@alifd/theme-4794 v0.1.0

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Package Licenses


Dependency Licenses

@alifd/next • 1.11.7A configurable component library for web built on React.DIRECT17
@babel/runtime • 7.26.0babel's modular runtime helpersINDIRECT1
babel-runtime • 6.26.0babel selfContained runtimeINDIRECT2
classnames • 2.5.1A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames togetherINDIRECT0
core-js • 2.6.12Standard libraryINDIRECT0
dom-helpers • 3.4.0tiny modular DOM lib for ie8+INDIRECT2
js-tokens • 4.0.0A regex that tokenizes JavaScript.INDIRECT0
loose-envify • 1.4.0Fast (and loose) selective `process.env` replacer using js-tokens instead of an ASTINDIRECT1
object-assign • 4.1.1ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfillINDIRECT0
prop-types • 15.8.1Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.INDIRECT4
react-is • 16.13.1Brand checking of React Elements.INDIRECT0
react-lifecycles-compat • 3.0.4Backwards compatibility polyfill for React class componentsINDIRECT0
regenerator-runtime • 0.11.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.INDIRECT0
regenerator-runtime • 0.14.1Runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.INDIRECT0
shallow-element-equals • 1.0.1Efficient shallow equality algorithm that also allows checks for react element equality of children propsINDIRECT1
style-equal • 1.0.0An efficient equality algorithm for React Native inline stylesINDIRECT0
hoist-non-react-statics • 2.5.5Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent componentINDIRECT0
react-transition-group • 2.9.0A react component toolset for managing animationsINDIRECT9
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