solana-cli-output v1.10.10

Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

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Dependency Licenses

Apache-2.0 OR MIT258
addr2line • 0.20.0A cross-platform symbolication library written in Rust, using `gimli`INDIRECT1
aead • 0.4.3Traits for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms, such as AES-GCM as ChaCha20Poly1305, which provide a high-level API INDIRECT9
aes-gcm-siv • 0.10.3Pure Rust implementation of the AES-GCM-SIV Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption Cipher (RFC 8452) with optional architecture-specific hardware acceleration INDIRECT22
aes • 0.7.5Pure Rust implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (a.k.a. Rijndael)INDIRECT14
android_system_properties • 0.1.5Minimal Android system properties wrapperINDIRECT1
android-tzdata • 0.1.1Parser for the Android-specific tzdata fileINDIRECT0
anyhow • 1.0.94Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::ErrorINDIRECT0
arrayvec • 0.7.6A vector with fixed capacity, backed by an array (it can be stored on the stack too). Implements fixed capacity ArrayVec and ArrayString.INDIRECT0
assert_matches • 1.5.0Asserts that a value matches a patternINDIRECT0
async-mutex • 1.4.0Async mutexINDIRECT1
async-trait • 0.1.83Type erasure for async trait methodsINDIRECT4
autocfg • 1.4.0Automatic cfg for Rust compiler featuresINDIRECT0
backtrace • 0.3.68A library to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a Rust program. INDIRECT12
base64 • 0.12.3encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8INDIRECT0
base64 • 0.13.1encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8DIRECT0
base64 • 0.21.7encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8INDIRECT0
base64ct • 1.6.0Pure Rust implementation of Base64 (RFC 4648) which avoids any usages of data-dependent branches/LUTs and thereby provides portable "best effort" constant-time operation and embedded-friendly no_std support INDIRECT0
bitflags • 1.3.2A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags. INDIRECT0
bitflags • 2.6.0A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags. INDIRECT0
block-buffer • 0.10.4Buffer type for block processing of dataINDIRECT9
block-buffer • 0.9.0Buffer type for block processing of dataINDIRECT10
block-padding • 0.2.1Padding and unpadding of messages divided into blocks.INDIRECT0
borsh • 0.9.3Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing INDIRECT20
bs58 • 0.4.0Another Base58 codec implementation.INDIRECT0
bumpalo • 3.16.0A fast bump allocation arena for Rust.INDIRECT0
bv • 0.11.1Bit-vectors and bit-slicesINDIRECT7
bzip2-sys • 0.1.11+1.0.8Bindings to libbzip2 for bzip2 compression and decompression exposed as Reader/Writer streams. INDIRECT5
bzip2 • 0.4.4Bindings to libbzip2 for bzip2 compression and decompression exposed as Reader/Writer streams. INDIRECT6
caps • 0.5.5A pure-Rust library to work with Linux capabilitiesINDIRECT7
cc • 1.0.99A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native C compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust code. INDIRECT3
cfg-if • 1.0.0A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg] parameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the item that gets emitted. INDIRECT0
chrono • 0.4.39Date and time library for RustDIRECT36
cipher • 0.3.0Traits for describing block ciphers and stream ciphersINDIRECT9
cipher • 0.4.4Traits for describing block ciphers and stream ciphersINDIRECT11
console_error_panic_hook • 0.1.7A panic hook for `wasm32-unknown-unknown` that logs panics to `console.error`INDIRECT13
console_log • 0.2.2A logging facility that routes Rust log messages to the browser's console.INDIRECT15
const-oid • 0.7.1Const-friendly implementation of the ISO/IEC Object Identifier (OID) standard as defined in ITU X.660, with support for BER/DER encoding/decoding as well as heapless no_std (i.e. embedded) support INDIRECT0
core-foundation-sys • 0.8.7Bindings to Core Foundation for macOSINDIRECT0
core-foundation • 0.9.4Bindings to Core Foundation for macOSINDIRECT2
cpufeatures • 0.2.16Lightweight runtime CPU feature detection for aarch64, loongarch64, and x86/x86_64 targets, with no_std support and support for mobile targets including Android and iOS INDIRECT1
crc32fast • 1.4.2Fast, SIMD-accelerated CRC32 (IEEE) checksum computationINDIRECT1
crossbeam-channel • 0.5.14Multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passingINDIRECT1
crossbeam-deque • 0.8.6Concurrent work-stealing dequeINDIRECT2
crossbeam-epoch • 0.9.18Epoch-based garbage collectionINDIRECT1
crossbeam-utils • 0.8.21Utilities for concurrent programmingINDIRECT0
crypto-common • 0.1.6Common cryptographic traitsINDIRECT9
crypto-mac • 0.8.0Trait for Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithmsINDIRECT10
