@jridgewell/gen-mapping • 0.3.8 Generate source maps INDIRECT 4 1733944203 @jridgewell/resolve-uri • 3.1.2 Resolve a URI relative to an optional base URI INDIRECT 0 1707939158 @jridgewell/set-array • 1.2.1 Like a Set, but provides the index of the `key` in the backing array INDIRECT 0 1709186612 @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec • 1.5.0 Encode/decode sourcemap mappings INDIRECT 0 1720553292 @jridgewell/trace-mapping • 0.3.25 Trace the original position through a source map INDIRECT 2 1709362371 @types/debug • 4.1.12 TypeScript definitions for debug INDIRECT 1 1699499217 @types/estree • 1.0.6 TypeScript definitions for estree INDIRECT 0 1726652221 @types/hast • 3.0.4 TypeScript definitions for hast INDIRECT 1 1706652379 @types/mdast • 4.0.4 TypeScript definitions for mdast INDIRECT 1 1715672137 @types/ms • 0.7.34 TypeScript definitions for ms INDIRECT 0 1699356381 @types/unist • 3.0.3 TypeScript definitions for unist INDIRECT 0 1723688356 acorn • 8.14.0 ECMAScript parser INDIRECT 0 1730028229 bail • 2.0.2 Throw a given error INDIRECT 0 1636274363 ccount • 2.0.1 Count how often a character (or substring) is used in a string INDIRECT 0 1635413893 character-entities • 2.0.2 Map of named character references INDIRECT 0 1655906466 code-red • 1.0.4 code-red INDIRECT 6 1691788469 css-tree • 2.3.1 A tool set for CSS: fast detailed parser (CSS → AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST → CSS) and lexer (validation and matching) based on specs and browser implementations INDIRECT 2 1671039142 debug • 4.4.0 Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser INDIRECT 1 1733488366 decode-named-character-reference • 1.0.2 Decode named character references INDIRECT 1 1654155614 dequal • 2.0.3 A tiny (304B to 489B) utility for check for deep equality INDIRECT 0 1657582144 devlop • 1.1.0 Do things in development and nothing otherwise INDIRECT 1 1688051831 escape-string-regexp • 5.0.0 Escape RegExp special characters INDIRECT 0 1618674350 estree-walker • 3.0.3 Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST INDIRECT 1 1674181632 extend • 3.0.2 Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser INDIRECT 0 1532032091 is-plain-obj • 4.1.0 Check if a value is a plain object INDIRECT 0 1655308033 is-reference • 3.0.3 Determine whether an AST node is a reference INDIRECT 1 1731423104 locate-character • 3.0.0 Get the line and column number of a specific character in a string INDIRECT 0 1686845802 longest-streak • 3.1.0 Count the longest repeating streak of a substring INDIRECT 0 1668514409 magic-string • 0.30.17 Modify strings, generate sourcemaps INDIRECT 1 1734329694 markdown-table • 3.0.4 Generate a markdown (GFM) table INDIRECT 0 1729598319 mdast-util-find-and-replace • 3.0.1 mdast utility to find and replace text in a tree INDIRECT 5 1695285880 mdast-util-from-markdown • 2.0.2 mdast utility to parse markdown INDIRECT 33 1729868597 mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal • 2.0.1 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM autolink literals INDIRECT 12 1724060543 mdast-util-gfm-footnote • 2.0.0 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM footnotes INDIRECT 41 1688988088 mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough • 2.0.0 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM strikethrough INDIRECT 41 1688999832 mdast-util-gfm-table • 2.0.0 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM tables INDIRECT 42 1689002132 mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item • 2.0.0 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM task list items INDIRECT 41 1688989853 mdast-util-gfm • 3.0.0 mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) INDIRECT 50 1689004964 mdast-util-phrasing • 4.1.0 mdast utility to check if a node is phrasing content INDIRECT 3 1706783202 mdast-util-to-hast • 13.2.0 mdast utility to transform to hast INDIRECT 19 1717768700 mdast-util-to-markdown • 2.1.2 mdast utility to serialize markdown INDIRECT 17 1730717819 mdast-util-to-string • 4.0.0 mdast utility to get the plain text content of a node INDIRECT 2 1688746790 micromark-core-commonmark • 2.0.2 The CommonMark markdown constructs INDIRECT 18 1731410212 micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal • 2.1.0 micromark extension to support GFM autolink literals INDIRECT 5 1720181259 micromark-extension-gfm-footnote • 2.1.0 micromark extension to support GFM footnotes INDIRECT 21 1720182169 micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough • 2.1.0 micromark extension to support GFM