@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2 v1.204.0

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2

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Dependency Licenses

@aws-cdk/assets • 1.204.0This module is deprecated. All types are now available under the core moduleINDIRECT23
@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ACMPCAINDIRECT23
@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ApplicationAutoScalingINDIRECT26
@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling-common • 1.204.0Common implementation package for @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling and @aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscalingINDIRECT24
@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CertificateManagerDIRECT48
@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudFormationINDIRECT44
@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudWatchDIRECT24
@aws-cdk/aws-codeguruprofiler • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeGuruProfilerINDIRECT24
@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeStarNotificationsINDIRECT23
@aws-cdk/aws-ec2 • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EC2DIRECT32
@aws-cdk/aws-ecr-assets • 1.204.0Docker image assets deployed to ECRINDIRECT29
@aws-cdk/aws-ecr • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ECRINDIRECT26
@aws-cdk/aws-efs • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EFSINDIRECT33
@aws-cdk/aws-events • 1.204.0Amazon EventBridge Construct LibraryINDIRECT24
@aws-cdk/aws-iam • 1.204.0CDK routines for easily assigning correct and minimal IAM permissionsDIRECT23
@aws-cdk/aws-kms • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::KMSINDIRECT24
@aws-cdk/aws-lambda • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LambdaDIRECT43
@aws-cdk/aws-logs • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LogsINDIRECT30
@aws-cdk/aws-route53 • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Route53DIRECT46
@aws-cdk/aws-s3-assets • 1.204.0Deploy local files and directories to S3INDIRECT28
@aws-cdk/aws-s3 • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::S3DIRECT26
@aws-cdk/aws-signer • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SignerINDIRECT23
@aws-cdk/aws-sns • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SNSINDIRECT29
@aws-cdk/aws-sqs • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SQSINDIRECT26
@aws-cdk/aws-ssm • 1.204.0The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SSMINDIRECT25
@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema • 1.204.0Cloud Assembly SchemaDIRECT4
@aws-cdk/core • 1.204.0AWS Cloud Development Kit Core LibraryDIRECT22
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>@balena/dockerignore • 1.0.2dockerignore is a file filter library compatible with Docker and the node-ignore APIINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/custom-resources • 1.204.0Constructs for implementing CDK custom resourcesINDIRECT45
@aws-cdk/cx-api • 1.204.0Cloud executable protocolDIRECT8
@aws-cdk/region-info • 1.204.0AWS region information, such as service principal namesDIRECT0
constructs • 3.4.344A programming model for composable configurationDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema>1.204.0>lru-cache • 6.0.0A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT1
@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema>1.204.0>semver • 7.3.8The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT2
@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema>1.204.0>yallist • 4.0.0Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>at-least-node • 1.0.0Lightweight Node.js version sniffing/comparisonINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>graceful-fs • 4.2.10A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.INDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>minimatch • 3.1.2a glob matcher in javascriptINDIRECT3
@aws-cdk/cx-api>1.204.0>lru-cache • 6.0.0A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.INDIRECT1
@aws-cdk/cx-api>1.204.0>semver • 7.3.8The semantic version parser used by npm.INDIRECT2
@aws-cdk/cx-api>1.204.0>yallist • 4.0.0Yet Another Linked ListINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema>1.204.0>jsonschema • 1.4.1A fast and easy to use JSON Schema validatorINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>balanced-match • 1.0.2Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"INDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>brace-expansion • 1.1.11Brace expansion as known from sh/bashINDIRECT2
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>concat-map • 0.0.1concatenative mapdasheryINDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>fs-extra • 9.1.0fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.INDIRECT4
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>ignore • 5.2.4Ignore is a manager and filter for .gitignore rules, the one used by eslint, gitbook and many others.INDIRECT0
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>jsonfile • 6.1.0Easily read/write JSON files.INDIRECT2
@aws-cdk/core>1.204.0>universalify • 2.0.0Make a callback- or promise-based function support both promises and callbacks.INDIRECT0
Last updated on

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