ctr • 0.8.0CTR block modes of operationINDIRECT10
der • 0.5.1Pure Rust embedded-friendly implementation of the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) as described in ITU X.690 with full support for heapless no_std targets INDIRECT1
derivation-path • 0.2.0Simple struct for dealing with BIP32/44/49 derivation pathsINDIRECT0
digest • 0.10.7Traits for cryptographic hash functions and message authentication codesINDIRECT12
digest • 0.9.0Traits for cryptographic hash functions and message authentication codesINDIRECT9
dir-diff • 0.3.3Do two directories have different contents?INDIRECT13
dirs-next • 2.0.0A tiny low-level library that provides platform-specific standard locations of directories for config, cache and other data on Linux, Windows, macOS and Redox by leveraging the mechanisms defined by the XDG base/user directory specifications on Linux, the Known Folder API on Windows, and the Standard Directory guidelines on macOS. INDIRECT18
dirs-sys-next • 0.1.2system-level helper functions for the dirs and directories cratesINDIRECT17
ed25519-dalek-bip32 • 0.2.0Simplified ed25519 BIP32 derivationsINDIRECT49
ed25519 • 1.5.3Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) over Curve25519 (as specified in RFC 8032) support library providing signature type definitions and PKCS#8 private key decoding/encoding support INDIRECT1
either • 1.13.0The enum `Either` with variants `Left` and `Right` is a general purpose sum type with two cases. INDIRECT0
encode_unicode • 1.0.0UTF-8 and UTF-16 character types, iterators and related methods for char, u8 and u16. INDIRECT0
env_logger • 0.9.3A logging implementation for `log` which is configured via an environment variable. INDIRECT24
equivalent • 1.0.1Traits for key comparison in maps.INDIRECT0
errno • 0.3.10Cross-platform interface to the `errno` variable.INDIRECT11
event-listener • 2.5.3Notify async tasks or threadsINDIRECT0
fastrand • 2.3.0A simple and fast random number generatorINDIRECT0
feature-probe • 0.1.1Probe for rustc features from build.rsINDIRECT0
filetime • 0.2.25Platform-agnostic accessors of timestamps in File metadata INDIRECT15
flate2 • 1.0.35DEFLATE compression and decompression exposed as Read/BufRead/Write streams. Supports miniz_oxide and multiple zlib implementations. Supports zlib, gzip, and raw deflate streams. INDIRECT4
fnv • 1.0.7Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functionINDIRECT0
form_urlencoded • 1.2.1Parser and serializer for the application/x-www-form-urlencoded syntax, as used by HTML forms.INDIRECT1
futures-channel • 0.3.31Channels for asynchronous communication using futures-rs. INDIRECT2
futures-core • 0.3.31The core traits and types in for the `futures` library. INDIRECT0
futures-executor • 0.3.31Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library. INDIRECT16
futures-io • 0.3.31The `AsyncRead`, `AsyncWrite`, `AsyncSeek`, and `AsyncBufRead` traits for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT0
futures-macro • 0.3.31The futures-rs procedural macro implementations. INDIRECT4
futures-sink • 0.3.31The asynchronous `Sink` trait for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT0
futures-task • 0.3.31Tools for working with tasks. INDIRECT0
futures-util • 0.3.31Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library. INDIRECT15
futures • 0.3.31An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. INDIRECT17
fxhash • 0.2.1A fast, non-secure, hashing algorithm derived from an internal hasher used in FireFox and Rustc.INDIRECT1
getrandom • 0.1.16A small cross-platform library for retrieving random data from system sourceINDIRECT16
getrandom • 0.2.15A small cross-platform library for retrieving random data from system sourceINDIRECT3
gimli • 0.27.3A library for reading and writing the DWARF debugging format.INDIRECT0
hashbrown • 0.11.2A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash mapINDIRECT7
hashbrown • 0.12.3A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash mapINDIRECT7
hashbrown • 0.15.2A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash mapINDIRECT0
hermit-abi • 0.1.19Hermit system calls definitions.INDIRECT1
hermit-abi • 0.3.9Hermit system calls definitions.INDIRECT0
histogram • 0.6.9A collection of histogram data structuresINDIRECT0
hmac • 0.12.1Generic implementation of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)INDIRECT13
hmac • 0.8.1Generic implementation of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)INDIRECT12
http • 0.2.12A set of types for representing HTTP requests and responses. INDIRECT3
httparse • 1.9.5A tiny, safe, speedy, zero-copy HTTP/1.x parser.INDIRECT0
httpdate • 1.0.3HTTP date parsing and formattingINDIRECT0
humantime • 2.1.0 A parser and formatter for std::time::{Duration, SystemTime} DIRECT0
