parse an SMTP (RFC-5321) address | INDIRECT | 7 | |