strikethrough INDIRECT 8 1720172126 micromark-extension-gfm-table • 2.1.0 micromark extension to support GFM tables INDIRECT 6 1720173786 micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter • 2.0.0 micromark extension to support GFM tagfilter INDIRECT 1 1687518035 micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item • 2.1.0 micromark extension to support GFM task list items INDIRECT 6 1720172990 micromark-extension-gfm • 3.0.0 micromark extension to support GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) INDIRECT 28 1687799295 micromark-factory-destination • 2.0.1 micromark factory to parse destinations (found in resources, definitions) INDIRECT 3 1731410215 micromark-factory-label • 2.0.1 micromark factory to parse labels (found in media, definitions) INDIRECT 5 1731410219 micromark-factory-space • 2.0.1 micromark factory to parse markdown space (found in lots of places) INDIRECT 3 1731410223 micromark-factory-title • 2.0.1 micromark factory to parse markdown titles (found in resources, definitions) INDIRECT 4 1731410226 micromark-factory-whitespace • 2.0.1 micromark factory to parse markdown whitespace (found in lots of places) INDIRECT 4 1731410230 micromark-util-character • 2.1.1 micromark utility to handle character codes INDIRECT 2 1731410233 micromark-util-chunked • 2.0.1 micromark utility to splice and push with giant arrays INDIRECT 1 1731410237 micromark-util-classify-character • 2.0.1 micromark utility to classify whether a character is whitespace or punctuation INDIRECT 3 1731410240 micromark-util-combine-extensions • 2.0.1 micromark utility to combine syntax or html extensions INDIRECT 3 1731410243 micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference • 2.0.2 micromark utility to decode numeric character references INDIRECT 1 1731410247 micromark-util-decode-string • 2.0.1 micromark utility to decode markdown strings INDIRECT 6 1731410250 micromark-util-encode • 2.0.1 micromark utility to encode dangerous html characters INDIRECT 0 1731410254 micromark-util-html-tag-name • 2.0.1 micromark utility with list of html tag names INDIRECT 0 1731410257 micromark-util-normalize-identifier • 2.0.1 micromark utility normalize identifiers (as found in references, definitions) INDIRECT 1 1731410261 micromark-util-resolve-all • 2.0.1 micromark utility to resolve subtokens INDIRECT 1 1731410265 micromark-util-sanitize-uri • 2.0.1 micromark utility to sanitize urls INDIRECT 4 1731410268 micromark-util-subtokenize • 2.0.3 micromark utility to tokenize subtokens INDIRECT 5 1732018682 micromark-util-symbol • 2.0.1 micromark utility with symbols INDIRECT 0 1731410275 micromark-util-types • 2.0.1 micromark utility with a couple of typescript types INDIRECT 0 1731410279 micromark • 4.0.1 small commonmark compliant markdown parser with positional info and concrete tokens INDIRECT 27 1731410204 ms • 2.1.3 Tiny millisecond conversion utility INDIRECT 0 1607435675 periscopic • 3.1.0 periscopic INDIRECT 3 1674765704 remark-gfm • 4.0.0 remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists) INDIRECT 67 1695034332 remark-parse • 11.0.0 remark plugin to add support for parsing markdown input INDIRECT 41 1695030148 remark-rehype • 11.1.1 remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype INDIRECT 25 1726750943 remark-stringify • 11.0.0 remark plugin to add support for serializing markdown INDIRECT 28 1695030194 svelte-exmarkdown • 3.0.1 Svelte component to render markdown. Dynamic and Extensible. DIRECT 74 1695289948 svelte • 4.2.1 Cybernetically enhanced web apps DIRECT 19 1695198375 trim-lines • 3.0.1 Remove spaces and tabs around line-breaks INDIRECT 0 1656852860 trough • 2.2.0 `trough` is middleware INDIRECT 0 1707146829 unified • 11.0.5 parse, inspect, transform, and serialize content through syntax trees INDIRECT 10 1718800423 unist-util-is • 6.0.0 unist utility to check if a node passes a test INDIRECT 1 1688720404 unist-util-position • 5.0.0 unist utility to get the position of a node INDIRECT 1 1688723974 unist-util-stringify-position • 4.0.0 unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location INDIRECT 1 1688724566 unist-util-visit-parents • 6.0.1 unist utility to recursively walk over nodes, with ancestral information INDIRECT 2 1688722467 unist-util-visit • 5.0.0 unist utility to visit nodes INDIRECT 3 1688722782 vfile-message • 4.0.2 vfile utility to create a virtual message INDIRECT 2 1688724914 vfile • 6.0.3 Virtual file format for text processing INDIRECT 3 1724749962 zwitch • 2.0.4 Handle values based on a property INDIRECT 0 1668589754