iana-time-zone-haiku • 0.1.2iana-time-zone support crate for Haiku OSINDIRECT4
iana-time-zone • 0.1.61get the IANA time zone for the current systemINDIRECT30
idna_adapter • 1.1.0Back end adapter for idnaINDIRECT6
idna • 1.0.3IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) and Punycode.INDIRECT9
indexmap • 1.9.3A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration.INDIRECT9
indexmap • 2.7.0A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration.INDIRECT2
inout • 0.1.3Custom reference types for code generic over in-place and buffer-to-buffer modes of operation.INDIRECT9
ipnet • 2.10.1Provides types and useful methods for working with IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses, commonly called IP prefixes. The new `IpNet`, `Ipv4Net`, and `Ipv6Net` types build on the existing `IpAddr`, `Ipv4Addr`, and `Ipv6Addr` types already provided in Rust's standard library and align to their design to stay consistent. The module also provides useful traits that extend `Ipv4Addr` and `Ipv6Addr` with methods for `Add`, `Sub`, `BitAnd`, and `BitOr` operations. The module only uses stable feature so it is guaranteed to compile using the stable toolchain.INDIRECT0
itertools • 0.10.5Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros.INDIRECT1
itoa • 1.0.14Fast integer primitive to string conversionINDIRECT0
jobserver • 0.1.32An implementation of the GNU Make jobserver for Rust. INDIRECT1
js-sys • 0.3.76Bindings for all JS global objects and functions in all JS environments like Node.js and browsers, built on `#[wasm_bindgen]` using the `wasm-bindgen` crate. INDIRECT13
keccak • 0.1.5Pure Rust implementation of the Keccak sponge function including the keccak-f and keccak-p variants INDIRECT2
lazy_static • 1.5.0A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.INDIRECT0
libc • 0.2.169Raw FFI bindings to platform libraries like libc. INDIRECT0
linked-hash-map • 0.5.6A HashMap wrapper that holds key-value pairs in insertion orderINDIRECT0
lock_api • 0.4.12Wrappers to create fully-featured Mutex and RwLock types. Compatible with no_std.INDIRECT2
log • 0.4.22A lightweight logging facade for Rust INDIRECT0
memmap2 • 0.5.10Cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped file IOINDIRECT1
mime • 0.3.17Strongly Typed MimesINDIRECT0
modular-bitfield-impl • 0.11.2Bitfields for structs that allow for modular use of enums.INDIRECT4
modular-bitfield • 0.11.2Allows to easily define bitfield types with modular building blocks.INDIRECT6
num_cpus • 1.16.0Get the number of CPUs on a machine.INDIRECT2
num_threads • 0.1.7A minimal library that determines the number of running threads for the current process.INDIRECT1
num-derive • 0.3.3Numeric syntax extensionsINDIRECT4
num-traits • 0.2.19Numeric traits for generic mathematicsINDIRECT1
object • 0.31.1A unified interface for reading and writing object file formats.INDIRECT1
once_cell • 1.20.2Single assignment cells and lazy values.INDIRECT0
opaque-debug • 0.3.1Macro for opaque Debug trait implementationINDIRECT0
openssl-probe • 0.1.5Tool for helping to find SSL certificate locations on the system for OpenSSL INDIRECT0
ouroboros_macro • 0.14.2Proc macro for ouroboros crate.INDIRECT13
ouroboros • 0.14.2Easy, safe self-referential struct generation.INDIRECT16
parking_lot_core • 0.9.10An advanced API for creating custom synchronization primitives.INDIRECT14
parking_lot • 0.12.3More compact and efficient implementations of the standard synchronization primitives.INDIRECT18
pbkdf2 • 0.10.1Generic implementation of PBKDF2INDIRECT13
pbkdf2 • 0.4.0Generic implementation of PBKDF2INDIRECT11
percent-encoding • 2.3.1Percent encoding and decodingINDIRECT0
pin-project-lite • 0.2.15A lightweight version of pin-project written with declarative macros. INDIRECT0
pin-utils • 0.1.0Utilities for pinning INDIRECT0
pkcs8 • 0.8.0Pure Rust implementation of Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Specification (RFC 5208), with additional support for PKCS#8v2 asymmetric key packages (RFC 5958) INDIRECT10
pkg-config • 0.3.31A library to run the pkg-config system tool at build time in order to be used in Cargo build scripts. INDIRECT0
polyval • 0.5.3POLYVAL is a GHASH-like universal hash over GF(2^128) useful for constructing a Message Authentication Code (MAC) INDIRECT15
ppv-lite86 • 0.2.20Implementation of the crypto-simd API for x86INDIRECT7
proc-macro-crate • 0.1.5Replacement for crate (macro_rules keyword) in proc-macros INDIRECT7
proc-macro-crate • 1.3.1Replacement for crate (macro_rules keyword) in proc-macros INDIRECT14
proc-macro-error-attr • 1.0.4Attribute macro for proc-macro-error crateINDIRECT4
proc-macro-error • 1.0.4Almost drop-in replacement to panics in proc-macrosINDIRECT6
proc-macro2 • 0.4.30A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case.INDIRECT1
