LicensesLearn more about license information.EmbedPackage LicensesApache-2.0 OR MITDependency LicensesApache-2.0 OR MIT4PackageRelationDependenciesPublishedproc-macro2 • 1.0.94A substitute implementation of the compiler's `proc_macro` API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case.DIRECT11740978874quote • 1.0.39Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)DIRECT21740987348ref-cast • 1.0.24Safely cast &T to &U where the struct U contains a single field of type T.DIRECT51740978262syn • 2.0.100Parser for Rust source codeDIRECT21741555428Unicode-3.0 AND (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)1PackageRelationDependenciesPublishedunicode-ident • 1.0.18Determine whether characters have the XID_Start or XID_Continue properties according to Unicode Standard Annex #31INDIRECT01741047820