proc-macro2 • 1.0.92A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case.INDIRECT1
quinn-proto • 0.8.4State machine for the QUIC transport protocolINDIRECT74
quinn-udp • 0.1.4UDP sockets with ECN information for the QUIC transport protocolINDIRECT104
quinn • 0.8.5Versatile QUIC transport protocol implementationINDIRECT105
quote • 0.6.13Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)INDIRECT2
quote • 1.0.37Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)INDIRECT2
rand_chacha • 0.2.2ChaCha random number generator INDIRECT22
rand_chacha • 0.3.1ChaCha random number generator INDIRECT13
rand_core • 0.5.1Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation. INDIRECT17
rand_core • 0.6.4Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation. INDIRECT4
rand_hc • 0.2.0HC128 random number generator INDIRECT18
rand_xoshiro • 0.6.0Xoshiro, xoroshiro and splitmix64 random number generatorsINDIRECT5
rand • 0.7.3Random number generators and other randomness functionality. INDIRECT24
rand • 0.8.5Random number generators and other randomness functionality. INDIRECT14
rayon-core • 1.12.1Core APIs for RayonINDIRECT3
rayon • 1.10.0Simple work-stealing parallelism for RustINDIRECT5
rcgen • 0.9.3Rust X.509 certificate generatorINDIRECT29
regex-syntax • 0.6.29A regular expression parser.INDIRECT0
regex • 1.7.3An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs. INDIRECT3
reqwest • 0.11.23higher level HTTP client libraryINDIRECT127
rustc_version • 0.4.1A library for querying the version of a installed rustc compilerINDIRECT1
rustc-demangle • 0.1.24Rust compiler symbol demangling. INDIRECT0
rustc-hash • 1.1.0speed, non-cryptographic hash used in rustcINDIRECT0
rustversion • 1.0.18Conditional compilation according to rustc compiler versionINDIRECT0
scopeguard • 1.2.0A RAII scope guard that will run a given closure when it goes out of scope, even if the code between panics (assuming unwinding panic). Defines the macros `defer!`, `defer_on_unwind!`, `defer_on_success!` as shorthands for guards with one of the implemented strategies. INDIRECT0
security-framework-sys • 2.13.0Apple `Security.framework` low-level FFI bindingsINDIRECT2
security-framework • 2.8.1Security.framework bindings for macOS and iOSINDIRECT5
semver • 1.0.24Parser and evaluator for Cargo's flavor of Semantic VersioningDIRECT0
serde_bytes • 0.11.15Optimized handling of `&[u8]` and `Vec<u8>` for SerdeINDIRECT6
serde_derive • 1.0.210Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]INDIRECT4
serde_json • 1.0.134A JSON serialization file formatDIRECT9
serde_urlencoded • 0.7.1`x-www-form-urlencoded` meets SerdeINDIRECT10
serde_yaml • 0.8.26YAML data format for SerdeINDIRECT19
serde • 1.0.210A generic serialization/deserialization frameworkDIRECT5
sha-1 • 0.10.1SHA-1 hash function. This crate is deprecated! Use the sha1 crate instead.INDIRECT16
sha2 • 0.10.8Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family including SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. INDIRECT16
sha2 • 0.9.9Pure Rust implementation of the SHA-2 hash function family including SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. INDIRECT16
sha3 • 0.10.8Pure Rust implementation of SHA-3, a family of Keccak-based hash functions including the SHAKE family of eXtendable-Output Functions (XOFs), as well as the accelerated variant TurboSHAKE INDIRECT16
sha3 • 0.9.1Pure Rust implementation of SHA-3, a family of Keccak-based hash functions including the SHAKE family of eXtendable-Output Functions (XOFs), as well as the accelerated variant TurboSHAKE INDIRECT16
shell-words • 1.1.0Process command line according to parsing rules of UNIX shellINDIRECT0
signal-hook-registry • 1.4.2Backend crate for signal-hookINDIRECT1
signature • 1.6.4Traits for cryptographic signature algorithms (e.g. ECDSA, Ed25519)INDIRECT0
smallvec • 1.13.2'Small vector' optimization: store up to a small number of items on the stackINDIRECT0
socket2 • 0.4.10Utilities for handling networking sockets with a maximal amount of configuration possible intended. INDIRECT4
socket2 • 0.5.8Utilities for handling networking sockets with a maximal amount of configuration possible intended. INDIRECT11
spki • 0.5.4X.509 Subject Public Key Info (RFC5280) describing public keys as well as their associated AlgorithmIdentifiers (i.e. OIDs) INDIRECT3
stable_deref_trait • 1.2.0An unsafe marker trait for types like Box and Rc that dereference to a stable address even when moved, and hence can be used with libraries such as owning_ref and rental. INDIRECT0
static_assertions • 1.1.0Compile-time assertions to ensure that invariants are met.INDIRECT0
symlink • 0.1.0Create symlinks in a cross-platform mannerINDIRECT0
syn • 0.15.44Parser for Rust source codeINDIRECT3
syn • 1.0.109Parser for Rust source codeINDIRECT3
syn • 2.0.56Parser for Rust source codeINDIRECT3
system-configuration-sys • 0.5.0Low level bindings to SystemConfiguration framework for macOSINDIRECT2
system-configuration • 0.5.1Bindings to SystemConfiguration framework for macOSINDIRECT5
tar • 0.4.40A Rust implementation of a TAR file reader and writer. This library does not currently handle compression, but it is abstract over all I/O readers and writers. Additionally, great lengths are taken to ensure that the entire contents are never required to be entirely resident in memory all at once. INDIRECT17
tempfile • 3.14.0A library for managing temporary files and directories.INDIRECT18
thiserror-impl • 1.0.65Implementation detail of the `thiserror` crateINDIRECT4
thiserror • 1.0.65derive(Error)INDIRECT5
time • 0.3.15Date and time library. Fully interoperable with the standard library. Mostly compatible with #![no_std].INDIRECT2
tiny-bip39 • 0.8.2A fork of the bip39 crate with fixes to v0.6. Rust implementation of BIP-0039INDIRECT49
tokio-rustls • 0.23.4Asynchronous TLS/SSL streams for Tokio using Rustls.INDIRECT65
tokio-rustls • 0.24.1Asynchronous TLS/SSL streams for Tokio using Rustls.INDIRECT51
toml_datetime • 0.6.8A TOML-compatible datetime typeINDIRECT0
toml_edit • 0.19.3Yet another format-preserving TOML parser.INDIRECT13
toml • 0.5.11A native Rust encoder and decoder of TOML-formatted files and streams. Provides implementations of the standard Serialize/Deserialize traits for TOML data to facilitate deserializing and serializing Rust structures. INDIRECT6
tungstenite • 0.17.3Lightweight stream-based WebSocket implementationINDIRECT83
typenum • 1.17.0Typenum is a Rust library for type-level numbers evaluated at compile time. It currently supports bits, unsigned integers, and signed integers. It also provides a type-level array of type-level numbers, but its implementation is incomplete.INDIRECT0
unicode-bidi • 0.3.18Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional AlgorithmINDIRECT0
unicode-normalization • 0.1.24This crate provides functions for normalization of Unicode strings, including Canonical and Compatible Decomposition and Recomposition, as described in Unicode Standard Annex #15. INDIRECT2
unicode-width • 0.1.14Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules. INDIRECT0
unicode-width • 0.2.0Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules. INDIRECT0
unicode-xid • 0.1.0Determine whether characters have the XID_Start or XID_Continue properties according to Unicode Standard Annex #31. INDIRECT0
universal-hash • 0.4.1Traits which describe the functionality of universal hash functions (UHFs)INDIRECT10
url • 2.5.4URL library for Rust, based on the WHATWG URL StandardINDIRECT12
utf-8 • 0.7.6Incremental, zero-copy UTF-8 decoding with error handlingINDIRECT0
utf8_iter • 1.0.4Iterator by char over potentially-invalid UTF-8 in &[u8]INDIRECT0
vec_map • 0.8.2A simple map based on a vector for small integer keysINDIRECT0
version_check • 0.9.5Tiny crate to check the version of the installed/running rustc.INDIRECT0
wasm-bindgen-backend • 0.2.99Backend code generation of the wasm-bindgen tool INDIRECT7
wasm-bindgen-futures • 0.4.49Bridging the gap between Rust Futures and JavaScript PromisesINDIRECT15
wasm-bindgen-macro-support • 0.2.99The part of the implementation of the `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute that is not in the shared backend crate INDIRECT8
wasm-bindgen-macro • 0.2.99Definition of the `#[wasm_bindgen]` attribute, an internal dependency INDIRECT9
wasm-bindgen-shared • 0.2.99Shared support between wasm-bindgen and wasm-bindgen cli, an internal dependency. INDIRECT0
wasm-bindgen • 0.2.99Easy support for interacting between JS and Rust. INDIRECT12
web-sys • 0.3.76Bindings for all Web APIs, a procedurally generated crate from WebIDL INDIRECT14
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the i686-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu • 0.4.0Import libraries for the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.INDIRECT0
winapi • 0.3.9Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.INDIRECT2
windows_aarch64_gnullvm • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_aarch64_gnullvm • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_aarch64_msvc • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_aarch64_msvc • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_i686_gnu • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_i686_gnu • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_i686_gnullvm • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_i686_msvc • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_i686_msvc • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_gnu • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_gnu • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_gnullvm • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_gnullvm • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_msvc • 0.48.5Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows_x86_64_msvc • 0.52.6Import lib for WindowsINDIRECT0
windows-core • 0.52.0Rust for WindowsINDIRECT9
windows-sys • 0.48.0Rust for WindowsINDIRECT8
windows-sys • 0.52.0Rust for WindowsINDIRECT9
windows-sys • 0.59.0Rust for WindowsINDIRECT9
windows-targets • 0.48.5Import libs for WindowsINDIRECT7
windows-targets • 0.52.6Import libs for WindowsINDIRECT8
xattr • 1.1.1unix extended filesystem attributesINDIRECT1
yaml-rust • 0.4.5The missing YAML 1.2 parser for rustINDIRECT1
yasna • 0.5.2ASN.1 library for RustINDIRECT3
zeroize_derive • 1.4.2Custom derive support for zeroizeINDIRECT4
zeroize • 1.3.0Securely clear secrets from memory with a simple trait built on stable Rust primitives which guarantee memory is zeroed using an operation will not be 'optimized away' by the compiler. Uses a portable pure Rust implementation that works everywhere, even WASM! INDIRECT5
zstd-safe • 5.0.2+zstd.1.5.2Safe low-level bindings for the zstd compression library.INDIRECT6
zstd-sys • 2.0.13+zstd.1.5.6Low-level bindings for the zstd compression library.INDIRECT5
aliasable • 0.1.3Basic aliasable (non unique pointer) typesINDIRECT0
ansi_term • 0.12.1Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)INDIRECT3
atty • 0.2.14A simple interface for querying attyINDIRECT5
bincode • 1.3.3A binary serialization / deserialization strategy for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!INDIRECT6
bytes • 1.9.0Types and traits for working with bytesINDIRECT0
clap • 2.34.0A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument ParserDIRECT12
console • 0.15.10A terminal and console abstraction for RustDIRECT14
crunchy • 0.2.2Crunchy unroller: deterministically unroll constant loopsINDIRECT0
dashmap • 4.0.2Blazing fast concurrent HashMap for Rust.INDIRECT10
dialoguer • 0.10.4A command line prompting library.INDIRECT29
dlopen_derive • 0.1.4Derive macros for the dlopen crate.INDIRECT5
dlopen • 0.1.8Library for opening and operating on dynamic link libraries (also known as shared objects or shared libraries). This is a modern and more flexible alternative to the already existing libraries like libloading or sharedlibINDIRECT10
generic-array • 0.14.7Generic types implementing functionality of arraysINDIRECT8
h2 • 0.3.26An HTTP/2 client and serverINDIRECT62
http-body • 0.4.6Trait representing an asynchronous, streaming, HTTP request or response body. INDIRECT5
hyper • 0.14.32A fast and correct HTTP library.INDIRECT69
indicatif • 0.16.2A progress bar and cli reporting library for RustDIRECT21
jsonrpc-core • 18.0.0Transport agnostic rust implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.INDIRECT24
libredox • 0.1.3Redox stable ABIINDIRECT3
lru • 0.7.8A LRU cache implementationINDIRECT8
memoffset • 0.6.5offset_of functionality for Rust structs.INDIRECT1
merlin • 3.0.0Composable proof transcripts for public-coin arguments of knowledgeINDIRECT14
mio • 1.0.3Lightweight non-blocking I/O.INDIRECT12
nix • 0.23.2Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIsINDIRECT8
nom8 • 0.2.0A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library (fork for proposals for v8)INDIRECT1
number_prefix • 0.4.0Library for numeric prefixes (kilo, giga, kibi).INDIRECT0
pem • 1.1.1Parse and encode PEM-encoded data.INDIRECT1
qstring • 0.7.2Query string parserINDIRECT1
redox_syscall • 0.5.8A Rust library to access raw Redox system callsINDIRECT1
redox_users • 0.4.6A Rust library to access Redox users and groups functionalityINDIRECT13
schannel • 0.1.27Schannel bindings for rust, allowing SSL/TLS (e.g. https) without opensslINDIRECT10
slab • 0.4.9Pre-allocated storage for a uniform data typeINDIRECT1
spin • 0.5.2Spin-based synchronization primitivesINDIRECT0
spin • 0.9.8Spin-based synchronization primitivesINDIRECT0
strsim • 0.8.0Implementations of string similarity metrics. Includes Hamming, Levenshtein, OSA, Damerau-Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, and Sørensen-Dice. INDIRECT0
textwrap • 0.11.0Powerful library for word wrapping, indenting, and dedenting stringsINDIRECT1
tokio-macros • 2.4.0Tokio's proc macros. INDIRECT4
tokio-stream • 0.1.17Utilities to work with `Stream` and `tokio`. INDIRECT44
tokio-tungstenite • 0.17.2Tokio binding for Tungstenite, the Lightweight stream-based WebSocket implementationINDIRECT115
tokio-util • 0.7.13Additional utilities for working with Tokio. INDIRECT45
tokio • 1.42.0An event-driven, non-blocking I/O platform for writing asynchronous I/O backed applications. INDIRECT42
tower-service • 0.3.3Trait representing an asynchronous, request / response based, client or server. INDIRECT0
tracing-attributes • 0.1.28Procedural macro attributes for automatically instrumenting functions. INDIRECT4
tracing-core • 0.1.33Core primitives for application-level tracing. INDIRECT1
tracing • 0.1.41Application-level tracing for Rust. INDIRECT8
try-lock • 0.2.5A lightweight atomic lock.INDIRECT0
uriparse • 0.6.4A URI parser including relative referencesINDIRECT2
want • 0.3.1Detect when another Future wants a result.INDIRECT1
winreg • 0.50.0Rust bindings to MS Windows Registry APIINDIRECT10
zstd • 0.11.2+zstd.1.5.2Binding for the zstd compression library.INDIRECT7
borsh-derive-internal • 0.9.3Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing INDIRECT4
borsh-derive • 0.9.3Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing INDIRECT11
borsh-schema-derive-internal • 0.9.3Schema Generator for Borsh INDIRECT4
gethostname • 0.2.3gethostname for all platformsINDIRECT4
hmac-drbg • 0.3.0Pure Rust implementation of Hmac DRBG.INDIRECT13
libsecp256k1-core • 0.2.2Core functions for pure Rust secp256k1 implementation.INDIRECT12
libsecp256k1-gen-ecmult • 0.2.1Generator function of const_gen for libsecp256k1.INDIRECT13
libsecp256k1-gen-genmult • 0.2.1Generator function of const for libsecp256k1.INDIRECT13
libsecp256k1 • 0.6.0Pure Rust secp256k1 implementation.INDIRECT46
rpassword • 6.0.1Read passwords in console applications.INDIRECT14
solana-account-decoder • 1.10.10Solana account decoderDIRECT281
solana-address-lookup-table-program • 1.10.10Solana address lookup table programINDIRECT169
solana-bucket-map • 1.10.10solana-bucket-mapINDIRECT173
solana-clap-utils • 1.10.10Solana utilities for the clapDIRECT289
solana-cli-config • 1.10.10Blockchain, Rebuilt for ScaleDIRECT299
solana-client • 1.10.10Solana ClientDIRECT410
solana-compute-budget-program • 1.10.10Solana Compute Budget programINDIRECT169
solana-config-program • 1.10.10Solana Config programINDIRECT169
solana-faucet • 1.10.10Solana FaucetINDIRECT302
solana-frozen-abi-macro • 1.10.10Solana Frozen ABI MacroINDIRECT6
solana-frozen-abi • 1.10.10Solana Frozen ABIINDIRECT43
solana-logger • 1.10.10Solana LoggerINDIRECT26
solana-measure • 1.10.10Blockchain, Rebuilt for ScaleINDIRECT164
solana-metrics • 1.10.10Solana MetricsINDIRECT247
solana-net-utils • 1.10.10Solana Network UtilitiesINDIRECT201
solana-perf • 1.10.10Solana Performance APIsINDIRECT266
solana-program-runtime • 1.10.10Solana program runtimeINDIRECT168
solana-program • 1.10.10Solana ProgramINDIRECT125
solana-rayon-threadlimit • 1.10.10solana-rayon-threadlimitINDIRECT4
solana-remote-wallet • 1.10.10Blockchain, Rebuilt for ScaleINDIRECT174
solana-runtime • 1.10.10Solana runtimeINDIRECT310
solana-sdk-macro • 1.10.10Solana SDK MacroINDIRECT6
solana-sdk • 1.10.10Solana SDKDIRECT163
solana-stake-program • 1.10.10Solana Stake programINDIRECT255
solana-streamer • 1.10.10Solana StreamerINDIRECT296
solana-transaction-status • 1.10.10Solana transaction status typesDIRECT325
solana-version • 1.10.10Solana VersionINDIRECT164
solana-vote-program • 1.10.10Solana Vote programDIRECT253
solana-zk-token-proof-program • 1.10.10Solana Zk Token Proof ProgramINDIRECT181
solana-zk-token-sdk • 0.8.1Solana Zk Token SDKINDIRECT173
solana-zk-token-sdk • 1.10.10Solana Zk Token SDKINDIRECT175
spl-associated-token-account • 1.0.5Solana Program Library Associated Token AccountINDIRECT136
spl-memo • 3.0.1Solana Program Library MemoDIRECT126
spl-token-2022 • 0.2.0Solana Program Library Token 2022INDIRECT184
spl-token • 3.3.0Solana Program Library TokenINDIRECT135
unicode-joining-type • 0.7.0Fast lookup of the Unicode Joining Type and Joining Group propertiesINDIRECT0
MIT OR Unlicense7
aho-corasick • 0.7.20Fast multiple substring searching.INDIRECT1
byteorder • 1.5.0Library for reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian.INDIRECT0
memchr • 2.7.4Provides extremely fast (uses SIMD on x86_64, aarch64 and wasm32) routines for 1, 2 or 3 byte search and single substring search. INDIRECT0
same-file • 1.0.6A simple crate for determining whether two file paths point to the same file. INDIRECT11
termcolor • 1.4.1A simple cross platform library for writing colored text to a terminal. INDIRECT11
walkdir • 2.5.0Recursively walk a directory.INDIRECT12
winapi-util • 0.1.9A dumping ground for high level safe wrappers over windows-sys.INDIRECT10
Apache-2.0 OR ISC OR MIT7
hyper-rustls • 0.24.2Rustls+hyper integration for pure rust HTTPSINDIRECT79
rustls-native-certs • 0.6.3rustls-native-certs allows rustls to use the platform native certificate storeINDIRECT20
rustls-pemfile • 0.2.1Basic .pem file parser for keys and certificatesINDIRECT1
rustls-pemfile • 1.0.4Basic .pem file parser for keys and certificatesINDIRECT1
rustls • 0.20.9Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust.INDIRECT41
rustls • 0.21.12Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust.INDIRECT23
sct • 0.7.1Certificate transparency SCT verification libraryINDIRECT20
Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Zlib6
bytemuck_derive • 1.8.1derive proc-macros for `bytemuck`INDIRECT4
bytemuck • 1.21.0A crate for mucking around with piles of bytes.INDIRECT5
miniz_oxide • 0.7.4DEFLATE compression and decompression library rewritten in Rust based on minizINDIRECT1
miniz_oxide • 0.8.2DEFLATE compression and decompression library rewritten in Rust based on minizINDIRECT1
tinyvec_macros • 0.1.1Some macros for tiny containersINDIRECT0
tinyvec • 1.8.1`tinyvec` provides 100% safe vec-like data structures.INDIRECT1
libloading • 0.7.4Bindings around the platform's dynamic library loading primitives with greatly improved memory safety.INDIRECT4
rustls-webpki • 0.101.7Web PKI X.509 Certificate Verification.INDIRECT20
untrusted • 0.7.1Safe, fast, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation parsing of untrusted inputs in Rust.INDIRECT0
untrusted • 0.9.0Safe, fast, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation parsing of untrusted inputs in Rust.INDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception4
linux-raw-sys • 0.4.14Generated bindings for Linux's userspace APIINDIRECT0
rustix • 0.38.42Safe Rust bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock-like syscallsINDIRECT14
wasi • 0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1Experimental WASI API bindings for RustINDIRECT0
wasi • 0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1Experimental WASI API bindings for RustINDIRECT0
curve25519-dalek • 3.2.1A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on ristretto255 and Curve25519INDIRECT28
ed25519-dalek • 1.0.1Fast and efficient ed25519 EdDSA key generations, signing, and verification in pure Rust.DIRECT42
subtle • 2.4.1Pure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations.INDIRECT0
bitmaps • 2.1.0Fixed size boolean arraysINDIRECT1
im • 15.1.0Immutable collection datatypesINDIRECT22
sized-chunks • 0.6.5Efficient sized chunk datatypesINDIRECT2
index_list • 0.2.15A doubly linked list implemented in safe Rust using vector indexesINDIRECT0
webpki-roots • 0.22.6Mozilla's CA root certificates for use with webpkiINDIRECT21
webpki-roots • 0.25.4Mozilla's CA root certificates for use with webpkiINDIRECT0
ring • 0.16.20Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust.INDIRECT23
ring • 0.17.8Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust.INDIRECT19
webpki • 0.22.4Web PKI X.509 Certificate Verification.INDIRECT20
arrayref • 0.3.9Macros to take array references of slicesINDIRECT0
Inflector • 0.11.4Adds String based inflections for Rust. Snake, kebab, camel, sentence, class, title and table cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, foreign key, and pluralize/singularize are supported as both traits and pure functions acting on String types. DIRECT5
enum-iterator-derive • 0.7.0Procedural macro to derive SequenceINDIRECT4
enum-iterator • 0.7.0Tools to iterate over all values of a type (e.g. all variants of an enumeration)INDIRECT5
Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR MIT2
num_enum_derive • 0.5.11Internal implementation details for ::num_enum (Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier)INDIRECT19
num_enum • 0.5.11Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier.INDIRECT20
Unicode-3.0 AND (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)2
idna_mapping • 1.0.0UTS 46 mapping for unicode-rs back end of idnaINDIRECT1
unicode-ident • 1.0.14Determine whether characters have the XID_Start or XID_Continue properties according to Unicode Standard Annex #31INDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause OR MIT2
zerocopy-derive • 0.7.35Custom derive for traits from the zerocopy crateINDIRECT4
zerocopy • 0.7.35Utilities for zero-copy parsing and serializationINDIRECT6
0BSD OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT2
adler • 1.0.2A simple clean-room implementation of the Adler-32 checksumINDIRECT0
adler2 • 2.0.0A simple clean-room implementation of the Adler-32 checksumINDIRECT0
Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.01
ryu • 1.0.18Fast floating point to string conversionINDIRECT0
ahash • 0.7.8A non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performanceINDIRECT6
Apache-2.0 OR CC0-1.01
blake3 • 1.5.1the BLAKE3 hash functionINDIRECT21
BSD-3-Clause AND (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)1
encoding_rs • 0.8.35A Gecko-oriented implementation of the Encoding StandardINDIRECT1
Apache-2.0 OR CC0-1.0 OR MIT-01
constant_time_eq • 0.3.1Compares two equal-sized byte strings in constant time.INDIRECT0
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